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We tested whether purified antibodies (Ab) to immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain isotoypes could suppress immune Ig-secreting lymphocytes in vitro. Rabbit immune spleen cells (SpC) were treated with purified goat Ab to IgM (anti-μ Ab) or to IgG (anti-γ Ab) in vitro for 24 hr (Day 1). After this treatment, the SpC were washed and recultured to Day 5. The cells were again washed and then tested for Ig-bearing cells by a rosette forming cell assay and tested for Ab-secreting cells by the conventional plaque forming cell assay. In addition, the supernatant fluids were quantitated for secreted Ig by a radial immune hemolysis in gel assay. The number of Ig-bearing cells, the number of Ab-secreting cells and the amount of secreted b4 Ig decreased when “primary immune” SpC were pretreated with anti-μ but not when the SpC were pretreated with anti-γ Ab. Thus, SpC from rabbits injected once with SE were suppressed by anti-μ but not by anti-γ Ab. In contrast, SpC from rabbits injected several times with SE (hyperimmunized) were not suppressed by either anti-μ or by anti-γ Ab. This susceptibility of primary immune (IgM-secreting) SpC and resistance of hyperimmune (IgG-secreting) SpC to suppression may depend on the stage of B lymphocyte differentiation. That is, more differentiated cells such as IgG-secreting cells are insensitive to anti-μ and anti-γ Ab presumably due to lack of surface Ig molecules or for other reasons.  相似文献   

The production of immunoglobulin (Ig) bearing the b4 and b5 allotypic markers by b4b5 heterozygous spleen cells cultured in vitro was assessed by means of a sensitive and reproducible radioimmunoassay. Ig synthesis was demonstrated by the increasing amounts of the b4 and b5 allotypes appearing with time in the supernatant fluids. To determine the effect of anti-b4 or anti-b5 antibody on the synthesis of the b4 and b5 allotypes, spleen cells from b4b5 heterozygous rabbits were incubated for 24 hr in the presence of anti-b4 or anti-b5 and then washed and cultured for an additional 4 days. Anti-b4 suppressed the production of the b4 allotype with no effect on b5 production, whereas anti-b5 suppressed the production of b5 allotype with no effect on b4 production. This suppression of allotype synthesis in vitro presumably results from an antigen-antibody reaction occurring on the surface of lymphoid cells by a mechanism which may be similar to that which brings about allotype suppression in vivo for fetal and newborn rabbits.  相似文献   

Rabbits suppressed for paternal immunoglobulin allotypes specified by the b locus were injected with spleen cells from non-inbred donors at the age of 1 month. This resulted in transient chimerism as shown by the appearance of 10 to >200 μg of donor type Ig per milliliter recipient's serum 1 to 2 weeks after cell transfer. Antibody production by donor cells could not be demonstrated during their survival in the recipients. If, and only if, the donor cells produced Ig of the suppressed allotype, the release from suppression was expedited as judged by the time of appearance and increase of lymphoid cells with membrane-bound Ig of the suppressed type, and also by the onset and rise of secreted Ig of this type in the recipients' sera.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from heterozygous rabbits suppressed for an allotypic determinant on kappa light chains by exposure to maternally derived antibodies specific for the paternal gene product were analyzed for their capacity to express membrane-bound and secreted immunoglobulin (Ig). Individual cells displaying allotypic membrane Ig (mIg) were enumerated by a rosette test, while Ig-secreting cells were assessed by means of a hemolytic plaque assay. In a group of suppressed rabbits varying in age from 3 to 19 months, the proportion of cells with mIg of the paternal type was markedly higher than that of cells secreting that type of Ig. The same high proportion of lymphocytes displaying mIg of the suppressed type was observed whether lymphocytes from blood, spleen, or lymph nodes of suppressed rabbits were examined. In contrast, similar analyses performed with cells of normal heterozygous rabbits showed no discrepancy between mIg expression and secretion of either allotype. Lymphocytes synthesizing Ig of the paternal type were also defective in responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which stimulates differentiation to Ig secretion in normal B lymphocytes. These results support the idea that B lymphocytes capable of synthesizing the suppressed type of Ig have functional impairments affecting secretion and responses to environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Blast transformation studies have indicated a diminished T cell response in spleen cell preparations from rabbits infected with Treponema pallidum. IL-2 synthesis by T lymphocytes is required for proliferation of these cells. Thus, Con A-induced IL-2 generation was measured in syphilitic animals infected for 9 to 14 days. IL-2 production in the infected rabbits was only one-half that observed for uninfected rabbits. This marked decrease in IL-2 was not caused by decreased IL-1 secretion by adherent cells from infected animals because similar levels were found in both infected and uninfected splenic cultures. This decrease was also not caused by an increase in infected spleen cell adsorption of IL-2; similar numbers of receptors for this IL were present in Con A-stimulated infected and uninfected splenic preparations. The inhibited IL-2 production in infected spleen cells was reversed upon removal of the adherent cells and also elevated upon addition of indomethacin to the cultures. PGE levels were also elevated in splenic cultures from infected animals. Finally, IL-2 synthesis, when evaluated at various days postinfection, showed that at 4 days, splenic cells generated twice as much IL-2 as uninfected cells. At 9 to 14 days, IL-2 levels were dramatically decreased (50% lower than that observed in uninfected cultures), and suppression of IL-2 by adherent cells was observed as late as 35 days post-infection. We propose that premature down regulation (suppression) of IL-2 secretion is mediated by adherent cells via a cyclo-oxygenase product, most likely PGE. These results may explain why most, but not all, treponemes are cleared during infection, and why the secondary manifestations of the disease occur.  相似文献   

