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Abstract— The uptake of D-glucosamine by rat brain synaptosomes is studied as a function of time, temperature and synaptosomal protein and substrate concentrations. The rate of D-glucosamine uptake, after correcting for simple diffusion, obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The apparent kinetic constants for the uptake process are Km = 2.5 0.8 m m , Vmax = 3.7 ± 1.2 nmol/mg protein/min. D-Glucose, D-mannose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-0-methyl-o-glucose are potent inhibitors of D-glucosamine uptake. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose and D-glucosamine inhibit the uptake of one another in a simple competitive manner, indicating their sharing of a common transport system. Cytochalasin B, phloretin and phloridzin are powerful competitive inhibitors of D-glucosamine uptake with apparent inhibitor constants ( K1 ) of 7.0 × 10-5, 2.3 × 10-3 and 0.4 mM, respectively. The uptake is unaffected by Na+, Li+ and Mg2+, partially inhibited by NH4+, Mn2+ and Ca2+, and slightly stimulated by PO4-ions. D-Glucosamine uptake is also sensitive to inhibition by several sulfhydryl reagents, thus implying the involvement of sulfhydryl groups in the transport process. The apparent affinity constants for synaptosomal transport for both D-glucosamine and 2-deoxy-D-glucose are about 4 times greater in 7-day-old than in the adult rat brains.  相似文献   

The uptake of inositol by rat brain synaptosomes occurs via an unsaturable process that even at substrate concentrations as low as 1 μM is unable to achieve a concentration gradient indicative of active transport. Dinitrophenol, ouabain and cytochalasin B did not affect uptake of the cyclitol. The data indicate that inositol uptake by rat synaptosomes occurs by diffusion or by a system with an affinity so low it is difficult to discern. The low capacity, saturable inositol uptake system observed in rabbit brain slices may reflect a species difference or uptake by elements of the slice other than neuronal membranes.  相似文献   

