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Ogata T  Kozuka T  Kanda T 《Journal of virology》2003,77(16):9000-9007
In latent adeno-associated virus (AAV) infection, the viral genome is integrated preferentially into the human chromosome 19 q arm at a specific region designated AAVS1, which has an open chromatin conformation as indicated by the presence of a DNase I-hypersensitive site (DHS-S1). We examined whether an insulator, which defines the domain of gene expression by directionally blocking the action of enhancers and by preventing the spread of heterochomatin, is present near the DHS-S1 in the middle of a 2.6-kbp AAVS1-related DNA fragment used in this study. The fragment, cloned into an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-based eukaryotic episomal plasmid, was introduced into HEK293 cells. The DHS-S1 on the plasmid replicating in the nuclei was hypersensitive to DNase I digestion, and thus, the EBV plasmid system was used in an enhancer-blocking assay with the 2.6-kbp DNA and two shortened DNAs, of 1.6 kbp and 336 bp, containing DHS-S1. The three DNA fragments, when inserted in the proper direction between the cytomegalovirus immediate-early enhancer and minimal promoter, repressed the expression of a reporter gene. Thus, the enhancer-blocking activity was located within the 336-bp DNA containing the entire region (300 bp) of DHS-S1. To investigate the prevention of repression caused by heterochromatin, a transgene-expressing cassette flanked by the two 336-bp DNAs placed in the enhancer-blocking direction was introduced into HEK293 and HeLa cells. All the cell clones examined with the cassette integrated into cell DNA continued to express the transgene, which indicates that the pair of 336-bp DNA apparently prevented the spread of heterochromatin. The results show that an insulator lies between nucleotides 17 and 354 near the DHS-S1 in AAVS1. In a gel shift test, the 336-bp DNA did not bind an in vitro-prepared CCCTC-binding factor that binds to the chicken beta-globin insulator, suggesting that the AAVS1 insulator requires an as yet unidentified binding protein. The newly identified AAVS1 insulator is likely to contribute to the maintenance of an open chromatin conformation that affects the life cycle of AAV.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-based amplicon vectors have a large transgene capacity and can efficiently infect many different cell types. One disadvantage of HSV-1 vectors is their instability of transgene expression. By contrast, vectors based on adeno-associated virus (AAV) can either persist in an episomal form or integrate into the host cell genome, thereby supporting long-term gene expression. AAV expresses four rep genes, rep68, -78, -40, and -52. Of those, rep68 or rep78 are sufficient to mediate site-specific integration of the AAV DNA into the host cell genome. The major disadvantage of AAV vectors is the small transgene capacity ( approximately 4.6 kb). In this study, we constructed HSV/AAV hybrid vectors that contained, in addition to the standard HSV-1 amplicon elements, AAV rep68, rep78, both rep68 and -78, or all four rep genes and a reporter gene that was flanked by the AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). Southern blots of Hirt DNA from cells transfected with the hybrid vectors and HSV-1 helper DNA demonstrated that both the AAV elements and the HSV-1 elements were functional in the context of the hybrid vector. All hybrid vectors could be packaged into HSV-1 virions, although those containing rep sequences had lower titers than vectors that did not. Site-specific integration at AAVS1 on human chromosome 19 was directly demonstrated by PCR and sequence analysis of ITR-AAVS1 junctions in hybrid vector-transduced 293 cells. Cell clones that stably expressed the transgene for at least 12 months could easily be isolated without chemical selection. In the majority of these clones, the transgene cassette was integrated at AAVS1, and no sequences outside the ITR cassette, rep in particular, were present as determined by PCR, ITR rescue/replication assays, and Southern analysis. Some of the clones contained random integrations of the transgene cassette alone or together with sequences outside the ITR cassette. These data indicate that the long-term transgene expression observed following transduction with HSV/AAV hybrid vectors is, at least in part, supported by chromosomal integration of the transgene cassette, both randomly and site specifically.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a single-stranded DNA virus with a unique biphasic lifestyle consisting of both a productive and a latent phase. Typically, the productive phase requires coinfection with a helper virus, for instance adenovirus, while the latent phase dominates in healthy cells. In the latent state, AAV is found integrated site specifically into the host genome at chromosome 19q13.4 qtr (AAVS1), the only animal virus known to integrate in a defined location. In this study we investigated the latent phase of serotype 2 AAV, focusing on three areas: AAV infection, rescue, and integration efficiency as a function of viral multiplicity of infection (MOI); efficiency of site-specific integration; and disruption of the AAVS1 locus. As expected, increasing the AAV MOI resulted in an increase in the percentage of cells infected, with 80% of cells infected at an MOI of 10. Additional MOI only marginally effected a further increase in percentage of infected cells. In contrast to infection, we found very low levels of integration at MOIs of less than 10. At an MOI of 10, at which 80% of cells are infected, less than 5% of clonal cell lines contained integrated AAV DNA. At an MOI of 100 or greater, however, 35 to 40% of clonal cell lines contained integrated AAV DNA. Integration and the ability to rescue viral genomes were highly correlated. Analysis of integrated AAV indicated that essentially all integrants were AAVS1 site specific. Although maximal integration efficiency approached 40% of clonal cell lines (essentially 50% of infected cells), over 80% of cell lines contained a genomic disruption at the AAVS1 integration locus on chromosome 19 ( approximately 100% of infected cells). Rep expression by itself and in the presence of a plasmid integration substrate was able to mediate this disruption of the AAVS1 site. We further characterized the disruption event and demonstrated that it resulted in amplification of the AAVS1 locus. The data are consistent with a revised model of AAV integration that includes preliminary expansion of a defined region in AAVS1.  相似文献   

