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圈养獐分娩的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年的5~7月,在浙江省嵊州市河麂种源繁育基地对34只獐(Hydropotes inermis)的分娩活动进行了观察。结果表明,母獐通常选择安全的地点进行分娩。獐集中分娩的时间为6月3日到6月19日,占分娩母獐总数的73.53%(n=34),并且分娩多在白天进行。产程(从胎膜露出到胎盘娩出)平均为(302.20±15.27)min(n=15)。胎儿娩出的姿势多为前躯前置(前足、头先露出),占83.78%;少数为后躯前置(后足先露出),占16.22%。幼仔首次吮乳时间在单胎和多胎间无显著差异,平均为出生后(44.97±2.73)min(n=35)。幼仔出生后首次平均站立时间在双胞胎、三胞胎和四胞胎分别为(32.25±2.49)min(n=16)(、29.42±2.52)min(n=12)和(65.00±7.39)min(n=6)。每胎幼仔数越多,初生幼仔的平均体重越轻。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对双翅目3种蝇类昆虫即家蝇Musca domestica L.(蝇科)、红尾粪麻蝇Bercaea cruentata(Meigen)(麻蝇科)和肥躯金蝇Chrysomya pinguis (Walker)(丽蝇科)足的爪垫超微形态结构进行了研究,研究发现每种蝇类的前、中、后足爪垫的面积存在一定的差别,中足和后足爪垫面积较前足大;爪垫腹面均密被刚毛,每根刚毛由刚毛杆(setal shaft)和末端平板(terminal plate)组成,刚毛主要有铲状、勺状和柳叶状3种类型;后足爪垫上刚毛的密度和刚毛末端面积一般小于前、中足;位于爪垫边缘处的刚毛较长.研究还发现爪垫上的刚毛均为中空结构,且丽蝇科昆虫的刚毛末端具开口.  相似文献   

本文用放射免疫法测定了四只大熊猫在妊娠期和非妊娠期尿中孕酮和CG样物质含量的变化。结果表明:在大熊猫胚胎着床前,孕酮和CG样物质含量较低;胚胎着床后,二种激素的含量显著上升并达到高峰。雌兽妊娠期尿中孕酮和CG样物质含量的变化规律可为证实大熊猫系延缓着床型动物提供一些理论依据;同时,也为大熊猫的妊娠诊断和预测分娩提供一些参考数据。  相似文献   

提高人工繁殖大熊猫的存活率初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李德生  张和民  陈猛  张贵权  王鹏彦  熊焰 《兽类学报》1999,19(4):317-319,217
1963年~ 1 997年 4月 ,圈养条件下国内外共繁殖了大熊猫 1 1 9胎 1 79仔 ;其中成活至半岁以上的占初生仔数的 44 1 0 % ,成活至 2 5岁的占 30 43 % ,而成活至 3岁以上的仅占 2 1 1 1 % [1 ] ;人工繁殖大熊猫的成活率低 ,充分表明了大熊猫配种难、妊娠难、存活更难的情况。人工授精取得成功为缓解大熊猫的配种难提供了科学的方法。如何提高人工繁殖大熊猫的存活率 ,特别是进一步提高断奶后幼仔及亚成体的存活率 ,让人工繁殖的大熊猫更多地参加到繁殖种群中 ,是我国有关科研工作者目前的重要研究课题。1 991年~ 1 996年 ,成功繁殖了大熊…  相似文献   

1.密毛变丽蝇 Paradichosia scutellata Senior-Whie,1923 特点是肩胛黑色,有时呈金属光泽;腹侧板被黑毛;两性腹部均黑色;小盾片大而黑色,具狭红边;复眼密被黑纤毛;足黄,后胫节的短鬃毛中有5根非常长的鬃毛。标本采自云南永平县。 2.泰国金蝇 Chrysomya thanothini Kurahashi et Tumrasvin,1977 身体粗大,体长11—14毫米,体色蓝黑带紫,腋瓣深黑,无肩后鬃(或仅雌有弱肩后鬃),翅内鬃0+1,翅上鬃3,肛尾叶粗大,端部不成勺状,侧尾叶短小。与肥躯  相似文献   

记述采自云南省普洱地区卵翅蝗属1新种,即圆板卵翅蝗Caryanda cyclata sp.nov.,新种近似于方板卵翅蝗Caryanda quadrata Bi et Xia,1984,主要区别为:1)雄性肛上板盾形,后缘圆弧形;2)雌性下生殖板后缘具3齿;3)雌性前翅超过第1腹节背板后缘;4)雄性尾片及肛上板两侧缘非黑色;5)雄性尾须黑色;6)前翅黑色;7)后足股节端半部橙红色;8)后足胫节青兰色.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