In Vitro production of Immune Interferon (IF) in response to Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) antigen by sensitized spleen cells from C57B1/6 (B6) mice could be detected as early as 3 and for at least 20 days after ip infection of HSV. Maximal levels of IF were produced after 10 hr of culture, but there was no decay of activity when supernatants were sampled during the subsequent 3 days. The IF produced shared certain known properties of immune IF and was not neutralized by an antiserum against viral-induced (type I) IF. DBA/2 (D2) mice which are considerably more sensitive in vivo to HSV infection than B6 mice produced significantly lower amounts of immune IF in the in vitro test system regardless whether high or low doses of virus were injected. The same pattern of results was observed when resistant B6D2F1 hybrid mice were compared with AJ and Balb/c mice which are about as sensible to ip infection with HSV as DBA/2 mice in our laboratory. These results demonstrate a remarkable defect of in vitro cellular immunity in mice susceptible to a virus infection when compared with resistant mice. Conceivably, a similar defect may be of in vivo relevance.  相似文献   

Supernatants from concanavalin A- (Con A) activated murine spleen cells have been shown to suppress the in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The present study examined the effect of such Con A-activated spleen cell supernatants (herein termed CONS) on the in vivo immune response to SRBC in C57BL/6, BALB/c and CDF1 mice. CONS derived from BALB/c spleen cells suppressed direct PFC 4 and 8 days after immunization with 2 X 10(8) SRBC. CONS also suppressed indirect PFC 8 days after immunization, as well as serum hemagglutinins to SRBC. The PFC response of C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice was suppressed as much as that of BALB/c (H-2d) by CONS derived from BALB/c mice, indicating a lack of H-2 specificity of the CONS. In addition to suppression of the antibody response to SRBC, in vivo CONS administration resulted in reduction in spleen cell number. This reduction was not sufficient to explain the decreased PFC response. When the CONS was separated into less than 10,000 m.w. and greater than or equal to 10,000 m.w. fractions, the immunosuppressive activity was found in the less than 10,000 m.w. fraction. This observation suggests that intact interferon, SIRS, and MIF were not responsible for the results obtained.  相似文献   

The regulatory effects of rabbit antibodies specific for light chain determinants (b locus) on the formation of rabbit serum immunoglobulins have been studied in an in vitro system which measures of the response of unprimed rabbit spleen cells to solubilized T2 phage antigen. Treatment of spleen cells from b4b4 rabbits with anti-b4 serum, which was either incorporated into the culture medium or employed in appropriate pulse treatment of the cells before culture, prevented the formation of T2 neutralizing antibodies by such cells. Spleen cells of heterozygous (b4b5) rabbits formed anti-T2 antibodies which could be shown to be divided between the b4 and b5 specificities. Incorporation of anti-b4 or anti-b5 serum into the culture medium suppressed the specific anti-T2 response and, except in the instances noted in the text, did not significantly change the level of T2 neutralizing antibodies marked with the alternate allelic determinant. These findings are discussed in the light of the compensatory formation of an alternate immunoglobulin type which occurs during allotype suppression in vivo.  相似文献   

The question of the ultimate fate of lymphocytes subjected to treatment with anti-allotype antibody (Ab) has been investigated by means of an adoptive transfer system that uses noninbred rabbits matched for major histocompatibility antigens and mismatched for allotype. Suppression of b4 immunoglobulin (Ig) production was induced by incubating lymphocytes from b4b5 rabbits with anti-b4 in culture. Transfer of b4-suppressed cells to newborn recipients of allotype b6b6 resulted in stable chimerism of mixed donor-recipient allotypes, in which b4 Ig production remained suppressed. In recipients of non-Ab-treated cells, b4 Ig production predominated over b5, as had been the case in the intact donor. No evidence for stimulation of b4 Ig synthesis was seen, even when lymphocytes and serum from 1-week-old recipients were examined. When lymphoid cells of antigen-primed b4b5 donors were treated with anti-b4 in vitro and transferred, Ab production of the b4 type was specifically suppressed, with compensatory over-production by Ab-forming cells of the b5 type. The results reported here indicate that although anti-allotype Ab is not directly cytotoxic, a significant proportion of the b4-committed cells were irreversibly inactivated as a result of Ab pulse treatment.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) parenterally injected to rabbits (immunized intraperitoneally with thymus-independent antigen of killed E. coli 0127/545) during January--April inhibited production of antibody-forming cells (AFC) in the spleen of these animals, and during May--June it increased the AFC count. Both the stimulating and inhibitory effect of cAMP was associated with the administration of the same doses of 25--250 microgram/kg. The nature of the cAMP effect on the production of the AFC depends on the initial immune response level. At the maximum immune response and in the absence of the dose-effect dependence cAMP inhibited the antibody formation, but when the immunological reaction was below the maximal level and in the presence of the dose-effect relationship cAMP increased the AFC production.  相似文献   

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