The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) Rep78 and Rep68 proteins are required for replication of the virus as well as its site-specific integration into a unique site, called AAVS1, of human chromosome 19. Rep78 and Rep68 initiate replication by binding to a Rep binding site (RBS) contained in the AAV-2 inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and then specifically nicking at a nearby site called the terminal resolution site (trs). Similarly, Rep78 and Rep68 are postulated to trigger the integration process by binding and nicking RBS and trs homologues present in AAVS1. However, Rep78 and Rep68 cleave in vitro AAVS1 duplex-linear substrates much less efficiently than hairpinned ITRs. In this study, we show that the AAV-2 Rep68 endonuclease activity is affected by the topology of the substrates in that it efficiently cleaves in vitro in a site- and strand-specific manner the AAVS1 trs only if this sequence is in a supercoiled (SC) conformation. DNA sequence mutagenesis in the context of SC templates allowed us to elucidate for the first time the AAVS1 trs sequence and position requirements for Rep68-mediated cleavage. Interestingly, Rep68 did not cleave SC templates containing RBS from other sites of the human genome. These findings have intriguing implications for AAV-2 site-specific integration in vivo.  相似文献   

We report here the significance of the Notch1 receptor in intracellular trafficking of recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (rAAV2). RNA profiling of human prostate cancer cell lines with various degrees of AAV transduction indicated a correlation of the amount of Notch1 with rAAV transgene expression. A definitive role of Notch1 in enhancing AAV transduction was confirmed by developing clonal derivatives of DU145 cells overexpressing either full-length or intracellular Notch1. To discern stages of AAV2 transduction influenced by Notch1, competitive binding with soluble heparin and Notch1 antibody, intracellular trafficking using Cy3-labeled rAAV2, and blocking assays for proteasome and dynamin pathways were performed. Results indicated that in the absence or low-level expression of Notch1, only binding of virus was found on the cell surface and internalization was impaired. However, increased Notch1 expression in these cells allowed efficient perinuclear accumulation of labeled capsids. Nuclear transport of the vector was evident by transgene expression and real-time PCR analyses. Dynamin levels were not found to be different among these cell lines, but blocking dynamin function abrogated AAV2 transduction in DU145 clones overexpressing full-length Notch1 but not in clones overexpressing intracellular Notch1. These studies provide evidence for the role of activated Notch1 in intracellular trafficking of AAV2, which may have implications in the optimal use of AAV2 in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

It is of great interest for gene therapy to develop vectors that drive the insertion of a therapeutic gene into a chosen specific site on the cellular genome. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is unique among mammalian viruses in that it integrates into a distinct region of human chromosome 19 (integration site AAVS1). The inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) flanking the AAV genome and the AAV-encoded nonstructural proteins Rep78 and/or Rep68 are the only viral elements necessary and sufficient for site-specific integration. However, it is also known that unrestrained Rep activity may cause nonspecific genomic rearrangements at AAVS1 and/or have detrimental effects on cell physiology. In this paper we describe the generation of a ligand-dependent form of Rep, obtained by fusing a C-terminally deleted Rep68 with a truncated form of the hormone binding domain of the human progesterone receptor, which does not bind progesterone but binds only its synthetic antagonist RU486. The activity of this chimeric protein, named Rep1-491/P, is highly dependent on RU486 in various assays: in particular, it triggers site-specific integration at AAVS1 of an ITR-flanked cassette in a ligand-dependent manner, as efficiently as wild-type Rep68 but without generating unwanted genomic rearrangement at AAVS1.  相似文献   

