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How many species are there is a question receiving more attention from biologists and reasons for this are suggested. Different methods of answering this question are examined and include: counting all species; extrapolations from known faunas and regions; extrapolations from samples; methods using ecological models; censusing taxonomists' views. Most of these methods indicate that global totals of 5 to 15 million species are reasonable. The implications of much higher estimates of 30 million species or more are examined, particularly the question of where these millions of species might be found.  相似文献   

An estimation of the number of taxa within families, genera and local faunas of Cladocera reveals that only c. 129 species (17% of all known species) may be considered as sufficiently well described (valid species), and c. 146 as rather well described (fair species) but needing further study using modern methods of investigation. The status of all other species is vague. The families Chydoridae, Daphniidae and Sididae and genera Diaphanosoma, Daphnia, (including Daphniopsis), Megafenestra, Scapholeberis, Eurycercus, Chydorus, Ephemeroporus and Pleuroxus have been comparatively studied best. The largest number of valid species is known from Europe, North America, Australia and South America, and the smallest number from Africa. Presence of large number of vague species of Cladocera negatively affects faunistic, zoogeographic, and ecological studies of continental waters.Dedicated to the memory of Professor D. J. Frey  相似文献   

We estimate the probable number of flowering plants. First, we apply a model that explicitly incorporates taxonomic effort over time to estimate the number of as-yet-unknown species. Second, we ask taxonomic experts their opinions on how many species are likely to be missing, on a family-by-family basis. The results are broadly comparable. We show that the current number of species should grow by between 10 and 20 per cent. There are, however, interesting discrepancies between expert and model estimates for some families, suggesting that our model does not always completely capture patterns of taxonomic activity. The as-yet-unknown species are probably similar to those taxonomists have described recently—overwhelmingly rare and local, and disproportionately in biodiversity hotspots, where there are high levels of habitat destruction.  相似文献   

In ecological studies involving the analysis of  2.4 million living (stained) individual tests, to date  2140 species of benthic foraminifera have been recorded. Of these 602 species are agglutinated, 341 porcelaneous and 1197 hyaline. The numbers of species in the major environments are: marginal marine 701 (in  1.5 million individuals), shelf 989 (in  0.6 million individuals) and deep sea 831 (in  0.3 million individuals). 381 species occur in more than one major environment. Overall  33% have abundance of > 10% while  67% are of minor abundance (< 10%). The majority of species are rare, most are endemic and very few are cosmopolitan (5% or less). To estimate the potential total number of living species the following factors need to be quantified: the proportion of species already named (here considered unlikely to be less than 50% of the potential total), the number of species currently known to be dead but for which living representatives may yet to be found (assumed to be 5% = 107 species), and the proportion of species that are synonyms (10–25% = 214 to 535 species). Assuming that 50% of species have already been named (2140 + 107 = 2247), the potential total ranges from  3959 to  4280 species for 10% synonymy to  3210 to  3531 species for 25% synonymy.  相似文献   

How many species of cichlid fishes are there in African lakes?   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The endemic cichlid fishes of Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria are textbook examples of explosive speciation and adaptive radiation, and their study promises to yield important insights into these processes. Accurate estimates of species richness of lineages in these lakes, and elsewhere, will be a necessary prerequisite for a thorough comparative analysis of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing rates of diversification. This review presents recent findings on the discoveries of new species and species flocks and critically appraises the relevant evidence on species richness from recent studies of polymorphism and assortative mating, generally using behavioural and molecular methods. Within the haplochromines, the most species-rich lineage, there are few reported cases of postzygotic isolation, and these are generally among allopatric taxa that are likely to have diverged a relatively long time in the past. However, many taxa, including many which occur sympatrically and do not interbreed in nature, produce viable, fertile hybrids. Prezygotic barriers are more important, and persist in laboratory conditions in which environmental factors have been controlled, indicating the primary importance of direct mate preferences. Studies to date indicate that estimates of alpha (within-site) diversity appear to be robust. Although within-species colour polymorphisms are common, these have been taken into account in previous estimates of species richness. However, overall estimates of species richness in Lakes Malawi and Victoria are heavily dependent on the assignation of species status to allopatric populations differing in male colour. Appropriate methods for testing the specific status of allopatric cichlid taxa are reviewed and preliminary results presented.  相似文献   

Attempts to assess the magnitude of global biodiversity have focused on estimating species richness. However, this is but one component of biodiversity, and others, such as numbers of individuals or biomass, are at least as poorly known and just as important to quantify. Here, we use a variety of methods to estimate the global number of individuals for a single taxon, birds. The different methods yield surprisingly consistent estimates of a global bird population of between 200 billion and 400 billion individuals (1 billion=109). We discuss some of the implications of this figure.  相似文献   

