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The distribution of cellulose and callose in the walls of pollen tubes and grains of Nicotiana tabacum L. was examined by electron microscopy using gold-labelled cellobiohydrolase for cellulose and a (1,3)-β-D-glucan-specific monoclonal antibody for callose. These probes provided the first direct evidence that cellulose co-locates with callose in the inner, electron-lucent layer of the pollen-tube wall, while both polymers are absent from the outer, fibrillar layer. Neither cellulose nor callose are present in the wall at the pollen-tube tip or in cytoplasmic vesicles. Cellulose is first detected approximately 5–15 μm behind the growing tube tip, just before a visible inner wall layer commences, whereas callose is first observed in the inner wall layer approximately 30 μm behind the tip. Callose was present throughout transverse plugs, whereas cellulose was most abundant towards the outer regions of these plugs. This same distribution of cellulose and callose was also observed in pollen-tube walls of N. alata Link et Otto, Brassica campestris L. and Lilium longiflorum Thunb. In pollen grains of N. tabacum, cellulose is present in the intine layer of the wall throughout germination, but no callose is present. Callose appears in grains by 4 h after germination, increasing in amount over at least the first 18 h, and is located at the interface between the intine and the plasma membrane. This differential distribution of cellulose and callose in both pollen tubes and grains has implications for the nature of the β-glucan biosynthetic machinery. Received: 20 February 1988 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

The regulation of pollen tube growth by the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2) ) is not well understood. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two type A phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P) 5-kinases, PIP5K10 and PIP5K11, which are exclusively expressed in pollen and produce PtdIns(4,5)P(2) in vitro. Fluorescence-tagged PIP5K10 and PIP5K11 localized to lateral subapical plasma membrane microdomains in tobacco pollen tubes in a pattern closely resembling the distribution of PtdIns(4,5)P(2,) with the exception of notably weaker association at the extreme apex. Overexpression of PIP5K10 or PIP5K11 in tobacco pollen tubes resulted in severe tip swelling and altered actin fine structure similar to that reported for overexpression of tobacco Nt-Rac5, a monomeric GTPase known to regulate the actin cytoskeleton. Increased sensitivity of Arabidopsis pip5k10 pip5k11 double mutant pollen tubes to Latrunculin B (LatB) further supports a role for type A PI4P 5-kinases in controlling the actin cytoskeleton. Despite the disruption of both its type A PI4P 5-kinases, the pip5k10 pip5k11 double mutant was fertile, indicating that one of the remaining type B PI4P 5-kinase isoforms might be functionally redundant with PIP5K10 and PIP5K11. Antagonistic effects of PIP5K11 and the Nt-Rac5-specific guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor, Nt-RhoGDI2, on tip swelling observed in coexpression-titration experiments indicate a link between PtdIns(4,5)P(2) and Rac-signaling in pollen tubes. The data suggest that type A PI4P 5-kinases influence the actin cytoskeleton in pollen tubes in part by counteracting Nt-RhoGDI2, possibly contributing to the control of the pool of plasma membrane-associated Nt-Rac5.  相似文献   

