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Plasmodesmata: composition,structure and trafficking   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Plasmodesmata are highly specialized gatable trans-wall channels that interconnect contiguous cells and function in direct cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm intercellular transport. Computer-enhanced digital imaging analysis of electron micrographs of plasmodesmata has provided new information on plasmodesmatal fine structure. It is now becoming clear that plasmodesmata are dynamic quasi-organelles whose conductivity can be regulated by environmental and developmental signals. New findings suggest that signalling mechanisms exist which allow the plasmodesmatal pore to dilate to allow macromolecular transport. Plant viruses spread from cell to cell via plasmodesmata. Two distinct movement mechanisms have been elucidated. One movement mechanism involves the movement of the complete virus particle along virus-induced tubular structures within a modified plasmodesma. Apparently two virus-coded movement proteins are involved. A second movement mechanism involves the movement of a non-virion form through existing plasmodesmata. In this mechanism, the viral movement protein causes a rapid dilation of existing plasmodesmata to facilitate protein and nucleic acid movement. Techniques for the isolation of plasmodesmata have been developed and information on plasmodesma-associated proteins is now becoming available. New evidence is reviewed which suggests that plasmodesmatal composition and regulation may differ in different cells and tissues.  相似文献   

A hexagonal liquid crystal of DNA fragments (double-stranded, 150 basepairs) with tetramethylammonium (TMA) counterions was investigated with small angle neutron scattering (SANS). We obtained the structure factors pertaining to the DNA and counterion density correlations with contrast matching in the water. Molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulation of a hexagonal assembly of nine DNA molecules showed that the inter-DNA distance fluctuates with a correlation time around 2 ns and a standard deviation of 8.5% of the interaxial spacing. The MD simulation also showed a minimal effect of the fluctuations in inter-DNA distance on the radial counterion density profile and significant penetration of the grooves by TMA. The radial density profile of the counterions was also obtained from a Monte Carlo (MC) computer simulation of a hexagonal array of charged rods with fixed interaxial spacing. Strong ordering of the counterions between the DNA molecules and the absence of charge fluctuations at longer wavelengths was shown by the SANS number and charge structure factors. The DNA-counterion and counterion structure factors are interpreted with the correlation functions derived from the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, MD, and MC simulation. Best agreement is observed between the experimental structure factors and the prediction based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and/or MC simulation. The SANS results show that TMA is too large to penetrate the grooves to a significant extent, in contrast to what is shown by MD simulation.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) is a homotetrameric plasma protein that, in conditions not yet completely understood, may aggregate, forming the fibrillar material associated with TTR amyloidosis. A number of reported experiments indicate that dissociation of the TTR tetramer occurs prior to fibril formation, and therefore, studies aiming at the discovery of compounds that stabilize the protein quaternary structure, thereby acting as amyloid inhibitors, are being performed. The ability of diethylstilbestrol (DES) to act as a competitive inhibitor for the thyroid hormone binding to TTR indicated a possible stabilizing effect of DES upon binding. Here we report the crystallographic study of DES binding to TTR. The structural data reveal two different binding modes, both located in the thyroxine binding channel. In both cases, DES binds deeply in the channel and establishes interactions with the equivalent molecule present in the adjacent binding site. The most remarkable features of DES interaction with TTR are its hydrophobic interactions within the protein halogen binding pockets, where its ethyl groups are snugly fitted, and the hydrogen bonds established at the center of the tetramer with Ser-117. Experiments concerning amyloid formation in vitro suggest that DES is effectively an amyloid inhibitor in acid-mediated fibrillogenesis and may be used for the design of more powerful drugs. The present study gave us further insight in the molecular mechanism by which DES competes with thyroid hormone binding to TTR and highlights key interactions between DES and TTR that oppose amyloid formation.  相似文献   

We succeeded in the crystallization of d(CGCGCG)2 and methylamine Complex. The crystal was clear and of sufficient size to collect the X-ray crystallographic data up to 1.0 A resolution using synchrotron radiation. As a result of X-ray crystallographic analysis of 2Fo-Fc map was much clear and easily traced. It is the first time monoamine co-crystallizes with d(CGCGCG)2. However, methylamine was not found from the complex crystal of d(CGCGCG)2 and methylamine. Five Mg ions were found around d(CGCGCG)2 molecules. These Mg ions neutralized the anion of 10 values of the phosphate group of DNA with five Mg2+. DNA stabilized only by a metallic ion and there is no example of analyzing the X-ray crystal structure like this. Mg ion stabilizes the conformation of Z-DNA. To use monoamine for crystallization of DNA, we found that we can get only d(CGCGCG)2 and Mg cation crystal. Only Mg cation can stabilize the conformation of Z-DNA. The method of using the monoamine for the crystallization of DNA can be applied to the crystallization of DNA of long chain of length in the future like this.  相似文献   

hnRNP complexes: composition, structure, and function.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of three beta-keratins of Nile crocodile scales are presented. Using 5'- and 3'-RACE analysis, two cDNA sequences of 1 kb (Cr-gptrp-1) and 1.5 kb (Cr-gptrp-2) were determined, corresponding to 17.4 and 19.3 kDa proteins, respectively, and a pI of 8.0. In genomic DNA amplifications, we determined that the 5'-UTR of Cr-gptrp-2 contains an intron of 621 nucleotides. In addition, we isolated a third gene (Cr-gptrp-3) in genomic DNA amplifications that exhibits seven amino acid differences with Cr-gptrp-2. Genomic organization of the sequenced crocodilian beta-keratin genes is similar to avian beta-keratin genes. Deduced proteins are rich in glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine, and contain cysteines toward the N- and C-terminal regions, likely for the formation of disulfide bonds. Prediction of the secondary structure suggests that the central core box of 20 amino acids contains two beta-strands and has 75-90% identity with chick beta-keratins. Toward the C-terminus, numerous glycine-glycine-tyrosine and glycine-glycine-leucine repeats are present, which may contribute to making crocodile scales hard. In situ hybridization shows expression of beta-keratin genes in differentiating beta-cells of epidermal transitional layers. Phylogenetic analysis of the available archosaurian and lepidosaurian beta-keratins suggests that feather keratins diversified early from nonfeather keratins, deep in archosaur evolution. However, only the complete knowledge of all crocodilian beta-keratins will confirm whether feather keratins have an origin independent of those in bird scales, which preceded the split between birds and crocodiles.  相似文献   

