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The macrophage- and monocyte-produced cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) has been proposed as a major mediator of endotoxin-induced injury. To determine if TNF alpha could reproduce the effects of endotoxin on the lung, we intravenously administered 10 micrograms/kg of human recombinant TNF alpha into five chronically instrumented unanesthetized sheep on two occasions to characterize the TNF alpha response and its reproducibility. We assessed changes in lung mechanics, pulmonary and systemic hemodynamics, gas exchange, and the number and type of peripheral blood leukocytes. We also determined airway reactivity by use of aerosolized histamine before and after TNF alpha infusion. Pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) peaked within 30 min of initiating the TNF alpha infusion [47.7 +/- 2.2 vs. 15.9 +/- 0.4 (SE) cmH2O at base line] and then returned toward base line over 4 h. There was a brief decline in left atrial pressure after TNF alpha. Pulmonary hypertension was accompanied by leukopenia, neutropenia, and increases in the alveolar-arterial O2 difference (AaDO2). Dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) declined after TNF alpha, reaching a nadir within 15 min of the initiation of the TNF alpha infusion [0.045 +/- 0.007 vs. 0.093 +/- 0.007 (+/- SE) l/cmH2O at base line]. Resistance to airflow across the lung (RL) increased from 1.2 +/- 0.2 cmH2O.l-1.s at base line, peaking at 5.4 +/- 1.3 cmH2O.l-1.s 30 min after the start of the TNF alpha infusion. Alterations in Cdyn and RL persisted for 4 h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We measured changes with growth in lung function and airway reactivity after acute canine parainfluenza virus type 2 (CPI2, n = 5), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV2, n = 7), and sequential CAV2-CPI2 (n = 6) infections or no infection (controls, n = 6) in beagle puppies (age approximately 79 days). In the CPI2 and CAV2 groups, a lower respiratory illness developed by day 3 postinfection with clinical recovery by day 14. In the CAV2-CPI2 group, puppies were inoculated initially with CAV2 and 12 days later with CPI2. In this group, illness persisted until day 14 after infection with CPI2. Lung resistance (RL), dynamic (Cdyn) and static (Cst) lung compliance, functional residual capacity (FRC), and responsiveness to aerosolized histamine were measured before infection and at periodic intervals until 239 +/- 43 days of age. Lung function data were analyzed using a longitudinal random effects model. In all groups, FRC, Cst, and Cdyn increased with age. In all infected groups, the regression slopes for Cdyn were steeper than in controls. RL decreased linearly with age without group slope differences. Histamine reactivity increased with age, but there were no differences in slope among groups. Lung pathological studies showed areas of obliterative bronchiolitis and chronic small airways inflammation particularly in the CAV2 and CAV2-CPI2 groups. Thus, viral bronchiolitis produces chronic small airways inflammation in beagle puppies and alters the changes in lung function occurring with growth. Histamine reactivity increases with age and is not modified by viral infection.  相似文献   

The causes of respiratory distress in O2 toxicity are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to better define the airway abnormalities caused by breathing 100% O2. Sheep were instrumented for measurements of dynamic compliance (Cdyn), functional residual capacity by body plethysmography (FRC), hemodynamics, and lung lymph flow. Each day Cdyn and FRC were measured before, during, and after the application of 45 min continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at 15 cmH2O. The amount of aerosol histamine necessary to reduce Cdyn 35% from baseline (ED35) was measured each day as was the response to aerosol metaproterenol. Cdyn decreased progressively from 0.083 +/- 0.005 (SE) 1/cmH2O at baseline to 0.032 +/- 0.004 l/cm H2O at 96 h of O2. Surprisingly, FRC did not decrease (1,397 +/- 153 ml at baseline vs. 1,523 +/- 139 ml at 96 h). The ED35 to histamine did not vary among days or from air controls. Metaproterenol produced a variable inconsistent increase in Cdyn. We also measured changes in Cdyn during changes in respiratory rate and static pressure-volume relationships in five other sheep. We found a small but significant frequency dependence of compliance and an increase in lung stiffness with O2 toxicity. We conclude that in adult sheep O2 toxicity reduces Cdyn but does not increase airway reactivity. The large reduction in Cdyn in O2 toxicity results from processes other than increased airway reactivity or reduced lung volume, and Cdyn decreases before the development of lung edema.  相似文献   

