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Dielectric permitivity and conductivity data are reviewed for tissue over the frequency range of 0.1-10 GHz. The conductivity of muscle increases quadratically with frequency above 1 GHz, suggesting a Debye relaxation for tissue water centered at 20 GHz at room temperature, the same as for bulk water. Approximate mixture equations suggest that this "free" water accounts for about 70% of the tissue weight, showing that most of the tissue water has rotational mobilities similar to those in the bulk fluid.  相似文献   

Effect of oxygen binding on the dielectric properties of hemoglobin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P Schlecht  H Vogel  A Mayer 《Biopolymers》1968,6(12):1717-1725
The dielectric properties of horse hemoglobin have been investigated in the frequency range for 100 kcps to 15 Mcps at varying degrees of oxygenation. A linear dependence of the specific increment on the degree of oxygenation was found under a variety of experimental conditions, the increment of oxygenated hemoglobin being about 10% larger than that of deoxygenated hemoglobin. A similar difference was obtained with human adult and fetal hemoglobin. No variation of the dielectric parameters as reported by Takashima and Lumry could be detected.  相似文献   

Following exposure to a number of hormones, the cell membrane in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells is hyperpolarized by increase of intracellular calcium activity. The present study has been performed to elucidate the possible role of calmodulin in the regulation of intracellular calcium activity and cell membrane potential. To this end trifluoperazine has been added during continuous recording of cell membrane potential or intracellular calcium. Trifluoperazine leads to a transient increase of intracellular calcium as well as a sustained hyperpolarization of the cell membrane by activation of calcium sensitive K+ channels. Half-maximal effects are observed between 1 and 10 mumol/L trifluoperazine. A further calmodulin antagonist, chlorpromazine, (50 mumol/L), similarly hyperpolarizes the cell membrane. The effects of trifluoperazine are virtually abolished in the absence of extracellular calcium. Pretreatment of the cells with either pertussis toxin or phorbol-ester TPA does not interfere with the hyperpolarizing effect of trifluoperazine. In conclusion, calmodulin is apparently involved in the regulation of calcium transfer across the cell membrane but not in the stimulation of K+ channels by intracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Effect of anions on adenosine triphosphatase of kidney tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A I Katz  F H Epstein 《Enzyme》1971,12(4):499-507

ATP and ADP but not AMP lead to sustained hyperpolarization of Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The present study has been performed to test for an influence of other nucleotides on the potential difference across the cell membrane (PD) in subconfluent MDCK cells. PD has been continuously monitored with conventional microelectrodes during rapid exchange of extracellular fluid. Application of 1 mumol/1 UTP leads to a rapid (less than 2 s) hyperpolarization of the cell membrane by -17.0 +/- 0.4 mV (from -50.1 +/- 0.6 mV), a reduction of cell membrane resistance and an increase of the sensitivity of PD to alterations of extracellular potassium. The concentration needed for half maximal effect of UTP is approximately equal to 0.2 mumol/1. ITP is similarly effective, whereas UDP, GTP and GDP are less effective. Up to 1 mmol/1 UMP, GMP, TTP or CTP do not significantly alter PD. In calcium-free extracellular fluid the hyperpolarizing effect of UTP is blunted (-11.6 +/- 2.3 mV) and only transient. In conclusion, UTP similar to purine triphosphates hyperpolarizes MDCK cells by increasing the potassium conductance. The activation of potassium channels requires calcium, which is apparently recruited from both intra- and extracellular sources.  相似文献   

The kinetics of calcium binding to tissue substrates in hypercalcaemia, induced by intravenous constant rate infusion of calcium gluconate were studied in 19 patients after renal transplantation and in 14 healthy volunteers. Langmuir, Scatchard and Hill analysis revealed the positive cooperative mechanism of calcium binding to tissue in all patients and in healthy volunteers. These results provide indirect evidence of binding of calcium to tissue proteins. The significant decrease of the values of specific buffer capacity of tissue proteins, pool of exchangeable calcium and also the effective Ka were observed in 37% of patients. These changes are proposed to play a role in the pathological calcification of vessels and soft tissues in patients after renal transplantation.  相似文献   

The effect of hypothermia on the function of isolated dog kidney cortex mitochondria was determined with an FAD- and NAD+-linked substrate. In dog kidney mitochondria, temperatures of 10 °C or less suppress ADP stimulation of respiration but have little or no effect upon uncoupler, Ca2+ or valinomycin-K+ stimulation of respiration. This suggests that the adenine nucleotide translocase which catalyses the transport of ADP into the mitochondria limits the rate of respiration and generation of ATP at 10 °C in kidneys undergoing preservation. The coupling of oxidation to phosphylation, as determined by measuring the amount of ATP formed at low temperatures, indicates, however, that mitochondria are fully coupled at both 10 and 5 °C. The respiratory control index at 15 °C is greater (with pyruvate plus malate) than at 30 or 10 °C and suggests that 15 °C may be the optimum perfusion temperature for maintaining adenine nucleotide levels in the perfused kidney.  相似文献   

