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Questions: What is the relative role of the bud bank, seed and various species traits in the regeneration of urban plant communities after severe disturbances? Do invasive and exotic species, highly abundant in disturbed communities, regenerate better than native species after disturbance? Methods: Hand tilling was applied to three urban plant communities with and without additional herbicide treatment to exclude regeneration from the bud bank. Plant traits were determined from the literature and databases. Species responses to the treatments were evaluated with RDA analyses in CANOCO. Linear models were applied to identify traits that could predict the responses of species to disturbance. Results: The bud bank played a key role in regeneration in the plots without herbicide. In the plots with herbicide treatment, the seed bank was important in re‐establishing vegetation after disturbance. Exclusion of the bud bank by using herbicide allowed the establishment of small annuals, whereas biennials and perennials were successful in plots where the bud bank was not inhibited by herbicide. Exotic species with a long residence time in the local flora were successful in plots where regeneration from the bud bank was excluded, whereas species with short residence times or that were invasive were suppressed by both types of disturbance. Conclusion: In response to various types of disturbance, species with different regeneration strategies (either seeds or bud bank) were promoted. Exotic species were suppressed primarily by disturbance, which suggests that factors other than just regenerative capability contributed to the high abundance of exotics in urban communities.  相似文献   

Mari Moora 《植被学杂志》2014,25(5):1126-1132
Plant functional type‐ and trait‐based approaches to understanding vegetation dynamics are gradually gaining popularity. However, plant mycorrhizal traits are rarely considered in plant trait databases and are almost totally neglected in trait‐based plant community studies, despite more than 90% of the land flora being mycorrhizal. In this paper I describe and define the mycorrhizal traits of plant species, notably mycorrhizal type, mycorrhizal status, mycorrhizal flexibility and mycorrhizal dependency, which potentially influence plant distribution and community structure. I propose ways of using these traits for large‐scale synthetic studies for understanding the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in vegetation dynamics. I suggest considering plant community mycorrhization – community means of mycorrhizal traits weighted by plant species abundances – and suggest an index of mycorrhization to describe the mycorrhizal trait composition of plant communities.  相似文献   

Soil, drought, and fire are abiotic factors that may act as environmental filters in the cerrado, the Brazilian savanna. We used a framework to analyze environmental filtering in geographic and phylogenetic context, sampling woody species in one of the largest cerrado reserves. In 100 quadrats, we measured 10 functional traits on each woody individual. We also measured several soil variables, altitude and slope as a rough surrogate of water availability, interval between fires, and time since last fire. Almost all environmental variables were spatially auto-correlated. We found an overall trait clustering, but not an overall phylogenetic clustering. Nevertheless, we found a phylogenetic signal for some traits. Linking phylogeny, traits, environment, and space, we were able to detect a major dichotomy between two geomorphological units. The flat tableland was positively related with altitude, fire frequency, and nutrient-richer soil. Environmental filtering caused by water availability and fire lead to trait clustering, with smaller shrubs and trees that presented thicker barks, denser woods, sclerophyllous leaves, highlighted by the prevalance of Myrtaceae. The other geomorphological unit, hilly terrain, was positively related with slope, low fire frequency, and nutrient-poorer soil. Environmental filtering was caused especially by nutrient-poor soil that lead to trait clustering, assembling taller trees, with thinner barks, lighter woods, and compound, large, tender, nutrient-richer leaves, distributed across many lineages, including Fabaceae. Hence, the high environmental variability in space with different environmental filters assembled different combination of plant traits and lineages, increasing the overall diversity in cerrado.  相似文献   