Polarized growth in pollen tubes results from exocytosis at the tip and is associated with conspicuous polarization of Ca(2+), H(+), K(+), and Cl(-) -fluxes. Here, we show that cell polarity in Nicotiana tabacum pollen is associated with the exclusion of a novel pollen-specific H(+)-ATPase, Nt AHA, from the growing apex. Nt AHA colocalizes with extracellular H(+) effluxes, which revert to influxes where Nt AHA is absent. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis showed that Nt AHA moves toward the apex of growing pollen tubes, suggesting that the major mechanism of insertion is not through apical exocytosis. Nt AHA mRNA is also excluded from the tip, suggesting a mechanism of polarization acting at the level of translation. Localized applications of the cation ionophore gramicidin A had no effect where Nt AHA was present but acidified the cytosol and induced reorientation of the pollen tube where Nt AHA was absent. Transgenic pollen overexpressing Nt AHA-GFP developed abnormal callose plugs accompanied by abnormal H(+) flux profiles. Furthermore, there is no net flux of H(+) in defined patches of membrane where callose plugs are to be formed. Taken together, our results suggest that proton dynamics may underlie basic mechanisms of polarity and spatial regulation in growing pollen tubes.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical fixation on tip morphology and immunolocalization of the cytoskeleton in Tradescantia virginiana pollen tubes were evaluated using lour different fixation protocols differing in fixative type/concentration, fixation time, buffer system and additives. Apical regions were much more sensitive to fixation manipulations than more basipetal areas. The presence of the calcium chelator EGTA at 5 mM led to tip rupture and/or swelling in over 80% of germinated grains. However, low or no EGTA levels during fixation resulted in poor immunolocalizations, although lips had more normal morphology. Double fixation in which pollen tubes were first treated for a short period with higher fixative and lower EGTA (0.5 mM) concentrations, followed by lower fixative and higher EGTA (5.0 mM) concentrations, resulted in both improved preservation of pollen lube tip morphology and microfilament/microtubule localizations.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence microscopy was used to visualize microtubules (Mts) and chromatin in an effort to further clarify the relationship between the generative cell (GC) and vegetative nucleus (VN) in pollen tubes of tobacco. Prominent Mt bundles are present in one or more GC extensions that can be finger-like or lamellar in form. While the VN is positioned distal to the GC in most cases, it can also straddle the cell or lie proximal to it. In all cases, however, extensions embrace, penetrate or clasp the VN. GC Mts are reorganized during the formation of the mitotic apparatus, and cell extensions are fully or partially withdrawn. By telophase in many pollen tubes, the VN shifts to a more proximal position and appears to adhere to the region of the GC containing the phragmoplast. Application of oryzalin leads to the disorganization of Mts, changes in cell shape, including the loss or alteration of cell extensions, and separation of the GC and VN in some cases. However, the position and polarity of the VN is maintained in most pollen tubes. The results indicate that GC Mts and cell extensions play a role in the association with the VN. However, the relationship appears to be controlled by other factors as well. Attention should now be directed at potential interactions involving the VN envelope, vegetative plasma membrane, GC plasma membrane and extracellular matrix.Abbreviations GC Generative cell - MGU male germ unit - Mt microtubule - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

Pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum and Petunia hybrida show pulsatory growth. Phases of slow growth lasting minutes are interrupted by pulse-like elongations lasting 10–20 seconds involving an increase of growth rate by up to 24-fold. Inhibition of dictyosome activity with brefeldin A or monensin did not result in an inhibition of pulsatory growth but eventually stopped pollen tube elongation. In contrast to this the inhibition of the cytoskeletal elements with cytochalasin D and colchicine caused the pollen tubes to abandon the pulse-like elongations. It was concluded that the activity of the dictyosomes does not have a controlling function in the mechanism of pulsatory growth, even though it is necessary for pollen tube elongation, since cell wall material is provided by secretory vesicles deriving from the Golgi apparatus. In contrast the cytoskeletal elements, actin and microtubules, seem to play an important regulatory role in the pulse-like elongations. In addition, it was observed that during the experiments several pollen tubes burst upon the completion of a pulse-like expansion, indicating on the one hand that the internal turgor is the driving force of the pulse-like expansions. On the other hand, the bursting shows that the pollen tube cell wall is rather weak at the end of a pulse, indicating that at this point of time it is either thinner or less stable than during the slow growth phase or at the beginning of a pulse.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants ( Nicotiana tabacum L., var. Badischer Burley) were treated with chemicals (sprays and soil drenches) known to affect sex expression in other species. Their effect was tested on sex balance, pollen sterility, embryogenic pollen grain (P-grain) formation in situ, and on pollen plant formation in anther and pollen cultures after anther preculture. Napthalene acetic acid (NAA) increased the length of pistils and stamens and shifted sex balance towards femaleness when the plants were raised in long or short days at 24 or 15°C. In parallel, pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ and pollen plant production from anther and pollen cultures were increased by NAA. Alar 85 redueed the length of pistils and stamens and shifted sex balance towards femaleness when the plants were raised in long days at 24°C, but shifted it towards maleness in short days and/or at 15°C. In parallel, pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ, and pollen plant production in vitro were increased when plants in long days at 24°C were treated with Alar 85, but decreased when plants in short days and/or at 15°C were treated. Ethrel, Cycocel, and GA3 applied in a similar manner, were ineffective. Water sprays and nitrogen starvation shifted sex balance towards femaleness in long days at 15°C and increased pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ and pollen plant production in vitro. At 24°C, water sprays and nitrogen starvation had no effect.  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium has previously been found to effectively inhibit kiwifruit pollen tube emergence and elongation in vitro . In the present study, a photometric measure of increases in tube wall production during germination showed that 25 and 50 μ m CrCl3 treatment induced a substantial reduction in levels of polysaccharides in walls over those in controls. Moreover, chromium-treated kiwifruit pollen tubes had irregular and indented cell walls. Callose, the major tube wall polysaccharide, was deposited in an anomalous punctuate pattern. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which are integral in maintaining correct tube growth and shape in kiwifruit pollen, were found to be strongly altered in their distribution after CrCl3 treatment compared to control tube walls. Transmission electron microscopy–immunogold analysis using four monoclonal antibodies (JIM8, JIM13, JIM14 and MAC207) revealed discontinuous AGP distribution within the treated tube walls. Such clearly discernable alterations in the molecular and morphological architecture of pollen tube walls may be detrimental in vivo for the male gametophyte to accomplish its vital role in the fertilisation process.  相似文献   

