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Native populations of perennial grasses subjected to heavy grazing are typically shorter and more prostrate than ungrazed or lightly defoliated ones. However, it is often difficult to find out whether the morphological modifications are the result of genetic differentiation or phenotypic plasticity. Piptochaetium napostaense (Speg.) Hack. is a native perennial cool-season palatable grass with a dwarf form abundant in the areas subjected to heavy grazing. In this study, we tried to determine whether the populations with different grazing histories are genetically differentiated. We considered three different grazing conditions: enclosure (prevented from grazing during 20 years), livestock grazing, and burrow (heavily grazed by cattle and a wild rodent herbivore, the vizcacha). Isozyme analyses were carried out in order to assess the genetic variability of the populations under study. We further studied the progeny of plants with different grazing histories to determine whether the morphological differences are transmitted to the next generation. Seedlings obtained from seeds belonging to enclosure and burrow were grown in the greenhouse and their vegetative and reproductive response under different water and nutrient availability levels were recorded. From the isozymes analyses we found low levels of genetic variation in the populations studied, with an average of 20.5% polymorphic loci, 1.2 alleles per locus and 0.015 mean expected heterozygosity. From the total genetic diversity, only 1.4% was due to differences among population. In addition, either enclosure or burrow populations had the same growth and reproductive response over treatments differing in water and nutrient levels. The morphological differentiation among plants with different grazing histories appears to be the outcome of a phenotypically plastic response of adapted genotypes.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - The introduction of species into new environments provides the opportunity for the evolution of new forms through admixture and novel selection pressures. The common...  相似文献   

Biological invasions are regarded as a form of global change and potential cause of biodiversity loss. Xenopus laevis is an anuran amphibian native to sub-Saharan Africa with strong invasive capacity, especially in geographic regions with a Mediterranean climate. In spite of the worldwide diffusion of X. laevis, the effective impact on local ecosystems and native amphibian populations is poorly quantified. A large population of X. laevis occurs in Sicily and our main aim of this work was to assess the consequences of introduction of this alien species on local amphibian populations. In this study we compare the occurrence of reproduction of native amphibians in ponds with and without X. laevis, and before and after the alien colonization. The results of our study shows that, when X. laevis establishes a conspicuous population in a pond system, the populations of Discoglossus pictus, Hyla intermedia and Pelophylax synklepton esculentus show clear signs of distress and the occurrence of reproduction of these native amphibians collapses. In contrast, the populations of Bufo bufo do not appear to be affected by the alien species. Since the Sicilian population of X. laevis shows a strong dispersal capacity, proportionate and quick interventions become necessary to bound the detriment to the Sicilian amphibians populations.  相似文献   

Propagule banks are assumed to be able to store considerable genetic variability. Bryophyte populations are expected to rely more heavily on stored propagules than those of seed plants due to the vulnerability of the haploid gametophyte. This reliance has important implications for the genetic structure and evolutionary potential of surface populations. A liverwort, Mannia fragrans, was used to test whether the bryophyte diaspore bank functions as a "genetic memory." If a diaspore bank is capable of conserving genetic variability over generations, the levels of genetic diversity in the soil are expected to be similar or higher than at the surface. Surface and diaspore bank constituents of two populations of M. fragrans were investigated. Genetic structure and diversity measured as unbiased heterozygosity were analyzed using three ISSR markers. Similar genetic diversities were found in the soil (H(s) = 0.067) and at the surface (H(s)= 0.082). However, more haplotypes and specific haplotype lineages were present in soil samples. The results suggest that the bryophyte diaspore bank has an important role in accumulating genetic variability over generations and seasons. It is postulated that the role of the diaspore bank as a "genetic memory" is especially important in species of temporarily available habitats that have long-lived spores and genetically variable populations.  相似文献   