Questions: To what extent can Shipley et al.'s original maximum entropy model of trait‐based community assembly predict relative abundances of species over a large (3000 km2) landscape? How does variation in the species pool affect predictive ability of the model? How might the effects of missing traits be detected? How can non‐trait‐based processes be incorporated into the model? Location: Central England. Material and Methods: Using 10 traits measured on 506 plant species from 1308 1‐m2 plots collected over 3000 km2 in central England, we tested one aspect of Shipley et al.'s original maximum entropy model of “pure” trait‐based community assembly (S1), and modified it to represent both a neutral (S2) and a hybrid (S3) scenario of community assembly at the local level. Predictive ability of the three corresponding models was determined with different species pool sizes (30, 60, 100 and 506 species). Statistical significance was tested using a distribution‐free permutation test. Results: Predictive ability was high and significantly different from random expectations in S1. Predictive ability was low but significant in S2. Highest predictive ability occurred when both neutral and trait‐based processes were included in the model (S3). Increasing the pool size decreased predictive ability, but less so in S3. Incorporating habitat affinity (to indicate missing traits) increased predictive ability. Conclusions: The measured functional traits were significantly related to species relative abundance. Our results both confirm the generality of the original model but also highlight the importance of (i) taking into account neutral processes during assembly of a plant community, and (ii) properly defining the species pool.  相似文献   

Understanding and disentangling different processes underlying the assembly and diversity of communities remains a key challenge in ecology. Species can assemble into communities either randomly or due to deterministic processes. Deterministic assembly leads to species being more similar (underdispersed) or more different (overdispersed) in certain traits than would be expected by chance. However, the relative importance of those processes is not well understood for many organisms, including terrestrial invertebrates. Based on knowledge of a broad range of species traits, we tested for the presence of trait underdispersion (indicating dispersal or environmental filtering) and trait overdispersion (indicating niche partitioning) and their relative importance in explaining land snail community composition on lake islands. The analysis of community assembly was performed using a functional diversity index (Rao's quadratic entropy) in combination with a null model approach. Regression analysis with the effect sizes of the assembly tests and environmental variables gave information on the strength of under‐ and overdispersion along environmental gradients. Additionally, we examined the link between community weighted mean trait values and environmental variables using a CWM‐RDA. We found both trait underdispersion and trait overdispersion, but underdispersion (eight traits) was more frequently detected than overdispersion (two traits). Underdispersion was related to four environmental variables (tree cover, habitat diversity, productivity of ground vegetation, and location on an esker ridge). Our results show clear evidence for underdispersion in traits driven by environmental filtering, but no clear evidence for dispersal filtering. We did not find evidence for overdispersion of traits due to diet or body size, but overdispersion in shell shape may indicate niche differentiation between snail species driven by small‐scale habitat heterogeneity. The use of species traits enabled us to identify key traits involved in snail community assembly and to detect the simultaneous occurrence of trait underdispersion and overdispersion.  相似文献   

Question: What is the variation in species composition of Central European semi‐dry grasslands? Can we apply a training‐and‐test validation approach for identifying phytosociological associations which are floristically well defined in a broad geographic comparison; can we separate them from earlier described associations with only a local validity? Location: A 1200 km long transect running along a gradient of increasing continentality from central Germany via Czech Republic, Slovakia, NE Austria, Hungary to NW Romania. Methods: Relevés with > 25% cover of Brachypodium pin‐natum and/or Bromus erectus were geographically selected from a larger database. They were randomly split into two data sets, TRAINING and TEST, each with 422 relevés. Cluster analysis was performed for each data set on scores from significant principal coordinates. Different partitions of the TRAINING data set were validated on the TEST data set, using a new method based on the comparison of % frequencies of species occurrence in clusters. Clusters were characterized by statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and values of climatic variables. Results: Species composition changed along the NW‐SE gradient and valid clusters were geographically well separated. Optimal partition level was at 11 clusters, six being valid: two clusters Germany and the Czech Republic corresponded to the Bromion erecti; two clusters from the Czech Republic and Hungary to the Cirsio‐Brachypodion, and two clusters were transitional between these two alliances. Conclusion: The training‐and‐test validation method used in this paper proved to be efficient for discriminating between robust clusters, which are appropriate candidates for inclusion in the national or regional syntaxonomic overviews, and weak clusters, which are specific to the particular classification of the given data set.  相似文献   