Cellular morphogenesis involves changes to cellular size and shape which in the case of walled cells implies the mechanical deformation of the extracellular matrix. So far, technical challenges have made quantitative mechanical measurements of this process at subcellular scale impossible. We used micro-indentation to investigate the dynamic changes in the cellular mechanical properties during the onset of spatially confined growth activities in plant cells. Pollen tubes are cellular protuberances that have a strictly unidirectional growth pattern. Micro-indentation of these cells revealed that the initial formation of a cylindrical protuberance is preceded by a local reduction in cellular stiffness. Similar cellular softening was observed before the onset of a rapid growth phase in cells with oscillating growth pattern. These findings provide the first quantitative cytomechanical data that confirm the important role of the mechanical properties of the cell wall for local cellular growth processes. They are consistent with a conceptual model that explains pollen tube oscillatory growth based on the relationship between turgor pressure and tensile resistance in the apical cell wall. To further confirm the significance of cell mechanics, we artificially manipulated the mechanical cell wall properties as well as the turgor pressure. We observed that these changes affected the oscillation profile and were able to induce oscillatory behavior in steadily growing tubes.  相似文献   

Root hairs and pollen tubes are formed through tip growth, a process requiring synthesis of new cell wall material and the precise targeting and integration of these components to a selected apical plasma membrane domain in the growing tips of these cells. Presence of a tip-focused calcium gradient, control of actin cytoskeleton dynamics, and formation and targeting of secretory vesicles are essential to tip growth. Similar to cells undergoing diffuse growth, cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectins are also deposited in the growing apices of tip-growing cells. However, differences in the manner in which these cell wall components are targeted and inserted in the expanding portion of tip-growing cells is reflected by the identification of elements of the plant cell wall synthesis machinery which have been shown to play unique roles in tip-growing cells. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the tip growth process, with a particular focus on the subcellular targeting of newly synthesized cell wall components, and their roles in this form of plant cell expansion.  相似文献   