The White‐winged Flufftail (Sarothrura ayresi) is known to occur in the highland marshes of Ethiopia, as well as almost 4000 km in South Africa. The White‐winged Flufftail is listed globally as Critically Endangered. In South Africa the population is estimated to be <50 birds. These birds are severely threatened by habitat destruction. Thus far, no genetic studies have been conducted on S. ayresi to confirm genetic connectivity between the South African and Ethiopian populations. In this study, analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers was conducted for White‐winged Flufftail samples from South African and Ethiopian birds, as well as Red‐chested Flufftail (Sarothrura rufa) for species comparison. Analyses of the DNA regions identified three variations between the two populations, supporting the hypothesis that these two populations are not different species or subspecies but are rather one migrating population with different seasonal occupied ranges. However, these results do not exclude the possibility of additional breeding and nonbreeding sites. Low genetic diversity in the populations of White‐winged Flufftails was observed, which needs to be further elucidated with fast evolving co‐dominant markers such as microsatellites, as this low diversity may ultimately contribute to the extinction of the species.  相似文献   

In self-incompatible clonal plants, the spread of individual plants can exacerbate mate limitation to the point that it becomes a serious constraint on long-term population persistence, especially in small, isolated populations. In such species, it may be necessary to introduce new genetic material from other populations to restore seed production, a strategy termed “genetic rescue”. In this study we assess the potential pertinence of such genetic rescue in the clonal perennial plant Convolvulus lineatus L., whose populations are often highly reduced in spatial extent and are currently being fragmented by land development projects in Mediterranean France. To do so, we quantify fruit production in a range of populations of different size over four years and perform a series of hand-pollination experiments in natural populations to assess whether fruit set is limited by mate availability. We found that C. lineatus is a self-incompatible species that shows extremely low values of fruit set in natural populations and that a principal cause of this low fruit set is a lack of compatible pollen. This may be primarily due to clonal spread that causes individual populations to be comprised of patches containing one or very few incompatibility types. In small populations fragmented by human activities and which show an absence of fruit production, we thus argue that genetic rescue represents a promising conservation management strategy to avoid inevitable long-term future population decline. We discuss how best to introduce new genetic material into the study populations.  相似文献   

The Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) is a characteristic bird of the Argentine Pampas. Despite the increasing farming interest of this ratite, their natural populations are progressively decreasing in size and range. The object of this study was to evaluate the status of captive populations as potential genetic reservoirs. Using Inter‐Simple Sequence Repeats as molecular markers, levels of genetic variability of F1 individuals from two captive populations were estimated and compared with those of wild populations in the same region. The captive populations were polymorphic for 12.22 and 13.33% of the loci, with a genetic diversity of 0.050. Differences with wild populations were not significant (z=1.79; P>0.05). Therefore, captive populations of rheas in Argentina should not be overlooked as genetic reservoir and source of individuals for reinforcement of natural populations, through reintroduction and translocation. Zoo Biol 30:65–70, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wild river gravel banks (RGB) represent an extremely fragile biotope that is significantly endangered by human activities due to its fragmentation over the past century. The consequences of such processes were studied using the endangered violet willow (Salix daphnoides) at the westernmost foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. We quantified population genetic characteristics for 14 ecologically and demographically characterised populations using simple sequence repeats (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. We found a significant correlation between the biotope, sex, age and genetic structure of the populations. The natural RGB populations revealed high genotypic variability when using SSR markers, in contrast to low genotypic variability of the populations of other biotopes of Cirsium wet meadows (CWM) and Ash-alder forests (AAF) that consisted of one to two clones at each site. High heterozygosity (H obs?=?0.428–0.532) was similar across all natural (RGB) populations; however, these populations were deficient in heterozygotes (F IS/ρ IS?>?0). All RGB populations exhibited moderate to very significant genetic differentiation for microsatellites, despite the fact that the AFLP data showed strong differentiation only between CWM and AAF populations. Division into clusters by Structure confirmed consistent geographic groups for the RGB populations. According to our results, the strong decrease in previously continuous and large natural habitats for the violet willow is slightly counterbalanced by among-population gene flow. However, the survival of natural populations is tightly linked to the presence of river gravel banks and bars. Strict protection of this habitat is therefore essential for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The freshwater fish curimba (Prochilodus argenteus) is an endemic species of the São Francisco River basin, with great aquaculture potential. The construction of several hydroelectric power dams along the river, and the pulsed releases of water from these dams altered and degraded the native fish habitats, which led to the development of a hatchery-reared fingerling restocking program. A comprehensive genetic baseline evaluation of the indigenous populations of curimba and of a hatchery stock was done using microsatellite markers. Pairwise F ST values, Bayesian analysis and the number of migrants per generation were used to illustrate the genetic structure of the curimba populations along almost 3000 km of the river, suggesting the existence of three units of conservation: one in the Upper, a second in the Middle and a third including part of the Middle, Submiddle and Lower stretches. We have analyzed the genetic contribution of hatchery stock releases in two stretches of the river using individual admixture coefficients; and the results showed that admixture makes a negligible contribution to indigenous recruitment. We discussed about supplementation programs for this river from the perspective of three units of conservation and the risks associated with using domesticated fish.  相似文献   