We examine how species richness and species‐specific plant density (number of species and number of individuals per species, respectively) vary within community size frequency distributions and across latitude. Communities from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North, Central and South America were studied (60°4′N–41°4′S latitude) using the Gentry data base. Log–log linear stem size (diameter) frequency distributions were constructed for each community and the species richness and species‐specific plant density within each size class were determined for each frequency distribution. Species richness in the smallest stem size class correlated with the Y‐intercepts (β‐values) of the regression curves describing each log–log linear size distributions. Two extreme community types were identified (designated as type A and type B). Type A communities had steep size distributions (i.e. large β‐values), log–log linear species‐richness size distributions, low species‐specific plant density distributions, and a small size class (2–4 cm) containing the majority of all species but rarely conspecifics of the dominant tree species. Type B communities had shallow size distributions (i.e. small β‐values), more or less uniform (and low) size class species‐ richness and species‐specific density distributions and size‐dominant species resident in the smallest size class. Type A communities were absent in the higher latitudes but increased in number towards the equator, i.e. in the smallest size class, species richness increased (and species‐specific density decreased) towards the tropics. Based on our survey of type A and type B communities (and their intermediates), species richness evinces size‐dependent and latitudinal trends, i.e. species richness increased with decreasing body size and most species increasingly reside in the smallest plant size class towards the tropics. Across all latitudes, a trade‐off exists between the number of species and the number of individuals per species residing in the smaller size classes.  相似文献   

Questions: How can one explicitly quantify, and separately measure, stress and disturbance gradients? How do these gradients affect functional composition in early successional plant communities and to what extent? Can we accurately predict trait composition from knowledge of these gradients? Location: Southern Quebec, Canada. Methods: Using eight environmental variables measured in 48 early successional plant communities, we estimated stress and disturbance gradients through structural equation modelling. We then measured 10 functional traits on the most abundant species of these 48 communities and calculated their community‐level mean and variance weighted by the relative abundance of each species. Finally, we related these community‐weighted means and variances to the estimated stress and disturbance gradients using general linear models or generalized additive models. Results: We obtained a well‐fitting measurement model of the stress and disturbance gradients existing in our sites. Of the 10 studied traits, only average plant reproductive height was strongly correlated with the stress (r2=0.464) and disturbance (r2=0.543) gradients. Leaf traits were not significantly related to either the stress or disturbance gradients. Conclusions: The well‐fitting measurement model of the stress and disturbance gradients, combined with the generally weak trait–environment linkages, suggests that community assembly in these early successional plant communities is driven primarily by stochastic processes linked to the history of arrival of propagules and not to trait‐based environmental filtering.  相似文献   

Aim Increasingly, ecologists are using evolutionary relationships to infer the mechanisms of community assembly. However, modern communities are being invaded by non‐indigenous species. Since natives have been associated with one another through evolutionary time, the forces promoting character and niche divergence should be high. On the other hand, exotics have evolved elsewhere, meaning that conserved traits may be more important in their new ranges. Thus, co‐occurrence over sufficient time‐scales for reciprocal evolution may alter how phylogenetic relationships influence assembly. Here, we examined the phylogenetic structure of native and exotic plant communities across a large‐scale gradient in species richness and asked whether local assemblages are composed of more or less closely related natives and exotics and whether phylogenetic turnover among plots and among sites across this gradient is driven by turnover in close or distant relatives differentially for natives and exotics. Location Central and northern California, USA. Methods We used data from 30 to 50 replicate plots at four sites and constructed a maximum likelihood molecular phylogeny using the genes: matK, rbcl, ITS1 and 5.8s. We compared community‐level measures of native and exotic phylogenetic diversity and among‐plot phylobetadiversity. Results There were few exotic clades, but they tended to be widespread. Exotic species were phylogenetically clustered within communities and showed low phylogenetic turnover among communities. In contrast, the more species‐rich native communities showed higher phylogenetic dispersion and turnover among sites. Main conclusions The assembly of native and exotic subcommunities appears to reflect the evolutionary histories of these species and suggests that shared traits drive exotic patterns while evolutionary differentiation drives native assembly. Current invasions appear to be causing phylogenetic homogenization at regional scales.  相似文献   