Desmosomes are intercellular junctions of epithelia and cardiac muscle. They resist mechanical stress because they adopt a strongly adhesive state in which they are said to be hyper-adhesive and which distinguishes them from other intercellular junctions; desmosomes are specialised for strong adhesion and their failure can result in diseases of the skin and heart. They are also dynamic structures whose adhesiveness can switch between high and low affinity adhesive states during processes such as embryonic development and wound healing, the switching being signalled by protein kinase C. Desmosomes may also act as signalling centres, regulating the availability of signalling molecules and thereby participating in fundamental processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis. Here we consider the structure, composition and function of desmosomes, and their role in embryonic development and disease.  相似文献   

Survivin structure: crystal unclear   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The recent X-ray structures of the anti-apoptotic protein survivin reveal two different dimeric interfaces. More experiments are needed to determine the biologically relevant dimer interface and to probe survivin function on the basis of its structure.  相似文献   

Fat digestion in humans requires not only the classical pancreatic lipase but also gastric lipase, which is stable and active despite the highly acidic stomach environment. We have solved the structure of recombinant human gastric lipase at 3.0 A resolution, the first structure to be described within the mammalian acid lipase family. This globular enzyme (379 residues) consists of a core domain, belonging to the alpha/beta hydrolase fold family, and an extrusion domain. It possesses a classical catalytic triad (Ser 153, His 353, Asp 324) and an oxyanion hole (NH groups of Gln 154 and Leu 67). Four N-glycosylation sites were identified on the electron density maps. The catalytic serine is deeply buried under the extrusion domain, which is composed of a 'cap' domain and a segment consisting of 30 residues, which can be defined as a lid. Its displacement is necessary for the substrates to access the active site. A phosphonate inhibitor was positioned in the active site which clearly suggests the location of the hydrophobic substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Vertebrates possess two isozymes of adenylosuccinate synthetase. The acidic isozyme is similar to the synthetase from bacteria and plants, being involved in the de novo biosynthesis of AMP, whereas the basic isozyme participates in the purine nucleotide cycle. Reported here is the first instance of overexpression and crystal structure determination of a basic isozyme of adenylosuccinate synthetase. The recombinant mouse muscle enzyme purified to homogeneity in milligram quantities exhibits a specific activity comparable with that of the rat muscle enzyme isolated from tissue and K(m) parameters for GTP, IMP, and l-aspartate (12, 45, and 140 microm, respectively) similar to those of the enzyme from Escherichia coli. The mouse muscle and E. coli enzymes have similar polypeptide folds, differing primarily in the conformation of loops, involved in substrate recognition and stabilization of the transition state. Residues 65-68 of the muscle isozyme adopt a conformation not observed in any previous synthetase structure. In its new conformation, segment 65-68 forms intramolecular hydrogen bonds with residues essential for the recognition of IMP and, in fact, sterically excludes IMP from the active site. Observed differences in ligand recognition among adenylosuccinate synthetases may be due in part to conformational variations in the IMP pocket of the ligand-free enzymes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of beta-maltose octapropanoate (1) was solved to improve understanding of di-, oligo-, and polysaccharide conformations. The O6 and O6' atoms are in gg and gt orientations, respectively. Extrapolation of the coordinates of the non-reducing residue and observed linkage bond and torsion angles of 1 [Formula: see text] yields a left-handed helix similar to amylose triacetate I. The phi and psi values of 1 are also similar to those of other crystalline, acylated maltose compounds as well as some hydroxyl-bearing molecules. Acylated maltose moieties are often stabilized by stacking of the carbonyl groups and alpha-carbons on O3 and O2' as well as by the exo-anomeric effect. The conformation of 1 is within the 1-kcal/mol contour on a hybrid energy map built with a dielectric constant of 7.5, but corresponds to higher energies on maps made with lower dielectric constants. In one region of phi,psi space, both hydroxyl-bearing and derivatized maltose moieties are found but no inter-residue, intramolecular hydrogen-bonding occurs. In another region, only hydroxyl-bearing molecules crystallize and O2'...O3 hydrogen bonds are always found. In agreement with the energy surfaces, amylose helices extrapolated from available linkage geometries were almost all left-handed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of '2,2',4-trihydroxybenzophenone' (=(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)(2-hydroxyphenyl)methanone; 1) was determined, and its molecular structure, along with intra- and intermolecular H-bonds, was analyzed. The anti-inflammatory potential of 1, evaluated by means of the rat-paw-edema assay, with carrageenan as inflammation stimulus, was found to be similar high as that of indomethacin. In contrast, benzophenone proper (2) was hardly active in this assay. Our results indicate that these anti-inflammatory effects are related to the action of kinins and prostaglandins. The radical-scavenging properties of 1 towards DPPH were found to be similar as those of typical phenolics, but somewhat lower than that of ascorbic acid. The structure-activity relationship (SAR) of 1 is discussed.  相似文献   

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