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Sclerobiont communities have proven their environmental and taphonomic value in extant and past settings; studies are beginning to quantify and evaluate their changes across time. Through the Valanginian of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, trigonioids of the genus Steinmanella present an almost continuous record. Materials were collected from shales and shell beds across second‐order systems tracts (LST, TST and HST). Their sclerobiont communities were characterized and compared across systems tracts and facies. In addition, a link between them and coeval oyster mass occurrences (OMOs) was investigated, since studies on other local sclerobiont communities have consistently shown pronounced oyster dominance. Eleven sclerobiont taxa were found on Steinmanella (bryozoans, bivalves, foraminifers and polychaetes), of which oysters are usually strongly dominant but for the TST, in which their dominance is diminished. The sclerobiont community has a simple structure and interspecific relationships and competition for space seem to have had little importance. Few differences in richness, taxonomy and other parameters were found between facies. Across systems tracts, features of the sclerobiont communities are differentiated mostly from swings in relative abundance of taxa. The lowered oyster dominance in the TST may reflect a source–sink dynamics between OMOs (sources) and Steinmanella as sinks in shallower, soft substrate settings. Likely the sea‐level rise temporally drowned the oyster carbonate factory, resulting in decreased larvae emigration to the sinks and lowered oyster dominance during the TST.  相似文献   

Exposed mollusc shells may act as benthic islands in soft bottoms, and the analysis of their encrusting faunas provides unique palaeoecological information. In the late Valanginian of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, west‐central Argentina), the large pectinid Prohinnites acted as a benthic island on soft substrates. Inequivalved Prohinnites adults with small, smooth cementing scars on the right valve suggest that a free reclining life habit followed the epibyssate juvenile and cementing phases. The encrusting fauna on Prohinnites was studied taxonomically and palaeoecologically by means of a quantitative approach. Over 90% of 123 valves presented encrusters. Encrustation was equally common in both valves. Internal encrustation was rare. The left umbonal region was less encrusted probably due to sediment accumulation or early colonization by soft‐bodied taxa. The fauna was composed of 14 encrusting taxa, including oysters, serpulids, sabellids and cyclostome bryozoans. Oysters exceeded 50% of the total abundance, but serpulids and bryozoans were more diverse. Serpulids and particularly oysters showed a gregarious life habit. Few interactions took place among encrusters and most were post‐mortem, involving the overgrowth of already dead oysters. The oysters were early settlers that took advantage of their gregarious behaviour to rapidly cover available hard surfaces. However, they were unable to exclude bryozoans and polychaetes, which settled on the pectinid's valves regardless of the presence of oysters. The studied fauna corresponds to a climax community that was structured by larval abundance rather than by competitive interactions; oysters settled first and replenished themselves while polychaetes and bryozoans settled over or alongside them  相似文献   

Abstract: Two species of decapod crustacean are recorded from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian) of the Neuquén Basin of west‐central Argentina, namely Astacodes falcifer Bell and a new species of Palaeohomarus, P. pacificus. The preservation of the specimens is exceptional, some showing delicate compound eyes and a stridulatory apparatus, features rarely found in fossil forms. Many specimens are preserved articulated inside calcareous nodules, within dark‐grey shales. The lobster‐bearing sediments accumulated in a low‐energy marine environment and diagenetic mineralization occurred very rapidly, prior to significant decay, thus allowing exceptional preservation of specimens. Palaeohomarus was a rare genus in the Cretaceous with a palaeogeographic distribution restricted to the Mediterranean Tethys, the eastern USA and Madagascar, while Astacodes falcifer has been recorded only from Speeton (eastern England) and Neuquén.  相似文献   

Cichowolski, M., Pazos, P.J., Tunik, M.A. & Aguirre‐Urreta, M.B. 2011: An exceptional storm accumulation of nautilids in the Lower Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 121–138. An exceptional accumulation of nautilid shells of the species Cymatoceras perstriatum (Steuer) is reported and described in the Lower Cretaceous Agrio Formation of the Neuquén Basin (west‐central Argentina). The bed represents a storm deposit in a shallow‐water environment within the mid‐ramp. The evidences of a storm‐related origin of the bed come from the petrographic analysis and taphonomic features of the shells, specially the sedimentary infill pattern. The shells are dispersed in patches within the stratum, without any orientation relative to the bedding plane. It is proposed that the shells were floating after the death of the animals, although most of them have an almost complete living chamber. The presence of some heavily encrusted shells suggests that there is a mixing of specimens with different drift times. A variety of factors related to the origin of such high number of nautilid shells are discussed, including a transgressive stand system tract, the possible existence of a gregarious behaviour, changes in salinity and wind directions. □Lower Cretaceous, Nautilids, Neuquén Basin, shell accumulation, storm deposit.  相似文献   