Helicases not only catalyse the disruption of hydrogen bonding between complementary regions of nucleic acids, but also move along nucleic acid strands in a polar fashion. Here we show that the Rep52 and Rep40 proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are required to translocate capsid-associated, single-stranded DNA genomes into preformed empty AAV-2 capsids, and that the DNA helicase function of Rep52/40 is essential for this process. Furthermore, DNase protection experiments suggest that insertion of AAV-2 genomes proceeds from the 3' end, which correlates with the 3'-->5' processivity demonstrated for the Rep52/40 helicase. A model is proposed in which capsid-immobilized helicase complexes act as molecular motors to 'pump' single-stranded DNA across the capsid boundary.  相似文献   

We examined cytoplasmic trafficking and nuclear translocation of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) by using Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated wild-type AAV, A20 monoclonal antibody immunocytochemistry, and subcellular fractionation techniques followed by DNA hybridization. Our results indicated that in the absence of adenovirus (Ad), AAV enters the cell rapidly and escapes from early endosomes with a t(1/2) of about 10 min postinfection. Cytoplasmically distributed AAV accumulated around the nucleus and persisted perinuclearly for 16 to 24 h. Viral uncoating occurred before or during nuclear entry beginning about 12 h postinfection, when viral protein and DNA were readily detected in the nucleus. Few, if any, intact AAV capsids were found in the nucleus. In the presence of Ad, however, cytoplasmic AAV quickly translocated into the nucleus as intact particles as early as 40 min after coinfection, and this facilitated nuclear translocation of AAV was not blocked by the nuclear pore complex inhibitor thapsigargan. The rapid nuclear translocation of intact AAV capsids in the presence of Ad suggested that one or more Ad capsid proteins might be altering trafficking. Indeed, coinfection with empty Ad capsids also resulted in the appearance of AAV DNA in nuclei within 40 min. Escape from early endosomes did not seem to be affected by Ad coinfection.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a non-pathogenic virus and the only known eukaryotic virus capable of targeting human chromosome 19 for integration at a well-characterized AAVS1 site. Its site-specific integration is mediated by Rep68 and Rep78, viral proteins that bind to both the viral genome and AAVS1 site on ch19 through a specific Rep-binding element (RBE) located in both the viral genome and AAVS1. There are three RBEs in the AAV genome: two identical ones in both inverted terminal repeats (ITR) and another one in a recently discovered region termed the P5 integration efficiency element (P5IEE) that encompasses the viral P5 promoter. In order to identify the viral cis-acting sequence essential for Rep-mediated integration, we tested a series of constructs containing various lengths of P5IEE and compared the two RBEs from ITR (RBE(itr)) and P5IEE (RBE(p5)) in terms of their efficiency in Rep-dependent integration. Methods employed included a colony-forming assay, a PCR-based assay and Southern blotting analysis. We found that 16bp of the RBE cis-element was sufficient for mediating Rep-dependent site-specific integration. Furthermore, RBE(itr) was both more effective and specific than the RBE(p5) in Rep-dependent integration at the AAVS1 site. These findings added new information on the mechanism of Rep-dependent AAV genome insertion at the AAVS1 site and may be helpful in developing new high efficiency vectors for site-specific transgene integration.  相似文献   

Infection of cells with adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 (AAV-2) is mediated by binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycan and can be competed by heparin. Mutational analysis of AAV-2 capsid proteins showed that a group of basic amino acids (arginines 484, 487, 585, and 588 and lysine 532) contribute to heparin and HeLa cell binding. These amino acids are positioned in three clusters at the threefold spike region of the AAV-2 capsid. According to the recently resolved atomic structure for AAV-2, arginines 484 and 487 and lysine 532 on one site and arginines 585 and 588 on the other site belong to different capsid protein subunits. These data suggest that the formation of the heparin-binding motifs depends on the correct assembly of VP trimers or even of capsids. In contrast, arginine 475, which also strongly reduces heparin binding as well as viral infectivity upon mutation to alanine, is located inside the capsid structure at the border of adjacent VP subunits and most likely influences heparin binding indirectly by disturbing correct subunit assembly. Computer simulation of heparin docking to the AAV-2 capsid suggests that heparin associates with the three basic clusters along a channel-like cavity flanked by the basic amino acids. With few exceptions, mutant infectivities correlated with their heparin- and cell-binding properties. The tissue distribution in mice of recombinant AAV-2 mutated in R484 and R585 indicated markedly reduced infection of the liver, compared to infection with wild-type recombinant AAV, but continued infection of the heart. These results suggest that although heparin binding influences the infectivity of AAV-2, it seems not to be necessary.  相似文献   