Despite comparatively good rates of pollination and seed production, some populations of the endangered terrestrial orchid Caladenia rigida continue to decline. To determine whether seed quality may be limiting reproductive potential, we assessed seed viability among declining populations of C.?rigida (in the southern part of its distribution) and among populations that are regarded as stable (in the northern part of its distribution). We also compared differences in seed viability to plant traits, population size and habitat characteristics (soil properties, canopy cover, presence of proximate vegetation). Seed capsules from southern populations were significantly smaller, with only 9% of seeds being viable, compared to 36% in capsules from northern populations. Soil phosphorus concentrations differed between regions, but other habitat characteristics did not correlate with seed viability. Using calculations based on seedling recruitment data from other Caladenia species, we predict that seed output is insufficient to ensure the long-term persistence of the smallest C.?rigida populations.  相似文献   

Fine scale patterns of genetic structure and dispersal in Triatoma infestans populations from Argentina was analysed. A total of 314 insects from 22 domestic and peridomestic sites from the locality of San Martín (Capayán department, Catamarca province) were typed for 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The results confirm subdivision of T. infestans populations with restricted dispersal among sampling sites and suggest inbreeding and/or stratification within the different domestic and peridomestic structures. Spatial correlation analysis showed that the scale of structuring is approximately of 400 m, indicating that active dispersal would occur within this distance range. It was detected difference in scale of structuring among sexes, with females dispersing over greater distances than males. This study suggests that insecticide treatment and surveillance should be extended within a radius of 400 m around the infested area, which would help to reduce the probability of reinfestation by covering an area of active dispersal. The inferences made from fine-scale spatial genetic structure analyses of T. infestans populations has demonstrated to be important for community-wide control programs, providing a complementary approach to help improve vector control strategies.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the patterns of differentiation among genetic markers with different modes of inheritance can provide insights into patterns of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow. Here, we compare the patterns of differentiation in six microsatellite loci among eight northern breeding populations of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia) with results obtained with mitochondrial DNA. Significant but low levels of differentiation (overall FST = 0.014; overall RST = 0.015) were present across all populations. The level of differentiation is substantially less than that observed in the same samples based on mitochondrial DNA control region variation. The presence of low population imbalance index values and significant isolation-by-distance relationships for both FST and RST suggests that these populations are at evolutionary equilibrium and that the high degree of similarity between populations may be due to high levels of male-biased gene flow. This suggests that there may be significant but previously unappreciated differences in the long-distance and/or episodic dispersal behaviour of males and females in these birds.  相似文献   

