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Conjugative Plasmid Transfer in Gram-Positive Bacteria   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Conjugative transfer of bacterial plasmids is the most efficient way of horizontal gene spread, and it is therefore considered one of the major reasons for the increase in the number of bacteria exhibiting multiple-antibiotic resistance. Thus, conjugation and spread of antibiotic resistance represents a severe problem in antibiotic treatment, especially of immunosuppressed patients and in intensive care units. While conjugation in gram-negative bacteria has been studied in great detail over the last decades, the transfer mechanisms of antibiotic resistance plasmids in gram-positive bacteria remained obscure. In the last few years, the entire nucleotide sequences of several large conjugative plasmids from gram-positive bacteria have been determined. Sequence analyses and data bank comparisons of their putative transfer (tra) regions have revealed significant similarities to tra regions of plasmids from gram-negative bacteria with regard to the respective DNA relaxases and their targets, the origins of transfer (oriT), and putative nucleoside triphosphatases NTP-ases with homologies to type IV secretion systems. In contrast, a single gene encoding a septal DNA translocator protein is involved in plasmid transfer between micelle-forming streptomycetes. Based on these clues, we propose the existence of two fundamentally different plasmid-mediated conjugative mechanisms in gram-positive microorganisms, namely, the mechanism taking place in unicellular gram-positive bacteria, which is functionally similar to that in gram-negative bacteria, and a second type that occurs in multicellular gram-positive bacteria, which seems to be characterized by double-stranded DNA transfer.  相似文献   

A previous survey of Bacteroides isolates suggested that the ermB gene entered Bacteroides spp. recently. Previously, ermB had been found almost exclusively in gram-positive bacteria. In one Bacteroides strain, ermB was located on 100-kb conjugative transposon (CTn) CTnBST. To assess the possible origin of this CTn, we obtained the full DNA sequence of CTnBST and used this information to investigate its possible origins. Over one-half of CTnBST had high sequence identity to a putative CTn found in the genome of Bacteroides fragilis YCH46. This included the ends of the CTn and genes involved in integration, transfer, and excision. However, the region around the ermB gene contained genes that appeared to originate from gram-positive organisms. In particular, a 7-kb segment containing the ermB gene was 100% identical to an ermB region found in the genome of the gram-positive bacterium Arcanobacterium pyogenes. A screen of Bacteroides isolates whose DNA cross-hybridized with a CTnBST probe revealed that several isolates did not carry the 7-kb region, implying that the acquisition of this region may be more recent than the acquisition of the entire CTnBST element by Bacteroides spp. We have also identified other Bacteroides isolates that carry a slightly modified 7-kb region but have no other traces of CTnBST. Thus, it is possible that this 7-kb region could itself be part of a mobile element that has inserted in a Bacteroides CTn. Our results show that CTnBST is a hybrid element which has acquired a portion of its coding region from gram-positive bacteria but which may originally have come from Bacteroides spp. or some related species.  相似文献   

The erythromycin resistance gene ermB has been found in a variety of gram-positive bacteria. This gene has also been found in Bacteroides species but only in six recently isolated strains; thus, the gene seems to have entered this genus only recently. One of the six Bacteroides ermB-containing isolates, WH207, could transfer ermB to Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron strain BT4001 by conjugation. WH207 was identified as a Bacteroides uniformis strain based on the sequence of its 16S rRNA gene. Results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis experiments demonstrated that the transferring element was normally integrated into the Bacteroides chromosome. The element was estimated from pulsed-field gel data to be about 100 kb in size. Since the element appeared to be a conjugative transposon (CTn), it was designated CTnBST. CTnBST was able to mobilize coresident plasmids and the circular form of the mobilizable transposon NBU1 to Bacteroides and Escherichia coli recipients. A 13-kb segment that contained ermB was cloned and sequenced. Most of the open reading frames in this region had little similarity at the amino acid sequence level to any proteins in the sequence databases, but a 1,723-bp DNA segment that included a 950-bp segment downstream of ermB had a DNA sequence that was virtually identical to that of a segment of DNA found previously in a Clostridium perfringens strain. This finding, together with the finding that ermB is located on a CTn, supports the hypothesis that CTnBST could have entered Bacteroides from some other genus, possibly from gram-positive bacteria. Moreover, this finding supports the hypothesis that many transmissible antibiotic resistance genes in Bacteroides are carried on CTns.  相似文献   

