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Iron is an important element, essential for the growth of almost all living cells. Because of the high insolubility of iron(III) in aerobic conditions, many gram-negative bacteria produce, under iron limitation, small iron-chelating compounds called siderophores, together with new outer-membrane proteins, which function as receptors for the ferrisiderophores. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important human opportunistic pathogen, produces at least three known siderophores when grown in irondeficient conditions: pyochelin, salicylate and pyoverdin. This reviewfocuses on pyoverdin and on the ability of FpvA to bind iron-free and ferric-PaA pyoverdin, in the light of recent information gained from biochemical and biophysical studies and of the recently solved 3D-structures of the related ferrichrome FhuA and enterobactin FepA receptors in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Schalk IJ  Abdallah MA  Pattus F 《Biochemistry》2002,41(5):1663-1671
Under iron-limiting conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a fluorescent siderophore called pyoverdin (PaA), which, after complexing iron, is transported back into the cells via its outer membrane receptor FpvA. The recent finding that all FpvA receptors on the bacterial cell surface are loaded with iron-free PaA under iron limiting conditions has raised questions about the mechanism by which P. aeruginosa transports efficiently iron. We used [(3)H]PaA' [(55)Fe]PaA-Fe, and a kinetically stable chromium-PaA complex to show that iron loading of the receptor occurs through a siderophore displacement mechanism in vivo. Moreover, the fluorescence properties of iron-free PaA revealed that, after PaA-Fe uptake and dissociation, the PaA molecule is recycled into the extracellular medium. We used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the PaA chromophore and the FpvA tryptophans in vivo to monitor the kinetics of PaA displacement by PaA-Fe at the cell surface, the dissociation of iron from the siderophore, and the recycling of PaA back to the receptor on the outer membrane of the bacteria in real time. The loading status of FpvA (PaA versus PaA-Fe) was shown to depend on the relative concentration of the two forms of pyoverdin in the growth medium.  相似文献   

Under iron limitation, Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a fluorescent siderophore called pyoverdin, which, after complexing iron, is transported back into the cell via its outer membrane receptor FpvA. Previous studies demonstrated co-purification of FpvA with iron-free PaA and reported similar binding affinities of iron-free pyoverdin and ferric-pyoverdin to purified FpvA. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer between iron-free PaA and the FpvA receptor here reveals the existence of an FpvA-pyoverdin complex in P. aeruginosa in vivo, suggesting that the pyoverdin-loaded FpvA is the normal state of the receptor in the absence of iron. Using tritiated ferric-pyoverdin, it is shown that iron-free PaA binds to the outer membrane but is not taken up into the cell, and that in vitro and, presumably, in vivo ferric-pyoverdin displaces the bound iron-free pyoverdin on FpvA-PaA to form FpvA-PaA-Fe complexes. In vivo, the kinetics of formation of this FpvA-PaA-Fe complex are more than two orders of magnitude faster than in vitro and depend on the presence of TonB. In P. aeruginosa, two tonB genes have been identified (tonB1 and tonB2). TonB1 is directly involved in ferric-pyoverdin uptake, and TonB2 seems to be able partially to replace TonB1 in its role in iron acquisition. However, no effect of TonB1 or TonB2 on the apparent affinity of free pyoverdin to FpvA was observed, and a 17-fold difference was measured between the affinities of the two forms of pyoverdin (PaA and PaA-Fe) to FpvA in the absence of TonB1 or TonB2. The mechanism of iron uptake in P. aeruginosa via the pyoverdin pathway is discussed in view of these new findings.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa FpvA receptor is a TonB-dependent outer membrane transport protein that catalyzes uptake of ferric pyoverdin across the outer membrane. Surprisingly, FpvA expressed in P. aeruginosa grown in an iron-deficient medium copurifies with a ligand X that we have characterized by UV, fluorescence, and mass spectrometry as being iron-free pyoverdin (apo-PaA). PaA was absent from FpvA purified from a PaA-deficient P. aeruginosa strain. The properties of ligand binding in vitro revealed very similar affinities of apo-PaA and ferric-PaA to FpvA. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to study in vitro the formation of the FpvA-PaA-Fe complex in the presence of PaA-Fe or citrate-Fe. The circular dichroism spectrum of FpvA indicated a 57% beta-structure content typical of porins and in agreement with the 3D structures of the siderophore receptors FhuA and FepA. In the absence of the protease's inhibitors, a truncated form of FpvA lacking 87 amino acids at its N-terminus was purified. This truncated form still bound PaA, and its beta-sheet content was conserved. This N-terminal region displays significant homology to the N-terminal periplasmic extensions of FecA from Escherichia coli and PupB from Pseudomonas putida, which were previously shown to be involved in signal transduction. This suggests a similar function for FpvA. The mechanism of iron transport in P. aeruginosa via the pyoverdin pathway is discussed in the light of all these new findings.  相似文献   