Populations of harpacticoid copepods belonging to the family Phyllognathopodidae found on most continents are usually assignable to the taxon of Phyllognathopus viguieri, as it is presently diagnosed, on the basis of their morphological characters. This taxon has been considered as cosmopolitan since the unifying revision of Lang in 1948. Here we reveal that Phyllognathopus viguieri is not a single biological species. Cross-breeding experiments with individuals from five different populations of Phyllognathopus viguieri obtained from Germany, Maryland and Florida in the USA, Jamaica, and Brazil indicated that two of these mutually distant populations were reproductively isolated from each other but crossed easily with others, whereas the other populations did not interbreed, with the exception of the two populations from the USA. From these results we conclude that Phyllognathopus viguieri is not a single cosmopolitan biological species. The high proportion of mutually non-reproducing populations identified in the five populations examined in this study indicate that further analysis of the micromorphology and genetic composition of populations over the entire putative range of Phyllognathopus viguieri will be necessary to clarify their interrelationships.  相似文献   

Recent developments in sequencing technologies have facilitated genomewide mapping of phenotypic variation in natural populations. Such mapping efforts face a number of challenges potentially leading to low reproducibility. However, reproducible research forms the basis of scientific progress. We here discuss the options for replication and the reasons for potential nonreproducibility. We then review the evidence for reproducible quantitative trait loci (QTL) with a focus on natural animal populations. Existing case studies of replication fall into three categories: (i) traits that have been mapped to major effect loci (including chromosomal inversion and supergenes) by independent research teams; (ii) QTL fine‐mapped in discovery populations; and (iii) attempts to replicate QTL across multiple populations. Major effect loci, in particular those associated with inversions, have been successfully replicated in several cases within and across populations. Beyond such major effect variants, replication has been more successful within than across populations, suggesting that QTL discovered in natural populations may often be population‐specific. This suggests that biological causes (differences in linkage patterns, allele frequencies or context‐dependencies of QTL) contribute to nonreproducibility. Evidence from other fields, notably animal breeding and QTL mapping in humans, suggests that a significant fraction of QTL is indeed reproducible in direction and magnitude at least within populations. However, there is also a large number of QTL that cannot be easily reproduced. We put forward that more studies should explicitly address the causes and context‐dependencies of QTL signals, in particular to disentangle linkage differences, allele frequency differences and gene‐by‐environment interactions as biological causes of nonreproducibility of QTL, especially between populations.  相似文献   

Noninvasively collected genetic data can be used to analyse large‐scale connectivity patterns among populations of large predators without disturbing them, which may contribute to unravel the species’ roles in natural ecosystems and their requirements for long‐term survival. The demographic history of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Northern Europe indicates several extinction and recolonization events, but little is known about present gene flow between populations of the east and west. We used 12 validated microsatellite markers to analyse 1580 hair and faecal samples collected during six consecutive years (2005–2010) in the Pasvik Valley at 70°N on the border of Norway, Finland and Russia. Our results showed an overall high correlation between the annual estimates of population size (Nc), density (D), effective size (Ne) and Ne/Nc ratio. Furthermore, we observed a genetic heterogeneity of ~0.8 and high Ne/Nc ratios of ~0.6, which suggests gene flow from the east. Thus, we expanded the population genetic study to include Karelia (Russia, Finland), Västerbotten (Sweden) and Troms (Norway) (477 individuals in total) and detected four distinct genetic clusters with low migration rates among the regions. More specifically, we found that differentiation was relatively low from the Pasvik Valley towards the south and east, whereas, in contrast, moderately high pairwise FST values (0.91–0.12) were detected between the east and the west. Our results indicate ongoing limits to gene flow towards the west, and the existence of barriers to migration between eastern and western brown bear populations in Northern Europe.  相似文献   

The genetic variation within spore banks of Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth from three sites in north-eastern Switzerland was investigated. At two sites spore banks were located beneath sporophyte populations. One collection site was 10Om away from a sporophyte population. The gametophytes grown from the soil samples, the dimensions of which were 4 × 4 × 1.5 cm, and sporophytes from each site were analysed electrophoretically for either three or four variable allozyme loci. The spore banks from the different soil samples within and between populations revealed a considerable amount of genetic diversity. The most frequent alleles within the two sporophyte populations were, with a few exceptions, also the most frequent within the spore banks. The influence of single sporophytic individuals on the genetic composition of microsites seems to be considerably reduced by stochastic processes such as soil movement or the action of earthworms, which promote the mixing of spores from different spatial and temporal origins. It was shown that spores remain viable after passing through the gut of earthworms and that spore banks from even small soil samples revealed genetic diversity and could lead to a large number of genetically distinct sporophytes. The results suggest that fertilization seems to be close to random because the sporophyte populations sampled were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and had fixation index ( F is) close to zero.  相似文献   