Conjugative transposons (CTns) are integrated elements that excise themselves from the chromosome to form a circular transfer intermediate that is transferred by conjugation to a recipient. In an earlier paper, the excision step was shown to be regulated by tetracycline and to be dependent on the regulatory gene, rteC. In this paper, we report that genes involved in conjugal transfer are also regulated by tetracycline but that regulation is more complex. Genes contained within a 20-kbp region that is sufficient for conjugal transfer were disrupted by single crossover integration events. Most of the disruptions abolished transfer of the CTn. None of them abolished excision. Antibodies to two of the proteins encoded in this region (TraG and TraN) were obtained and used to show that production of these proteins was dependent on tetracycline stimulation. Both TraG and TraN were membrane proteins. A surprising finding was that a disruption in the gene traQ increased transfer of CTnERL over 100-fold. Thus, TraQ may be a repressor protein that controls expression of transfer genes. If so, TraQ is not the only protein that controls expression of transfer genes because production of TraG and TraN in the traQ disruption mutant was still dependent on tetracycline stimulation.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of Bacteroides mobilizable transposon Tn4555 was examined with an Escherichia coli-based assay system. It was shown that mobilization required the cis-acting oriTTn region and that the Tn4555 mobATn gene and RK231 must be present in trans. With alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis and filter blot hybridizations, it was shown that at oriTTn there was a site- and strand-specific cleavage event that was dependent on mobATn. The 5′ end of this cleavage site was mapped by primer extension, and the nucleotide sequence surrounding the site had homology to a family of oriT nick sites found in mobilizable plasmids of gram-positive bacteria. Removal of the nick site by deletion of 18 bp surrounding the site resulted in a significant loss of transfer activity.  相似文献   

Results of a recent study of antibiotic resistance genes in human colonic Bacteroides strains suggested that gene transfer events between members of this genus are fairly common. The identification of Bacteroides isolates that carried an erythromycin resistance gene, ermG, whose DNA sequence was 99% identical to that of an ermG gene found previously only in gram-positive bacteria raised the further possibility that conjugal elements were moving into Bacteroides species from other genera. Six of seven ermG-containing Bacteroides strains tested were able to transfer ermG by conjugation. One of these strains was chosen for further investigation. Results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis experiments showed that the conjugal element carrying ermG in this strain is an integrated element about 75 kb in size. Thus, the element appears to be a conjugative transposon (CTn) and was designated CTnGERM1. CTnGERM1 proved to be unrelated to the predominant type of CTn found in Bacteroides isolates-CTns of the CTnERL/CTnDOT family-which sometimes carry another type of erm gene, ermF. A 19-kbp segment of DNA from CTnGERM1 was cloned and sequenced. A 10-kbp portion of this segment hybridized not only to DNA from all the ermG-containing strains but also to DNA from strains that did not carry ermG. Thus, CTnGERM1 seems to be part of a family of CTns, some of which have acquired ermG. The percentage of G+C content of the ermG region was significantly lower than that of the chromosome of Bacteroides species-an indication that CTnGERM1 may have entered Bacteroides strains from some other bacterial genus. A survey of strains isolated before 1970 and after 1990 suggests that the CTnGERM1 type of CTn entered Bacteroides species relatively recently. One of the genes located upstream of ermG encoded a protein that had 85% amino acid sequence identity with a macrolide efflux pump, MefA, from Streptococcus pyogenes. Our having found >90% sequence identity of two upstream genes, including mefA, and the remnants of two transposon-carried genes downstream of ermG with genes found previously only in gram-positive bacteria raises the possibility that gram-positive bacteria could have been the origin of CTnGERM1.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of TnFuZ, a genetic tool for the discovery and mutagenesis of proteins exported from gram-positive bacteria. This tool combines a transposable element (Tn4001) of broad host range in gram-positive bacteria and an alkaline phosphatase gene (phoZ) derived from a gram-positive bacterium that has been modified by removal of the region encoding its export signal. Mutagenesis of Streptococcus pyogenes with TnFuZ (“FuZ” stands for fusions to phoZ) identified genes encoding secreted proteins whose expression was enhanced during growth in an aerobic environment. Thus, TnFuZ should be valuable for analysis of protein secretion, gene regulation, and virulence in gram-positive bacteria.


