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<正>China is the largest country in eastern Asia and contains habitats that range from cold temperate to tropical rainforest. The Chinese have a long history of plant cultivation and domestication.Although most cultivated plants in China are native species,many are non-native plants introduced throughout Chinese history for food,medicine,horticulture or ornamental purposes (Xie et al.,  相似文献   

We review the fossil history of seed plant genera that are now endemic to eastern Asia. Although the majority of eastern Asian endemic genera have no known fossil record at all, 54 genera, or about 9%, are reliably known from the fossil record. Most of these are woody (with two exceptions), and most are today either broadly East Asian, or more specifically confined to Sino-Japanese subcategory rather than being endemic to the Sino-Himalayan area. Of the "eastern Asian endemic" genera so far known from the fossil record, the majority formerly occurred in Europe and/or North America, indicating that eastern Asia served as a late Tertiary or Quaternary refugium for taxa. Hence, many of these genera may have originated in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere and expanded their ranges across continents and former sea barriers when tectonic and climatic conditions allowed, leading to their arrival in eastern Asia. Although clear evidence for paleoendemism is provided by the gymnosperms Amentotaxus, Cathaya, Cephalotaxus, Cunninghamia, Cryptomeria, Glyptostrobus, Ginkgo, Keteleeria, Metasequoia, Nothotsuga, Pseudolarix, Sciadopitys, and Taiwania, and the angiosperms Cercidiphyllum, Choerospondias, Corylopsis, Craigia, Cyclocarya, Davidia, Dipelta, Decaisnea, Diplopanax, Dipteronia, Emmenopterys, Eucommia, Euscaphis, Hemiptelea, Hovenia, Koelreuteria, Paulownia, Phellodendron, Platycarya, Pteroceltis, Rehderodendron, Sargentodoxa, Schizophragma, Sinomenium, Tapiscia, Tetracentron, Toricellia, Trapella, and Trochodendron, we cannot rule out the possibility that neoendemism plays an important role especially for herbaceous taxa in the present-day flora of Asia, particularly in the Sino-Himalayan region. In addition to reviewing paleobotanical occurrences from the literature, we document newly recognized fossil occurrences that expand the geographic and stratigraphic ranges previously known for Dipelta, Pteroceltis, and Toricellia.  相似文献   

Little is known of the origin and the earliest migratory routes of the eastern Asia populations. Many researchers suggested that modern humans in eastern Asia originated from Africa[1,2], and the migratory routes spread from western to eastern Asia along southern mainland of Asia[3]. Eastern Asia was one of the few regions with relatively abundant hominid fossils, especially Yun-nan Province of China, the home of Ramapithecus and Yuanmou Man. Yuanmou Man was the oldest hominid fossil[4]. …  相似文献   

Pachysandra is an eastern Asian-North American disjtunct genus with three species, two in eastern Asia (Pachysandra axillaris and Pachysandra terminalis) and one in eastern North America (Pachysandra procurnbens). Although morphological and cytological studies suggest a close affinity of Pprocumbens with P axillaris, molecular data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions have provided conflicting signals. In this study, we tested previous phylogenetic hypotheses using sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast ndhF gene from multiple individuals of each of the three species. We also estimated the time of divergence between eastem Asia and eastern North America. Our results support the morphological and cytological conclusion that P procumbens is more closely related to P axillaris than to P terminalis. The estimated time of divergence of P axillaris and P procumbens was 14.6±5.5 mya, consistent with estimates from many other eastern Asian-North American disjunct genera. The migration of Pachysandra populations from eastern Asia to North America might have occurred by way of the North Atlantic land bridge.  相似文献   

Before summing up the essential points brought forward in the present paper,it seems desirable at the outset to circumscribe briefly the geographical boundary of the Himalaya.We all know that the Himalaya is an extraordinarily gigantic upheaval of the landmass in the world,yet,up to the present,geologists and geographers are still divided in the concept of its geographical boundary.It has so far unequivocally been recognized that the mountain range west of the great bend of the famous Tsangpo Gorge in southeastern Tibet running  相似文献   

