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Ras, BRAF, Mismatch repair, Colorectal cancer  相似文献   

Over the last decade, we have witnessed an incredible growth in the amount of available genotype data due to high throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques. This information may be used to predict phenotypes of medical relevance, and pave the way towards personalized medicine. Blood phenotypes (e.g. ABO and Rh) are a purely genetic trait that has been extensively studied for decades, with currently over thirty known blood groups. Given the public availability of blood group data, it is of interest to predict these phenotypes from HTS data which may translate into more accurate blood typing in clinical practice. Here we propose BOOGIE, a fast predictor for the inference of blood groups from single nucleotide variant (SNV) databases. We focus on the prediction of thirty blood groups ranging from the well known ABO and Rh, to the less studied Junior or Diego. BOOGIE correctly predicted the blood group with 94% accuracy for the Personal Genome Project whole genome profiles where good quality SNV annotation was available. Additionally, our tool produces a high quality haplotype phase, which is of interest in the context of ethnicity-specific polymorphisms or traits. The versatility and simplicity of the analysis make it easily interpretable and allow easy extension of the protocol towards other phenotypes. BOOGIE can be downloaded from URL http://protein.bio.unipd.it/download/.  相似文献   

细菌耐药已成为威胁全球人类公共健康的重要因素之一,快速、准确明确细菌耐药的特性、机制及传播特征对疾病治疗及控制耐药菌的传播具有重要意义。高通量测序技术可以同时平行检测多个基因序列的状态,已广泛应用于细菌耐药检测。目前高通量测序技术在细菌耐药领域的应用主要有:全基因组测序技术、目标区域测序技术和宏基因组测序技术。所采用的测序平台主要为Illumina、Ion Torrent、BGI等二代测序和Pacific Biosciences、Oxford Nonopore 等三代测序平台。通过细菌耐药基因预测细菌耐药表型的准确性在很大程度上依赖于成熟的专业耐药基因数据库,各种通用型、特异型及隐马尔可夫模型耐药基因数据库的建立和完善,为高通量测序技术在细菌耐药领域的应用提供了坚实的基础。本文简要介绍了高通量测序技术、数据分析方法及相应测序平台在细菌耐药领域中的应用进展,并同时介绍了细菌耐药数据库的现状。  相似文献   

High-throughput analysis of genome-wide random transposon mutant libraries is a powerful tool for (conditional) essential gene discovery. Recently, several next-generation sequencing approaches, e.g. Tn-seq/INseq, HITS and TraDIS, have been developed that accurately map the site of transposon insertions by mutant-specific amplification and sequence readout of DNA flanking the transposon insertions site, assigning a measure of essentiality based on the number of reads per insertion site flanking sequence or per gene. However, analysis of these large and complex datasets is hampered by the lack of an easy to use and automated tool for transposon insertion sequencing data. To fill this gap, we developed ESSENTIALS, an open source, web-based software tool for researchers in the genomics field utilizing transposon insertion sequencing analysis. It accurately predicts (conditionally) essential genes and offers the flexibility of using different sample normalization methods, genomic location bias correction, data preprocessing steps, appropriate statistical tests and various visualizations to examine the results, while requiring only a minimum of input and hands-on work from the researcher. We successfully applied ESSENTIALS to in-house and published Tn-seq, TraDIS and HITS datasets and we show that the various pre- and post-processing steps on the sequence reads and count data with ESSENTIALS considerably improve the sensitivity and specificity of predicted gene essentiality.  相似文献   

Second generation sequencing has been widely used to sequence whole genomes. Though various paired-end sequencing methods have been developed to construct the long scaffold from contigs derived from shotgun sequencing, the classical paired-end sequencing of the Bacteria Artificial Chromosome (BAC) or fosmid libraries by the Sanger method still plays an important role in genome assembly. However, sequencing libraries with the Sanger method is expensive and time-consuming. Here we report a new strategy to sequence the paired-ends of genomic libraries with parallel pyrosequencing, using a Chinese amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri) BAC library as an example. In total, approximately 12,670 non-redundant paired-end sequences were generated. Mapping them to the primary scaffolds of Chinese amphioxus, we obtained 413 ultra-scaffolds from 1,182 primary scaffolds, and the N50 scaffold length was increased approximately 55 kb, which is about a 10% improvement. We provide a universal and cost-effective method for sequencing the ultra-long paired-ends of genomic libraries. This method can be very easily implemented in other second generation sequencing platforms.  相似文献   

随着高通量测序技术快速发展,Me RIP-seq(methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing)测序技术开启了RNA表观遗传学研究新局面,能够在全基因组范围内描述RNA甲基化.从Me RIP-seq高通量数据中挖掘RNA甲基化模式,有助于揭示m RNA甲基化在调控基因表达、剪切等方面所发挥的潜在功能,有效指导癌症的干预治疗.本文从Me RIP-seq测序原理出发,较全面地综述Me RIP-seq数据处理和分析方法研究现状,并对其所面临的计算问题进行讨论和展望.  相似文献   