We have utilized deletion mutants of adeno-associated virus (AAV) to investigate which elements of the AAV genome are required in cis for high yields of the wild-type virus in a plasmid transfection assay and in addition whether these elements affect primarily AAV DNA replication or encapsidation. All tested deletions from within the Rep region demonstrated a modest, approximately threefold, decrease in viral production. Deletions within the cap region resulted in markedly less virus. Previous observations suggested that in cells in which recombinant AAV (rAAV) was produced, as in our assay with the helper plasmid pDG, there is a substantial excess of empty capsids. Co-transfections of high- and low-yielding constructs demonstrated that under conditions where Cap is abundant, the constructs with cap deletions did not package efficiently. These observation suggest that the lower yields of rAAV cannot be entirely due to lack of capsids but that elements within the cap region of the wild-type genome are important for efficient encapsidation. The production of virus by the mutants we tested was, however, not consistent with the disruption of a cis-acting packaging signal. Apparently, when Cap is provided "in trans," encapsidation is inefficient. A second observation is that there were equivalent amounts of replicated but unencapsidated viral DNA in cells transfected with each of our constructs. We propose that, in accord with the previously proposed link between DNA replication and encapsidation, the total amount of AAV DNA replication can be limited by the efficiency of encapsidation.  相似文献   

Productive infection by adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) requires coinfection with a helper virus, e.g., adenovirus or herpesviruses. In the case of adenovirus coinfection, the replication machinery of the host cell performs AAV DNA replication. In contrast, it has been proposed that the herpesvirus replication machinery might replicate AAV DNA. To investigate this question, we have attempted to reconstitute AAV DNA replication in vitro using purified herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) replication proteins. We show that the HSV-1 UL5, UL8, UL29, UL30, UL42, and UL52 gene products along with the AAV Rep68 protein are sufficient to initiate replication on duplex DNA containing the AAV origins of replication, resulting in products several hundred nucleotides in length. Initiation can occur also on templates containing only a Rep binding site and a terminal resolution site. We further demonstrate that initiation of DNA synthesis can take place with a subset of these factors: Rep68 and the UL29, UL30, and UL42 gene products. Since the HSV polymerase and its accessory factor (the products of the UL30 and UL42 genes) are unable to efficiently perform synthesis by strand displacement, it is likely that in addition to creating a hairpin primer, the AAV Rep protein also acts as a helicase for DNA synthesis. The single-strand DNA binding protein (the UL29 gene product) presumably prevents reannealing of complementary strands. These results suggest that AAV can use the HSV replication apparatus to replicate its DNA. In addition, they may provide a first step for the development of a fully reconstituted AAV replication assay.  相似文献   

We constructed insertion and deletion mutants with mutations within the adeno-associated virus (AAV) sequences of the infectious recombinant plasmid pSM620. Studies of these mutants revealed at least three AAV phenotypes. Mutants with mutations between 11 and 42 map units were partially or completely defective for rescue and replication of the AAV sequences from the recombinant plasmids (rep mutants). The mutants could be complemented by mutants with replication-positive phenotypes. The protein(s) that is affected in rep mutants has not been identified, but the existence of the rep mutants proves that at least one AAV-coded protein is required for viral DNA replication. Also, the fact that one of the rep mutant mutations maps within the AAV intron suggests that the intron sequences code for part of a functional AAV protein. Mutants with mutations between 63 and 91 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV duplex DNA but could not generate single-stranded virion DNA (cap mutants). The cap phenotype could be complemented by rep mutants and is probably due to a defect in the major AAV capsid protein, VP3. This suggests that a preformed capsid or precursor is required for the accumulation of single-stranded AAV progeny DNA. Mutants with mutations between 48 and 55 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV single-stranded and duplex DNA but produced substantially lower yields of infectious virus particles than wild-type AAV (lip mutants). The lip phenotype is probably due to a defect in the minor capsid protein, VPI, and suggests the existence of an additional (as yet undiscovered) AAV mRNA. Evidence is also presented for recombination between mutant AAV genomes during lytic growth.  相似文献   