Toxicodendron is a genus in the Rhus complex of Anacardiaceae with a disjunct distribution between eastern Asia and North America, extending to southeastern Asia and the neotropics. Nuclear (internal transcribed spacer, external transcribed spacer, and NIA-i3) and chloroplast (ndhF and trnL-F) sequences were used to construct phylogenetic relationships of Toxicodendron. Phylogenetic analysis of these data strongly support Toxieodendron as a monophyletic group distinct from other genera of the Rhus complex, and the phylogeny does not fully corroborate classification at the sectional level. Two temperate disjunct lineages were detected, one from section Toxicodendron and the other between the eastern North American Toxicodendron vernix and the eastern Asian Toxicodendron vernieifluum. Their divergence times were estimated to be 13.46 (7.95-19.42) and 7.53 (2.76-12.86) mya, respectively. The disjunction between section Griffithii (taxa from warm temperate to tropical Asia) and Toxieodendron striatum (from the neotropics) was supported and their divergence time was estimated to be 20.84 (11.1 6-30.52) mya in the early Miocene. Our biogeographic results and the paleontological data support the Bering land bridge as the most likely route to explain the temperate disjunctions, yet the tropical disjunction in Toxicodendron seems to be best explained by the North Atlantic land bridge hypothesis.  相似文献   

Current and past land use practices are critical in determining the distribution and sizeof global terrestrial carbon (C) sources and sinks. Although fossil fuel emissions dominate the an-thropogenic perturbation of the global C cycle, land use still drives the largest portion of anthropo-genic emissions in a number of tropical regions of Asia. The size of the emission flux owing to landuse change is still the biggest uncertainty in the global C budget. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported a flux term of 1.7 PgC·a~(-1) for 1990-1995 but more recent es-timates suggest the magnitude of this source may be only of 0.96 PgC·a~(-1) for the 1990s. In add-ition, current and past land use practices are now thought to contribute to a large degree to the northern hemisphere terrestrial sink, and are the dominant driver for some regional sinks. However,mechanisms other than land use change need to be invoked in order to explain the inferred C sink in the tropics. Potential candidates are the carbon dioxide (CO_2) fertilization and climate change;fertilization due to nitrogen (N) deposition is believed to be small or nil. Although the potential formanaging C sinks is limited, improved land use management and new land uses such as refores-tation and biomass fuel cropping, can further enhance current terrestrial C sinks. Best manage-ment practices in agriculture alone could sequester 0.4-0.8 PgC per year in soils if implemented globally. New methodologies to ensure verification and permanency of C sequestration need to be developed.  相似文献   

<正>Asian cultivated rice is one of the most important cereal crops and feeds half of the world’s population, especially in eastern and southeastern Asian countries (Virmani 2012). It is estimated that about 20%or more increase in rice production would be likely needed in the next 20 years due to the growing population and environmental changes (Virmani 2012). Hybrid rice has proved to  相似文献   

Evaluating the annual sources and sinks of carbon from land-use change helps con-strain other terms in the global carbon cycle and may help countries choose how to comply with commitments for reduced emissions. This paper presents the results of recent analyses ofland-use change in China and tropical Asia. The original forest areas are estimated to have cov-ered 546×10~6 ha in tropical Asia and 425×10~6 ha in China. By 1850, 44% of China's forests had been cleared, and another 27% was lost between 1850 and 1980, leaving China with 13% forestcover (29% of the initial forest area). Tropical Asia is estimated to have lost 26% of its initial forestcover before 1850 and another 33% after 1850. The annual emissions of carbon from the two regions re-flect the different histories over the last 150 years, with China's emissions peaking in thelate 1950s (at 0.2-0.5 Pg C·a~(-1)) and tropical Asia's emissions peaking in 1990s (at 1.0 Pg C·a~(-1)). Despite the fact that most deforestation has been for new agricultural land, the majority ofthe lands cleared from forests in China are no longer croplands, but fallow or degraded shrublands.Unlike croplands, the origins of these other lands are poorly documented, and thus add consider-able uncertainty to estimates of flux before the 1980s. Nevertheless, carbon emissions from China seem to have decreased since the 1960s to nearly zero at present. In contrast, emissions of car-bon from tropical Asia were higher in the 1990s than that at any time in the past.  相似文献   