高通量测序技术目前已广泛的应用于临床研究领域。与传统测序方式相比,该技术具有通量高、耗时短、成本低等特点。研究生教育中对高通量测序技术的新进展及其在疾病研究、临床诊断等方面的应用方面的介绍较少。培养医学研究生对高通量测序技术的应用能力,可以增强研究生对高通量测序技术的方法、原理、应用范围、数据分析的理解,为医学研究生应用高通量测序技术发现及解决临床问题打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

Trace quantities of contaminating DNA are widespread in the laboratory environment, but their presence has received little attention in the context of high throughput sequencing. This issue is highlighted by recent works that have rested controversial claims upon sequencing data that appear to support the presence of unexpected exogenous species. I used reads that preferentially aligned to alternate genomes to infer the distribution of potential contaminant species in a set of independent sequencing experiments. I confirmed that dilute samples are more exposed to contaminating DNA, and, focusing on four single-cell sequencing experiments, found that these contaminants appear to originate from a wide diversity of clades. Although negative control libraries prepared from ‘blank’ samples recovered the highest-frequency contaminants, low-frequency contaminants, which appeared to make heterogeneous contributions to samples prepared in parallel within a single experiment, were not well controlled for. I used these results to show that, despite heavy replication and plausible controls, contamination can explain all of the observations used to support a recent claim that complete genes pass from food to human blood. Contamination must be considered a potential source of signals of exogenous species in sequencing data, even if these signals are replicated in independent experiments, vary across conditions, or indicate a species which seems a priori unlikely to contaminate. Negative control libraries processed in parallel are essential to control for contaminant DNAs, but their limited ability to recover low-frequency contaminants must be recognized.  相似文献   

Spo11 is the topoisomerase-like enzyme responsible for the induction of the meiosis-specific double strand breaks (DSBs), which initiates the recombination events responsible for proper chromosome segregation. Nineteen PCR-induced alleles of SPO11 were identified and characterized genetically and cytologically. Recombination, spore viability and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation were decreased to varying extents in these mutants. Arrest by ndt80 restored these events in two severe hypomorphic mutants, suggesting that ndt80-arrested nuclei are capable of extended DSB activity. While crossing-over, spore viability and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation defects correlated, the extent of such defects was not predictive of the level of heteroallelic gene conversions (prototrophs) exhibited by each mutant. High throughput sequencing of tetrads from spo11 hypomorphs revealed that gene conversion tracts associated with COs are significantly longer and gene conversion tracts unassociated with COs are significantly shorter than in wild type. By modeling the extent of these tract changes, we could account for the discrepancy in genetic measurements of prototrophy and crossover association. These findings provide an explanation for the unexpectedly low prototroph levels exhibited by spo11 hypomorphs and have important implications for genetic studies that assume an unbiased recovery of prototrophs, such as measurements of CO homeostasis. Our genetic and physical data support previous observations of DSB-limited meioses, in which COs are disproportionally maintained over NCOs (CO homeostasis).  相似文献   

证明噬菌体高通量测序中高频出现的序列即是噬菌体基因组的末端序列。在T3噬菌体基因组末端连接特异性序列接头,然后进行高通量测序,同时将不加接头的T3基因组也进行高通量测序,对测序结果进行生物信息学比较分析。采用类似高通量测序技术分析N4样噬菌体的全基因组序列。加接头的序列与无接头序列中的高频序列完全一致,证明了高通量测序过程中得到的高频序列就是加接头的基因组末端序列,同时证明T4样噬菌体的末端具有序列特异性而非完全随机,此外我们还发现N4样噬菌体基因组左侧末端具有唯一序列,而其基因组右侧末端不均一。高通量测序技术方便快捷,可用于噬菌体基因组末端和全基因组序列的同时测定。  相似文献   

The typical mitochondrial (mt) genomes of bilateral animals consist of 37 genes on a single circular chromosome. The mt genomes of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus, and the human head louse, Pediculus capitis, however, are extensively fragmented and contain 20 minichromosomes, with one to three genes on each minichromosome. Heteroplasmy, i.e. nucleotide polymorphisms in the mt genome within individuals, has been shown to be significantly higher in the mt cox1 gene of human lice than in humans and other animals that have the typical mt genomes. To understand whether the extent of heteroplasmy in human lice is associated with mt genome fragmentation, we sequenced the entire coding regions of all of the mt minichromosomes of six human body lice and six human head lice from Ethiopia, China and France with an Illumina HiSeq platform. For comparison, we also sequenced the entire coding regions of the mt genomes of seven species of ticks, which have the typical mitochondrial genome organization of bilateral animals. We found that the level of heteroplasmy varies significantly both among the human lice and among the ticks. The human lice from Ethiopia have significantly higher level of heteroplasmy than those from China and France (Pt<0.05). The tick, Amblyomma cajennense, has significantly higher level of heteroplasmy than other ticks (Pt<0.05). Our results indicate that heteroplasmy level can be substantially variable within a species and among closely related species, and does not appear to be determined by single factors such as genome fragmentation.  相似文献   