为了解大熊猫眼睛的胚后发育状况,对64小时龄和35天龄大熊猫视网膜的组织结构进行了观察,发现胚后64小时龄大熊猫视网膜的分化程度很低,色素层已形成,但视泡腔明显;神经层由外面数层长梭形,内面数层圆形细胞核及无核的纤维层构成。  相似文献   

为探讨有尾目脊椎的划分,本文以小鲵科的山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)为例,运用透明骨骼双色法对其脊柱的形态特征进行了观察,并对各部分椎骨特征进行详细描述和绘图.结果显示,山溪鲵的脊椎根据椎骨是否具前关节突、横突、肋骨、肋软骨和脉弓等形态特征可分5部分;同时结合小鲵科其他20种94号标本和蝾螈科6种27号标本的脊柱特征及文献资料,讨论了有尾目脊椎的划分,认为将有尾目脊柱划分为5部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎、尾荐椎和尾椎)的观点较将其划分为4部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎和尾椎)的观点更合理.  相似文献   

系统研究了龙州蝗属,共记述10种,其中包括1新种,即贵州龙州蝗Longzhouacris guizhouensis sp.nov.,该新种近似于斑角龙州蝗L.annulicornis Lu,LiYou,2000,主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的2.16倍;2)前翅到达第3腹节背板中部;3)后足跗节爪间中垫长为爪长的1.5倍;4)雄性尾片三角形,顶尖;5)触角基半黄褐色,端半暗褐色;6)前翅前半黑褐色,后半淡褐色;7)后足胫节黄绿色。文中附有分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

总结了十余年大熊猫生殖轴系垂体促性腺细胞、睾丸、卵巢、精子、卵子和受精机理以及生殖激素测定经验;分析了大熊猫生殖能力低的根本原因是生殖内分泌失调;提出了“双控”措施,即对雌性大熊猫采用补充外源促性腺激素,促进滤泡发育、卵子成熟和发情排卵,而对雄性大熊猫,采用了人工采精,精液冷冻保存的方法。采用“双控”措施的六年里圈养大熊猫空怀明显下降,获双胎7次,单胎9次,出现了大熊猫繁殖史上空前繁荣的大好形势,从此宣告拯救圈养大熊猫已赢得了主动,保护大熊猫有了希望。  相似文献   

西印度海牛Trichechus manatus Linnaeus系稀有珍贵动物。近百年来,世界上饲养这种动物的国家只有几个,在人工饲养下能够繁殖的也只有美国和荷兰两个国家。因此有关海牛饲养管理的资料非常少,繁殖方面的资料更是寥寥无几。  相似文献   

Two siblings are described with duplication 14q/deletion 2q due to a paternal translocation (2;14) (q37.1;q31.2). The first one, a boy, born at term, lived 14 days. The second one, a female foetus, was born after induced labour when the anomaly was discovered by way of amniocentesis. They both had almost identical phenotypes. From a study of the literature it is inferred that a typical asymmetric head form, low set abnormal ears, micrognathia, long upper lip, rib anomalies, camptodactyly, long fingers and contractures are prominent features of the syndrome.  相似文献   

Two cases of chlamydial infection in pregnant women are described, the first serologically proved and the second suspected. In both cases the infection was probably contracted from sheep suffering with enzootic abortion. Both patients were farmers'' wives who had helped their husbands and lambing and developed a non-specific febrile illness in late pregnancy. In the first case as there was no clinical improvement after 26 hours the patient was delivered by caesarean section of a live infant in good condition; the patient recovered fully. The second patient had presented a year earlier, the fetus had died in the uterus, and the patient himself died after spontaneous labour and forceps delivery 14 hours after admission. Both patients developed disseminated intravascular coagulation. As the casual agent in enzootic abortion in ewes has a predilection for the placenta, early delivery may be the management of choice in late pregnancy if infection with this organism if suspected.  相似文献   

