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High species richness, resource availability and disturbance are community characteristics associated with forest invasibility. We categorized commonly measured community variables, including species composition, topography, and landscape features, within both mature and 15-year-old clearcuts in West Virginia, USA. We evaluated the importance of each variable for predicting the degree of forest invasion by early-establishing exotic invasive plants. Biotic variables, including overall richness (excluding exotic invasive species) and mutually exclusive native and exotic non-invasive species richness, were the strongest indicators of invasibility. Sites that were located on northeast-facing slopes, more mesic conditions, or in clearcuts were more likely to be invaded by exotic invasive plants. Invasion of clearcut sites was more dependent on available microsites (e.g., lower solar radiation, northeast-facing slopes, and lower elevations) within each site than on the condition of the surrounding landscape, whereas invasion into the mature forests was dependent more on the surrounding landscape (e.g., proximity to paved roads). Our results indicate that exotic invasive plant species in our study area respond similarly as other plant species to resource availability and that competitive interactions are relatively unimportant. Current invasion into this landscape is more likely to be a passive reaction to site conditions instead of a driver of change.  相似文献   

Abstract. We document post‐fire succession on xeric sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA and assess effects of 20th century reduction in fire frequency on vegetation structure and composition. Successional studies over 18 yr on permanent plots that had burned in 1976–1977 indicate that tree mortality and vegetation response varied with fuel load and fire season. In the first three years after fire, hardwood sprouts dominated tree regeneration. On sites where summer and autumn fires reduced litter depth to less than 1 cm, densities of shade‐intolerant Pinus seedlings increased steadily over this period. 4 to 8 yr after fire, large numbers of newly established seedlings and sprouts had grown to 1 – 10 cm DBH. By year 18 growth of these saplings led to canopy closure on most sites. Herbaceous cover and richness peaked in the first decade after fire, then declined. On similar sites that had not burned in more than 50 yr, regeneration of shade‐intolerant Pinus spp. and mean cover and richness of herbs were considerably lower than those observed on recently burned plots. Reconstructions of landscape conditions based on observed post‐fire succession and 20th century changes in fire regime suggest that reductions in fire frequency circa 1940 led to substantial changes in forest structure and decreases in cover and richness of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. What are the distribution and habitat associations of non‐native (neophyte) species in riparian zones? 2. Are there significant differences, in terms of plant species diversity, composition, habitat condition and species attributes, between plant communities where non‐natives are present or abundant and those where non‐natives are absent or infrequent? 3. Are the observed differences generic to non‐natives or do individual non‐native species differ in their vegetation associations? Location: West Midlands Conurbation (WMC), UK. Methods: 56 sites were located randomly on four rivers across the WMC. Ten 2 m × 2 m quadrats were placed within 15 m of the river to sample vegetation within the floodplain at each site. All vascular plants were recorded along with site information such as surrounding land use and habitat types. Results: Non‐native species were found in many vegetation types and on all rivers in the WMC. There were higher numbers of non‐natives on more degraded, human‐modified rivers. More non‐native species were found in woodland, scrub and tall herb habitats than in grasslands. We distinguish two types of communities with non‐natives. In communities colonized following disturbance, in comparison to quadrats containing no non‐native species, those with non‐natives had higher species diversity and more forbs, annuals and shortlived monocarpic perennials. Native species in quadrats containing non‐natives were characteristic of conditions of higher fertility and pH, had a larger specific leaf area and were less stress tolerant or competitive. In later successional communities dominated by particular non‐natives, native diversity declined with increasing cover of non‐natives. Associated native species were characteristic of low light conditions. Conclusions: Communities containing non‐natives can be associated with particular types of native species. Extrinsic factors (disturbance, eutrophication) affected both native and non‐native species. In disturbed riparian habitats the key determinant of diversity is dominance by competitive invasive species regardless of their native or non‐native origin.  相似文献   

