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The ability to recover and cryopreserve oocytes from postmortem ovaries of endangered or wildlife species holds tremendous potential for conservation using assisted reproductive technologies. The objective of this study was to assess the in vitro meiotic maturation of chousingha (four-horned antelope) oocytes following vitrification using open pulled straw (OPS) method. The average number of oocytes recovered per ovary was 65.6. The proportion of oocytes that matured was significantly lower in vitrified oocytes (29.4%) when compared with fresh oocytes (69.3%). The study provides evidence that it is possible to cryopreserve immature oocytes by vitrification collected from the ovaries of chousingha at postmortem and also demonstrates that these cryopreserved oocytes retain their potential to undergo in vitro meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Survival of vitrified sheep embryos in vitro and in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of the composition of vitrification media, the duration of exposure to the media and the stage of development were examined on the survival of vitrified Day-6 sheep embryos. Vitrification media that contained two cryoprotectants in equal molar concentrations were used. In Experiment 1, the effects of the types (glycerol + propylene glycol or glycerol + ethylene glycol) and concentrations (3.5 + 3.5 or 4.5 + 4.5 M) of cryoprotectants and the level of BSA supplementation (0.4 or 20%) were investigated in a 2 x 2 x 2 design. The embryos were exposed to vitrification media for 30 sec at 18 to 24 degrees C before vitrification. The in vitro survival rate was not affected by the level of BSA supplementation, but there was an interaction between the types and concentrations of cryoprotectants used (P<0.01). Embryos cryopreserved in mixtures of glycerol + propylene glycol survived better when the concentration of cryoprotectants was 3.5 M while the survival of embryos cryopreserved in mixtures of glycerol + ethylene glycol was higher at 4.5 M cryoprotectant concentration. In Experiments 2 and 3, the effect of the duration of exposure (15, 30, 60 or 120 sec) to vitrification media at 4 to 12 degrees C was investigated on the survival rate in vivo. Vitrification media contained 3.5 M glycerol + 3.5 M propylene glycol or 4.5 M glycerol + 4.5 M ethylene glycol in Experiments 2 and 3, respectively. The survival rate in vivo, increased when the duration of exposure to vitrification media was increased from 15 to 30 sec, but the viability declined when the duration of exposure was further increased to 60 (Experiment 3) or to 120 sec (Experiment 2). The effect of the stage of development was significant only in Experiment 1 (P = 0.032), but in all three experiments the rate of survival increased with advancing stages of development from late morulae to late blastocysts. The best result was achieved in Experiment 2, when embryos were exposed to a mixture of 3.5 M glycerol + 3.5 M propylene glycol for 30 or 60 sec. Under these conditions 52% (22 42 ) of rapidly cryopreserved sheep embryos developed into lambs. This result shows that a simple rapid procedure for the cryopreservation of sheep embryos can produce a survival rate comparable to that obtained using more complex traditional procedures.  相似文献   

The generation of live offspring from vitrified oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oocyte cryopreservation is extremely beneficial for assisted reproductive technologies, the treatment of infertility and biotechnology and offers a viable alternative to embryo freezing and ovarian grafting approaches for the generation of embryonic stem cells and live offspring. It also offers the potential to store oocytes to rescue endangered species by somatic cell nuclear transfer and for the generation of embryonic stem cells to study development in these species. We vitrified mouse oocytes using a range of concentrations of trehalose (0 to 0.3 M) and demonstrated that 0.1 and 0.3 M trehalose had similar developmental rates, which were significantly different to the 0.2 M cohort (P<0.05). As mitochondria are important for fertilisation outcome, we observed that the clustering and distribution of mitochondria of the 0.2 M cohort were more affected by vitifrication than the other groups. Nevertheless, all 3 cohorts were able to develop to blastocyst, following in vitro fertilisation, although developmental rates were better for the 0.1 and 0.3 M cohorts than the 0.2 M cohort (P<0.05). Whilst blastocysts gave rise to embryonic stem-like cells, it