The nephrotoxin in mycelial extracts of Aspergillus fumigatus produces morphological changes resembling those observed in mercuric chloride poisoning in vivo. The toxic factor has been purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatographic fractionation. This paper presents the effects of purified toxic extracts on mouse kidney homogenate and mitochondria in vitro.Homogenate respiration rate was a function of substrate concentration. In the presence of succinate or ascorbate, respiration increased to a high plateau with increasing substrate concentration, whereas with citrate, malate, or other pyridine nucleotide-linked substrates, the rate increased to a low maximum and then decreased.At optimal concentration of substrates, respiration was stimulated by low concentrations of toxin but depressed by high concentrations. A much lower concentrations of toxin produced these effects with citrate than with ascorbate or succinate. Similar patterns of stimulation and depression were obtained with 2,4-dinitrophenol.Complete uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, as judged from the P:O ratio, was evident with both succinate and citrate at higher toxin concentrations. This uncoupling effect disappeared when nephrotoxicity was inactivated by heat, although some respiratory inhibition effect persisted. The previously reported hypercitricemia after intravenous administration of a lethal dose of toxin to mammals is probably due to suppression of citrate oxidation.  相似文献   

Studies of low electric fields (LEFs) effects on the permeability of the cell membrane are of great interest in molecular medicine. Electroendocytosis is a novel technique depends on using LEFs to incorporate macromolecules as anticancer drugs or genes into the cells. There are wide debates about the optimum electric conditions for electroendocytosis. In this article, Ehrlich tumor tissues were exposed to different LEFs voltages and frequencies in vitro. Dielectric properties before and after the exposure were determined. The results indicated that the exposed groups have significant high permittivity and conductivity compared to unexposed group, as well as having significant low impedance. The results indicated that dielectric measurements can be used to indicate the efficiency of electroendocytosis that as permittivity and conductivity of cell membranes increase, more molecules can passed into the cells. It was also indicated that, as the pulse amplitude increases, the LEFs influence increases, while changing pulse frequency has no obvious effect on dielectric properties of Ehrlich tumor.  相似文献   

The complex piezoelectric constant (d = d′ ? id″), elastic constant (c = c′ + ic″), and dielectric constant (ε = ε′ ? iε″) were measured at a frequency of 10 Hz over the temperature range from ?150 to 50°C and for a range of hydration up to 0.26 g/g for decalcified bone and up to 0.084 g/g for bone. For decalcified bone, ε′ and ε″ increased with increasing hydration with a deflection at the critical hydration hc = 0.08 g/g;d′ at ?150°C increased below hc but decreased above hc with increasing hydration; c′ increased below ?60°C but decreased above ?60°C with increasing hydration; and the peak temperatures of ε″, d″, and c″ below ?50°C agree with each other and decreased with increasing hydration with a deflection at hc. For bone, similar hydration and temperature dependences were observed for ε and c. However, the dependence of d on hydration and temperature was different from that of decalcified bone, reflecting a two-phase structure consisting of collagen fibers and mineral hydroxyapatite. The critical hydration for bone was 0.04 g/g.  相似文献   

Supplementation of growing MDCK canine kidney tubular epithelial cultures with linoleic acid produced a 3.6- to 4.9-fold increase in bradykinin-stimulated PGE2 release as measured by radioimmunoassay. Under these conditions the cell phospholipids contained 3.9-times more linoleic acid and 5.6-times more arachidonic acid, with the inositol, ethanolamine and choline phosphoglycerie fractions becoming enriched in arachidonic acid. By contrast, supplementation with arachidonic acid did not enhance bradykinin-stimulated PGE2 release even though the arachidonic acid content of the cell phospholipids was increased 8.8-fold. The distribution of radioactive prostaglandin products was unchanged by these fatty acid enrichments, with PGE2 accounting for 55 to 68% of the total output from [1-14C]arachidonic acid. Linoleic acid supplementation also produced a 2.5-fold increase in PGE2 formation stimulated by extracellular arachidonic acid, whereas supplementation during culture with arachidonic acid caused a 55 to 80% inhibition. This difference cannot be accounted for by changes in the ability of the cells to incorporate extracellular arachidonic acid. it is suggested that at least some of the effects of linoleate supplementation on prostaglandin production are due to the resulting enrichment of the intracellular phospholipid substrate pools with arachidonic acid. In addition, it appears that prolonged exposure to arachidonic acid during culture has an overriding inhibitory effect on prostaglandin production even though the total cell lipids bocome highly enriched in arachidonate.  相似文献   

The action of epinephrine on Madin-Darby canine kidney cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used cultured monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, which form epithelial layers of high transepithelial resistance, grown on Millipore filters, for transport studies. In the absence of hormones net ion transport is of small magnitude and is consistent with a net absorptive flow (apical to basal) of Na+. Epinephrine, effective only from the basolateral cell surface, stimulates a net secretion (basal to apical) of Cl-. A substantial portion of net Cl- secretion is inhibited by loop diuretics such as furosemide applied to the basolateral cell aspects. The participation of a diuretic-sensitive cotransport system for Na+, K+, and Cl-, similar to that found in other cells, in transepithelial Cl- flux is postulated. The action of catecholamines on MDCK cell adenylate cyclase and on a Ca2+-activated K+ conductance is described.  相似文献   

The effect of amphotoericin B on the chemical composition of the plasmic membranes of the puppy kidney tissue was studied. It was shown that amphotericin B in a concentration of 10 Units/ml induced changes in the quantitative content of proteins, lipids and RNA in the chemical composition of the plasmic membranes. The effect of amphotericin B on the composition of proteins and lipids in the membranes was also studied. It was found with the method of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel that after exposure of the culture cells to the antibiotic significant shifts in the composition of the membrane proteins took place. According to the findings of thin-layer chromatography amphotericin B markedly changed the quantitative content of the fractions in the composition of lipids in the plasmic membranes. Significant deviations under the effect of the antibiotic were observed in the quantitative ratio of separate fatty acids contained in the lipids of the membrane preparations studied. On the basis of the results obtained it was supposed that the mode of action of amphotericin B on the cell was associated with impairement of the plasmic membrane structure by the antibiotic.  相似文献   

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