Clément E  Mesini PJ  Pattus F  Schalk IJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(24):7954-7965
In iron-deficient conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a major fluorescent siderophore named pyoverdin (Pvd), which after chelating iron(III) is transported back into the cell via its outer membrane receptor FpvA. FpvA is a TonB-dependent transport protein and has the ability to bind Pvd in its apo- or iron-loaded form. The fluorescence properties of Pvd were used to determine the binding kinetics of metal-free and metal-loaded Pvd to FpvA and showed two major features. First, the kinetics of formation of the FpvA-Pvd complex, in vivo and in vitro, are markedly slower compared to those observed for FpvA-Pvd-metal. Second, apo-Pvd and Pvd-metal absorbed with biphasic kinetics to FpvA: the bimolecular step (association of the ligand with the receptor) is followed by a slower step (t(1/2) values of 5 and 34 min for Pvd-metal and Pvd, respectively) that presumably leads to a more stable complex. The most likely explanation for this second step is that the binding of the ligand to the receptor induces a conformational change on FpvA, which may be different, depending on the loading status of Pvd. Analysis of the dissociation of metal-free Pvd from FpvA revealed an energy and a TonB dependency. The dissociation of iron-free Pvd from FpvA in the absence of the TonB protein occurs with slow kinetics in the range of hours, but it can be highly activated by the protonmotive force and TonB to reach a kinetic with a t(1/2) of 1 min. Apparently, under iron-limited conditions, TonB activates the FpvA receptor, resulting in a fast release of iron-free Pvd and generating an unloaded FpvA receptor, competent for binding extracellular Pvd-Fe.  相似文献   

Alignment of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa ferric pyoverdine receptor, FpvA, with similar ferric-siderophore receptors revealed that the mature protein carries an extension of ca. 70 amino acids at its N terminus, an extension shared by the ferric pseudobactin receptors of P. putida. Deletion of fpvA from the chromosome of P. aeruginosa reduced pyoverdine production in this organism, as a result of a decline in expression of genes (e.g., pvdD) associated with the biosynthesis of the pyoverdine peptide moiety. Wild-type fpvA restored pvd expression in the mutant, thereby complementing its pyoverdine deficiency, although a deletion derivative of fpvA encoding a receptor lacking the N terminus of the mature protein did not. The truncated receptor was, however, functional in pyoverdine-mediated iron uptake, as evidenced by its ability to promote pyoverdine-dependent growth in an iron-restricted medium. These data are consistent with the idea that the N-terminal extension plays a role in FpvA-mediated pyoverdine biosynthesis in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

FpvA is an outer membrane transporter involved in iron uptake by the siderophore pyoverdine (Pvd) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This transporter, like all other proteins of the same family, consists of a transmembrane 22 beta-stranded barrel occluded by a plug domain. The beta-strands of the barrel are connected by large extracellular loops and short periplasmic turns. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out on FpvA to identify the extracellular loops or parts of these loops involved in the various stages of Pvd-Fe uptake. The G286C, W362C, and W434C mutations in loops L1, L3, and L4, respectively, disturbed the binding of the apo siderophore, as shown by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Iron uptake experiments followed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or using 55Fe indicated that residues W434 and G701 and, therefore, loops L4 and L9 must be involved in Pvd-Fe uptake by FpvA. The two corresponding mutants incorporated smaller than normal amounts of 55Fe into cells, and no Pvd recycling on FpvA was observed after iron release. Surprisingly, the S603C mutation in loop L7 increased the amount of Pvd-Fe transported. Our results suggest that W434 (L4), S603 (L7), and G701 (L9) are involved in the mechanism of Pvd-Fe uptake.  相似文献   