In dicots, pectins are the major structural determinant of the cell wall at the pollen tube tip. Recently, immunological studies revealed that esterified pectins are prevalent at the apex of growing pollen tubes, where the cell wall needs to be expandable. In contrast, lateral regions of the cell wall contain mostly de-esterified pectins, which can be cross-linked to rigid gels by Ca(2+) ions. In pollen tubes, several pectin methylesterases (PMEs), enzymes that de-esterify pectins, are co-expressed with different PME inhibitors (PMEIs). This raises the possibility that interactions between PMEs and PMEIs play a key role in the regulation of cell-wall stability at the pollen tube tip. Our data establish that the PME isoform AtPPME1 (At1g69940) and the PMEI isoform AtPMEI2 (At3g17220), which are both specifically expressed in Arabidopsis pollen, physically interact, and that AtPMEI2 inactivates AtPPME1 in vitro. Furthermore, transient expression in tobacco pollen tubes revealed a growth-promoting activity of AtPMEI2, and a growth-inhibiting effect of AtPPME1. Interestingly, AtPPME1:YFP accumulated to similar levels throughout the cell wall of tobacco pollen tubes, including the tip region, whereas AtPMEI2:YFP was exclusively detected at the apex. In contrast to AtPPME1, AtPMEI2 localized to Brefeldin A-induced compartments, and was found in FYVE-induced endosomal aggregates. Our data strongly suggest that the polarized accumulation of PMEI isoforms at the pollen tube apex, which depends at least in part on local PMEI endocytosis at the flanks of the tip, regulates cell-wall stability by locally inhibiting PME activity.  相似文献   

The growth of pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum cultured in a petri dish was divided into five stages by the behaviors of pollen tubes, vegetative nuclei (VNs), and generative cells (GCs). Pollen tubes continued to elongate during every stage. Colchicine, at a concentration of 1 mM, preferentially inhibited the movement of the VNs but not that of GCs. Nonanoic acid preferentially inhibited the movement of GCs. These results suggest that different mechanisms of movement exist between VNs and GCs.  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth is localized at the apex and displays oscillatory dynamics. It is thought that a balance between intracellular turgor pressure (hydrostatic pressure, reflected by the cell volume) and cell wall loosening is a critical factor driving pollen tube growth. We previously demonstrated that water flows freely into and out of the pollen tube apical region dependent on the extracellular osmotic potential, that cell volume changes reflect changes in the intracellular pressure, and that cell volume changes differentially induce, increases or decreases in specific phospholipid signals. This article shows that manipulation of the extracellular osmotic potential rapidly induces modulations in pollen tube growth rate frequencies, demonstrating that changes in the intracellular pressure are sufficient to reset the pollen tube growth oscillator. This indicates a direct link between intracellular hydrostatic pressure and pollen tube growth. Altering hydrodynamic flow through the pollen tube by replacing extracellular H2O with 2H2O adversely affects both cell volume and growth rate oscillations and induces aberrant morphologies. Normal growth and cell morphology are rescued by replacing 2H2O with H2O. Further studies revealed that the cell volume oscillates in the pollen tube apical region. These cell volume oscillations were not from changes in cell shape at the tip and were detectable up to 30 μm distal to the tip (the longest length measured). Cell volume in the apical region oscillates with the same frequency as growth rate oscillations but surprisingly the cycles are phase-shifted by 180°. Raman microscopy yields evidence that hydrodynamic flow out of the apex may be part of the biomechanics that drive cellular expansion. The combined results suggest that hydrodynamic loading/unloading in the apical region induces cell volume oscillations and has a role in driving cell elongation and pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

