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We tested the importance of ectoparasites in cleaning symbioses by comparing the activity of Caribbean cleaning gobies ( Elacatinus evelynae ) and of their clients during three daily periods (early morning, midday and late afternoon) in which ectoparasite availability varied naturally. Emergence from the benthos of gnathiid isopod larvae, the main target of cleaning goby predation, was higher at night, when cleaners are inactive, than during the day. Overall ectoparasite loads also tended to be higher on clients in the morning. This coincided with higher rates of visits to cleaning stations by client fish in the morning than at midday, but high rates of client visits were also recorded in the late afternoon. Clients were more likely to adopt stereotypical incitation poses, which increase the likelihood of being cleaned, in the morning than later in the day. Inspection bouts by cleaning gobies were longest in the morning. Cleaner and client behaviours therefore change predictably in response to natural diurnal variation in ectoparasite availability. These results add to a growing number of studies supporting the idea that cleaning symbioses are mutualisms dependent on ectoparasite removal.  相似文献   

Plant hormone interactions: how complex are they?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Models describing plant hormone interactions are often complex and web-like. Here we assess several suggested interactions within one experimental system, elongating pea internodes. Results from this system indicate that at least some suggested interactions between auxin, gibberellins (GAs), brassinosteroids (BRs), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene do not occur in this system or occur in the reverse direction to that suggested. Furthermore, some of the interactions are relatively weak and may be of little physiological relevance. This is especially true if plant hormones are assumed to show a log-linear response curve as many empirical results suggest. Although there is strong evidence to support some interactions between hormones (e.g. auxin stimulating ethylene and bioactive GA levels), at least some of the web-like complexities do not appear to be justified or are overstated. Simpler and more targeted models may be developed by dissecting out key interactions with major physiological effects.  相似文献   

The major classes of molecular chaperones have highly variable sequences, sizes, and shapes, yet they all bind to unfolded proteins, limit their aggregation, and assist in their folding. Despite the central importance of this process to protein homeostasis, it has not been clear exactly how chaperones guide this process or whether the diverse families of chaperones use similar mechanisms. For the first time, recent advances in NMR spectroscopy have enabled detailed studies of how unfolded, “client” proteins interact with both ATP-dependent and ATP-independent classes of chaperones. Here, we review examples from four distinct chaperones, Spy, Trigger Factor, DnaK, and HscA-HscB, highlighting the similarities and differences between their mechanisms. One striking similarity is that the chaperones all bind weakly to their clients, such that the chaperone–client interactions are readily outcompeted by stronger, intra- and intermolecular contacts in the folded state. Thus, the relatively weak affinity of these interactions seems to provide directionality to the folding process. However, there are also key differences, especially in the details of how the chaperones release clients and how ATP cycling impacts that process. For example, Spy releases clients in a largely folded state, while clients seem to be unfolded upon release from Trigger Factor or DnaK. Together, these studies are beginning to uncover the similarities and differences in how chaperones use weak interactions to guide protein folding.  相似文献   

Mitochondria: are they the seat of senescence?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fridovich I 《Aging cell》2004,3(1):13-16
The frequently quoted figure for the fractional univalent reduction of oxygen to superoxide in mitochondria is certainly too high by at least one order of magnitude. This is so because the higher number (2%) was derived from mitochondria whose cytochrome c oxidase was blocked with cyanide. Nevertheless, even the more correct number (0.1%) means that the production of O(2)(-) and H(2)O(2) in mitochondria is large and apt to result in damage to macromolecules in spite of such defensive enzymes as superoxide dismutases and glutathione peroxidase. The data available for nematodes and flies provide a compelling case for the view that the accumulation of oxidative damage to specific mitochondrial proteins leads to the progressive dysfunction that we see as senescence. The data available from work with mammals are much weaker and do not yet allow a strong position to be taken.  相似文献   