A key feature in adeno-associated virus (AAV) replication is efficient integration of the viral genome into host cell DNA to establish latency when helper virus is absent. The steps involved in this process remain largely uncharacterized, even though AAV integration was first documented 20 years ago. Using a protein--DNA binding method we isolated AAV--cellular junction DNA sequences. The cellular component hybridized to a single restriction fragment in the virus-free parental cell line, and also co-migrated with AAV-specific sequences in numerous latently infected cell lines. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids indicated that this cellular sequence maps to the distal portion of the q arm of human chromosome 19. In situ hybridization of AAV DNA to chromosomes from latently infected cells confirms the physical location of AAV integrations to be q13.4-ter of chromosome 19. Sequence analysis of several independent integration sites shows breakpoints occurring within a 100 bp cellular region. This non-pathogenic parvovirus thus appears to establish viral latency by integrating its DNA specifically into one chromosomal region. Such specific integration is so far unique among the eukaryotic DNA viruses. The incorporation of site-specific integration into AAV vector schemes should make this vector system attractive for human gene therapy approaches.  相似文献   

C Giraud  E Winocour    K I Berns 《Journal of virology》1995,69(11):6917-6924
A model system using an episomal Epstein-Barr virus shuttle vector was recently developed to study the adeno-associated virus (AAV) site-specific integration event in chromosome 19q13.3-qter (C. Giraud, E. Winocour, and K.I. Berns, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:10039-10043, 1994). In this study, we analyze the recombinant junctions generated after integration of the AAV genome into an Epstein-Barr virus shuttle vector carrying 8.2, 1.6, or 0.51 kb of the chromosome 19 preintegration sequence (AAVS1 locus). In most of the recombinants, one end of the viral genome was joined to a portion of the AAVS1 DNA previously shown to be a minimum target for AAV integration. Within this AAVS1 segment, the AAV insertion points were strikingly clustered around a binding site for the AAV regulatory protein. In all cases, the second junction with AAV occurred with vector DNA outside of the AAVS1 segment. With respect to the viral genome, one junction with the shuttle vector DNA occurred either within the AAV inverted terminal repeat (itr), or near the P5 promoter, approximately 100 nucleotides distal to a modified itr. The modified itr in 5 of 11 recombinants involved a head-to-tail organization. In one such instance, the AAV insert contained slightly more than one genome equivalent arranged in a head-to-tail manner with a junction close to the P5 promoter; the AAV insert in this recombinant episome could be rescued by adenovirus infection and replicated to virus particles. The significance of the head-to-tail organization is discussed in terms of the possible circularization of AAV DNA before or during integration.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization techniques, we studied the intracellular localization of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) Rep proteins, VP proteins, and DNA during the course of an AAV-2/adenovirus type 2 coinfection. In an early stage, the Rep proteins showed a punctate distribution pattern over the nuclei of infected cells, reminiscent of replication foci. At this stage, no capsid proteins were detectable. At later stages, the Rep proteins were distributed more homogeneously over the nuclear interior and finally became redistributed into clusters slightly enriched at the nuclear periphery. During an intermediate stage, they also appeared at an interior part of the nucleolus for a short period, whereas most of the time the nucleoli were Rep negative. AAV-2 DNA colocalized with the Rep proteins. All three capsid proteins were strongly enriched in the nucleolus in a transient stage of infection, when the Rep proteins homogeneously filled the nucleoplasm. Thereafter, they became distributed over the whole nucleus and colocalized in nucleoplasmic clusters with the Rep proteins and AAV-2 DNA. While VP1 and VP2 strongly accumulated in the nucleus, VP3 was almost equally distributed between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Capsids, visualized by a conformation-specific antibody, were first detectable in the nucleoli and then spread over the whole nucleoplasm. This suggests that nucleolar components are involved in initiation of capsid assembly whereas DNA packaging occurs in the nucleoplasm. Expression of a transfected full-length AAV-2 genome followed by adenovirus infection showed all stages of an AAV-2/adenovirus coinfection, whereas after expression of the cap gene alone, capsids were restricted to the nucleoli and did not follow the nuclear redistribution observed in the presence of the whole AAV-2 genome. Coexpression of Rep proteins released the restriction of capsids to the nucleolus, suggesting that the Rep proteins are involved in nuclear redistribution of AAV capsids during viral infection. Capsid formation was dependent on the concentration of expressed capsid protein.  相似文献   

