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During development of the vertebrate CNS, commissural axons initially grow circumferentially toward the ventral midline floor plate. After crossing the floor plate, they abruptly change their trajectory from the circumferential to the longitudinal axis. Although recent studies have unraveled the mechanisms that control navigation of these axons along the circumferential axis, those that result in the transition from circumferential to longitudinal trajectory remain unknown. Here, we examined whether an interaction with the floor plate is a prerequisite for the initiation of trajectory transition of commissural axons, using in vitro preparations of the rat metencephalon. We found that commissural axons in the metencephalon, once having crossed the floor plate, turned sharply to grow longitudinally. In contrast, axons extending in floor plate-deleted preparations, continued to grow circumferentially, ignoring the hypothetical turning point. These results suggest that a prior interaction of commissural axons with floor plate cells is a key step for these axons to activate a navigation program required for their change in axonal trajectory from the circumferential to the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

In both invertebrate and lower vertebrate species, decussated commissural axons travel away from the midline and assume positions within distinct longitudinal tracts. We demonstrate that in the developing chick and mouse spinal cord, most dorsally situated commissural neuron populations extend axons across the ventral midline and through the ventral white matter along an arcuate trajectory on the contralateral side of the floor plate. Within the dorsal (chick) and intermediate (mouse) marginal zone, commissural axons turn at a conserved boundary of transmembrane ephrin expression, adjacent to which they form a discrete ascending fiber tract. In vitro perturbation of endogenous EphB-ephrinB interactions results in the failure of commissural axons to turn at the appropriate dorsoventral position on the contralateral side of the spinal cord; consequently, axons inappropriately invade more dorsal regions of B-class ephrin expression in the dorsal spinal cord. Taken together, these observations suggest that B-class ephrins act locally during a late phase of commissural axon pathfinding to specify the dorsoventral position at which decussated commissural axons turn into the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

During development of the central nervous system (CNS), commissural axons grow toward the ventral midline. After crossing the floor plate, they abruptly change their trajectory from the circumferential to the longitudinal axis. The contacts between the commissural axons and the floor plate cells are involved in this axonal guidance, but their mechanisms or structures have not fully been understood. In this study, we found that nectin-1 and -3, immunoglobulin-like cell-cell adhesion molecules, asymmetrically localized at the contact sites between the commissural axons and the floor plate cells, respectively. In vitro perturbation of the endogenous trans-interaction between nectin-1 and -3 caused abnormal fasciculation of the commissural axons and impairment of the contacts, and resulted in failure in longitudinal turns of the commissural axons at the contralateral sites of the rat hindbrain. These results indicate that the contacts between the commissural axons and the floor plate cells are mediated by the hetero-trans-interaction between nectin-1 and -3 and involved in regulation of the trajectory of the commissural axons.  相似文献   

The floor plate of the embryonic rat spinal cord has been proposed to act as an intermediate target that plays a role in the pattern of extension of commissural axons. To begin to examine the role of the floor plate in axon guidance at the midline, we have studied the precision of the commissural axon projection to and across the floor plate during development. To delineate the pathway, the fluorescent carbocyanine dye, Di-I, has been used as a probe. We show that commissural axons traverse the floor plate and turn rostrally at its contralateral border with remarkable precision. Axons were not observed to turn ipsilaterally and turned only upon reaching the contralateral edge of the floor plate. Virtually all commissural axons follow this route. The morphology of commissural growth cones was also examined. As they encountered the floor plate, commissural growth cones became larger and increased in complexity. The reorientation of axons in register with the floor plate boundary and the change in the morphological properties of commissural growth cones as they traverse the midline suggest that the floor plate may act as a guidepost with functions similar to cells that have been implicated in axon guidance in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Developing axons are guided to their targets by molecular cues in their local environment. Some cues are short-range, deriving from cells along axonal pathways. There is also increasing evidence for longer-range guidance cues, in the form of gradients of diffusible chemoattractant molecules, which originate from restricted populations of target cells. The guidance of developing commissural axons within the spinal cord depends on one of their intermediate cellular targets, the floor plate. We have shown previously that floor plate cells secrete a diffusible factor(s) that can alter the direction of commissural axon growth in vitro. Here we show that the factor is an effective chemoattractant for commissural axons. It can diffuse considerable distances through a collagen gel matrix and through dorsal and ventral neural epithelium in vitro to reorient the growth of virtually all commissural axons. The orientation of axons occurs in the absence of detectable effects on the survival of commissural neurons or on the rate of commissural axon extension. The regionally restricted expression of the factor suggests that it is present in the embryonic spinal cord in a gradient with its high point at the floor plate. These observations support the idea that the guidance of commissural axons to the ventral midline of the spinal cord results in part from the secretion of a chemoattractant by the floor plate.  相似文献   