Aim British estuarine ecosystems support large populations of protected migratory waders. Understanding how wader communities vary spatially and how they may be changing temporally can greatly improve the understanding of these dynamic ecosystems. Here, we explore the variation in functional diversity (using a range of morphological and ecological traits) in order to identify the processes shaping wader communities on British estuaries and how these processes may be changing. Location England, Wales and Scotland. Methods We use national survey data (Wetland Bird Survey) from 1980/1981 to 2006/2007 winter to calculate functional diversity (FD) – an index that measures trait dispersion – in wader communities on 100 estuaries. We test for evidence of non‐random patterns of diversity and explore the relative importance of two key processes, environmental filtering and competition, in shaping these communities. Results The observed FD was significantly and positively associated with species richness and to a lesser extent estuary area, followed by longitude. An increase in observed FD was observed since 1980, supported by a small but significant slope. In the majority of cases, changes in FD were mirrored by changes in species richness. Observed FD was on average lower than expected by chance, as indicated by a negative value of observed minus expected FD. However, this difference became less negative over time, with observed minus expected FD values increasing slightly, but significantly, over the study period. Main conclusions Wader FD varies across British estuaries, and the relative influence of the processes by which communities are structured appears to be changing through time. We discuss the potential drivers underlying these patterns and the importance of identifying such drivers for the protection of wader communities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic properties of communities (phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic structure) allow for the characterisation of phylogenetic patterns and provide the information necessary to infer mechanisms of species assembly. Because humans have introduced exotic species and modified the physical conditions of landscapes, the phylogenetic properties of communities should change according to the proportion of natives to exotics hosted by sites and to the strength of the conditions that act as habitat filters in human‐disturbed habitats. To assess the effects of the introduction of exotic plant species, we characterized the phylogenetic properties of 67 plant communities with different degrees of exotic species dominance in a region of central Chile with a Mediterranean climate. Five indices were used to estimate the phylogenetic properties. The Faith index (FPD), the mean pairwise distance (MPD) and the mean nearest neighbour distance (MNND) were used to estimate phylogenetic diversity, and the nearest relative index (NRI) and the nearest taxon index (NTI) were used as estimators of the phylogenetic structure (the phylogenetic distribution of taxa in a community) of species assemblages. We observed greater phylogenetic diversity of natives versus exotic plants despite the fact that natives accounted for a fewer number of taxa among the studied communities. Second, assemblages exhibited a phylogenetically clustered structure, which is attributable to an over‐representation of some families of exotic flora (Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Papaveraceae, Poaceae) and suggests habitat filtering processes that could have acted by selecting species with traits that permit adaptation to the harsh conditions of human‐disturbed sites.  相似文献   

A principal challenge in ecology is to integrate physiological function (e.g. photosynthesis) across a collection of individuals (e.g. plants of different species) to understand the functioning of the entire ensemble (e.g. primary productivity). The control that organism size exerts over physiological and ecological function suggests that allometry could be a powerful tool for scaling ecological processes across levels of organization. Here we use individual plant allometries to predict how nutrient content and productivity scale with total plant biomass (phytomass) in whole plant communities. As predicted by our model, net primary productivity as well as whole community nitrogen and phosphorus content all scale allometrically with phytomass across diverse plant communities, from tropical forest to arctic tundra. Importantly, productivity data deviate quantitatively from the theoretically derived prediction, and nutrient productivity (production per unit nutrient) of terrestrial plant communities decreases systematically with increasing total phytomass. These results are consistent with the existence of pronounced competitive size hierarchies. The previously undocumented generality of these 'ecosystem allometries' and their basis in the structure and function of individual plants will likely provide a useful quantitative framework for research linking plant traits to ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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