Elastic recoil pressure of the lungs (Pst(L)), maximum expiratory flow rates (MEF), critical transmural pressure of the collapsible flow-limiting segment (Ptm'), and S-segment conductance (Gs) have been determined in 40 healthy subjects, 7-18 yr old. Pst(L), measured at different lung volumes (fractional) from the expiratory quasi-static pressure-volume curves, increases progressively with age. MEF's, at different lung volumes, are closely related to total lung capacity (TLC); the ratios MEF/TLC, at all lung volumes, are independent of age. Ptm' is also independence of age and body height, most values lying between 0 and -15 cmH2O; this finding suggests that the locus and the behavior of the collapsible segment do not change during growth. Gs, in absolute value, increases with growth but, when adjusted for lung size, Gs decreases steadily with age and body height. These relations suggest that, from childhood to adolescence, the air spaces grow disproportionately more than the airway system.  相似文献   

To investigate whether exercise increases the responsivity of the tracheobronchial tree to nonspecific stimuli, 11 atopic asthmatics underwent serial challenges with aerosolized methacholine before and 4 and 24 h after an asthma attack induced by cycle ergometry while breathing cold air (mean +/- SE = -11 +/- 1 degree C). Bronchodilator therapy was withheld the day before and throughout each study day. There were no significant differences in base-line lung function before exercise or any of the three methacholine bronchoprovocations. Exercise produced a 25 +/- 3% maximal fall in 1-s forced expiratory volume (FEV1) within 15 min. This attack was not associated with either an immediate or a delayed increase in methacholine sensitivity. The provocation concentration of methacholine required to reduce the FEV1 20% from saline control at base line and 4 and 24 h after exercise were 0.8 +/- 0.5, 0.9 +/- 0.5, and 1.1 +/- 0.8 mg/ml, respectively. This was not significant by a one-way analysis of variance (F = 0.078, P = NS). These data demonstrate that exercise-induced asthma does not produce an increase in nonspecific bronchial reactivity. Hence, if mediators are elaborated with exercise as has been suggested, they appear to function differently than when released by antigen.  相似文献   

The effects of fetal tracheostomy on lung development in lambs have been investigated. Seven ewes, all with twin fetuses, were given a general anesthetic. One fetus in each set of twins was tracheostomized and the other fetus was sham operated (117-122 days gestation). The fetuses were delivered by cesarean section between 137 and 140 days gestation. Fetal tracheostomy decreased lung weight and volume, altered DNA concentration and the structural development of the acinus, and decreased lung distensibility. However, tissue and airway saturated phosphatidylcholine and lung stability during deflation were not significantly affected by fetal tracheostomy. It seems that tracheostomy in fetal lambs alters lung growth but does not affect the formation or release of surfactant. These data support the hypothesis that lung volume is actively maintained and lung growth promoted by the secretion of lung fluid against the resistance of the upper airway in fetal lambs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of inspiratory airway obstruction on lung fluid balance in newborn lambs. We studied seven 2- to 4-wk-old lambs that were sedated with chloral hydrate and allowed to breathe 30-40% O2 spontaneously through an endotracheal tube. We measured lung lymph flow, lymph and plasma protein concentrations, pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, mean and phasic pleural pressures and airway pressures, and cardiac output during a 2-h base-line period and then during a 2- to 3-h period of inspiratory airway obstruction produced by partially occluding the inspiratory limb of a nonrebreathing valve attached to the endotracheal tube. During inspiratory airway obstruction, both pleural and airway pressures decreased 5 Torr, whereas pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures each decreased 4 Torr. As a result, calculated filtration pressure remained unchanged. Inspiratory airway obstruction had no effect on steady-state lung lymph flow or the lymph protein concentration relative to that of plasma. We conclude that in the spontaneously breathing lamb, any decrease in interstitial pressure resulting from inspiratory airway obstruction is offset by a decrease in microvascular hydrostatic pressure so that net fluid filtration remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Lung mechanics and airway responsiveness to methacholine (MCh) were studied in seven volunteers before and after a 20-min intravenous infusion of saline. Data were compared with those of a time point-matched control study. The following parameters were measured: 1-s forced expiratory volume, forced vital capacity, flows at 40% of control forced vital capacity on maximal (Vm(40)) and partial (Vp(40)) forced expiratory maneuvers, lung volumes, lung elastic recoil, lung resistance (Rl), dynamic elastance (Edyn), and within-breath resistance of respiratory system (Rrs). Rl and Edyn were measured during tidal breathing before and for 2 min after a deep inhalation and also at different lung volumes above and below functional residual capacity. Rrs was measured at functional residual capacity and at total lung capacity. Before MCh, saline infusion caused significant decrements of forced expiratory volume in 1 s, Vm(40), and Vp(40), but insignificantly affected lung volumes, elastic recoil, Rl, Edyn, and Rrs at any lung volume. Furthermore, saline infusion was associated with an increased response to MCh, which was not associated with significant changes in the ratio of Vm(40) to Vp(40). In conclusion, mild airflow obstruction and enhanced airway responsiveness were observed after saline, but this was not apparently due to altered elastic properties of the lung or inability of the airways to dilate with deep inhalation. It is speculated that it was likely the result of airway wall edema encroaching on the bronchial lumen.  相似文献   