The Neuquén Basin is a stratigraphically- and economically-important Early Cretaceous depocentre located in west-central Argentina. The Early Valanginian to Early Barremian succession (upper Vaca Muerta, Mulichinco and Agrio Formations) contains a rich fossil record, with abundant bivalves and ammonoids. Palaeosalinities are determined systematically throughout the succession, based on an oxygen isotope analysis of unaltered oyster shells from two localities in Neuquén province. A total of 188 oyster samples from 52 stratigraphic levels were processed. A total of 52 mean values of δ18O isotope are used to calculate palaeosalinities, assuming an estimated water temperature of 25 °C. The observed range of palaeosalinities, between the maximum and the minimum, is 19, which is in conflict with published accounts of this being a fully marine succession. The isotopic data are combined with independent faunal evidence to evaluate palaeosalinity variation both laterally and temporally. Significant fluctuations in water salinity are indicated, with a clear tendency to increase from brachyhaline to euhaline and near hyperhaline conditions through time. The fluctuations were probably due to dilution from normal marine water, caused primarily by variations in rainfall and continental runoff. In addition, the presence of a volcanic island arc along the western margin of the basin may have at least partially isolated the basin from the marine waters of the Pacific Ocean. Also, a gulf-shaped basin may have inhibited hydrodynamic exchange with the ocean while enhancing retention of continental waters.  相似文献   

de la Fuente M.S. & Fernández, M.S. 2010: An unusual pattern of limb morphology in the Tithonian marine turtle Neusticemys neuquina from the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 15–25. Here, we report an unusual pattern in the manus and pes morphology of the Tithonian marine turtle Neusticemys neuquina. We analyse the forelimbs of two previously known specimens and describe the hind limbs of two previously undescribed specimens. Neusticemys neuquina is characterized by a relative elongation of both the forelimb and hind limb, compared with stem Chelonoidea, as well as an elongation of the pedal digit V, achieved through the elongation of the bones, as well as a moderate hyperphalangy. The elongation of pedal digit V is the most striking feature of N. neuquina, a feature unknown in other turtles. □Limb morphology, Neusticemys neuquina, Tithonian turtle.  相似文献   

Trigoniide clams were conspicuous components of bivalve faunas in shallow seas during most of the Mesozoic. Morphological trends in different features of shell shape and ornamentation of three related species of myophorelloids from the Agrio Formation (Early Cretaceous of Neuquén Basin, Argentina) that inhabited environments of different hydrodynamic energy conditions are explored in this study by means of a detailed morphometric analysis. Four hydrodynamic energy categories were established for depositional environments, from most (1), to least (4), energetic. General shell shape was characterized by measurements of height, length and width. New quantitative methods were developed to evaluate the distribution of costae along the marginal carina and the divergence of costae along the flank. Morphometric variables were detrended with respect to size, to avoid ontogenetic variability in further analyses. Relative width of the shell increases as environments become higher in hydrodynamic energy; this unusual trend may be interpreted as an anchoring/stabilizing strategy developed by the lineage in shallow marine environments. Trends in ornamentation correspond to more densely distributed costae in environments of higher hydrodynamic energy, a pattern that improves substrate penetration.  相似文献   

The first Mesozoic amber for Africa was recently reported from the Middle-Upper Valanginian of the Kirkwood Formation (Algoa Basin, Republic of South Africa). A palaeobotanical and taphonomical study is performed here on the amber-bearing strata. Palaeobotanical remains indicate a warm to hot, semi-arid climate. Taphonomic analysis of the plant debris shows that the assemblage is allochthonous and was the result of transport by high energy flooding events and subsequent deposition in crevasse splay or over bank deposit. However, the plant fragmentation was probably previously initiated in the leaf litter, whose decay was probably slowed down by a combination of biological and climatic factors. The different oxidation degrees of amber also support a certain residence time in contact with the atmosphere and possible reworking.  相似文献   