Influx of α-methylglucoside into synaptosomes prepared by differential and Ficoll density gradient centrifugation was studied to determine whether this sugar could be used as a model for glucose transport in nerve endings. The rate of uptake of a-methylglucoside was linear over a wide range of substrate concentrations. Influx was only slightly inhibited (12–15%) in the presence of glucose, 2-deoxyglncose, phloretin and 2,4-dinitrophenol and was unaffected by galactose or phlorizin. Conver- sion of a-methylglucoside to phosphorylated intermediates in synaptosomes was negligible. The data are consislent with the influx of a-methylglucoside being primarily a diffusion process or being mediated by a system with an extremely high Km. However, it is possible that a small portion of the sugar may be transported by the low affinity glucose transport system. The results indicate that a-methylgluco- side is not a good model for glucose transport in synaptosomes as it is in other tissues.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluorescent divalent metal chelate-probe, chlorotetracycline (CTC), was used as a dynamic monitor of calcium association with rat brain snynaptosomes. The determined fluorescence excitation and emission maxima, 412 nm and 522 nm respectively, were used to monitor membrane-calcium interactions as a function of various parameters. Positive correlations were observed between increased or decreased fluorescence quantum yield and the uptake of both CTC and 45Ca by synpatosomes. The divalent metal ionophore A23187 enhanced fluorescence as well as probe and 45Ca uptake. Whereas, the polar chelator, EGTA, markedly reduced fluorescence, and the synaptosomal bound CTC and 45Ca. The CTC fluorescence changes also demonstrated the saturable manner in which 45Ca bound synaptosomes. At concentrations greater than 100μg/ml, CTC bound to the synaptosomes in a manner which quenched fluorescence at 522 nm. Also, CTC, at concentrations above 15 μg/ml, enhanced the uptake of 45Ca. At CTC concentrations between 10 and 15 μg/ml the quenching and iono-phoretic properties of the probe were minimized without affecting the capability of using the probe to visualize calcium interactions with synaptosomal membranes. Also, at a low CTC concentration (12.5 μg/ml) the inhibition of calcium uptake by increasing monovalent ion concentrations was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rapid efflux of [35S]taurine from rat brain slices was observed on electrical stimulation. Slower release resulted when the Ca2+ content of the perfusion medium was replaced with Mg2+. Uptake of [35S]taurine into rat cortical slices was unaffected by GABA, glutamic acid, glycine and leucine but was inhibited by alanine, ouabain, KCN and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Of a number of analogues of taurine, 2-aminoethylsulphinic acid was the most potent in inhibiting the uptake of [35S]taurine. The rate of uptake was found to be decreased by lowering the incubation temperature. The possibility that taurine may be a neurotransmitter is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Synaptosomes prepared by differential and Ficoll density gradient centrifugation took up d -galactose by two saturable transport systems: one. a high affinity system with a K m of 0-25 mn and Vmax of 075 nmol/mg protein 3 min, the other, a low affinity system with a Km of 47 mM and a Vmax of 135 nmol/mg protein/3 min. The high affinity system was inhibited by 1-5 mM phlorizin but was unaffected by the absence of sodium ion or the presence of 1 mM ouabain. The low affinity system was unaffected by phlorizin or ouabain. Both systems were inhibited by high concentrations of glucose. 2-deoxyga-lactose. and inositol, and by 2.4-dinitrophcnol. Galactose was rapidly converted in synaptosomes to phos-phorylatcd intermediates and was more slowly oxidized to 14CO2  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [35S]cystine at 37°C by synaptosomal fractions isolated from adult rat cerebrum can be divided into two components. About 60% of the uptake is due to binding to synaptosomal proteins while the remainder exists as a free amino acid pool. Chemical analysis of this soluble component indicates that considerable reduction of cystine to cysteine occurs with 75% or more of the labeled molecular species being cysteine. The process involved in the uptake into the soluble pool was composed of two saturable systems with apparent K m values of 0.14 and 1.4 m m . The low K m system was sodium and oxygen independent but inhibited by dinitrophenol. Dibasic amino acids, lysine, arginine and ornithine, did not inhibit cystine uptake. The characteristics of cystine uptake by synaptosomes from newborn brain are very similar to those of adult brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— The structural requirements for amino acid inhibition of Na+-dependent proline uptake by rat brain synaptosomal fractions were investigated. It is shown that the amino group has to be in the α-position to strongly inhibit proline uptake. Hydroxyamino acids are less potent inhibitors than the parent amino acids. Amino acids with net positive or negative charges on their molecules exert no effect, whereas elimination of the net charge results in compounds with profound inhibitory effects. Blocking of the carboxyl group reduces the inhibition, but does not abolish it. Since acetylation of the α-amino group results in elimination of the inhibitory effect whereas N -methylation does not, it is concluded that in the interaction of an amino acid with the proline transport site the positive charge on the amino group plays the most critical role.  相似文献   

Abstract— Synaptosomal RNA of rat brain was labelled in vivo by intracranial injection of tritiated uridine. The change in the specific activity of this material with time was similar to that of polysomal RNA. The percent of the radioactive synaptosomal RNA which bound to oligo(dT)-cellulose columns decreased with time after intracranial labelling. The percent of the total synaptosomal RNA which bound to oligo(dT)-cellulose was greater than that of polysomes. The length of the polyadenylate (poly(A)) sequence of synaptosomal RNA was approximately one-half that of polysomal RNA, and about the same as that from mitochondria. Investigation of synaptosomal RNA using sucrose gradients and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that there were several distinct species present, and that they were similar to those from the mitochondria. The poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from synaptosomes stimulated the incorporation of radioactive leucine into TCA-precipitable material in a cell-free protein synthesis system. Isolation of RNA from subsynaptosomal components indicated that most, if not all, of the synaptosomal messenger activity was localized in the synaptic mitochondria.  相似文献   