The volume-pressure relationship of the lung was studied in six subjects on changing the gravity vector during parabolic flights and body posture. Lung recoil pressure decreased by approximately 2.7 cmH(2)O going from 1 to 0 vertical acceleration (G(z)), whereas it increased by approximately 3.5 cmH(2)O in 30 degrees tilted head-up and supine postures. No substantial change was found going from 1 to 1.8 G(z). Matching the changes in volume-pressure relationships of the lung and chest wall (previous data), results in a decrease in functional respiratory capacity of approximately 580 ml at 0 G(z) relative to 1 G(z) and of approximately 1,200 ml going to supine posture. Microgravity causes a decrease in lung and chest wall recoil pressures as it removes most of the distortion of lung parenchyma and thorax induced by changing gravity field and/or posture. Hypergravity does not greatly affect respiratory mechanics, suggesting that mechanical distortion is close to maximum already at 1 G(z). The end-expiratory volume during quiet breathing corresponds to the mechanical functional residual capacity in each condition.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in airway CO2 partial pressure (PAco2) and arterial CO2 partial pressure (Paco2) on lung mechanics were studied in dogs by utilizing unilateral pulmonary artery occlusion and a tracheal divider which allowed separate variation of PAco2 and Paco2. When Paco2 was held at a reasonably normal level, lower than normal PAco2 levels resulted in large compliance decreases, alteration of the complete static pressure-volume curves, and increases in resistance. Invreases in PAco2 to hypercapnic levels did not produce changes. When PAco2 was held at a reasonably normal level, changes in Paco2 levels were positively and directly related to resistance with small and inconsistent effects on compliance and on complete static pressure-volume curves. A combination of low PAco2 and high Paco2 produced large increases in resistance, alterations of the static pressure-volume curve, and decreases in compliance. Vagotomy during the combined stimulus resulted in only a decrease in resistance without change in lung elastic properties. The results suggest that the mechanical effects of airway hypocapnia and systemic hypercapnia are additive. However, small airways effects of low PAco2 appear to be maximal and uninfluenced by the vagally mediated response to Paco2 increases.  相似文献   

To study the influence of plasma protein concentration on fluid balance in the newborn lung, we measured pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, lung lymph flow, and concentrations of protein in lymph and plasma of eight lambs, 2-3 wk old, before and after we reduced their plasma protein concentration from 5.8 +/- 0.3 to 3.6 +/- 0.6 g/dl. Each lamb underwent two studies, interrupted by a 3-day period in which we drained protein-rich systemic lymph through a thoracic duct fistula and replaced fluid losses with feedings of a protein-free solution of electrolytes and glucose. Each study consisted of a 2-h control period followed by 4 h of increased lung microvascular pressure produced by inflation of a balloon in the left atrium. Body weight and vascular pressures did not differ significantly during the two studies, but lung lymph flow increased from 2.6 +/- 0.1 ml/h during normoproteinemia to 4.1 +/- 0.1 ml/h during hypoproteinemia. During development of hypoproteinemia, the average difference in protein osmotic pressure between plasma and lymph decreased by 1.6 +/- 2 Torr at normal left atrial pressure and by 4.9 +/- 2.2 Torr at elevated left atrial pressure. When applied to the Starling equation governing microvascular fluid balance, these changes in liquid driving pressure were sufficient to account for the observed increases in lung fluid filtration; reduction of plasma protein concentration did not cause a statistically significant change in calculated filtration coefficient. Protein loss did not influence net protein clearance from the lungs nor did it accentuate the increase in lymph flow associated with left atrial pressure elevation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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