Foster TE  Brooks JR 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):337-352
The functional grouping concept, which suggests that complexity in ecosystem function can be simplified by grouping species with similar responses, was tested in the Florida scrub habitat. Functional groups were identified based on how species regulate exchange of carbon and water with the atmosphere as indicated by both instantaneous gas exchange measurements and integrated measures of function (%N, δ13C, δ15N, C:N ratio) in fire-maintained Florida scrub, which was considered the natural state for scrub habitat. Using cluster analysis, five distinct physiologically based functional groups were identified in the fire-maintained scrub and were determined to be distinct clusters and not just arbitrary divisions in a continuous distribution by the non-parametric multivariate analysis of similarities (ANOSIM; R=0.649, P=0.005). These functional groups were tested for robustness spatially, temporally, and with management regime using ANOSIM. The physiological functional groups remained distinct clusters in this broader array of sites (R=0.794, P=0.001) and were not altered by plot differences, primarily, water table depth (R=−0.115, P=0.893) or by the three different management regimes: prescribed burn, mechanically treated and burned, and fire-suppressed (R=0.018, P=0.349). The physiological groupings also remained robust between the two climatically different years, with 1999 being a much wetter year than 2000 (R=−0.027, P=0.725). Easy-to-measure morphological characteristics, if they indicate the same functional groups, would be more practical for scaling and modeling ecosystem processes than detailed gas exchange measurements; therefore, we tested a variety of morphological characteristics as functional indicators. A combination of non-parametric multivariate techniques were used to compare the ability of life form, leaf thickness (LT), and specific leaf area (SLA) classifications to identify the physiologically based functional groups. Life form classifications (ANOSIM; R=0.629, P=0.001) were able to depict the physiological groupings more adequately than either SLA (ANOSIM; R=0.426, P=0.001) or LT (ANOSIM; R=0.344, P=0.001). The ability of life forms to depict the physiological groupings was improved by separating the parasitic Ximenia americana from the shrub category (ANOSIM; R=0.794, P=0.001). Therefore, a life form classification including parasites was determined to be a good indicator of the physiological processes of scrub species and would be a useful method of grouping species for scaling physiological processes to the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

The essence (living or nonliving entities) of viruses has today become an aporia, i.e. a difficulty inherent in reasoning because they shared four fundamental characteristics with livings (multiplication, genetic information, mutation and evolution) without having the capacity to have an independent life. For much time, however, they were considered minuscule pathogenetic micro-organisms in observance of Koch and Pasteur's 'germ theory' albeit no microbiologist could show their existence except their filterability and pathogenetic action. Only some voices based on experimental results raised against this dogmatic view, in particular those of Beijerinck, Baur and Mrowka, without dipping effectively into the dominant theory. The discovery relative to their nucleoprotein nature made between 1934 and 1936 (Schlesinger as for the phage, and Bawden and co-operators as for Tobacco mosaic virus; TMV), together with the first demonstrations of their structures thanks to electron microscopy (from 1939 onwards) started on casting a new light on their true identity, which could be more clearly identified when, from 1955 onwards, phage and TMV proved to be decisive factors to understand the strategies of replication of the genetic material. Following the new knowledge, the theoretical view relative to viruses changed rather radically and the current view looks on these pathogenetic agents as nonliving aggregates of macromolecules provided with biological properties. There is, however, a current of thought, made explicitly by Lwoff that places viruses as compromise between living and non living and, perhaps, as primitive forms of life which have had great importance for the evolution of cellular life. At any rate, viruses are peculiar entities whose importance cannot be unacknowledged.  相似文献   