The family Baculoviridae is a large group of insect viruses containing circular double-stranded DNA genomes of 80 to 180 kbp, which have broad biotechnological applications. A key feature to understand and manipulate them is the recognition of orthology. However, the differences in gene contents and evolutionary distances among the known members of this family make it difficult to assign sequence orthology. In this study, the genome sequences of 58 baculoviruses were analyzed, with the aim to detect previously undescribed core genes because of their remote homology. A routine based on Multi PSI-Blast/tBlastN and Multi HaMStR allowed us to detect 31 of 33 accepted core genes and 4 orthologous sequences in the Baculoviridae which were not described previously. Our results show that the ac53, ac78, ac101 (p40), and ac103 (p48) genes have orthologs in all genomes and should be considered core genes. Accordingly, there are 37 orthologous genes in the family Baculoviridae.  相似文献   



Seadornavirus is a genus of viruses in the family Reoviridae, which consists of Banna virus, Kadipiro virus, and Liao ning virus. Banna virus is considered a potential pathogen for zoonotic diseases. Here, we describe a newly discovered Seadornavirus isolated from mosquitos (Culex tritaeniorhynchus) in Yunnan Province, China, which is related to Banna virus, and referred to as Mangshi virus.

Methods and Results

The Mangshi virus was isolated by cell culture in Aedes albopictus C6/36 cells, in which it replicated and caused cytopathic effects, but not in mammalian BHK-21 or Vero cells. Polyacrylamide gel analysis revealed a genome consisting of 12 segments of double-stranded RNA, with a “6–4–2” pattern in which the migrating bands were different from those of the Banna virus. Complete genome sequencing was performed by full-length amplification of cDNAs. Sequence analysis showed that seven highly conserved nucleotides and three highly conserved nucleotides were present at the ends of the 5′- and 3′-UTRs in each of 12 genome segments. The amino acid identities of Mangshi virus shared with Balaton virus varied from 27.3% (VP11) to 72.3% (VP1) with Banna virus varying from 18.0% (VP11) to 63.9% (VP1). Phylogenetic analysis based on amino acid sequences demonstrated that Mangshi virus is a member of the genus Seadornavirus and is most closely related to, but distinct from, Balaton virus and Banna virus in the genus Seadornavirus of the family Reoviridae.


Mangshi virus isolated from mosquitoes (C. tritaeniorhynchus) was identified as a newly discovered virus in the genus Seadornavirus and is phylogenetically close to Banna virus, suggesting that there is genetic diversity of seadornaviruses in tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

二价金属离子转运蛋白1——一个新发现的重要铁转运蛋白   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
二价金属离子转运蛋白1(divalent metal transporter 1,DMT1)的发现是近年铁代谢研究领域最重大的一项突破.DMT1是哺乳类跨膜铁转运蛋白.这种蛋白质广泛分布于人体各组织.DMT1 mRNA有两种形式,一种含有IRE(iron response element),而另一种则不含此结构.DMT1的功能主要是介导小肠上皮细胞的铁吸收以及参与铁从内吞小体移位到胞浆的过程.DMT1介导的铁转运是一个主动的和H+依赖的过程.DMT1也参与其他二价金属如Zn2+、Mn2+、Co2+、Cd2+、Cn2+、Ni2+和Pb2+的转运.小肠DMT1的表达受饮食或组织铁控制.第四跨膜区是DMT1的重要功能区.此区基因发生点突变(G185R)是导致不可逆性缺铁性贫血的原因.在帕金森氏病人的黑质发现DMT1表达异常增加,因而DMT1可能也与某些神经退行性疾病的形成有关.  相似文献   

刘玮 《动物学杂志》1998,33(5):36-37
1995年,丹麦哥本哈根大学的芬奇(P.Funch)和克里斯坦森(R.M.Kristensen)发现在挪威海螯虾Nephrops norvegicus的口器上生活着一种无体腔、两侧对称的后生动物,定名为潘多拉共生虫(Symbion pandora),新属新种(见图1).  相似文献   