—Nipecotic acid, a potent inhibitor of GABA uptake, is taken up by slices of rat cerebral cortex by a sodium-dependent, ‘high affinity’ system (Km 11 μM), and can be released from these slices by an increased potassium ion concentration in a calcium-dependent manner. Nipecotic acid and GABA appear to be taken up by the same osmotically-sensitive structures. GABA and substances which inhibit GABA uptake also inhibit the uptake of nipecotic acid. GABA can release preloaded nipecotic acid from brain slices, and nipecotic acid can release preloaded GABA. This indicates that GABA and nipecotic acid can be counter-transported using the same mobile carrier. Nipecotic acid appears to have a higher affinity than GABA for this carrier.  相似文献   

Abstract— Synaptosomal uptakes of a number of simple carbohydrates were strongly inhibited by cytochalasin B (K1= 7-9 × 10−8M). Phloretin (K1= 2-4 × 10−6M) and phloridzin (K1= 3-4 × 10−4M) were less inhibitory. Cytochalasin B competitively inhibited the uptakes of carbohydrates with saturable transport kinetics. Inhibition of sugar uptake was immediate on addition of cytochalasin B but was promptly reversed upon removal of the drug. Cytochalasin B had no effect on the efflux of D-glucos-amine or of the phosphorylated sugar, and did not affect intrasynaptosomal hexokinase(s). The synapto-somal uptakes of L-glucose, D-mannitol, L-fucose and the N -acetylated amino sugars were non-saturable and uninhibited by cytochalasin B. In the case of sugars which enter synaptosomes by both saturable and non-saturable processes, cytochalasin B could be used to selectively inhibit the saturable uptake components. The resultant non-saturable cytochalasin-insensitive uptake rates obtained were found to be widely different among the sugars studied, and must be corrected for in order to estimate accurate kinetic constants of the saturable processes.  相似文献   

D-Aspartate is accumulated by slices of adult rat cortex by a high affinity uptake which is abolished if the sodium ions in the incubation medium are replaced by choline. A small uptake of D-aspartate takes place if the sodium ions are replaced by lithium ions. It appears likely that D-aspartate shares the same transport system with L-aspartate, and that the uptake of D-aspartate is into the same osmotically-sensitive particles as those which accumulate L-aspartate. D-Aspartate is released from cerebral cortex slices by raised potassium concentrations, provided calcium is present in the perfusing buffer. Both D- and L-aspartate produce gross hyperactivity when injected intraperitoneally into immature rats. Radioactive D-aspartate may be very useful in examining the neurotransmitter role of the naturally- occurring L-aspartate e.g. in studies of the autoradiographic localization of high affinity L-aspartate accumulation, its main advantage being that, unlike L-aspartate, D-aspartate does not undergo rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent DNA polymerases were partially purified from nuclei of cells from the occipital lobe of human brain. The purification procedure included successive DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose column chromatography, gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation steps. Four enzymes corresponding to DNA polymerases-α, β, γ, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase were found. Brain DNA polymerases could be differentiated from one another by size, template preferences and sensitivity to sulfhydryl blocking agents.  相似文献   

Abstract– (1) The uptake and release of glutamic acid by guinea-pig cerebral cortex slices and rat synaptosomal fractions were studied, comparing the naturally occurring l - and non-natural d -isomers. Negligible metabolism of d -glutamic acid was observed in the slices. (2) Whereas in the cerebral slices the accumulation of glutamic acid was almost the same for the two isomers, d -glutamic acid was accumulated into the synaptosomal fraction at a markedly lower rate than was the L-isomer. (3) The uptake systems for d -isomer into the slices and synaptosomal fraction were found to be of single component, in contrast with the two component systems, high and low affinity components, for the uptake of l -glutamic acid. The apparent Km values for the uptake of d -glutamic acid into the slices and synaptosomal fraction were comparable with those reported for the low affinity components for l -isomer. The uptake systems for d -glutamic acid were dependent on the presence of Na+ ions in the medium, like those for l -glutamic acid and GABA. (4) The evoked release of radioactive preloaded d -glutamic acid was observed both from the slices and synaptosomal fraction following stimulation by high K+ ions in the medium. From these observations, it is evident that the evoked release of an amino acid by depolarization in vitro is not necessarily accompanied by a high affinity uptake process. (5) The uptake of l -glutamic acid, expecially into the synaptosomal fraction, was highly resistant to ouabain. On the other hand, the uptake rate of d -glutamic acid and GABA into the synaptosomal fraction was inhibited by varying concentrations of ouabain in accordance with the inhibition for brain Na-K ATPase. (6) The uptake of l -glutamic acid into subfractions of the P2 fraction was studied in relation to the distribution of the ‘synaptosomal marker enzymes’. An attempt to correlate the activities of enzymes of glutamic acid metabolism with the uptake of l -glutamic acid into the synaptosomal fraction from various parts of brain was unsuccessful. The high affinity uptake of l -glutamic acid was found to be very active in the synaptosomal fraction from any part of brain examined.  相似文献   