Detection of the rare polymorphisms and causative mutations of genetic diseases in a targeted genomic area has become a major goal in order to understand genomic and phenotypic variability. We have interrogated repeat-masked regions of 8.9 Mb on human chromosomes 21 (7.8 Mb) and 7 (1.1 Mb) from an individual from the International HapMap Project (NA12872). We have optimized a method of genomic selection for high throughput sequencing. Microarray-based selection and sequencing resulted in 260-fold enrichment, with 41% of reads mapping to the target region. 83% of SNPs in the targeted region had at least 4-fold sequence coverage and 54% at least 15-fold. When assaying HapMap SNPs in NA12872, our sequence genotypes are 91.3% concordant in regions with coverage≥4-fold, and 97.9% concordant in regions with coverage≥15-fold. About 81% of the SNPs recovered with both thresholds are listed in dbSNP. We observed that regions with low sequence coverage occur in close proximity to low-complexity DNA. Validation experiments using Sanger sequencing were performed for 46 SNPs with 15-20 fold coverage, with a confirmation rate of 96%, suggesting that DNA selection provides an accurate and cost-effective method for identifying rare genomic variants.  相似文献   

The formation of cell membranes through the physical–chemical interaction of two hydrophilic colloidal fluids is applied to the formation of the membranes of brain and neural cells. Also described is the membrane mechanism of transfer of ions and compounds necessary for brain and neural cell functions into the cerebrospinal fluid through the blood–brain barrier. Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid giving rise to degradation of brain and neural cells and the formation of precipitates within the brain are considered. Monitoring of electrolyte changes in metabolic fluids is shown to be a possible method of predicting the onset of degenerate brain conditions.  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing is becoming increasingly important in microbial ecology, yet it is surprisingly under‐used to generate or test biogeographic hypotheses. In this contribution, we highlight how adding these methods to the ecologist toolbox will allow the detection of new patterns, and will help our understanding of the structure and dynamics of diversity. Starting with a review of ecological questions that can be addressed, we move on to the technical and analytical issues that will benefit from an increased collaboration between different disciplines.  相似文献   

本实验将中国荷斯坦牛泌乳期高乳品质奶牛(H)和泌乳期低乳品质奶牛(L)乳腺组织作为实验对象,利用高通量测序技术进行了miRNA测序,与miRNA数据库比对,获得已知miRNA,整合miREvo和mirDeep2这两个miRNA预测软件,进行新miRNA分析,通过差异表达分析筛选组间差异miRNAs,获得56个差异表达miRNA(P <0.05,FDRq <0.05)并对差异表达miRNA进行靶基因预测;利用DAVID对靶基因进行GO(Gene Ontology)和信号通路富集分析。经过对靶基因筛选,发现了4个已报道与乳蛋白、乳脂紧密相关的功能基因:CSN3、SCD、LALBA和DGAT2。靶基因聚集的生物学功能多数参与了蛋白质和脂肪代谢,乳腺发育和分化,以及免疫功能。靶基因主要富集在MAPK 信号通路、甘油磷酸脂质代谢、缺氧诱导因子1和磷脂酰肌醇3激酶 蛋白激酶B信号转导通路。结果显示,靶基因主要富集在糖类代谢、脂肪代谢、蛋白质代谢、细胞凋亡以及免疫相关通路。  相似文献   

We developed a novel drug screening system for anti-influenza A virus by targeting the M2 proton channel. In the SPP (Single Protein Production) system, E. coli cell growth occurs only in the presence of effective M2 channel inhibitors, and thus simple measurement of cell growth was used as readouts for drug screening. Two potential inhibitors for M2 (V27A) mutant were verified using this method, which inhibit both the mutant and wild-type M2 channels.  相似文献   

Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been a great success and is now a standard method of research in the life sciences. With this technology, dozens of whole genomes or hundreds of exomes can be sequenced in rather short time, producing huge amounts of data. Complex bioinformatics analyses are required to turn these data into scientific findings. In order to run these analyses fast, automated workflows implemented on high performance computers are state of the art. While providing sufficient compute power and storage to meet the NGS data challenge, high performance computing (HPC) systems require special care when utilized for high throughput processing. This is especially true if the HPC system is shared by different users. Here, stability, robustness and maintainability are as important for automated workflows as speed and throughput. To achieve all of these aims, dedicated solutions have to be developed. In this paper, we present the tricks and twists that we utilized in the implementation of our exome data processing workflow. It may serve as a guideline for other high throughput data analysis projects using a similar infrastructure. The code implementing our solutions is provided in the supporting information files.  相似文献   

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