The deposits of the Carnian Kas?mlar Formation within the Taurus Platform Units of south‐western Turkey represent an important archive of a Late Triassic ecosystem. New palaeontological information was obtained by analysing the Kasimlarceltites mass occurrence, located within the Kas?mlar Formation and named after the Lower Carnian (Julian) ammonoid genus Kasimlarceltites. This is the dominant taxon (> 94%) within the mass occurrence: nearly 775 million ammonoids and 50 million gastropods were extrapolated for the whole extension (at least 5 km2) of the Kasimlarceltites beds. This calculation is one of the main findings within this study, as it is the first time that such a fossil mass occurrence was quantified. Additionally, orientation measurements of the planispiral ammonoids and the helical gastropods enabled reconstructing the history of the mass occurrence and interpreting the underlying transport mechanisms. Further taphonomic aspects (e.g. biofabric, preservation, bioerosion or genetic classification) as well as comparisons with samples of the same acme zone from different localities near A?a?iyaylabel (AS IV, KA I‐II) point to a two‐phased genetic history. Accordingly, local mass mortality within the Kasimlarceltites fauna due to oxygen fluctuations or methane degassing may have initially led to a primary accumulation. These deposits were then reworked and redeposited basinward by gravity flows to create the present‐day secondary allochthonous concentrations.  相似文献   

The spatial intraspecific and interspecific distribution of Tephrocactus aoracanthus (Lem.) Lem. was studied using univariate and bivariate point pattern analysis, at landscape scale in four different physiographic units and at microscale in terms of the shrubs found in those units. The influence of shrubs on photosynthetically active radiation and on soil temperature under their canopies was analysed. Results show a high environmental variability in light and temperature under shrubs that generally has no influence on the distribution of T. aoracanthus. Apparently, this cactus has great ability to adapt to different conditions of both photosynthetically active radiation and temperature. However, intraspecific distribution was highly clustered in all physiographic units, independently of bushes. Possibly, the mode of seed dispersal and the rooting of cladodes at small scale are the main processes that determine the strong intraspecific clustering of T. aoracanthus.  相似文献   

Human cystic echinococcosis is a highly endemic zoonotic disease in the province of Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina, although a hydatid control programme has been carried out since 1970. Human infection due to Echinococcus canadensis (G6 genotype) is frequent in Neuquén. However, the reservoir for this species remains undetermined in a region where camels are absent. We investigated the fertility, viability and molecular epidemiology of hydatid cysts obtained from local goats, pigs and sheep in order to identify the possible reservoirs of E. canadensis (G6). We also analyzed isolates from infected dogs. A total of 67 isolates were identified by the DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene. Cysts from sheep (n = 16), goats (n = 23) and pigs (n = 18) and adult worms from 10 infected dogs were analyzed. The fertility of the hydatid cysts was 78.6%; 90.4% and 94.4% for sheep, goats and pigs, respectively. We detected E. canadensis (G6) in 21 of 23 goat samples and in 1 dog isolate, E. canadensis (G7) in all the pig isolates, E. granulosus sensu stricto (G3) in 1 sheep and the G1 genotype in 15 sheep, 2 goats and 9 dog samples. The G1 haplotypes included the common sheep strain sequence and 2 microvariants of this sequence. E. granulosus sensu stricto (G3) is described for the first time in South America. We conclude that goats act as reservoir for E. canadensis (G6) in Neuquén, and that control strategies may have to be adapted to local molecular epidemiology to improve the control of parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Evaluations of genetic diversity in domestic livestock populations are necessary to implement region‐specific conservation measures. We determined the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships among eight geographically and phenotypically diverse cattle breeds indigenous to west‐central India by genotyping these animals for 22 microsatellite loci. A total of 326 alleles were detected, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.614 (Kenkatha) to 0.701 (Dangi). The mean number of alleles among the cattle breeds ranged from 7.182 (Khillar) to 9.409 (Gaolao). There were abundant genetic variations displayed within breeds, and the genetic differentiation was also high between the Indian cattle breeds, which displayed 15.9% of the total genetic differentiation among the different breeds. The genetic differentiation (pairwise FST) among the eight Indian breeds varied from 0.0126 for the Kankrej–Malvi pair to 0.2667 for Khillar–Kenkatha pair. The phylogeny, principal components analysis, and structure analysis further supported close grouping of Kankrej, Malvi, Nimari and Gir; Gaolao and Kenkatha, whereas Dangi and Khillar remained at distance from other breeds.  相似文献   