Soluble (S-type) pyocins are Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriocins that kill nonimmune P. aeruginosa strains via a specific receptor. The genes coding for pyocin Sa (consisting of a killing protein and an immunity protein) were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Sequence analysis revealed that Sa is identical to pyocin S2. Seventy-nine strains of P. aeruginosa were tested for their sensitivity to pyocins S1, S2, and S3, and their ferripyoverdine receptors were typed by multiplex PCR. No strain was found to be sensitive to both S2 and S3, suggesting that the receptors for these two pyocins cannot coexist in one strain. As expected, all S3-sensitive strains had the type II ferripyoverdine receptor fpvA gene, confirming our previous reports. S1 killed strains irrespective of the type of ferripyoverdine receptor they produced. All S2-sensitive strains had the type I fpvA gene, and the inactivation of type I fpvA in an S2-sensitive strain conferred resistance to the S2 pyocin. Accordingly, complementation with type I fpvA in trans restored sensitivity to S2. Some S2-resistant type I fpvA-positive strains were detected, the majority (all but five) of which had the S1-S2 immunity gene. Comparison of type I fpvA sequences from immunity gene-negative S2-sensitive and S2-resistant strains revealed only a valine-to-isoleucine substitution at position 46 of type I FpvA. However, both type I fpvA genes conferred the capacity for type I pyoverdine utilization and sensitivity to S2. When these two type I fpvA genes were introduced into strain 7NSK2 carrying mutations in type II fpvA (encoding the type II pyoverdine receptor) and fpvB (encoding the alternative type I receptor), growth in the presence of type I pyoverdine was observed and the strain became sensitive to S2. We also found that type I pyoverdine could signal type II pyoverdine production via the type I FpvA receptor in 7NSK2.  相似文献   

Under iron-limiting conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 secretes a fluorescent siderophore called pyoverdine (Pvd). After chelating iron, this ferric siderophore is transported back into the cells via the outer membrane receptor FpvA. The Pvd-dependent iron uptake pathway requires several essential genes involved in both the synthesis of Pvd and the uptake of ferric Pvd inside the cell. A previous study describing the global phenotype of a tat-deficient P. aeruginosa strain showed that the defect in Pvd-mediated iron uptake was due to the Tat-dependent export of proteins involved in Pvd biogenesis and ferric Pvd uptake (U. Ochsner, A. Snyder, A. I. Vasil, and M. L. Vasil, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:8312-8317, 2002). Using biochemical and biophysical tools, we showed that despite its predicted Tat signal sequence, FpvA is correctly located in the outer membrane of a tat mutant and is fully functional for all steps of the iron uptake process (ferric Pvd uptake and recycling of Pvd on FpvA after iron release). However, in the tat mutant, no Pvd was produced. This suggested that a key element in the Pvd biogenesis pathway must be exported to the periplasm by the Tat pathway. We located PvdN, a still unknown but essential component in Pvd biogenesis, at the periplasmic side of the cytoplasmic membrane and showed that its export is Tat dependent. Our results further support the idea that a critical step of the Pvd biogenesis pathway involving PvdN occurs at the periplasmic side of the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

A purified polyclonal antiserum directed against the isolated main 80 kD IROMP (iron-regulated outer-membrane protein) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 detected only the 80 kD polypeptide of outer-membrane proteins from PAO1 cells grown in iron deficiency in Western blots. It was also shown to inhibit the uptake of 59Fe pyoverdin by PAO1 cells as well as its binding to purified outer membranes. Immunofluorescence experiments with intact PAO1 cells confirmed that the receptor is present only at the surface of cells grown under conditions of iron deficiency. All these data allow us to conclude that the 80 kD main IROMP of P. aeruginosa is indeed the receptor for the siderophore ferripyoverdin.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 utilizes soluble and insoluble ferric ions as terminal electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration. The components of respiratory metabolism are localized in the membrane fractions which include the outer membrane and cytoplasmic membrane. Many of the biological components that interact with the various iron forms are proposed to be localized in these membrane fractions. To identify the iron-binding proteins acting either as an iron transporter or as a terminal iron reductase, we used metal-catalyzed oxidation reactions. This system catalyzed the oxidation of amino acids in close proximity to the iron binding site. The carbonyl groups formed from this oxidation can then be labeled with fluoresceinamine (FLNH(2)). The peptide harboring the FLNH(2) can then be proteolytically digested, purified by HPLC and then identified by MALDI-TOF tandem MS. A predominant peptide was identified to be part of SO2907 that encodes a putative TonB-dependent receptor. Compared with wild type (wt), the so2907 gene deletion (ΔSO2907) mutant has impaired ability to reduce soluble Fe(III), but retains the same ability to respire oxygen or fumarate as the wt. The ΔSO2907 mutant was also impacted in reduction of insoluble iron. Iron binding assays using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence tryptophan quenching demonstrated that a truncated form of heterologous-expressed SO2907 that contains the Fe(III) binding site, is capable of binding soluble Fe(III) forms with K(d) of approximate 50 μm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the physiological role of SO2907 in Fe(III) reduction by MR-1.  相似文献   