It is shown from the statistical-mechanical overview of Volterra's ecological model how to reckon the fluctuations of collective variables such as the total population of a genus: and that these fluctuations are much decreased (or that the collective populationsteadiness is enhanced) as the speciation is increased. (A niching of species in time, or phase-niching, is entailed here.) Secondly, it is shown how Preston's log-normal distribution describing the species-abundance relationship, as well as a generalization of such distributions, come forth simply and naturally from the statistical-Volterra-dynamics.  相似文献   

Over half of all described species are insects, but until recently our understanding of the reasons for this diversity was based on very little macroevolutionary evidence. Here I summarize the hypotheses that have been posed, tests of these hypotheses and their results, and hence identify gaps in knowledge for future researchers to pursue. I focus on inferences from the following sources: (i) the fossil record, normally at family level, and (ii) insect phylogenies, sometimes combined with: (iii) the species richness of insect higher taxa, and (iv) current extinction risks. There is evidence that the species richness of insects has been enhanced by: (i) their relative age, giving time for diversification to take place; (ii) low extinction rates. There is little evidence that rates of origination have generally been high or that there are limits on numbers of species. However, the evidence on macroevolutionary rates is not yet so extensive or coherent as to present unequivocal messages. As regards morphological, ecological, or behavioural hypotheses, there is evidence that diversity has been enhanced by (iii) flight or properties resulting from it like enhanced dispersal, (iv) wing folding, and (v) complete metamorphosis. However, in all these cases the evidence is somewhat equivocal, either because of statistical issues or because evidence from different sources is conflicting. There is extensive evidence that diversity is affected by (vi) the ecological niche. Comparative studies indicate that phytophagy generally increases net diversification rates, and reduces extinction risk. However, niche specialization is also associated with an increase in extinction risk. Small body size (vii) is often associated with low extinction risk in comparative studies, but as yet there is no solid evidence that it consistently enhances net rates of diversification. Mouthpart diversity (viii) has generally increased over time in the insects, but cannot explain the apparent great increase in diversity seen in the Cretaceous and Tertiary. Sexual selection and sexual conflict (ix) are two processes that are widespread in insects, and there is comparative evidence linking both to increased diversification. Although some comparative evidence links tropical distributions (x) to increased rates of diversification, the extent to which latitudinal richness gradients are unusual in insects is equivocal. There is little to no direct evidence from fossils and phylogenies that insect diversity has generally been affected by (i) sensory- or neuro-sophistication, (ii) population size or density, (iii) generation time or fecundity, (iv) the presence of an exoskeleton or cuticle, (v) segmentation or appendage diversity, (vi) adaptability or genetic versatility, though all of these remain plausible hypotheses awaiting further tests. The data suggest that the insect body ground plan itself had no direct effect on insect diversity. Thus, whilst studies to date have given substantial understanding, substantial gaps still remain. Future challenges include: (i) interpreting conflicting messages from different sources of data; (ii) rating the importance of different hypotheses that are statistically supported; (iii) linking specific proximate to specific ultimate explanations and vice versa; and (iv) understanding how different ultimate hypotheses might be dependent on each other.  相似文献   

How many membrane proteins are there?   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
One of the basic issues that arises in functional genomics is the ability to predict the subcellular location of proteins that are deduced from gene and genome sequencing. In particular, one would like to be able to readily specify those proteins that are soluble and those that are inserted in a membrane. Traditional methods of distinguishing between these two locations have relied on extensive, time-consuming biochemical studies. The alternative approach has been to make inferences based on a visual search of the amino acid sequences of presumed gene products for stretches of hydrophobic amino acids. This numerical, sequence-based approach is usually seen as a first approximation pending more reliable biochemical data. The recent availability of large and complete sequence data sets for several organisms allows us to determine just how accurate such a numerical approach could be, and to attempt to minimize and quantify the error involved. We have optimized a statistical approach to protein location determination. Using our approach, we have determined that surprisingly few proteins are misallocated using the numerical method. We also examine the biological implications of the success of this technique.  相似文献   

Fossil wood, similar to that of modern Araucariaceae, has been known for a long time, and is usually called Araucarioxylon. More than 400 morphospecies have been described, whereas this wood type displays few characteristic features. This taxonomical profusion is compounded by nomenclatural problems, Araucarioxylon being an illegitimate name. The status of the wood morphogenus, the infrageneric structure and the names that apply to the taxa designated for fossil woods of the Araucarioxylon-type are discussed. A database with 428 morphospecies designated for Araucarioxylon-type of wood is analyzed. The name Agathoxylon Hartig seems to be the most appropriate for the corresponding morphogenus. Albeit theoretically several hundred morphospecies could be recognized within this group, it is at least as probable that only one should be retained.  相似文献   

Zhi-Xin Wang 《Proteins》1996,26(2):186-191
Many protein structures have now been determined and reveal that protein molecules can adopt the same fold despite having very different sequences. It has been suggested that, owing to different stereochemical constraints, the number of ways that a sequence can fold may be limited. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask how many fold types exist in nature. Several groups have tackled this problem with very different results. In the present study, a novel statistical sampling approach is used to reestimate this number. The results suggest that the number of protein folds in nature is probably several hundreds. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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