In order to accurately target the embryo sac and deliver the sperm cells, the pollen tube has to find an efficient path through the pistil and respond to precise directional cues produced by the female tissues. Although many chemical and proteic signals have been identified to guide pollen tube growth, the mechanism by which the tube changes direction in response to these signals is poorly understood. We designed an experimental setup using a microscope-mounted galvanotropic chamber that allowed us to induce the redirection of in vitro pollen tube growth through a precisely timed and calibrated external signal. Actin destabilization, reduced calcium concentration in the growth medium and inhibition of calcium channel activity decreased the responsiveness of the pollen tube to a tropic trigger. An increased calcium concentration in the medium enhanced this response and was able to rescue the effect of actin depolymerization. Time-lapse imaging revealed that the motion pattern of vesicles and the dynamics of the subapical actin array undergo spatial reorientation prior to the onset of a tropic response. Together these results suggest that the precise targeting of the delivery of new wall material represents a key component in the growth machinery that determines directional elongation in pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The integrity of actin filaments (F-actin) is essential for pollen-tube growth. In S-RNase-based self-incompatibility (SI), incompatible pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Consequently, research efforts have focused on the alterations of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton during the SI response. However, so far, these studies were carried out in in vitro-grown pollen tubes. This study aimed to assess the timing of in vivo changes of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton taking place after compatible and incompatible pollinations in Nicotiana alata. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the in vivo F-actin alterations occurring during pollen rejection in the S-RNase-based SI system. Methods The F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system were fluorescently labelled in compatibly and incompatibly pollinated pistils at different times after pollination. The alterations induced by the SI reaction in pollen tubes were visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Key Results Early after pollination, about 70 % of both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes showed an organized pattern of F-actin cables along the main axis of the cell. While in compatible pollinations this percentage was unchanged until pollen tubes reached the ovary, pollen tubes of incompatible pollinations underwent gradual and progressive F-actin disorganization. Colocalization of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system, where S-RNases are compartmentalized, revealed that by day 6 after incompatible pollination, when the pollen-tube growth was already arrested, about 80 % of pollen tubes showed disrupted F-actin but a similar percentage had intact vacuolar compartments. Conclusions The results indicate that during the SI response in Nicotiana, disruption of the F-actin cytoskeleton precedes vacuolar membrane breakdown. Thus, incompatible pollen tubes undergo a sequential disorganization process of major subcellular structures. Results also suggest that the large pool of S-RNases released from vacuoles acts late in pollen rejection, after significant subcellular changes in incompatible pollen tubes.  相似文献   

The cell wall of the tip‐growing cells of the giant‐cellular xanthophycean alga Vaucheria frigida is mainly composed of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) arranged in random directions and the major matrix component into which the CMFs are embedded throughout the cell. The mechanical properties of a cell‐wall fragment isolated from the tip‐growing region, which was inflated by artificially applied pressure, were measured after enzymatic removal of the matrix component by using a protease; the results showed that the matrix component is involved in the maintenance of cell wall strength. Since glucose and uronic acid are present in the matrix component of Vaucheria cell walls, we measured the mechanical properties of the cell wall after treatment with endo‐1,3‐ß‐glucanase and observed the fine structures of its surfaces by atomic force microscopy. The major matrix component was partially removed from the cell wall by glucanase, and the enzyme treatment significantly weakened the cell wall strength without affecting the pH dependence of cell wall extensibility. The enzymatic removal of the major matrix component by using a protease released polysaccharide containing glucose and glucuronic acid. This suggests that the major matrix component of the algal cell walls contains both proteins (or polypeptides) and polysaccharides consisting of glucose and glucuronic acid as the main constituents.  相似文献   

Summary Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to examine hyphal tip cells of the fungusAllomyces macrogynus (Chytridiomycetes). A well defined apical body, i.e., Spitzenkörper, was observed at the extreme apex of hyphal cells. This distinctive, spherical cytoplasmic region consisted of a granular matrix devoid of ribosomes and most organelles. To our knowledge this is the first report describing such a structure in hyphae of an aseptate fungus. Vesicles (45–65 nm diameter) were concentrated in the peripheral cytoplasm of the apex, while relatively few were observed within the Spitzenkörper. Filasomes, spherical patches of dense fibrillar material containing a microvesicle core, were abundant in the apical regions near the plasma membrane. Microtubules traversed the Spitzenkörper at various angles and were in close association with the plasma membrane. Microfilaments were observed as individual elements in the cytoplasm or were organized into bundles. Individual microfilaments were frequently in close association with the plasma membrane, vesicles and microtubules. In the immediate subapical region mitochondria, multivesicular bodies, microbodies, Golgi equivalents and nuclei were abundant.Abbreviations CW cell wall - F filasome - M mitochondria - N nucleus - PM plasma membrane - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of microtubular cytoskeleton and of callose walls in normal pollen mother cells (PMC) of tobacco N. tabacum L. and in cells with intercellular translocation of nuclear material (cytomictic) was studied in the course of the cell cycle. The microtubular cytoskeleton was established as playing no obvious role in the process of cytomixis. The elevated level of cytomictic seems to be due to disturbances of synthesis of callose walls as a result of their attenuation and perforation. Possible causes of cytomictic in tobacco PMC at the cellular level are discussed.  相似文献   

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