Siderophore-specific induction of iron uptake in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has two siderophore-based high-affinity iron-uptake systems utilizing pyoverdin and pyochelin. Using strain IA1, a mutant deficient in production of both siderophores, we have shown that addition of purified siderophore to the growth medium induces expression of specific iron-regulated outer-membrane proteins and increases 55Fe-siderophore transport. Addition of pyoverdin from the parent strain PAO1 or from a clinical strain 0:12 induced expression of an 85 kDa IROMP and increased the rate of 55Fe-pyoverdin transport. Transport rates for 55Fe-PAO1 pyoverdin increased from 1.27 to 3.57 pmol Fe min-1 per 10(9) cells. Addition of purified pyochelin induced expression of a 75 kDa IROMP accompanied with increased 55Fe-pyochelin uptake without affecting 55Fe-pyoverdin transport. 55Fe-pyochelin transport increased from 0.3 to 10.6 pmol min-1 per 10(9) cells. Addition of pyoverdin from the parent strain or a chromatographically distinct pyoverdin caused increased reactivity with an anti-85 kDa mAb in Western blotting, indicating that the same receptor is being induced. These results suggest that P. aeruginosa can respond specifically to the presence of siderophore and moreover that not only can the pyoverdin receptor transport its cognate ferri-pyoverdin but also different ferri-pyoverdins, albeit at a reduced rate.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane is intrinsically impermeable to many classes of antibiotics, due in part to its relative lack of general uptake pathways. Instead, this organism relies on a large number of substrate-specific uptake porins. Included in this group are the 19 members of the OprD family, which are involved in the uptake of a diverse array of metabolites. One of these porins, OpdH, has been implicated in the uptake of cis-aconitate. Here we demonstrate that this porin may also enable P. aeruginosa to take up other tricarboxylates. Isocitrate and citrate strongly and specifically induced the opdH gene via a mechanism involving derepression by the putative two-component regulatory system PA0756-PA0757. Planar bilayer analysis of purified OpdH demonstrated that it was a channel-forming protein with a large single-channel conductance (230 pS in 1 M KCl; 10-fold higher than that of OprD); however, we were unable to demonstrate the presence of a tricarboxylate binding site within the channel. Thus, these data suggest that the requirement for OpdH for efficient growth on tricarboxylates was likely due to the specific expression of this large-channel porin under particular growth conditions.  相似文献   

The pyoverdine outer membrane receptor FpvA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa translocates ferric-pyoverdine across the outer membrane via an energy consuming mechanism that involves the inner membrane energy transducing complex of TonB-ExbB-ExbD and the proton motive force. We solved the crystal structure of FpvA loaded with iron-free pyoverdine at 3.6 angstroms resolution. The pyoverdine receptor is folded in two domains: a transmembrane 22-stranded beta-barrel domain occluded by an N-terminal domain containing a mixed four-stranded beta-sheet (the plug). The beta-strands of the barrel are connected by long extracellular loops and short periplasmic turns. The iron-free pyoverdine is bound at the surface of the receptor in a pocket lined with aromatic residues while the extracellular loops do not completely cover the pyoverdine binding site. The TonB box, which is involved in intermolecular contacts with the TonB protein of the inner membrane, is observed in an extended conformation. Comparison of this first reported structure of an iron-siderophore transporter from a bacterium other than Escherichia coli with the known structures of the E.coli TonB-dependent transporters reveals a high structural homology and suggests that a common sensing mechanism exists for the iron-loading status in all bacterial iron siderophore transporters.  相似文献   