Morphogens have been identified as guidance cues for postcrossing commissural axons in the spinal cord. Shh has a dual effect on postcrossing commissural axons: a direct repellent effect mediated by Hhip as a receptor, and an indirect effect by shaping a Wnt activity gradient. Wnts were shown to be attractants for postcrossing commissural axons in both chicken and mouse embryos. In mouse, the effects of Wnts on axon guidance were concluded to depend on the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Canonical Wnt signaling was excluded based on the absence of axon guidance defects in mice lacking Lrp6 which is an obligatory coreceptor for Fzd in canonical Wnt signaling. In the loss‐of‐function studies reported here, we confirmed a role for the PCP pathway in postcrossing commissural axon guidance also in the chicken embryo. However, taking advantage of the precise temporal control of gene silencing provided by in ovo RNAi, we demonstrate that canonical Wnt signaling is also required for proper guidance of postcrossing commissural axons in the developing spinal cord. Thus, axon guidance does not seem to depend on any one of the classical Wnt signaling pathways but rather involve a network of Wnt receptors and downstream components. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 190–208, 2016  相似文献   

 The ventral nerve cord of arthropods is characterised by the organisation of major axon tracts in a ladder-like pattern. The individual neuromeres are connected by longitudinal connectives whereas the contra-lateral connections are brought about through segmental commissures. In each neuromere of the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) of Drosophila an anterior and a posterior commissure is found. The development of these commissures requires a set of neurone-glia interactions at the midline. Here we show that both the anterior as well as the posterior commissures are subdivided into three axon-containing regions. Electron microscopy of the ventral nerve cord of mutations affecting CNS midline cells indicates that the midline glial cells are required for this subdivision. In addition the midline glial cells appear required for a crossing of commissural growth cones perpendicular to the longitudinal tracts, since in mutants with defective midline glial cells commissural axons frequently cross the midline at aberrant angles. Received: 6 July 1997 / Accepted: 27 August 1997  相似文献   

Commissural axons in vertebrates and insects are initially attracted to the nervous system midline, but once they reach this intermediate target they undergo a dramatic switch, becoming responsive to repellent Slit proteins at the midline, which expel them onto the next leg of their trajectory. We have unexpectedly implicated a divergent member of the Robo family, Rig-1 (or Robo3), in preventing premature Slit sensitivity in mammals. Expression of Rig-1 protein by commissural axons is inversely correlated with Slit sensitivity. Removal of Rig-1 results in a total failure of commissural axons to cross. Genetic and in vitro analyses indicate that Rig-1 functions to repress Slit responsiveness similarly to Commissureless (Comm) in Drosophila. Unlike Comm, however, Rig-1 does not produce its effect by downregulating Robo receptors on precrossing commissural axon membranes. These results identify a mechanism for regulating Slit repulsion that helps choreograph the precise switch from attraction to repulsion at a key intermediate axonal target.  相似文献   

