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Buffer-soluble arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) and pectins from grape berry skin and pulp tissues have been isolated and their structure has been partly determined. Pectic polysaccharides from the cell wall material were solubilized by treating pulp and skin cell walls with homogeneous glycosyl hydrolases. Homogalacturonans, rhamnogalacturonans I (RG-I), and rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) of each tissue have been fractionated by high resolution size exclusion chromatography and their relative distribution and major structural features have been determined. It has been shown that pulp tissue contains two-fold more buffer-soluble AGPs and pectins than skin tissue and we have determined that 75% of the grape berry walls originates from the skin tissue. There is three-fold more RG-I and RG-II in skin tissue than in pulp tissue and three-fold more RG-I than RG-II in the grape berry cell walls.

The results of this study have shown that the grape polysaccharide content of a wine is related to the type of tissue used for wine making and to the solubility of the grape polysaccharides and their resistance to fragmentation by grape and yeast glycanases.  相似文献   

  1. 1. The cell wall of Chlorella ellipsoidea was fractionated intotwo components, alkali-soluble hemicellulose and alkali-insoluble"rigid wall". The former was composed of several neutral sugars,i.e. rhamnose, xylose, arabinose, mannose and galactose, andthe latter had glucosamine as a main constituent sugar.
  2. 2.Quantitative changes in both hemicellulose and "rigid wall"contents during the cell cycle were followed using synchronouslygrown cells. The two cell wall components showed markedly differentchanges. Hemicellulose increased in proportion to the enlargementof the cell surface area in the growing phase, while the "rigidwall" remained almost constant in this phase. The "rigid wall"increased only in the reproduction phase—the time of autosporeformation.
(Received September 26, 1977; )  相似文献   

Evidence derived from scanning electron microscope studies of the cell walls of germinated (malted) and unmalted sorghum grains suggests that portals (holes) develop in the endosperm cell walls during mobilization of the food reserves. It is proposed that amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes enter the endosperm cells through these portals and hyrolyse starch granules and associated storage proteins. Limited protease, pentosanase and/or-glucanase activities during malting may be responsible for the development of these portals in the endosperm cell walls. The latter persist in the malted grain.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate portion of fraction I of the Neurospora crassa cell wall has been analyzed for sugar composition by gas-liquid chromatography and colorimetric methods. The analysis was performed comparatively in a wild-type strain (RL 3-8A) and three morphological mutants: scumbo (FGSC 49), peak-2a (a mutant known to be allelic to biscuit), and ragged (FGSC 296). Fraction I of all strains studied contains glucose, mannose, and galactose as the main sugars. Uronic acids and amino sugars are also present in small amounts. The glycosidic linkages binding the neutral sugars were analyzed by Lindberg's combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques for identification of the partially methylated alditol acitate sugar derivatives. The main polymeric portion of fraction I seems to be a linear glucan with the glucose residues linked by 1 leads to 3 and 1 leads to 4 bonds. A mannan portion with a branched configuration is also present, with galactose as the sugar residue which serves as branches in the molecule(s). The branched mannan portion appears to increase in amount in correlation with more drastic morphological changes of the mycelia. In this respect, the mutant ragged has the lowest mycelial growth rate and the largest amount of mannan. The importance of the polysaccharide structure of fraction I on the colonial morphology of the mycelia is discussed.  相似文献   

A cell-wall preparation from the cells of Elsinoe leucospila, which produces elsinan extracellularly when grown on sucrose or glucose-potato extract medium, was fractionated systematically. The heteropolysaccharide that was released by treatment with Actinase E digestion, comprised D-mannose, D-galactose, and D-glucose (molar ratio, 1.5:1.0:0.1). Methylation, mild acid hydrolysis, and 13C-NMR studies suggested that the polysaccharide contains a backbone of alpha-(1----6)-linked D-mannose residues having two kinds of side chains, one attached at the O-4 with single or short beta-(1----6)-linked D-galactofuranosyl residues, and the other attached at O-2 with short side chains, most probably, of alpha-(1----3)-linked D-mannopyranosyl residues. A moderately branched D-glucan fraction, obtained from the cold alkali extract, was fractionated to give an antitumor-active purified beta-(1----3)-glucan having branches of single beta-D-glucosyl groups, one out of eight D-glucose residues being substituted at the O-6.  相似文献   