Gene therapy vectors based on adeno-associated virus type 1   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
The complete sequence of adeno-associated virus type 1 (AAV-1) was defined. Its genome of 4,718 nucleotides demonstrates high homology with those of other AAV serotypes, including AAV-6, which appears to have arisen from homologous recombination between AAV-1 and AAV-2. Analysis of sera from nonhuman and human primates for neutralizing antibodies (NAB) against AAV-1 and AAV-2 revealed the following. (i) NAB to AAV-1 are more common than NAB to AAV-2 in nonhuman primates, while the reverse is true in humans; and (ii) sera from 36% of nonhuman primates neutralized AAV-1 but not AAV-2, while sera from 8% of humans neutralized AAV-2 but not AAV-1. An infectious clone of AAV-1 was isolated from a replicated monomer form, and vectors were created with AAV-2 inverted terminal repeats and AAV-1 Rep and Cap functions. Both AAV-1- and AAV-2-based vectors transduced murine liver and muscle in vivo; AAV-1 was more efficient for muscle, while AAV-2 transduced liver more efficiently. Strong NAB responses were detected for each vector administered to murine skeletal muscle; these responses prevented readministration of the same serotype but did not substantially cross-neutralize the other serotype. Similar results were observed in the context of liver-directed gene transfer, except for a significant, but incomplete, neutralization of AAV-1 from a previous treatment with AAV-2. Vectors based on AAV-1 may be preferred in some applications of human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Hauck B  Xiao W 《Journal of virology》2003,77(4):2768-2774
Muscle is an attractive target for gene delivery because of its mass and because vectors can be delivered in a noninvasive fashion. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) has been shown to be effective for muscle-targeted gene transfer. Recent progress in characterization of AAV serotype 1 (AAV1) and AAV6 demonstrated that these two AAV serotypes are far more efficient in transducing muscle than is the traditionally used AAV2. Since all cis elements are identical in these vectors, the potential determinants for their differences in transducing muscle appear to be located within the AAV capsid proteins. In the present study, a series of AAV capsid mutants were generated to identify the major regions affecting AAV transduction efficiency in muscle. Replacement of amino acids 350 to 736 of AAV2 VP1 with the corresponding amino acids from VP1 of AAV1 resulted in a hybrid vector that behaved very similarly to AAV1 in vitro and in vivo in muscle. Characterization of additional mutants carrying smaller regions of the AAV1 VP1 amino acid sequence in the AAV2 capsid protein suggested that amino acids 350 to 430 of VP1 function as a major tissue tropism determinant. Further analysis showed that the heparin binding domain and the major antigenic determinants in the AAV capsid region were not necessary for the efficiency of AAV1 transduction of muscle.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) amplicon vectors are promising gene delivery tools, but their utility in gene therapy has been impeded to some extent by their inability to achieve stable transgene expression. In this study, we examined the possibility of improving transduction stability in cultured human cells via site-specific genomic integration mediated by adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep and inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). A rep(-) HSV/AAV hybrid amplicon vector was made by inserting a transgene cassette flanked with AAV ITRs into an HSV-1 amplicon backbone, and a rep(+) HSV/AAV hybrid amplicon was made by inserting rep68/78 outside the rep(-) vector 3' AAV ITR sequence. Both vectors also had a pair of loxP sites flanking the ITRs. The resulting hybrid amplicon vectors were successfully packaged and compared to a standard amplicon vector for stable transduction frequency (STF) in human 293 and Gli36 cell lines and primary myoblasts. The rep(+), but not the rep(-), hybrid vector improved STF in all three types of cells; 84% of Gli36 and 40% of 293 stable clones transduced by the rep(+) hybrid vector integrated the transgene into the AAVS1 site. Due to the difficulty in expanding primary myoblasts, we did not assess site-specific integration in these cells. A strategy to attempt further improvement of STF by "deconcatenating" the hybrid amplicon DNA via Cre-loxP recombination was tested, but it did not increase STF. These data demonstrate that introducing the integrating elements of AAV into HSV-1 amplicon vectors can significantly improve their ability to achieve stable gene transduction by conferring the AAV-like capability of site-specific genomic integration in dividing cells.  相似文献   

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