In order to develop better insights into biogeographic patterns of eastern Asian and North American disjunct plant genera, sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nr DNAITS) region were used to estimate interspecific relationships of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae) and infer its biogeography based on the phylogeny. According to the phylogenetic analysis, two clades were recognized. The first clade included Thuja plicata D. Don (western North America) and T. koraiensis Nakai (northeastern Asia), and the second one contained T. occidentalis (Gord.) Cart. (Japan). The ancestral area of Thuja was inferred to be eastern Asia, and two dispersal events were responsible for the modern distribution of Thuja in North America. Both the North Atlantic land bridge and Bering land bridge were possible routes for the migration of ancestral populations to North America.  相似文献   

A large collection of fossil insects has recently been recovered from the Late Mesozoic nonmarine sediments throughout East Asia, with many specimens regarded as the mesolygaeids, representing a new family Mesolygaeidae of Heteroptera. As Lycoptera Muller and Eosestheria Chen, Mesolygaeus Ping is the common genus of the Jehol fauna Since some of them are geographically widespread and can be easily collected, they are significant to stratigraphic divisions and correlations in East Asia.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle. Tropicalforests in Southeast Asia are constantly changing as a result of harvesting and conversion to otherland cover. As a result of these changes, research on C budgets of forest ecosystems has intensi-fied in the region over the last few years. This paper reviews and synthesizes the available infor-mation. Natural forests in SE Asia typically contain a high C density (up to 500 Mg/ha). Logging activities are responsible for at least 50% decline in forest C density. Complete deforestation (conversion from forest to grassland or annual crops) results in C density of less than 40 Mg/ha. Conversion to tree plantations and other woody perennial crops also reduces C density to lessthan 50% of the original C forest stocks. While much information has been generated recently, there are still large gaps of information on C budgets of tropical forests and its conversion to otherland uses in SE Asia. There is therefore a need to intensify research in this area.  相似文献   

Red rice is an interfertiie, weedy form of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) that competes aggressively with the cropin the southern US, reducing yields and contaminating harvests. No wild Oryza species occur In North America andthe weed has been proposed to have evolved through multiple mechanisms, including "de-domestication" of UScrop cultivars, accidental introduction of Asian weeds, and hybridization between US crops and Asian wild/weedyOryza strains. The phenotype of US red rice ranges from "crop mimics", which share some domestication traitswith the crop, to strains closely resembling Asian wild Oryza species. Assessments of genetic diversity haveindicated that many weed strains are closely related to Asian taxa (including indica and aus rice varieties, whichhave never been cultivated in the US, and the Asian crop progenitor O. rufipogon), whereas others show geneticsimilarity to the tropical japonica varieties cultivated in the southern US. Herein, we review what is known aboutthe evolutionary origins and genetic diversity of US red rice and describe an ongoing research project to furthercharacterize the evolutionary genomics of this aggressive weed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Genomics of Weedy Rice in the USA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Red rice Is an Interfertlle, weedy form of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) that competes aggressively with the crop In the southern US, reducing yields and contaminating harvests. No wild Oryza species occur In North America and the weed has been proposed to have evolved through multiple mechanisms, Including "de-domestication" of US crop cultlvars, accidental introduction of Asian weeds, and hybridization between US crops and Asian wild/weedy Oryza strains. The phenotype of US red rice ranges from "crop mimics", which share some domestication traits with the crop, to strains closely resembling Asian wild Oryza species. Assessments of genetic diversity have Indicated that many weed strains are closely related to Asian taxa (Including indica and aus rice varieties, which have never been cultivated In the US, and the Asian crop progenitor O. ruflpogon), whereas others show genetic similarity to the tropical Japonica varieties cultivated In the southern US. Herein, we review what Is known about the evolutionary origins and genetic diversity of US red rice and describe an ongoing research project to further characterize the evolutionary genomlcs of this aggressive weed.  相似文献   