A beta-galactosidase was purified from cortical tissue of ripe apples (Malus domestica Borkh. cv Granny Smith) using a procedure involving affinity chromatography on lactosyl-Sepharose. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that two polypeptides of 44 and 32 kD were present in the fraction that showed activity against the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenol-beta-D-galactopyranoside. The enzyme preparation was incubated with polysaccharide extracts from apple cell walls containing beta-(1-->4)-linked galactans, and products of digestion were analyzed by gas chromatography. Small amounts of monomeric galactose were released during incubation, showing that the enzyme was active against native substrates. Amino acid sequence information was obtained from the purified protein, and this showed high homology with the anticipated polypeptide coded by the ethylene-regulated SR12 gene in carnation (K.G. Raghothama, K.A. Lawton, P.B. Goldborough, W.R. Woodson [1991] Plant Mol Biol 17: 61-71) and a harvest-related pTIP31 cDNA from asparagus (G. King, personal communication). Using the asparagus cDNA clone as a probe, an apple homolog (pABG1) was isolated. This clone contains a 2637-bp insert, including an open reading frame that codes for a polypeptide of 731 amino acids. Cleavage of an N-terminal signal sequence would leave a predicted polypeptide of 78.5 kD. Genomic DNA analysis and the isolation of other homologous apple clones suggest that pABG1 represents one member of an apple beta-galactosidase gene family. Northern analysis during fruit development and ripening showed accumulation of pABG1-homologous RNA during fruit ripening. Enzyme activity as measured in crude extracts increased during fruit development to a level that was maintained during ripening.  相似文献   

Measurement of endogenous growth rates and the mechanical propertyof the cell wall in various regions of light-grown azuki beanepicotyls revealed diat the minimum stress-relaxation time (To)was the shortest in the upper region (0–30 mm below theapex) of the epicotyl, where vigorous endogenous growth tookplace, and became longer toward the basal region, which wasmature and not growing. In the upper region of the epicotyl, a lower percentage of a-celluloseand a higher percentage of pectic substances than in the lowerregion were found. The percentage of hemicellulose content wasalmost constant over the whole epicotyl. Major components ofnoncellulosic neutral sugars in the cell wall were galactoseand xylose. The percentage of the galactose content to the noncellulosicpolysaccharide was highest in the upper region and lowest inthe basal region of the epicotyl, and a clearly negative correlationbetween the galactose composition and the To value was obtained.On the contrary, the percentage of die xylose content was highestin the basal region and lowest in die upper region, and a clearlypositive correlation between die xylose composition and theTo value was obtained. During die endogenous growth of die intactepicotyl, all die neutral sugars, particularly galactose, increasedin die upper region, whereas in die middle and basal regions,only xylose increased. Similar changes in sugar compositionswere observed during IAA-induced elongation of die segment excisedfrom various regions of die epicotyl. (Received July 27, 1978; )  相似文献   

The Chlamydomonas cell wall: characterization of the wall framework   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cell wall of the biflagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a multilayered, extracellular matrix composed of carbohydrates and 20-25 polypeptides. To learn more about the forces responsible for the integrity of this cellulose-deficient cell wall, we have begun studies to identify and characterize the framework of the wall and to determine the effects of the cell wall-degrading enzyme, lysin, on framework structure and protein composition. In these studies we used walls released into the medium by mating gametes. When isolated shed walls are degraded by exogenously added lysin, no changes are detected in the charge or molecular weight of the 20-25 wall proteins and glycoproteins when analyzed on one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels, which suggests that degradation of these shed walls is due either to cleavage of peptide bonds very near the ends of polypeptides or that degradation occurs via a mechanism other than proteolysis. Incubation of walls with Sarkosyl-urea solutions removes most of the proteins and yields thin structures that appear to be the frameworks of the walls. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the frameworks are highly enriched in a polypeptide of Mr 100,000. Treatment of frameworks with lysin leads to their degradation, which indicates that this part of the wall is a substrate for the enzyme. Although lysin converts the Mr 100,000 polypeptide from an insoluble to a soluble form, there is no detectable change in Mr of the framework protein. Solubilization in the absence of lysin requires treatment with SDS and dithiothreitol at 100 degrees C. These results suggest that the Chlamydomonas cell wall is composed of two separate domains: one containing approximately 20 proteins held together by noncovalent interactions and a second domain, containing only a few proteins, which constitutes the framework of the wall. The result that shed walls can be solubilized by boiling in SDS-dithiothreitol indicates that disulfide linkages are critical for wall integrity. Using an alternative method for isolating walls from mechanically disrupted gametes, we have also shown that a wall-shaped portion of these unshed walls is insoluble under the same conditions in which shed walls are soluble. One interpretation of these results is that wall release during mating and the wall degradation that follows may involve distinct biochemical events.  相似文献   