We propose that certain patterns (scars) could be relevant to extend the classic Caspar and Klug construction for icosahedrally-shaped virus capsids. These scars are theoretically and numerically predicted to be formed by electrons arranged on a sphere to minimize the repulsive Coulomb potential (the Thomson problem) and are experimentally found in spherical crystals formed by self-assembled polystyrene beads (an instance of the generalized Thomson problem). Scars could be produced on the capsid at an intermediate stage of its evolution and the release of the bending energy present in scars into stretching energy could allow for shape-changes. The conjecture can be tested in experiments and/or in numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Reported herein are 130 consecutive cases of free groin flap transfer performed by one surgeon over a 19-year period. Transplantation was performed for soft-tissue cover or augmentation of contour defects involving the head and neck (68 cases), trunk (4 cases), upper limb (14 cases), and lower limb (44 cases). Indications for flap coverage/augmentation were classified broadly into tumor, trauma, radiation induced, and miscellaneous. Specific reconstructive problems included augmentation for Romberg's hemifacial atrophy, external ear canal reconstruction after tumor ablation, and coverage of lower limb defects. There were nine failures (total flap loss), seven cases of partial flap loss, and two cases were abandoned intraoperatively. Of 15 cases that were urgently re-explored, 9 flaps were salvaged. The failure rate for the groin flap series (130 cases) was 8.5 percent compared with the failure rate of 4.2 percent for the other 517 cases of microvascular transfer performed over the same period by the same surgeon. Donor-site complications occurred in 24 cases and included hematoma or seroma formation, hypertrophic scars, nerve paresthesiae, infection, and dehiscence. Secondary debulking procedures were performed in 26 cases. The free groin flap, contrary to some reports, is a reliable flap that provides relatively thin pliable soft-tissue cover or augmentation, with minimal donor-site morbidity. The specific indications for its use have undergone an evolution since first described in 1973.  相似文献   

本文记述中国西南地区曲颊猛蚁属Gnamptogenys Roger1新种──版纳曲颊猛蚁G.bannana,sp.nov.,本新种与双色曲颊猛蚁G.bicolor(Emery)接近,但前者后头角向后延长成叶状突;头、胸、腹柄和腹部第1节具粗糙窝状刻纹;头和足黑色。文中提供了该属中国已知5种的检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

The problem posed by the presence of a dead fetus in utero after the first trimester is important because of the psychological attitude of the patient and the danger of hypofibrinogenemia. In the past, induction of labour in these patients has often been difficult, and surgery has had to be undertaken to empty the uterus.In these patients, labour was induced by inserting a needle with a trocar through the abdominal wall under local anesthesia into the amniotic sac. Approximately 200 ml. of amniotic fluid is withdrawn and replaced with a slightly larger amount of 20% saline solution. Labour began within 24 hours and delivery occurred within the next 14 hours. There have been no complications or failures with this technique in the cases reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The exceptionally preserved hyolithids Gompholites striatulus , Maxilites robustus , Maxilites snajdri and Maxilites sp. are described with particular emphasis on helen and muscle scar morphology. These two aspects of hyolithid morphology have remained controversial. In life position, each helen curved ventrally. When the operculum closed the aperture of the conch, each helen was locked at the commissure slit with its dorsal edge tilted forward. Inside the conch, it was held in the dorsal apertural plane and clear of the inner surface of the operculum. Previously unidentified muscle scars are described from both the operculum and the conch. Dorsal scars on the conch aperture held muscles directed to the operculum. Comparative study of the muscle insertion pattern indicates that hyolithids did not have serially arranged muscles and that all hyolithids may have had a common skeleto-muscular system. The arrangement of the muscle scars with respect to the helens suggests that the latter were capable of relatively complex movements and could have been used to propel the organism over the substrate. The general morphology and orientation of the helens suggests that in addition they functioned to stabilize the organism on the sea-floor.  相似文献   

王妮  付小锁 《生理学报》1996,48(1):83-88
采用放射受体分析法,测定了动情周期不同阶段及去卵巢大鼠子宫胞浆雌二醇和孕酮受体含量,并观察了子宫腔内注射酪、丝、苏三种氨基酸对子宫胞浆雌。醇、孕酮受体含量的影响。结果表明:(1)L-酪氨酸对动情前期、动情期、间情期大鼠子宫胞浆雌二醇和孕酮受体都具有明显的降低作用。(2)L-酪氨酸也降低去卵巢大鼠子宫胞浆雌二醇和孕酮含量,即这一作用不是通过影响卵巢激素分泌实现的。(3)L-苏氨酸仅可降低动情期和间情期大鼠子宫胞浆孕酮受体含量,而对相应周期雌二醇受体没有明显作用。(4)L-丝氨酸和L-苏氨酸对去卵巢大鼠子宫胞浆雌二醇和孕酮受体均无影响。  相似文献   

1989年于山东省平度市山楂园的定点调查和1988-1989年的室内外饲养观察表明:在田间,暗黑鳃金龟的成虫白天出土数量极少;夜间隔日出土的习性表现为—天数量多.一天数量少.即大小日现象;降雨对其出土没有影响。自然情况下。所有个体均隔日出土。对其出土习性,连续20天缺食没有影响;始终黑暗50天以上,影响不大;24小时光照和24小时黑暗的光周期.开始影响甚小,之后十分明显.再后影响又小;始终光照时,其规律完全被打破,出土数量也大大减少。由此推断,影响暗黑鳃金龟出土习性的主要因素是光照的持续时数,其临界光周期应在14至24小时之间。  相似文献   

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