Serpulids and other related tube-dwelling polychaetes are often ignored when found as fossil remains. They are, however, a widespread and important group today, and abundant literature has been published on them. Knowledge of fossil serpulids is centered on European material, and little has already been done on South American fossil calcareous tubes. In this paper, seven serpulid and sabellid morphotypes are described from the Early Cretaceous marine Agrio Formation of Argentina, revealing a diversity of worms recorded as encrusters on bivalves, ammonites and corals. Sabellids are represented by Glomerula cf. serpentina. Serpulids are represented by two subfamilies: “Serpulinae” includes Mucroserpula mucroserpula, Parsimonia antiquata, Placostegus cf. conchophilus, Propomatoceros semicostatus and P. sulcicarinatus; Spirorbinae is represented by heavily worn tiny coiled tubes assigned to ?Neomicrorbis. Serpulids and sabellids are one of the main components of the mollusk-encrusting fauna recorded in the Agrio Formation, along with small oysters but much more diverse. They are most commonly found as post-mortem encrusters, but some cases of unquestionable living interaction are also found, such as serpulid tubes embedded on coral branches. They are often overgrown by bryozoans, and sometimes by oysters; they frequently occur aggregated.  相似文献   

陈曦  同号文 《人类学学报》2015,34(4):553-564
长期以来,泥河湾盆地的脊椎动物化石研究聚焦于类群演化和生物地层,缺乏对化石埋藏过程和居群生态的专门研究。近年来,山神庙嘴化石点的正规发掘及丰富的化石发现为引入化石埋藏学方法探讨上述问题提供了可能。本文对山神庙嘴化石点直隶狼化石的骨骼部位组成、居群死亡年龄和生物成层过程进行了研究。骨骼部位组成的分析显示直隶狼的不同骨骼部位存在明显的差异保存,但在居群层面可能仍具有相当的可信度。本文借鉴现生灰狼中常用的牙齿磨耗法、犬齿髓腔闭合率法对山神庙嘴直隶狼的死亡年龄进行了判断。直隶狼的死亡年龄以老年为主,死亡方式为衰老、疾病导致的磨耗型死亡,可能对应了较小的生态压力。直隶狼的埋藏方式为快速的原地埋藏,在被埋藏前受到其他食肉动物和湖滨水流的的改造。  相似文献   

Aim Woody plant expansion and infilling in grasslands and savannas are occurring across a broad range of ecosystems around the globe and are commonly attributed to fire suppression, livestock grazing, nutrient enrichment and/or climate variability. In the western Great Plains, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) woodlands are expanding across broad geographical and environmental gradients. The objective of this study was to reconstruct the establishment of ponderosa pine in woodlands in the west‐central Great Plains and to identify whether it was mediated by climate variability. Location Our study took place in a 400‐km wide region from the base of the Front Range Mountains (c. 105° W) to the central Great Plains (c. 100° W) and from Nebraska (43° N) to northern New Mexico (36° N), USA. Methods Dates for establishment of ponderosa pine were reconstructed with tree rings in 11 woodland sites distributed across the longitudinal and latitudinal gradients of the study area. Temporal trends in decadal pine establishment were compared with summer Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Annual trends in pine establishment from 1985 to 2005 were compared with seasonal PDSI, temperature and moisture availability. Results Establishment of ponderosa pine occurred in the study area in all but one decade (1770s) between the 1750s and the early 2000s, with over 35% of establishment in the region occurring after 1980. Pine establishment was highly variable among sites. Across the region, decadal pine establishment was persistently low from 1940 to 1960, when PDSI was below average. Annual pine establishment from 1985 to 2005 was positively correlated with summer PDSI and inversely correlated with minimum spring temperatures. Main conclusions Most ponderosa pine woodlands pre‐date widespread Euro‐American settlement of the region around c. ad 1860 and currently have stable tree populations. High variability in the timing of establishment of pine among sites highlights the multiplicity of factors that can drive woodland dynamics, including land use, fire history, CO2 enrichment, tree population dynamics and climate. Since the 1840s, the influence of climate was most notable across the study area during the mid‐20th century, when the establishment of pine was suppressed by two significant droughts. The past sensitivity of establishment of ponderosa pine to drought suggests that woodland expansion will be negatively affected by predicted increases in temperature and drought in the Great Plains.  相似文献   

Latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous hydrocarbon seeps from Spitsbergen, Svalbard, are known to contain unusual fauna, lacking most of the species characteristic for roughly coeval seep deposits. This study summarizes and analyses the fauna from 16 seep carbonate bodies from Spitsbergen to explain its composition. The seeps formed in a shallow epicontinental sea with widespread deposition of fine‐grained, organic‐rich sediments. They are spread over a relatively large area and are positioned roughly in the same interval, indicating seepage over extensive areas of the palaeo‐Barents Sea. The seep fauna is very species rich and with low dominance, comprising 54 species, with a composition similar to that of Jurassic–Cretaceous normal‐marine environments of other Boreal seas. Seep‐restricted fauna is not abundant and is represented by four species only. Hokkaidoconchids and possible siboglinid worm tubes characteristic for high sulphide fluxes are rare. Apart from seep‐restricted sulphide‐mining lucinid and thyasirid bivalves, chemosymbiosis was also a source of nourishment for background solemyid and nucinellid bivalves, all of which take sulphide from infaunal sources. This all suggests a relatively weak sulphide flux. The high diversity and low dominance of the fauna and significant richness and abundance of background species is typical for shallow water seeps.  相似文献   

The recognition of areas of endemism (AEs) is important for conservation biology and biogeographical regionalization. Our objective was to quantitatively identify AEs and distributional congruence patterns of native rodents at the tropical/temperate transition in the central Andes. We analysed 6200 geo‐referenced distributional records of 80 species in north‐western Argentina using NDM/VNDM software. We found 20 AEs defined by 22 endemic species (27% of the total rodent fauna) and 34 patterns of distributional congruence in non‐endemic rodents. Geographical range congruence follows two main patterns running parallel along the Andes. One is related to the humid eastern slopes of the Andes (Argentinean Yungas forest) and the other to the high Andes (Argentinean Puna plateau). Endemism was mainly restricted to the southernmost part of the Yungas forest and adjacent dryer valleys (Monte desert). Species diversity was highest in the northern sector of the Argentinean Yungas forest, where several species reach their southern distributional range. This incongruence among hotspots of diversity and endemism has also been also noted in diversity studies at continental and global scales. Our results provide a starting point for conservation planning in the southernmost Central Andes, which combines the taper of tropical diversity and range‐restricted species endemic to the tropical–temperate transition. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 163–179.  相似文献   

Wildfires play a crucial role in recent and ancient ecosystem modeling but their detailed history on the Earth is still not well recorded or understood. The co-occurrence of charcoal and pyrolytic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is used for the recognition of wildfires in geological record that may have implications for the analysis of the terrestrial environment, ecosystems, climate and the level of atmospheric oxygen. Here we present the first multi-proxy evidence of wildfires on the Gondwana continent during the Jurassic, based on the occurrence of charcoal and pyrolytic PAHs in the Middle Jurassic of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. This is the first evidence of wildfire in the Aalenian, the lowest stage of the Middle Jurassic, and one of the few records of wildfires in the Bathonian. Temperature interpretations, derived from charcoal reflectance data, show that charcoals formed in low temperature surface fires that only sporadically reached the higher temperatures, possibly related to crown fires. The occurrence of charcoals in the Middle Jurassic deposits confirms recent results that the atmospheric oxygen level reached at least 15% during the Middle Jurassic times.  相似文献   

The rich fossil vertebrate record from the Beaufort Group, Main Karoo Basin, provides a global standard for mid‐Permian to Mid‐Triassic continental faunas. However, recent studies have demonstrated variability in the composition of contemporaneous faunas across Gondwana. This raises the question of how much the vertebrate faunas differ within the Karoo, where the taxonomic composition of vertebrate assemblage zones (AZs) is mostly considered to be uniform. Although fossil material is known from across the outcrop of the Beaufort Group, the lowest Beaufort strata have received little attention, particularly north of S31°10′. Here, we report two fossil tetrapod assemblages from the lowest Beaufort Group in the southern Free State Province, which represent the northernmost point at which the lowest Beaufort has been targeted for collecting. The lower assemblage is characterized by an abundance of the small dicynodont Eosimops and can thus be attributed to the Tapinocephalus AZ (Guadalupian), but the absence of dinocephalian or pareiasaurian material is unlike contemporaneous assemblages found further south. This suggests that the Tapinocephalus AZ was not uniform across the entire basin and highlights that the abundance, distribution and taxonomic composition of Karoo biozones may vary more than currently appreciated. The upper assemblage, characterized by the dicynodonts Oudenodon, Aulacephalodon and Dinanomodon, is attributable to the upper Cistecephalus AZ to lower Daptocephalus AZ. The juxtaposition of the lower Tapinocephalus AZ and upper Cistecephalus\lower Daptocephalus AZ in the southern Free State implies a stratigraphic gap from the Middle to Late Permian of up to 6 million years.  相似文献   

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