Structure of the peptidogylcan of bacterial cell walls. I   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Ultrastructure of acidic polysaccharides from the cell walls of brown algae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the ultrastructure of acidic polysaccharides from the cell walls of brown algae using a variety of electron microscopy techniques. Polysaccharides from Padina gymnospora present self assembled structures, forming trabecular patterns. Purified fractions constituted by alginic acid and sulfated fucan also form well-organized ultrastructures, but the pattern of organization varies depending on the polysaccharide species. Alginic acid presents sponge-like structures. Sulfated fucan exhibits particles with polygonal forms with a polycrystalline structure. These particles are in fact constituted by sulfated fucan molecules since they are recognized by a lectin specific for alpha-l-fucosyl residues. X-ray microanalysis reveal that S is a constituent element, as expected for sulfated groups. Finally, an exhaustive purified sulfated fucan shows the same ultrastructure formed by polygonal forms. Furthermore, elemental analyses of acidic polysaccharides indicate that they retain Zn, when algae were collected from a contaminated area. This observation is supported by direct quantification of heavy metal in the biomass and also in the solubilized polysaccharides compared with the algae from a non-contaminated site. We conclude that these molecules have specific ultrastructure and elemental composition; and act as metal binder for the nucleation and precipitation of heavy metals when the algae are exposed to a metal contaminated environment.  相似文献   

Infrared absorption spectra of film specimens of oat coleoptilecell walls, before and after protease treatment and after treatmentfor removal of lipid materials, pectic substances and hemicellulose,were recorded, and the characteristic bands in the spectrumof the wall assigned. Polarization spectrum measurements onthe wall provided evidence indicating that the non-cellulosicpolysaccharide matrix as well as cellulose micronbrils has anoriented structure in the wall and that the oriented structurechanges during extension growth as well as upon mechanical extensionof the walls. (Received July 22, 1977; )  相似文献   

Degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides is of major importance in the food and feed, beverage, textile, and paper and pulp industries, as well as in several other industrial production processes. Enzymatic degradation of these polymers has received attention for many years and is becoming a more and more attractive alternative to chemical and mechanical processes. Over the past 15 years, much progress has been made in elucidating the structural characteristics of these polysaccharides and in characterizing the enzymes involved in their degradation and the genes of biotechnologically relevant microorganisms encoding these enzymes. The members of the fungal genus Aspergillus are commonly used for the production of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. This genus produces a wide spectrum of cell wall-degrading enzymes, allowing not only complete degradation of the polysaccharides but also tailored modifications by using specific enzymes purified from these fungi. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the cell wall polysaccharide-degrading enzymes from aspergilli and the genes by which they are encoded.  相似文献   

The topo-optical aldehyde bisulfite-toluidine blue (ABT) reaction of vicinal OH and amino-OH groups offers new ways to study the ultrastructure of polysaccharides in different biological substrates. Through oriented dye binding on the reacting groups, the ABT reaction induces strong birefringence on the linearly ordered polysaccharides, which is negative with respect to their chain length. Using this method, two types of molecular order of the polysaccharides could be distinguished in the cell walls and capsules of yeasts. (1) The optically negative spherulitic character of the yeasts after the ABT reaction indicated that the toluidine blue molecules were bound tangentially (in a surface-parallel pattern) while the polysaccharide chains of the cell walls and capsules were oriented mainly radially. This structural pattern may be explained as resulting from a helicoid conformation of the polysaccharide component. (2) Acid or alkali hydrolysis removed the radially oriented polysaccharide component of the cell wall. The remaining, resistant polysaccharides showed up in the form of optically positive spherulites indicating radially oriented dye molecules on a circularly ordered, micellar polysaccharide texture.  相似文献   

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