Biological invasions in wetlands by Water Primroses (Ludwigia grandiflora ssp. hexapetala and L. peploides ssp. montevidensis) are an increasing problem especially in wet meadows. The aim of this paper is to quantify differences between species and the adaptation of these amphibious plants in order to establish the consequences for site managers. The hypotheses were: (i) that these species differ in biomass and morphology, and (ii) that terrestrial habitats determine particular adaptations such as reduced biomass, more roots and a bushy form. Biomasses from five sites were collected, following seasonal changes and biological traits were measured on selected plants. Comparing species in aquatic habitats, L. peploides produced less biomass than L. grandiflora. Comparing habitats for L. grandiflora, the biomass in meadows was almost twice that in dykes, particularly due to old stems, the converse of the hypothesis. Terrestrial forms were characterized by a bushy morphology, with shorter internodes and stems, as well as more secondary ramifications, while in aquatic habitats the plant architecture was simpler. Models were built linking morphology to species, sites and water conditions. Adaptations to terrestrial habitats of a particularly resistant form with a significant potential biomass are practical constraints for farmers and managers.  相似文献   

The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic effects (IGEs) occur when genes expressed in one individual affect the phenotype of a conspecific. Theoretical models indicate that the evolutionary consequences of IGEs critically depend on the genetic architecture of interacting traits, and on the strength and direction of phenotypic effects arising from social interactions, which can be quantified by the interaction coefficient Ψ. In the context of sexually selected traits, strong positive Ψ tends to exaggerate evolutionary change, whereas negative Ψ impedes sexual trait elaboration. Despite its theoretical importance, whether and how Ψ varies among geographically distinct populations is unknown. Such information is necessary to evaluate the potential for IGEs to contribute to divergence among isolated or semi-isolated populations. Here, we report substantial variation in Ψ for a behavioural trait involved in sexual selection in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus: female choosiness. Both the strength and direction of Ψ varied among geographically isolated populations. Ψ also changed over time. In a contemporary population of crickets from Kauai, experience of male song increased female choosiness. In contrast, experience of male song decreased choosiness in an ancestral population from the same location. This rapid change corroborates studies examining the evolvability of Ψ and demonstrates how interpopulation variation in the interaction coefficient might influence sexual selection and accelerate divergence of traits influenced by IGEs that contribute to reproductive isolation in nascent species or subspecies.  相似文献   

The development of host races, genetically distinct populations of the same species with different hosts, is considered to be the initial stage of ecological speciation. Ecological and biological differences consistent with host race formation have been reported between water‐oat and rice‐associated populations of Chilo suppressalis. In order to confirm whether these differences have a genetic basis, we conducted experiments to determine the extent to which various life‐history traits and the time of peak mating activity of these populations were influenced by the species of host plant larvae were raised on. Individuals from each population were reared for three consecutive generations on either water‐oat fruit pulp or rice seedlings. Descendants of both populations had higher larval survival rates, shorter larval developmental periods, higher pupal weight, and longer adult forewings, when reared on water‐oats than when reared on rice. The time of peak of mating activity differed between the descendants of each population, irrespective of whether they were raised on water‐oats or rice. These results indicate that although some life‐history traits of host‐associated populations of C. suppressalis are influenced by the host plant larvae are raised on, time of peak mating activity is not. Because it is a stable, objective, phenotypic trait, further research on difference in the time of peak mating activity between host‐associated populations of C. suppressalis should be conducted to clarify the mechanism responsible for host race formation in this species.  相似文献   

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