Grazing, fire and selective tree cutting are major disturbances that shape species diversity in savanna ecosystems, yet their effects are highly variable. We carried out a factorial experiment with two levels to examine the effects of grazing, fire and selective tree cutting on herbaceous species richness, abundance and diversity on two sites in the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of Burkina Faso for 10 years (1994–2003). The results showed significant inter-annual variation in species richness, abundance and diversity at both sites (p<0.001), while main or combined effects of fire, grazing and selective cutting were very limited and varied between life forms and sites. Grazing tended to favour the diversity of perennial grasses; fire tended to influence the richness of annual grasses and abundance and diversity of perennial grasses while selective tree cutting had no effect on any of the vegetation attributes assessed. The combined effect of grazing, fire and selective cutting tended to increase the diversity of forbs. In many cases, the responses of herbaceous species to treatments were clearer on the site with deeper soils than the one with shallow soils. Depending on the site and treatments, the inter-annual variation in vegetation attributes was partly related to amount and/or frequency of rainfall and partly to inter-annual variation in grazing or fire intensity. It can be concluded that both disturbances and climatic condition influence the structure and diversity of herbaceous flora in the Sudanian savanna-woodland ecosystem. The responses were site-specific, which accentuates the importance of landscape-scale approaches to understand the impacts of disturbances on composition, structure and diversity of savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate whether differences in the elevational trend in native and alien species richness were dependent on climate or human pressures. Specifically we tested whether life‐form and/or alien/native status modifies the response of plant species richness to human population and temperature along: (1) a complete elevational gradient, and (2) within separate elevational bands that, by keeping temperature within a narrow range, elucidate the effects of human pressures more clearly. Location Two provinces (c. 7507 km2) on the southern border of the European Alps (Italy), subdivided into 240 contiguous sampling cells (c. 35.7 km2). Methods We used an extensive dataset on alien and native species richness across an elevation gradient (20–2900 m a.s.l.). Richness of natives and naturalized aliens were separately related to temperature, human population and Raunkiaer life‐form using general linear mixed models. Life‐form describes different plant strategies for survival during seasons with adverse cold/arid conditions. Results The relationship between species richness and temperature for natives was strongly dependent on life‐form, while aliens showed a consistent positive trend. Similar trends across alien and native life‐forms were found for the relationship between species richness and human population along the whole gradient and within separate elevational bands. Main conclusions The absence of life‐form‐dependent responses amongst aliens supports the hypothesis that the distribution of alien plant species richness was more related to propagule pressure and availability of novel niches created by human activities than to climatic filtering. While climate change will potentially contribute to relaxing species thermal constraints, the response of alien species to future warming will also be contingent on changes in anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   

Aim To examine native‐exotic species richness relationships across spatial scales and corresponding biotic homogenization in wetland plant communities. Location Illinois, USA. Methods We analysed the native‐exotic species richness relationship for vascular plants at three spatial scales (small, 0.25 m2 of sample area; medium, 1 m2 of sample area; large, 5 m2 of sample area) in 103 wetlands across Illinois. At each scale, Spearman’s correlation coefficient between native and exotic richness was calculated. We also investigated the potential for biotic homogenization by comparing all species surveyed in a wetland community (from the large sample area) with the species composition in all other wetlands using paired comparisons of their Jaccard’s and Simpson’s similarity indices. Results At large and medium scales, native richness was positively correlated with exotic richness, with the strength of the correlation decreasing from the large to the medium scale; at the smallest scale, the native‐exotic richness correlation was negative. The average value for homogenization indices was 0.096 and 0.168, using Jaccard’s and Simpson’s indices, respectively, indicating that these wetland plant communities have been homogenized because of invasion by exotic species. Main Conclusions Our study demonstrated a clear shift from a positive to a negative native‐exotic species richness relationship from larger to smaller spatial scales. The negative native‐exotic richness relationship that we found is suggested to result from direct biotic interactions (competitive exclusion) between native and exotic species, whereas positive correlations likely reflect the more prominent influence of habitat heterogeneity on richness at larger scales. Our finding of homogenization at the community level extends conclusions from previous studies having found this pattern at much larger spatial scales. Furthermore, these results suggest that even while exhibiting a positive native‐exotic richness relationship, community level biotas can/are still being homogenized because of exotic species invasion.  相似文献   



Do the effects of fire regimes on plant species richness and composition differ among floristically similar vegetation types?