Late-onset porphyrias: what are they?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Porphyrias are inherited disorders of heme biosynthesis. ALA dehydratase porphyria (ADP) and congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) are autosomal recessive porphyrias, and are typically expressed at birth or in childhood. However, a few cases of late-onset recessive porphyrias have been reported. Recently we encountered a late-onset ADP patient who developed symptoms of acute porphyria when he was 63 years old. This was accompanied by polycythemia vera. It was concluded that he developed the porphyria because an abnormal ALAD allele was clonally expanded by polycythemia vera. Upon reviewing the literature, a few cases of late-onset CEP were found to be also associated with hematologic abnormalities suggestive of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), another clonal disorder. These findings suggest that these late-onset porphyrias may be heterozygous for their gene defects, but clinical expression may be elicited if there is a loss of heterozygosity, either by a clonal expansion of the porphyric allele or by a loss of function mutation in the other allele.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem health is derived from analogies with human health, which subsequently leads to the implication that the ecosystem has organismal properties, a 'superorganism' in the Clementsian sense. Its application and usefulness has been the subject of a contentious debate; yet, the term 'ecosystem health' has captured the public's imagination and woven its way into the current lexicon, even incorporated into public policy. However, the application of parasites as bioindicators of ecosystem health poses a curious conundrum. Perceptions of parasites range from mild distaste to sheer disgust among the general public, the media, environmental managers and non-parasitologists in the scientific community. Nevertheless, the biological nature of parasitism incorporates natural characteristics that are informative and useful for environmental management. The helminths in particular have evolved elegant means to ensure their transmission, often relying on complex life cycle interactions that include a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. The assemblage of these diverse parasites within a host organism potentially reflect that host's trophic position within the food web as well as the presence in the ecosystem of any other organisms that participate in the various parasite life cycles. Perturbations in ecosystem structure and function that affect food web topology will also impact upon parasite transmission, thus affecting parasite species abundance and composition. As such, parasite populations and communities are useful indicators of environmental stress, food web structure and biodiversity. In addition, there may be useful other means to utilise parasitic organisms based on their biology and life histories such as suites or guilds that may be effective bioindicators of particular forms of environmental degradation. The challenge for parasitology is to convince resource managers and fellow scientists that parasites are a natural part of all ecosystems, each species being a potentially useful information unit, and that healthy ecosystems have healthy parasites.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in a particular area may influence the occurrence of helminth infections and determining such fluctuations may help to maximize the beneficial effects of mass treatment. This study determined the seasonal variations in infection levels of Ascaris lumbricoides between March 2000 and June 2001 in two selected low-country plantations. Four hundred and seventy seven persons aged between 2 and 74 years (median 13) participated. Stools were tested using the Kato-Katz method and the prevalence and intensity of infection determined. All persons were treated with a single dose of mebendazole. Monthly follow-ups were undertaken with similar stool examinations and treatment given if found positive. Infection and re-infection rates were calculated each month. Rainfall and temperature were recorded each day. Total rainfall, number of wet-days and mean temperature was calculated for each month. The prevalence of Ascaris infection was 53.4% and 51.0% at Maliboda and Ayr estates respectively. Highest infection and re-infection rates at Maliboda (37.7%, 37.2%) occurred in June and at Ayr (13.3%, 25.9%) in October 2000 respectively. During the study period, the mean rainfall was 28.1 cm (range 7.4-63.9 cm) and mean temperature 27.6 degrees C (range 22.1 degrees -34.4 degrees C). Significant correlations (P<0.05) were found between the re-infection rate and rainfall, temperature and the number of wet-days. Similar correlations were observed with the infection rate and temperature and the number of wet-days. Ascaris infections were found to correlate significantly only with the number of wet-days in a month (P<0.01). Thus, the number of wet-days appears to be a better indicator of Ascaris infections than total rainfall or mean temperature.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1742-1758
The patterns of foraging movements of the teiid species Cnemidophorus tigris (western whiptail) and four iguanid species, Gambelia wislizeni (leopard lizard), Uta stansburiana (side-blotched lizard), Phrynosoma platyrhinos (desert horned lizard), and Callisaurus draconoides (zebra-tailed lizard), were investigated between 1978 and 1981. Rates and frequencies of movement while foraging, based on more than 44 000 minutes of observation of over 500 different lizards, were analysed with respect to temporal variation on yearly, seasonal and daily time scales and compared to expectations froma dichotomous view of foraging modes. The notion of polarized foragiing tactics among lizards was partially supported. Among the iguanid species, only Gambelia exhibited rates of foraging movements that were not always significantly less than those of the active forager, Cnemidophorus. Nevertheless, the analyses also revealed temporal variation in the search tactics of iguanid species. Gambelia exhibited a seasonal decline in foraging movements during three out of four years. Phrynosoma, Callisaurus and Uta all exhibited seasonal declines in their foraging movements in some years, but not in others. The foraging movements of all iguanid species increased during the early-season of 1978, corresponding to a marked increase in late winter/early spring rainfall that year. Uta showed diurnal shifts in foraging movements during most years. Such diurnal variation was also apparent in Callisaurus in some years. Despite consistent differences between Cnemidophorus and most iguanid species, the presence of temporal variability in foraging movements of iguanid lizards indicates a capacity for shifts in tactics in these species. Thus, this variability more realistically reflects a continuum of foraging tactics than it does dichotomous strategies.  相似文献   

