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Effect of antimycin a on photosynthesis of intact spinach chloroplasts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Low concentrations (0.5-10 μm) of antimycin A were shown to increase the rate of CO2 fixation, O2 evolution and inorganic phosphate esterification in intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts. The increase was highest when the light intensity was saturating. Stimulation was independent of the bicarbonate concentration and was accompanied by an enhancement in the synthesis of glycerate 3-phosphate with a decrease in dihydroxyacetone phosphate. The antibiotic decreased the Michaelis constant of the chloroplast but not of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase for bicarbonate. It was suggested that antimycin A is affecting that portion (outer envelope) of the intact chloroplast which contains the enzyme mechanism for controlling the pace of CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoximine provided at a concentration which inhibits photosynthesis in intact leaves (10 mM) had no significant influence on the rate of photosynthesis of isolated pea leaf chloroplasts. In contrast, ammonium, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, and D,L-glyceraldehyde all strongly inhibited the photosynthesis of isolated chloroplasts. We conclude that low concentrations of methionine sulfoximine (up to 10 mM) have no direct effect on the photosynthetic process.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoximine provided at a concentration which inhibits photosynthesis in intact leaves (10 mM) had no significant influence on the rate of photosynthesis of isolated pea leaf chloroplasts. In contrast, ammonium, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, and D,L-glyceraldehyde all strongly inhibited the photosynthesis of isolated chloroplasts. We conclude that low concentrations of methionine sulfoximine (up to 10 mM) have no direct effect on the photosynthetic process.  相似文献   

G. H. Krause 《Planta》1978,138(1):73-78
Uncoupling concentrations (about 1 mol l-1) of desaspidin or carbonyl cyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone reverse the slow light-induced, Mg2+-dependent quenching of fluorescence of chlorophyll a in isolated (intact and broken) spinach chloroplasts. Likewise, uncoupling inhibits the light-induced increase of the Mg2+ concentration in the stroma of intact chloroplasts, as determined with Eriochrome Blue SE. Addition of higher amounts of the uncouplers to the chloroplasts leads to a slow, light-dependent fluorescence lowering which appears to be promoted by high light intensities and is not reversed in the dark. The reversal of the fluorescence quenching by uncoupling is interpreted to reflect exchange of protons for Mg2+ ions at negative sites of the inner thylakoid face, caused by the collapse of the proton gradient across the membrane. The secondary fluorescence lowering caused by high levels of the uncouplers and high light intensities is suggested to be related to an inhibition of non-cyclic photosynthetic electron transport.Abbreviation FCCP carbonyl cyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

Sucrose has been detected as a seasonal photosynthetic product in spinach chloroplast preparations. Sucrose when present accounted for up to 30% of the CO2 fixed. Experiments in which sucrose was formed have been compared with experiments in which it was not formed, and a possible control mechanism for sucrose synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycerate was found to effect photosynthetic O2 evolution in wheat chloroplasts by its conversion to triose phosphate and by influencing the rate of photosynthesis through the reductive pentose phosphate pathway. In the absence of bicarbonate, the photosynthetic O2 evolution with glycerate was low (10 to 25 mumol mg chlorophyll-1 h-1), and only about 15% of the rate of bicarbonate-dependent O2 evolution under optimum conditions. This corresponds to a rate of glycerate conversion to triose phosphate of 20 to 50 mumol mg chlorophyll-1 h-1, which appears sufficient to accommodate flux through the glycolate pathway in vivo. Pi was required for this glycerate-dependent O2 evolution; rates remained relatively constant between 0.1 and 40 mM Pi, and proceeded with little lag upon illumination (less than 0.5 min). Evidence for O2 evolution due to glycerate conversion to triose phosphate could be conclusively demonstrated by addition of glycolaldehyde, an inhibitor of the regenerative phase of photosynthesis, which prevents CO2 fixation. The effect of glycerate on photosynthesis in the presence of bicarbonate was determined by measuring both photosynthetic O2 evolution and 14CO2 fixation at varying Pi concentrations. Low concentrations of glycerate (micro- to millimolar levels) prevented inhibition of photosynthesis by Pi. With 1 mM bicarbonate and pH 8.2, which is favorable for glycolate synthesis, maximum rates of photosynthesis were obtained at low Pi (25 microM), whereas strong inhibition of photosynthesis occurred at only 0.2 mM Pi. Addition of glycerate relieved the inhibition of photosynthesis by Pi, indicating the possible importance of glycerate metabolism in the chloroplast under photorespiratory conditions. The initiation of photosynthesis by glycerate at inhibitory Pi levels occurred with little reduction in the ratio of CO2 fixed/O2 evolved, and the main effect of glycerate was on carbon assimilation. While the basis for the beneficial effect of glycerate on CO2 assimilation under moderate to high Pi levels is uncertain, it may increase the concentration of 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) in the chloroplast, and thus make conditions more favorable for induction of photosynthesis and reduction of PGA to triose phosphate.  相似文献   