Abstract— δ-Aminolaevulinic acid (δ-ALA) is an omega amino acid structurally similar to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and l -glutamate. We have examined the effect of δ-ALA on the uptake and efflux of radiolabelled GABA and l -glutamate in rat cortical synaptosomes and report: (1) low concentrations of δ-ALA reduced the potassium-stimulated release of [3H]GABA from the synaptosome preparation. This effect was reversed by the GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline. We postulate that GABA release is modulated by a feedback mechanism on presynaptic GABA receptors, and that δ-ALA has agonist activity at these receptors. (2) δ-ALA at high concentrations (0.75-5.0 m m ) stimulated the efflux of l -[14C]glutamate from preloaded synaptosomes. (3) δ-ALA had no effect on potassium-stimulated release of l -glutamate. (4) Uptake of labelled l -glutamate was inhibited by δ-ALA in a noncompetitive fashion. (5) Synaptosomes did not accumulate [14C]δ-ALA in the range 0.5-50 δ m . These results are discussed in relation to the control of GABA release from nerve endings, and the role of δ-ALA in the neuropsychiatric manifestations of the acute porphyric attack.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [14C]guanine and some of its [14C]-labelled derivatives into rat brain was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo guanine, guanosine, and hypoxanthine penetrated the brain of adult rats to a very small extent. Inosine was taken up somewhat better. In young animals, also, guanosine was taken up poorly, but guanine was taken up fairly well. When guanine was administered to adult animals, only guanine was found in the brain. In young animals, by contrast, radioactivity from guanine appeared in guanosine and in guanine nucleotides, but no free guanine was found. In vitro guanine was taken up much better and, in fact, remained mostly as guanine in slices from 10-day-old rats. The in vitro conversion of guanine to GMP and its incorporation into RNA was unimpaired by the addition of unlabelled guanosine, an indication that guanine was converted directly to GMP. The uptake of guanine in vitro was not subject to competitive inhibition or influenced by the presence of dinitrophenol. This finding suggested that guanine entered the slice by simple diffusion.  相似文献   

Abstract— 2-Hydroxy-, 2-chloro-, 2- and Cmethyl-GABA are linear competitive inhibitors of GABA uptake in rat brain slices. These analogues are thus potential substrates for the GABA transport system and possible'false transmitters'. 2-Hydroxy-GABA is the most potent inhibitor of GABA uptake yet described. No specific inhibitor of GABA uptake was revealed amongst the drugs tested.  相似文献   

The accumulation of [3H]homocholine (3-trimethylamino-propan-1-01) by isolated synaptosomes prepared from rat brain was resolved kinetically into a high (KT= 3.0 μM) and a low (KT= 14.5 μM) affinity system. Although homocholine was not acetylated by solubilized choline acetyltransferase, 64% of the homocholine accumulated by intact synaptosomes via the high affinity uptake process was acetylated. Homocholine was also acetylated in the superior cervical ganglion of the cat, and the amount of acetylhomocholine formed was increased (12-fold) by preganglionic nerve stimulation. In ganglia, acetylhomocholine was available for release by preganglionic nerve impulses, and its release was Ca2+-dependent, It is concluded that homocholine can form a cholinergic false transmitter, and that the substrate specificity of choline acetyltransferase in vitro might be different from that in situ.  相似文献   

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