云南元江县洼垤乡邑慈碑村尼租白山的宜昌橙在"云南及周边地区生物资源调查"项目中被首次发现。作者对元江宜昌橙的地理分布、生态环境、面积、数量、类型、伴生物种等进行了深入调查。根据调查结果认为,元江宜昌橙是目前我国单独分布面积最大、植株高度最高、数量较多、建群历史长的宜昌橙种群。这一发现进一步扩大了我国宜昌橙分布区域,为研究宜昌橙的分布、起源与演化提供了新的数据和信息,同时为柑橘的起源、进化、育种等研究提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

We describe the first functional insertion sequence (IS) element in Lactobacillus plantarum. ISLpl1, an IS30-related element, was found on the pLp3 plasmid in strain FB335. By selection of spontaneous mutants able to grow in the presence of uracil, it was demonstrated that the IS had transposed into the uracil phosphoribosyltransferase-encoding gene upp on the FB335 chromosome. The plasmid-carried IS element was also sequenced, and a second potential IS element was found: ISLpl2, an IS150-related element adjacent to ISLpl1. When Southern hybridization was used, the copy number and genome (plasmid versus chromosome) distribution data revealed different numbers and patterns of ISLpl1-related sequences in different L. plantarum strains as well as in Pediococcus strains. The ISLpl1 pattern changed over many generations of the strain L. plantarum NCIMB 1406. This finding strongly supports our hypothesis that ISLpl1 is a mobile element in L. plantarum. Database analysis revealed five quasi-identical ISLpl1 elements in Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, and Oenococcus strains. Three of these elements may be cryptic IS, since point mutations or 1-nucleotide deletions were found in their transposase-encoding genes. In some cases, ISLpl1 was linked to genes involved in cold shock adaptation, bacteriocin production, sugar utilization, or antibiotic resistance. ISLpl1 is transferred among lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and may play a role in LAB genome plasticity and adaptation to their environment.  相似文献   

Lipoteichoic acids (LTA) are polymers of alternating units of a polyhydroxy alkane, including glycerol and ribitol, and phosphoric acid, joined to form phosphodiester units that are found in the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria. Here we review four different types of LTA that can be distinguished on the basis of their chemical structure and describe recent advances in the biosynthesis pathway for type I LTA, d-alanylated polyglycerol-phosphate linked to di-glucosyl-diacylglycerol. The physiological functions of type I LTA are discussed in the context of inhibitors that block their synthesis and of mutants with discrete synthesis defects. Research on LTA structure and function represents a large frontier that has been investigated in only few Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

The ocean is a natural habitat for antibiotic-producing bacteria, and marine aquaculture introduces antibiotics into the ocean to treat infections and improve aquaculture production. Studies have shown that the ocean is an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes. However, there is a lack of understanding and knowledge about the clinical importance of the ocean resistome. We investigated the relationship between the ocean bacterial resistome and pathogenic resistome. We applied high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analyses to explore the resistance genes in bacterial plasmids from marine sediments. Numerous putative resistance determinants were detected among the resistance genes in the sediment bacteria. We also found that several contigs shared high identity with transposons or plasmids from human pathogens, indicating that the sediment bacteria recently contributed or acquired resistance genes from pathogens. Marine sediment bacteria could play an important role in the global exchange of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

We report on a new population of gorillas discovered in November 2002 in the Ebo Forest, Littoral Province, Cameroon. We observed A group of q7 gorillas directly for 83 min, and they were in auditory range for 155 min. Further evidence of gorilla presence included 8 nest groups totaling 38 nests, distinctive feeding signs accompanied by footprints, and a gorilla cranium collected from the nearby village of Iboti. This newly discovered gorilla population is geographically intermediate between the 2 extant populations of western gorillas: Gorilla gorilla gorilla, the most populous gorilla subspecies living in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Congo-Brazzaville, Central African Republic and Cameroon to the south of the Sanaga River, and G. g. diehli or the Cross River gorilla, a small population of ca. 250 individuals on the Cameroon-Nigeria border. It is not possible to assign the new gorilla population to either subspecies on the basis of measurements of the single male cranium. Genetic analyses of freshly shed hairs, collected from gorilla nests, may help to resolve the taxonomic status of the Ebo gorillas.  相似文献   

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