was apparent from immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR that these cells did not demonstrate true pluripotency and exhibited abnormal karyotypes. However, they gave rise to teratomas following injection into SCID mice and differentiated into cells of each of the germinal layers following in vitro differentiation. The transfer of 2-cell embryos from the 0.1 and 0.3 M cohorts resulted in the birth of live offspring that had normal karyotypes (9/10). When 2-cell embryos from vitrified oocytes underwent vitrification, and were thawed and transferred, live offspring were obtained that exhibited normal karyotypes, with the exception of one offspring who was larger and died at 7 months. We conclude that these studies highlight the importance of the endometrial environment for the maintenance of genetic stability and thus the propagation of specific genetic traits.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the growth and survival in culture, and the subsequent meiotic competence, of bovine oocytes recovered from early antral ovarian follicles. Follicles isolated by microdissection of the ovarian slices were sorted into two size groups: (I) 0.2-0.5 mm diameter; and (II) 0.4-0.7 mm diameter. Group I follicles were cultured intact while in Group II, cumulus-oocyte complexes with pieces of parietal granulosa were dissected from the follicles and cultured. Follicles or cumulus-oocyte complexes with parietal granulose were embedded in collagen gel and cultured in TCM 199 supplemented with 3% BSA and 4 mM hypoxanthine for 14 days (Group I) or 7-10 days (Group II). After this, cumulus-oocyte complexes were recovered from the gel. Oocytes that had lost the majority of the cumulus were fixed immediately after recovery. Cumulus-oocyte complexes showing normal morphology were either fixed immediately or were subjected to IVM for an additional 24h, and then were fixed. At the end of the growth culture, 57.6% of the compact COCs in Group I follicles were preserved in the GV configuration, 16.7% had resumed meiosis, and 25.8% were degenerated or did not show detectable chromatin. After IVM, the proportion of oocytes resuming meiosis increased significantly (from 16.7% versus 42.7%; P < 0.05), and 9.1% of all oocytes had reached TI or MII. The isolated cumulus-oocyte complexes in Group II began creating follicle-like structures following 24 h of growth culture (7.1%). The proportion of these structures reached 50.8% on days 2-3, and then gradually decreased due to degeneration. On day 10 only 5.8% of cumulus-oocyte complexes were classified as intact. Of the cumulus intact oocytes recovered from the newly created follicle-like structures at 7-10 days, 54.7% were in the germinal vesicle stage, 31.0% underwent germinal vesicle breakdown, 14.3% were degenerated or the chromatin configuration was not detectable. After 24 h of IVM, 67.6% of oocytes had resumed meiosis, and 21.6% of all oocytes had reached TI and MII. These results show that isolated early follicles and cumulus-oocyte complexes from intact early antral follicles can grow in culture and can develop meiotic competence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the growth and survival rate of preantral follicles isolated from vitrified ovarian tissue by Cryotop and conventional methods. The ovaries of 14-day-old mice were separated and divided into four groups as following: Cryotop group, vitrified by Cryotop; CV (Conventional; CV) group, vitrified by conventional straw; toxicity test group and control group. After warming the vitrified ovaries, isolated preantral follicles from four groups were cultured for 4 days to compare survival rate and follicular growth between above-mentioned groups. Survival rate (97.3%) in toxicity test group alike the control group (98.7%) were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the Cryotop (92.7%) and CV (47.7%) groups. Increase in follicle diameters after 4 days in Cryotop and CV groups was significantly lower (P<0.05) than the control and toxicity test groups, but growth and survival rate of follicles in Cryotop group was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the CV group. These results demonstrated that ovarian tissue vitrification by Cryotop highly preserves the viability rate of preantral follicles.  相似文献   