Amyloids are primarily known for their roles in neurodegenerative disorders, as well as in systemic diseases like diabetes. Evolutionary forces tend to maintain a healthy set of heritable characteristics, while eliminating toxic or unfavourable elements; but amyloids seem to represent an exception to this fundamental concept. In addition to their presence in mammals, amyloids also persist in the proteome of many lower organisms that may be linked with possible roles in survival, which are still unexplored. Herein, we address some unanswered questions regarding amyloids: are these well‐structured proteinaceous aggregates a by‐product of inefficient folding events, or have they been retained in our protein repertoire for as yet unknown functional roles; and how do protein misfolding and associated disorders originate, despite the presence of protein quality‐control systems inside the cells? This review aims to extend our current understanding about the multifaceted useful properties of amyloids and their functional interactions with other molecular pathways in various species; this may provide new insights to identify novel therapeutic strategies for ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

It has been argued that male parental care provides direct benefits to females and therefore should be under sexual selection. Given this, we expect signals that honestly indicate the quality of care to be favoured by selection. One such potential signal is care itself. Fish have several features that make them excellent model systems for studying the evolution and dynamics of parental care. We use the flagfish, Jordanella floridae , as a model to evaluate these general ideas. Males of this species guard, clean and fan empty nests and then eggs. Females prefer males that fan more (1) before spawning and (2) when eggs are newly received. When single males and females were paired, males that fanned and visited their nests more prior to spawning were more likely to be mated. Furthermore, among successful males, rates of fanning in the first day after spawning were correlated with the number of eggs received in the future (but not current egg numbers). We then considered whether these two putative signals were correlated and whether males that fan more in these contexts actually have higher egg survivorship. We found no correlation between nest fanning rates before and after spawning and neither 'signal' was predictive of variation in egg survivorship among mated males. We further considered whether pre‐spawning fanning rates were predictive of hatching success in an experiment in which single males were allowed to establish nests and provided eggs. We found little evidence that fanning is an honest signal of care quality and discuss alternative explanations. In particular, we discuss patterns of care elaboration in light of our results.  相似文献   

The intensification of agricultural practices contributes to the decline of many taxa, such as insects and weeds. Wildflower species have an important environmental impact on rural biodiversity since plant-pollinator networks play a key role in both landscape aesthetics and environmental functionality. Due to their scarcity and/or disappearance in conventional agroecosystems, wildflowers are now being used in strips to restore the agro-environment.In this study, fifteen wildflower species were sown in order to verify their ecological performance in terms of a plant-pollinator interaction while in laboratory the several chemicals emitted by the flowers were identified. Flowering periods were concentrated in the spring, although flowering periods extended to the hot and dry summer months in some species. An extreme variability was found in terms of quantitative and qualitative pollinator-attractiveness (i.e., bees, bumblebees, hoverfly, bee flies and butterflies). Most wildflower species emit a volatiles belonging above all to one of the several chemical classes. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the different volatile emissions did not fully correlate with the botanical taxa of the respectives wildflowers. Often, single chemical compounds prevailed, such as β-ocimene and limonene among monoterpenes hydrocarbons, santolina alcohol in the case of oxygenated monoterpenes, or (Z)- or (E)-3-hexenol acetate for non-terpenes derivatives. It is believed that these chemical compounds can play an ecological role in plant-pollinator food webs. The hypothesis that the chemistry of the volatiles implies a specialized plant-pollinator co-evolution was confirmed by a significant regression (p < 0.05), which showed an inverse relationship between chemical diversity (H’) and pollinator dominance (D) indexes. The chemical specificity indicates the specificity of pollinators and vice versa.  相似文献   



DNA microarray technology is a powerful technique that was recently developed in order to analyze thousands of genes in a short time. Presently, microarrays, or chips, of the cDNA type and oligonucleotide type are available from several sources. The number of publications in this area is increasing exponentially.  相似文献   

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