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Autovaccination of rats with chronic pyelonephritis carried out approximately two months after the onset of infection does not result in an improved histological picture in the infected but can prevent destructive processes in the controlateral kidney. Cyclophosphamide administered in three doses of 30 mg/kg simultaneously with autovaccination slightly modulates the immune response to the infectious strain. The temporal relationship between immunization and cyclophosphamide administration determines the mode of action of cyclophosphamide. In the present experiment, the concept of Miller has not proved to be applicable. Cyclophosphamide administration causes a distinct increase in inflammatory processes in the kidney. Should an enhancement phenomenon be involved in the bacterial infection of the kidney, of which we have found no proof, cyclophosphamide therapy as it was used in the present study would not result in its removal and thus in improved elimination of the infectious organism. Additional experiments are required to determine whether animals subjected to autovaccination are protected against a new episode of urinary tract infection.  相似文献   

Factors associated with spontaneous premature birth were investigated in 459 consecutive twin deliveries at this hospital. Low maternal age, low parity, and zygosity were significantly related to the incidence of this complication. The number of previous abortions, sex combinations and related birth order, and mode of presentation of the first twin were not related to the incidence of spontaneous premature delivery. We conclude that apart from low maternal age and low parity there are no obvious factors that would permit early identification of twin pregnancies at risk from spontaneous premature birth.  相似文献   

Lymphatic malformation in the orbital cavity and surrounding region often causes disfigurement and visual problems. To better clarify the evolution and treatment of this condition, the authors studied a retrospective cohort of 42 consecutive patients seen between 1971 and 2003 and analyzed anatomic features, complications, and management. The ratio of female to male patients was 1:1. Most periorbital lymphatic malformations were noted at birth (59 percent), presenting as either unilateral swelling (60 percent) or a periorbital mass (24 percent). Sixty-two percent of lesions were on the left side. The ipsilateral cheek, temple, and forehead also were involved in 57 percent of patients. Twenty-two percent of lesions were intraconal, 30 percent were extraconal, and 48 percent were in both spaces. Forty-five percent of children had an associated cerebral developmental venous anomaly. Periorbital lymphatic malformation caused major morbidity; 52 percent of patients had intralesional bleeding and 26 percent of patients had a history of infection. Other common complications included intermittent swelling (76 percent), blepharoptosis (52 percent), proptosis (45 percent), pain (21 percent), amblyopia (33 percent), chemosis (19 percent), astigmatism (17 percent), and strabismus (7 percent). Ultimately, 40 percent of children had diminished vision and 7 percent became blind in the affected eye. Management of periorbital lymphatic malformation involved an interdisciplinary team that included an interventional radiologist, a craniofacial surgeon, and an ophthalmologist. The two therapeutic strategies were sclerotherapy (40 percent) and resection (57 percent); most patients required several interventions. A coronal approach was used for subtotal excision of fronto-temporal-orbital lymphatic malformation in 13 patients, whereas a tarsal incision was used for lesions isolated to the eyelid (n = 14). Ocular proptosis was temporarily managed by tarsorrhaphy (n = 9), but expansion of the bony orbit was needed to correct persistent proptosis (n = 8). Orbital exenteration was necessary in two patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of urinary tract infection (UTI) on antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels during pregnancy. We also investigated if these antioxidant systems and LPO levels differed in each trimester. One hundred forty-three nonpregnant women, as a control group, and 77 pregnant women were included in the study. Urine cultures were performed according to standard techniques. Catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and LPO levels were measured using a spectrophotometer. UTI was observed in 14 of 77 pregnant women and the isolated microorganisms were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. CAT, SOD, and LPO levels were increased in pregnant women compared with nonpregnant women (P<.01). CAT, SOD activities, and LPO levels were increased from the first trimester to the third trimester in pregnancy without UTI. However, CAT and SOD activities were decreased, LPO levels were increased from the first trimester to the third trimester in pregnancy with UTI (P<.01). Pregnancy causes oxidative stress and also UTI during pregnancy may aggravate oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The endoscope has made the transition from diagnostic tool to therapeutic aid in the upper urinary tract in recent years. Because of success using the ureteropyeloscope in the treatment of patients with upper tract stones and strictures, investigators are now looking at endoscopic management of urothelial malignancies above the bladder.  相似文献   

An infection with E. coli is the most frequent cause of the urinary infections in childhood. Virulence depends on several factors out of which a principal role is played by the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract epithelium. Such a property have E. coli strains with adherence mannose-positive fimbriae of type P with antigens recognizing and binding glycolipid receptors on epithelial cells in the urinary tract. Children with such infections owe their "sensitivity+" (10% of the population) to genetically determined large number o receptors binding E. coli strains. Incidence and clinical course of the urinary tract infections have been analysed in the group of 184 children. Moreover, sequelae of the urinary tract infections with E. coli have been analysed in dependence on E. coli strain characteristics, i.e. presence or absence of adherent fimbriae from cases of cystitis and significant asymptomatic bacteriuria. Considering pathogenesis of the urinary tract infections as the result of interactions between bacteria and host, antigenic properties of adherent fimbriae might be used for preparation of a vaccine preventing such infections.  相似文献   

During the mid-1960s, 22 977 pregnant women in Scotland and England were followed up prospectively for the incidence of malformations in their infants evident at birth or within six weeks. During the first 13 weeks of gestation 620 of these women had been prescribed Debendox (dicyclomine-doxylamine-pyridoxine) and 743 other women agents other than Debendox containing pyridoxine. Of the 620 women given Debendox, 589 (95%) had a normal outcome of pregnancy, 8 (13%) delivered a malformed infant, and 23 (3.7%) had other outcomes. Of the 22 357 women who were given Debendox, 445 (2.0%) produced infants with malformation; and the rates for all abnormal outcomes among women given Debendox and those not given the drug were 5.0% and 5.4% respectively. These results support the hypothesis that Debendox is not teratogenic.  相似文献   

Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a major healthcare concern for premenopausal, healthy, sexually active women. A practical approach to the management and prevention of recurrent UTIs should be simple, practical, and cost effective. Low-dose or postcoital antimicrobial therapy can be effective for women with constellations of many recurrent UTIs, but for women with 2 to 4 UTIs per year, the most cost-effective and empowering management strategy is patient-initiated antimicrobial treatment.  相似文献   

Fifty twin pregnancies in which the mother received epidural analgesia in labour were compared with 92 in which the mother received standard parenteral analgesia. The duration of the first and second stages of labour; the incidence of assisted deliveries when the head presented; the proportion of breech extractions when either the first or second twin presented by the breech; the incidence of low Apgar scores; and the perinatal mortality were not significantly different in the two groups. These findings suggest that lumbar epidural analgesia is safe for providing pain relief in labour for patients with a twin pregnancy. Moreover, an epidural block is preferable to conventional analgesia in these cases as it allows prompt intervention to effect delivery of the second twin.  相似文献   

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