The objectives were to compare embryo development rates after transfer into inseminated recipients, vitrified thawed oocytes collected from super-stimulated versus non-stimulated mares. In vivo matured oocytes were collected by transvaginal, ultrasound guided follicular aspiration from super-stimulated and non-stimulated mares 24-26 h after administration of hCG. Oocytes were cultured for 2-4 h prior to vitrification. Cryoprotectants were loaded in three steps before oocytes were placed onto a 0.5-0.7 mm diameter nylon cryoloop and plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. Oocytes were thawed and the cryoprotectant was removed in three steps. After thawing, oocytes were cultured 10-12 h before transfer into inseminated recipients. Non-vitrified oocytes, cultured 14-16 h before transfer, were used as controls. More oocytes were collected from 23 non-stimulated mares (20 of 29 follicles), than 10 super-stimulated mares (18 of 88 follicles; P < 0.001). Of the 20 oocytes collected from non-stimulated mares, 12 were vitrified and 8 were transferred as controls. After thawing, 10 of the 12 oocytes were morphologically intact and transferred into recipients resulting in one embryonic vesicle on Day 16 (1 of 12 = 8%). Fourteen oocytes from super-stimulated mares were vitrified, and 4 were transferred as controls. After thawing, 9 of the 14 oocytes were morphologically intact and transferred into recipients resulting in two embryonic vesicles on Day 16 (2 of 14 = 14%). In control transfers, 7 of 8 oocytes from non-stimulated mares and 3 of 4 oocytes from super-stimulated mares resulted in embryonic vesicles on Day 16. The two pregnancies from vitrified oocytes resulted in healthy foals.  相似文献   

The low developmental competence seen in in vitro cultured oocytes collected from early antral follicles may be related to their mitochondrial status. The aim of this study was to examine the chromatin configuration, pattern of mitochondrial aggregation and mitochondrial activity of non-cultured and in vitro-cultured bovine oocytes originating from early antral ovarian follicles. Cumulus-oocyte complexes with adjacent granulosa cells (COCGs) were recovered from early antral follicles of 0.4 to 0.8 mm diameter. Control (Day 0) oocytes were recovered from freshly collected COCGs and fixed and stained. Selected COCGs were placed in growth culture for 7 days (Day 7) or 14 days (Day 14). Following growth culture, COCs with normal appearance were placed in maturation medium (IVM) for 24 h and then fixed and stained with MitoTracker CMTM Ros Orange and Hoechst 33258. The percentage of oocytes with an immature meiotic configuration after growth culture decreased with the time of growth culture, being 96.7; 72.5 and 35.4% respectively for Day 0, Day 7 and Day 14 of culture; the remaining oocytes were degenerating or resuming meiosis. After subsequent IVM the highest proportion of oocytes in diakinesis or metaphase I was found in the D7+IVM group (59.4%). When growth culture was prolonged to day 14 and IVM, the number of degenerated oocytes increased dramatically after IVM. The mitochondrial distribution in the oocytes changed from homogeneous to heterogeneous as growth culture time increased. The respiratory activity as measured by fluorescence intensity increased over the time of growth culture, and was highest in oocytes that had resumed GVBD. In conclusion, for oocytes in isolated COCGs from early antral follicles, culture conditions longer than 7 days should be more adapted for a slow nuclear maturation accompanied by a decreased energy metabolism to prevent chromatin pycnosis.  相似文献   

Successful direct transfer of vitrified sheep embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of a simple cryopreservation method, adapted to direct transfer of thawed embryos may help to reduce the costs of embryo transfer in sheep and increase the use of this technique genetic improvement of this species. Two experiments were made to test a vitrification method that is easy to apply in field conditions. All embryos were collected at Day 7 of the estrous cycle of FSH-stimulated donor ewes and were assessed morphologically, washed in modified PBS and incubated for 5 min in 10% glycerol, for 5 min in 10% glycerol and 20% ethylene glycol and were transferred into the vitrification solution (25% glycerol and 25% ethylene glycol). All solutions were based on mPBS. Embryos were loaded in straws (1 cm central part, the remaining parts being filled with 0.8 M galactose in mPBS) and plunged into liquid N2 within 30 sec of contact with the vitrification solution. The straws were thawed (10 sec at 20 degrees C) and the embryos were either transferred directly or after 5 min of incubation in the content of the straw (followed by washing in PBS) into the uterus of a recipient ewe. In Trial 1, the pregnancy rates at term (72 vs. 72%) as well as the embryo survival rates (60 vs 50% respectively) were not different between fresh (n = 48 embryos) and vitrified (n = 50) embryos. In a second trial no difference was observed between vitrified embryos transferred after in vitro removal of the cryoprotectant (n = 86 embryos) or directly after thawing (n = 72) both in terms of lambing rate (67 vs. 75%, respectively) and embryo survival rate (lambs born/embryos transferred; 49 vs. 53%). This method of sheep embryo cryopreservation provided high pregnancy and embryo survival, even after direct transfer of the embryos.