Longitudinal axons grow long distances along precise pathways to connect major CNS regions. However, during embryonic development, it remains largely undefined how the first longitudinal axons choose specific positions and grow along them. Here, we review recent evidence identifying a critical role for Slit/Robo signals to guide pioneer longitudinal axons in the embryonic brain stem. These studies indicate that Slit/Robo signals from the floor plate have dual functions: to repel longitudinal axons away from the ventral midline, and also to maintain straight longitudinal growth. These dual functions likely cooperate with other guidance cues to establish the major longitudinal tracts in the brain.  相似文献   

Longitudinal axons grow long distances along precise pathways to connect major CNS regions. However, during embryonic development, it remains largely undefined how the first longitudinal axons choose specific positions and grow along them. Here, we review recent evidence identifying a critical role for Slit/Robo signals to guide pioneer longitudinal axons in the embryonic brain stem. These studies indicate that Slit/Robo signals from the floor plate have dual functions: to repel longitudinal axons away from the ventral midline, and also to maintain straight longitudinal growth. These dual functions likely cooperate with other guidance cues to establish the major longitudinal tracts in the brain.Key words: Slit, Robo, longitudinal axon, hindbrain, axon guidance  相似文献   

During development, inferior olivary axons cross the floor plate and project from the caudal to the rostral hindbrain, whence they grow into the cerebellar plate. We have investigated the axon guidance signals involved in the formation of this projection in vitro. When the cerebellar plate was grafted ectopically along the margin of the hindbrain in organotypic cultures, inferior olivary axons could pathfind to the ectopic cerebellum, establishing a topographically normal projection. Following rostrocaudal reversal of a region of tissue in the axon pathway between the inferior olive and the cerebellum, olivary axons still navigated towards the cerebellum. Moreover, olivary axons could cross a bridging tissue explant (spinal cord) to reach a cerebellar explant. In collagen gel cultures of inferior olive explants, olivary axon outgrowth increased significantly in the presence of cerebellar explants and axons deflected towards the cerebellar tissue. These results show that the cerebellum is a source of diffusible axon guidance signals for olivary axons. We also found that, in organotypic cultures, olivary axons which had crossed the floor plate showed an increased tendency to respond to cerebellar cues. Taken together, these results indicate that the cerebellum is the source of cues that are chemoattractant and growth-promoting for inferior olivary axons; prior exposure to the floor plate increases responsiveness to these cues.  相似文献   

Members of the bone morphogenetic protein family of secreted protein signals have been implicated as axon guidance cues for specific neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans and in mammals. We have examined axonal pathfinding in mice lacking the secreted bone morphogenetic protein antagonist Noggin. We have found defects in projection of several groups of neurons, including the initial ascending projections from the dorsal root ganglia, motor axons innervating the distal forelimb, and cranial nerve VII. The case of the dorsal root ganglion defect is especially interesting: initial projections from the dorsal root ganglion enter the dorsal root entry zone, as normal, but then project directly into the gray matter of the spinal cord, rather than turning rostrally and caudally. Explant experiments suggest that the defect lies within the spinal cord and not the dorsal root ganglion itself. However, exogenous bone morphogenetic proteins are unable to attract or repel these axons, and the spinal cord shows only very subtle alterations in dorsal-ventral pattern in Noggin mutants. We suggest that the defect in projection into the spinal cord is likely the result of bone morphogenetic proteins disrupting the transduction of some unidentified repulsive signal from the spinal cord gray matter.  相似文献   

Longitudinal axons transmit all signals between the brain and spinal cord. Their axon tracts through the brain stem are established by a simple set of pioneer axons with precise trajectories parallel to the floor plate. To identify longitudinal guidance mechanisms in vivo, the overall role of floor plate tissue and the specific roles of Slit/Robo signals were tested. Ectopic induction or genetic deletion of the floor plate diverted longitudinal axons into abnormal trajectories. The expression patterns of the diffusible cues of the Slit family were altered in the floor plate experiments, suggesting their involvement in longitudinal guidance. Genetic tests of Slit1 and Slit2, and the Slit receptors Robo1 and Robo2 were carried out in mutant mice. Slit1;Slit2 double mutants had severe longitudinal errors, particularly for ventral axons, including midline crossing and wandering longitudinal trajectories. Robo1 and Robo2 were largely genetically redundant, and neither appeared to specify specific tract positions. However, combined Robo1 and Robo2 mutations strongly disrupted each pioneer tract. Thus, pioneer axons depend on long-range floor plate cues, with Slit/Robo signaling required for precise longitudinal trajectories.  相似文献   