Nader M  Journet L  Meksem A  Guillon L  Schalk IJ 《Biochemistry》2011,50(13):2530-2540
To get access to iron, Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces the siderophore pyoverdine (PVD), composed of a fluorescent chromophore linked to an octapeptide, and its corresponding outer membrane transporter FpvA. This transporter is composed of three domains: a β-barrel inserted into the membrane, a plug that closes the channel formed by the barrel, and a signaling domain in the periplasm. The plug and the signaling domain are separated by a sequence of five residues called the TonB box, which is necessary for the interaction of FpvA with the inner membrane TonB protein. Genetic deletion of the plug domain resulted in the presence of a β-barrel in the outer membrane unable to bind and transport PVD-Fe. Expression of the soluble plug domain with the TonB box inhibited PVD-(55)Fe uptake most likely through interaction with TonB in the periplasm. A reconstituted FpvA in the bacterial outer membrane was obtained by the coexpression of separately encoded plug and β-barrel domains, each endowed with a signal sequence and a signaling domain. This resulted in polypeptide complementation after secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane. The reconstituted FpvA bound PVD-Fe with the same affinity as wild-type FpvA, indicating that the resulting transporter is correctly folded and reconstituted in the outer membrane. PVD-Fe uptake was TonB-dependent but 75% less efficient compared to wild-type FpvA. These data are consistent with a gated mechanism in which no open channel with a complete removal of the plug domain for PVD-Fe diffusion is formed in FpvA at any point during the uptake cycle.  相似文献   

Pyoverdin production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain 7NSK2 was induced by Zn(II) in the presence of iron. A mutant was isolated in which Zn(II) no longer induced pyoverdin production. The sss gene which was inactivated in this mutant was cloned and sequenced. Its protein sequence showed 50% identity to the XerC protein of Escherichia coli, which is a member of the lambda integrase family of site-specific recombinases. An open reading frame was found upstream of sss whose protein sequence showed strong identity to DapF, the diaminopimelate epimerase. In E. coli, xerC is part of a multicistronic unit that also contains dapF. The sss gene of P. aeruginosa could restore site-specific recombination at cer in an E. coii xerC mutant and the E. coii xerC gene could complement a genomic sss mutation in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

In iron limitation conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a major fluorescent siderophore named pyoverdin (PaA). PaA has an extremely high affinity for Fe(3+) but also chelates other ions such as Al(3+) and Ga(3+) with a lower affinity. The transfer of PaA-Fe(3+) across the outer membrane of the bacteria is mediated by the receptor FpvA, a TonB-dependent outer membrane transport protein. FpvA binds the iron-free and iron-loaded forms of pyoverdin with similar affinities, but only PaA-Fe(3+) is taken up by the cell, suggesting that FpvA adopts different conformations depending on its loading status. We used time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize the different forms of FpvA-PaA in vitro. We showed that the FpvA-PaA complex adopts two different conformations depending on how it was prepared (formed in vitro or in vivo prior to purification). The dihydroquinoline moiety of both conformers is fully protonated, or coordinated by protein charged groups, but the polarity of its environment, its solvent accessibility, and its rotational dynamics are much slower when the FpvA-PaA complex is formed in vivo than in vitro. In the presence of Ga(3+) or Al(3+) ions, the solvent accessibility and mobility of the dihydroquinoline moiety in the two FpvA-PaA complexes are intermediate between those observed for the metal-free ones. In addition, the F?rster resonance energy transfer kinetics from FpvA tryptophan residues to the PaA chromophore differs from one complex to the other, revealing differences in one or more of the donor-acceptor topologies.  相似文献   

A search of the pvd pyoverdine biosynthesis locus of Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified an open reading frame, PA2387, whose product exhibited a sequence similar to those of a number of so-called extracytoplasmic- function sigma factors responsible for siderophore-dependent expression of iron-siderophore receptors in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida. Deletion of this gene, dubbed fpvI, compromised pyoverdine-dependent FpvA ferric pyoverdine receptor production and fpvA gene expression, while the cloned gene stimulated fpvA expression. A Fur-binding site was identified immediately upstream of fpvI, consistent with the observed iron-regulated expression of fpvI and fpvA.  相似文献   

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