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of ovarian tissues containing many immature oocytes occurs in both gamete/embryo research and clinical medicine. Using vitrification, we studied factors related to meiosis after cryopreservation using the COCs (cumulus oocyte complexes) and preantral follicles obtained from cryopreserved ovarian tissues. COCs were isolated and cultured for 17 approximately 19 hr. Thereafter, Metaphase II stage (MII stage) oocytes and fertilized oocytes after IVF were observed at a rate of 76.5% and 60.0%, respectively. Preantral follicles (100 approximately 130 microm in diameter) were isolated and cultured in alpha MEM containing hFSH, ITS, and FBS. HCG and EGF were added to the media to stimulate ovulation on the 12th day of culture. The survival rates of the follicles obtained from the frozen/thawed ovaries were 66.4%. After 12 days of culture, the diameter of the follicles isolated from fresh (620.2 +/- 11.3 microm) and frozen/thawed ovaries (518.7 +/- 15.1 microm) differed as did the estradiol concentrations (3474.2 +/- 159 pg/ml vs. 1508.2 +/- 134 pg/ml). After in vitro ovulation, MII stage oocytes were observed in 84.5% of the fresh group and 60.5% of the frozen/thawed group while the fertilization rate was 74.2% and 53.5%, respectively. These studies demonstrate that cryopreservation of mouse ovarian tissues by vitrification did not affect the oocyte's ability to undergo meiosis. Thus, this technique may become a powerful tool for the preservation of the female gamete.  相似文献   

Development of vitrified mouse oocytes after in vitro fertilization   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mouse oocytes were cryopreserved by the vitrification method using vitrification solution (VSI) and the effects of dilution methods were examined on the rate of in vitro and in vivo development. Eighty-three percent and 75% of vitrified oocytes exhibited normal morphology when diluted in glycerol + sucrose and sucrose alone, respectively. In contrast, only 35% of the oocytes diluted by a stepwise method exhibited a normal appearance. A high proportion of vitrified oocytes was fertilized in vitro (84-94%), 80 to 87% of which were normal. Of the later embryos, 69 to 78% developed to blastocysts after 4 days of culture. Thirty-six live young (51%) were obtained when vitrified oocytes were transferred to recipient females. The overall rate of development to live young was 25% when vitrified oocytes were diluted with glycerol + sucrose solution. These results indicate that the simple and rapid procedure of vitrification and glycerol + sucrose dilution is suitable for the cryopreservation of mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

Rocha AA  Bastos R  Cunha IC  Adona PR  Santos JA 《Theriogenology》2006,66(6-7):1465-1467
In vitro studies that use isolated oocytes benefit from the ability to harvest oocytes of excellent morphological quality in sufficient numbers to allow the replicability of techniques and experiments. The objective of the present study was to verify the effect of the age of the donor bitch on the quantity and quality of oocytes recovered from isolated ovaries, using the slicing technique. Ten bitches (45 days to 13 years) were ovariohysterectomized, and the ovaries were placed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), supplemented with bovine fetal serum (5%), and oocyte-cumulus-complexes (OCCs) were obtained by slicing the ovarian tissue. The OCSs were classified morphologically as Degree I (DI, best), Degree II (DII) and degenerated. A total of 427 oocytes were acquired, including 81, 109 and 237 that were graded as DI, DII and degenerated, respectively. Slicing yielded no OCS from animals < 2 months of age. In senile (> 9 years) bitches, bitches, there were more oocytes per bitch, compared to adult (2-6.5 years) bitches, but fewer DI oocytes, and more DII and degenerate oocytes. We inferred that using donors that were post-pubertal but not senile, would assure the recovery of high-quality oocytes by the slicing method. Additional studies are required to assess the quality of oocytes collected from pre-pubertal versus post-pubertal bitches < 2 years of age.