Over half of the neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans send axons to the nerve ring, a large neuropil in the head of the animal. Genetic screens in animals that express the green fluorescent protein in a subset of sensory neurons identified eight new sax genes that affect the morphology of nerve ring axons. sax-3/robo mutations disrupt axon guidance in the nerve ring, while sax-5, sax-9 and unc-44 disrupt both axon guidance and axon extension. Axon extension and guidance proceed normally in sax-1, sax-2, sax-6, sax-7 and sax-8 mutants, but these animals exhibit later defects in the maintenance of nerve ring structure. The functions of existing guidance genes in nerve ring development were also examined, revealing that SAX-3/Robo acts in parallel to the VAB-1/Eph receptor and the UNC-6/netrin, UNC-40/DCC guidance systems for ventral guidance of axons in the amphid commissure, a major route of axon entry into the nerve ring. In addition, SAX-3/Robo and the VAB-1/Eph receptor both function to prevent aberrant axon crossing at the ventral midline. Together, these genes define pathways required for axon growth, guidance and maintenance during nervous system development.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, commissural axons extend toward and across the floor plate (FP), an intermediate target at the ventral midline (VM) of the spinal cord. After decussating, many commissural axons turn into the longitudinal plane and elaborate diverse projections. FP contact is thought to alter the responsiveness of these axons so that they can exit the FP and adopt new trajectories. However, a requirement for the FP in shaping contralateral commissural projections has not been established in higher vertebrates. Here we further analyze to what extent FP contact is necessary for the elaboration of decussated commissural projections both in cultured, FP-excised spinal cord preparations and in gli2-deficient mice, which lack a FP. In FP-lacking spinal cords, we observe a large number of appropriately projecting contralateral commissural projections in vivo and in vitro. Surprisingly, even though gli2 mutants lack a FP, slit1-3 mRNA and their receptors (Robo1/2) are expressed in a wild-type-like manner. In addition, blocking Robo-Slit interactions in FP-lacking spinal cord explants prevents commissural axons from leaving the VM and turning longitudinally. Thus, compared to FP contact, Slit-Robo interactions are more critical for driving commissural axons out of the VM and facilitating the elaboration of a subset of contralateral commissural projections.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the cell adhesion molecule NrCAM for axonal growth and pathfinding in the developing retina. Analysis of the distribution pattern of NrCAM in chick embryo retina sections and flat-mounts shows its presence during extension of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons; NrCAM is selectively present on RGC axons and is absent from the soma. Single cell cultures show an enrichment of NrCAM in the distal axon and growth cone. When offered as a substrate in addition to Laminin, NrCAM promotes RGC axon extension and the formation of growth cone protrusions. In substrate stripe assays, mimicking the NrCAM-displaying optic fibre layer and the Laminin-rich basal lamina, RGC axons preferentially grow on NrCAM lanes. The three-dimensional analysis of RGC growth cones in retina flat-mounts reveals that they are enlarged and form more protrusions extending away from the correct pathway under conditions of NrCAM-inhibition. Time-lapse analyses show that these growth cones pause longer to explore their environment, proceed for shorter time spans, and retract more often than under control conditions; in addition, they often deviate from the correct pathway towards the optic fissure. Inhibition of NrCAM in organ-cultured intact eyes causes RGC axons to misroute at the optic fissure; instead of diving into the optic nerve head, these axons cross onto the opposite side of the retina. Our results demonstrate a crucial role for NrCAM in the navigation of RGC axons in the developing retina towards the optic fissure, and also for pathfinding into the optic nerve.  相似文献   

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