Phyllitis scolopendrium Newm. subsp. scolo-pendrium spermatozoids are cells 10 μm long in the form of spirals with about four turns. Their chromatin is partly honeycomb-shaped and partly highly condensed. The nuclear envelope over the latter has a regular, thin intermembrane space crossed by fibers that are probably involved in connecting the chromatin with elements of the microtubular ribbon. The cytoplasm is traversed by long cistern-shaped folds of the plasma membrane, believed to be involved in a late process of cell simplification through segregation and detachment of parts of the cytoplasm. The spermatozoids are embedded in 1–1.5 μm thick amorphous electron-transparent material containing cellulose fibrils. These fibrils are considered a network connected to the original spermatocyte wall and elements of elastic support for the amorphous material. The different polysaccharide composition of the inner and outer parts of the walls causes changes in the size and shape of the ring cells, so that the spermatozoids are pushed against and past the cap cell. The gametes are released through limited laceration of the cap cell. The laceration is due to the generally weak substructure of the cell wall. A light microscope sequence of spermatozoid release and scanning electron microscope features of newly released spermatozoids are shown. Received: 24 November 1999 / Revision accepted: 29 December 1999  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in land use have occurred in arid and semi-arid lands of Asia duringthe 20th century. Grassland conversion into croplands and ecosystem degradation is widespreaddue to the high growth rate of human population and political reforms of pastoral systems. Rangeland degradation made many parts of this region vulnerable to environmental and political changes. The collapse of the livestock sector in some states of central Asia, expansion of livestockin China and intensive degradation of grasslands in China are examples of the responses of pastoral systems to these changes over the past decades. Carbon dynamics in this region is highly variable in space and time. Land use/cover changes with widespread reduction of forest and grasslands increased carbon emission from the region.  相似文献   

The genus Caragana Fabr., consisting of approximately 70 species, has a temperate Asian distribution and occurs mainly in the drought and cold regions of the northwestern and southwestern Tibetan Plateau of China. The distribution pattern of the genus was investigated using dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA), The results indicate that vicariance versus dispersal plays a major role in the evolution of the genus and that short-distance dispersal also exists. There is no fossil record of this genus. Therefore, Caragana is inferred as an advanced taxon in terms of its limited temperate Asian distribution. Based on the morphological variation and ecological adaptation in Caragana, the generic speciation is postulated to be related to the uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau and to the increasing arid conditions of Central Asian lands since the Neogene. The Mongolian Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau are hypothesized as the barriers of vicariance between East Asia and western Central Asia.  相似文献   

The present paper reports in detail 12 species and varieties of trombiculid mites. Of these eight are believed to be new to science. Besides, a new genus is also created to accommodate certain species which are incompatible with other species originally found in the same genus. The 12 species and varieties are distributed in three subfamilies, and their names are as follows:  相似文献   

Gastric adenocarcinoma(GA)remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world [1].Of the different types of GA,intestinal-type GA is especially a major world-wide concern not only because this type of GA accounts for a large proportion of the global incidences but also because it is believed to be acquired,and thus possibly preventable.In particular,Helicobacter pylori-induced chronic inflammation is suggested to lead to the transformation of normal gastric mucosa to chronic gastritis,gastric atrophy,intestinal metaplasia(IM),dysplasia,and finally intestinal-type GA,as first proposed by Correa [2].Thus,IM tissue,characterized by the presence of cells resembling those derived from the intestine-specific lineage such as goblet cells that are not present in the normal stomach,is considered to be a critical precancerous tissue en route to GA [3].Furthermore,the transition to IM is believed to be the ‘point of no return’since the IM tissue does not revert back to normal gastric tissue after the eradication of H.pylori [4].However,the precise details of the IM tissue that are critical to the subsequent development of GA are not presently understood.  相似文献   

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