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the survivability of bovine oocytes vitrified in droplets   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Vitrification of bovine oocytes performed using the traditional, in straw system has not given satisfactory results. Although an alternative approach based on minimizing the volume of the vitrified sample has recently resulted in a much more promising survival rate of vitrified oocytes, we attempted to examine some additional factors influencing the survival and subsequent fertilization and development rates of bovine oocytes subjected to vitrification according to the minimum drop size approach. In total, 748 bovine, in vitro matured oocytes were vitrified using VS14 vitrification solution, containing 5.5-M ethylene glycol and 1.0-M sucrose after different pre-equilibration and equilibration protocols performed at 35 degrees to 37 degrees C. Experiment 1 showed no significant toxic effect during pre-equilibration treatments of oocytes in 2%, 4% or 6% ethylene glycol solutions, except the lower cleavage rate of oocytes exposed to 6% ethylene glycol (77.2% vs. 93.9% in control, P< 0.05). In Experiment 2, 12 to 15 min of pre-equilibration treatments in 0%, 1% or 2% ethylene glycol solutions were tested, followed by 30 or 45 sec of equilibration in VS 14 solution and vitrification in droplets of medium dropped directly into liquid nitrogen. The development rate of vitrified oocytes to the blastocyst stage tended to be higher after 30-sec equilibration treatment (9.5%, 13.9% and 13.8% in groups of oocytes pre-equilibrated in 0%, 1% or 2% ethylene glycol solutions, respectively). Experiment 3 tested pre-equilibration treatments in 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% or 6% ethylene glycol solutions, followed by 30-sec equilibration and vitrification in droplets. The highest cleavage, blastocyst and hatched blastocyst rates, which were not significantly different from control, were achieved in a group of oocytes pre-equilibrated in 3% ethylene glycol solution (76%, 30% and 15% vs. 89%, 42% and 21% in control, respectively). A healthy calf was born on Feb 22 1999, after transfer of 4 morula/blastocyst stage embryos developed from oocytes vitrified in droplets after pre-equilibration in 3% ethylene glycol solution. We conclude that gentle pre-equilibration of bovine oocytes in diluted, 3% ethylene glycol solution is an important factor improving the effectiveness of vitrification in droplets of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Ning FY  Du WJ  Wang CS  Piao SH  An TZ 《Cryobiology》2012,64(2):97-102
To improve the vitrification of mouse oocytes using straws, we attempted to estimate the type and extent of injuries during vitrification with a vitrification solution EAFS10/10. Injuries in oocytes were assessed based on cellular viability, the integrity of the plasma membrane, the status of the meiotic spindle/chromosomes, and morphological appearance. For morphologically normal oocytes, the ability to be fertilized and to develop into blastocysts was examined. Morphological assessment revealed 15% of oocytes to be injured by intracellular ice formed during vitrification, and 10% by osmotic swelling during removal of the cryoprotectant. When assessed by the status of spindles/chromosomes, the most sensitive criterion, damage was found in 16% of oocytes without any treatment. This value was similar to the proportion of fresh oocytes that did not cleave after insemination (13%). On exposure to EAFS10/10, the spindles/chromosomes were affected in 33% of oocytes. The exposure reduced the rate of cleavage by 18% points and the rate of development into blastocysts by 19 points. Vitrification reduced these rates by 15% and 36% points, respectively. Although the mechanism responsible for this moderate toxic effect on developmental ability is not known, information obtained in the present study will be useful to develop a practical method for the vitrification of mouse oocytes using straws.  相似文献   