Booderee National Park, south‐eastern Australia.


We completed floristic surveys of 87 sites in Sydney Coastal dry sclerophyll vegetation, where fire history records have been maintained for over 55 years. We tested for associations between different aspects of the recent fire history and plant species richness and composition, and whether these relationships were consistent among structurally defined forest, woodland and heath vegetation types.


The relationship between fire regime variables and plant species richness and composition differed among vegetation types, despite the three vegetation types having similar species pools. Fire frequency was positively related to species richness in woodland, negatively related to species richness in heath, and unrelated to species richness in forest. These different relationships were explained by differences in the associations between fire history and species traits among vegetation types. The negative relationship between fire frequency and species richness in heath vegetation was underpinned by reduced occurrence of resprouting species at high fire frequency sites (more than four fires in 55 years). However, in forest and woodland vegetation, resprouting species were not negatively associated with fire frequency.


We hypothesize that differing relationships among vegetation types were underpinned by differences in fire behaviour, and/or biotic and abiotic conditions, leading to differences in plant species mortality and post‐fire recovery among vegetation types. Our findings suggest that even when there is a high proportion of shared species between vegetation types, fires can have very different effects on vegetation communities, depending on the structural vegetation type. Both research and management of fire regimes may therefore benefit from considering vegetation types as separate management units.  相似文献   

Community re‐assembly following future disturbances will often occur under warmer and more moisture‐limited conditions than when current communities assembled. Because the establishment stage is regularly the most sensitive to climate and competition, the trajectory of recovery from disturbance in a changing environment is uncertain, but has important consequences for future ecosystem functioning. To better understand how ongoing warming and rising moisture limitation may affect recovery, we studied native and exotic plant composition 11 years following complete stand‐replacing wildfire in a dry coniferous forest spanning a large gradient in climatic moisture deficit (CMD) from warm and dry low elevation sites to relatively cool and moist higher elevations sites. We then projected future precipitation, temperature and CMD at our study locations for four scenarios selected to encompass a broad range of possible future conditions for the region. Native perennials dominated relatively cool and moist sites 11 years after wildfire, but were very sparse at the warmest and driest (high CMD) sites, particularly when combined with high topographic sun exposure. In contrast, exotic species (primarily annual grasses) were dominant or co‐dominant at the warmest and driest sites, especially with high topographic sun exposure. All future scenarios projected increasing temperature and CMD in coming decades (e.g., from 4.5% to 29.5% higher CMD by the 2080's compared to the 1971–2000 average), even in scenarios where growing season (May‐September) precipitation increased. These results suggest increasing temperatures and moisture limitation could facilitate longer term (over a decade) transitions toward exotic‐dominated communities after severe wildfire when a suitable exotic seed source is present.  相似文献   

Globally, biological invasions can have strong impacts on biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning. While less conspicuous than introduced aboveground organisms, introduced belowground organisms may have similarly strong effects. Here, we synthesize for the first time the impacts of introduced earthworms on plant diversity and community composition in North American forests. We conducted a meta‐analysis using a total of 645 observations to quantify mean effect sizes of associations between introduced earthworm communities and plant diversity, cover of plant functional groups, and cover of native and non‐native plants. We found that plant diversity significantly declined with increasing richness of introduced earthworm ecological groups. While plant species richness or evenness did not change with earthworm invasion, our results indicate clear changes in plant community composition: cover of graminoids and non‐native plant species significantly increased, and cover of native plant species (of all functional groups) tended to decrease, with increasing earthworm biomass. Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that introduced earthworms facilitate particular plant species adapted to the abiotic conditions of earthworm‐invaded forests. Further, our study provides evidence that introduced earthworms are associated with declines in plant diversity in North American forests. Changing plant functional composition in these forests may have long‐lasting effects on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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