Summary Ascites fluids from ovarian cancer patients contain immune complexes (IC). Attempts were made to characterize those antigens to which the patient is reacting using antibody recovered from these complexes. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation and protein A Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography were used to isolate IC. Dissociation of the IC was achieved by G-150 gel filtration in 0.1 M acetic acid, 0.15 M NaCl. Activity of antibody preparations was measured using a binding assay with 125I-labeled staphylococcal protein A. Confluent monolayers of various cell lines (including human ovarian and cervical carcinoma lines, human lymphoblastoid cell lines, human and chick embryo fibroblasts) were used. Six of nine antibody preparations isolated from ovarian cancer patient IC contained at least some reactivity against all cell types.Specificity was further defined using cell adsorption assays and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These results indicate what appears to be autoreactivity directed against a normal component(s) of many cells. No evidence for an ovarian cancer-restricted response was shown. Immunoprecipitation analyses showed several polypeptide bands on autoradiograms (49K, 46K, 33K, 25K), which deviated distinctly from the pattern obtained for whole cell extracts.  相似文献   

Shi L  Yue W  Zhang J  Lv L  Ren Y  Yan P 《Animal reproduction science》2009,113(1-4):299-304
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of ovarian cortex cells (OCCs) monolayers on the nuclear maturation of sheep oocytes with or without cumulus cells during IVM. Sheep ovaries collected from a local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in warm PBS containing antibiotics within 2-3h after collection. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were obtained by aspiration and evaluated in a pre-incubated Hepes-modified TCM 199 medium. The selected COCs were randomly divided into six treatment groups: group 1 (control group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells were cultured in maturation medium; group 2 (co-culture group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells co-cultured with OCCs monolayers; group 3 (conditioned group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells were cultured in OCCs-conditioned medium; group 4 (denuded group): denuded oocytes were cultured in the maturation medium; group 5 (denuded co-culture group): denuded oocytes co-cultured with OCCs monolayers in maturation medium; group 6 (denuded conditioned group): denuded oocytes were cultured in OCCs-conditioned medium. After maturation for 24h, the oocytes in each treatment group were fixed, stained and the nuclear status of the oocytes were assessed under an inverted microscope. The highest percentage of metaphase II (M-II) stage oocyte was observed in group 2 (86.3%) and the lower percentage was observed in the denuded groups (group 4-6). The removal of cumulus cells dramatically decreased the percentage of M-II stage oocyte. The comparison of the nuclear maturation status in group 4-6 showed that the co-culture of oocyte with OCCs monolayers resulted in progression to completing the GVBD stage to reach the M-II stage. The results demonstrated that the presence of OCCs could positively influence the meiotic resumption and progression of sheep oocytes during IVM.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to isolate, to culture, and to characterize embryonic cell lines from in vitro produced vitrified sheep blastocysts. Embryos were produced and vitrified at the expanded blastocyst stage. Ten inner cell masses arising from day 6-7 blastocysts were isolated by immunosurgery, disaggregated, and cultured onto mitomocin-C-inactivated mouse STO fibroblasts (MIF). After 5 or 6 days of culture the primary cell colonies were disaggregated, seeded in a new MIF, and cultured for 3 or 4 days to form new colonies called Passage 1. These cells were then disaggregated and cultured for other two passages. The primary cell colonies and Passage 2 colonies expressed stage specific embryonic markers SSEA-1, SSEA-3, and SSEA-4, and were alkaline phosphatase positive. In the absence of feeder layer and human leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), these cells differentiated into variety of cell types and formed embryoid bodies. When cultured for an extended period of time, embryoid bodies differentiated into derivatives of three embryonic germ (EG) layers. These were characterized by detection of specific markers for differentiation such early mesoderm (FE-C6), embryonic myosin (F1-652), neural precursor (FORSE-1), and endoderm (anti-cytokeratin 18). To our knowledge, this is the first time that embryonic cell lines from in vitro produced and vitrified ovine blastocysts have been isolated and examined for detection of SSEA markers, and embryoid bodies have been cultured and examined for specific cell surface markers for differentiation.  相似文献   

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