Ellyard PW  Gibbs M 《Plant physiology》1969,44(8):1115-1121
The inhibition of photosynthetic CO2 fixation by O2, commonly referred to as the Warburg effect, was examined in isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts. The major characteristics of this effect in isolated chloroplasts are rapid reversibility when O2 is replaced by N2, an increased inhibition by O2 at low concentrations of CO2 and a decreased effect of O2 with increased concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic oxygen evolution by isolated spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts approached complete inhibition in the presence of a 5 mm concentration of sulfur dioxide. A similar inhibition was observed in the presence of equimolar concentrations of bisulfite ions, suggesting a parallel mode of action. In contrast, an equimolar concentration of sulfite ions was markedly less inhibitory and sulfate ions caused negligible inhibition of apparent photosynthesis. The mode of action of sulfur dioxide and related sulfur anions in inhibiting photosynthesis was found to be essentially independent of direct hydrogen-ion effects. Supplements of inorganic pyrophosphate lessened the inhibition of oxygen evolution caused by sulfur dioxide and the sulfur anions.Sulfur dioxide and the sulfur anions were almost equally effective in inhibiting cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation in chloroplast suspensions. However, the extent of the inhibition of these photosynthetic reactions does not appear sufficient to account for the inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution by sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

Chollet R 《Plant physiology》1976,57(2):237-240
Glycidate (2,3-epoxypropionate) increased CO2 photoassimilation in intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts in the presence of various inhibitors of photosynthesis, including O2, arsenite, azide, iodo-acetamide, and carbonylcyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone. Although the mechanism by which glycidate enhances photosynthesis is obscure, the stimulatory effect cannot be ascribed to either an inhibition of glycolate formation, a specific interaction with the O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, or a direct effect on the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC reaction. The lack of a differential effect of glycidate on photosynthesis and glycolate formation in the isolated chloroplast was confirmed in whole leaf studies by the CO2 compensation concentration assay. These results are at variance with the report that glycidate stimulates net photosynthesis in tobacco leaf disks by irreversibly inhibiting glycolate formation and thus photorespiration (Zelitch, I., 1974, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 163: 367-377).  相似文献   

The stromal concentration of orthophosphate in intact spinach chloroplasts (prepared in the absence of orthophosphate or pyrophosphate but supplied with both in the reaction medium) fell from a value of approx. 20 mM in the dark to a steady-state concentration of approx. 8 mM in the light. Chloroplasts illuminated in the absence of orthophosphate or pyrophosphate showed a similar trend. However, in this situation the stromal inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentration rapidly decreased from approx. 10 mM in the dark to a constant steady-state concentration of between 1.5 and 2.5 mM in the light. This Pi concentration was not further diminished (even though CO2-dependent O2 evolution had ceased) and was therefore considered to be stromal orthophosphate not freely available to metabolism. In the Pi-deficient chloroplasts the rate of photosynthesis declined rapidly after 1–2 min in the light such that CO2-dependent O2 evolution ceased with 5 min of the onset of illumination. The decline in O2 evolution was accompanied by an increase in the transthylakoid ΔpH (as measured by 9-aminoacridine fluorescence quenching) and in the high-energy state, non-photochemical component of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (qE). Measurements of stromal metabolite concentrations showed that the ATP/ADP ratio was decreased in the Pi-deficient chloroplasts relative to chloroplasts illuminated in the presence of Pi. The stromal concentration of glycerate 3-phosphate was comparable in the Pi-deficient chloroplasts and those to which Pi had been supplied. Chloroplasts which were illuminated in Pi-free media showed a large accumulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate relative to those supplied with Pi, suggesting inhibition of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase under these conditions. When Pi was added to chloroplasts illuminated in the absence of Pi, both non-photochemical quenching (qE), photochemical quenching (qQ) and ΔpH increased. This suggests that electron transport was not limited by inability to discharge transthylakoid ΔpH. These observation are consistent with the hypothesis that Pi limitation results in decreased ATP production by the thylakoid ATP synthase. The data presented here show that there are multiple sites of flux control exerted by low stromal Pi in the chloroplast. At least three factors contribute to the inhibition of photosynthesis under phosphate limitation: (1) there appears to be a direct effect of Pi on the energy-transducing system; (2) there is direct inhibition of the Calvin cycle decreasing the ability of the pathway to act as a sink for ATP and NADPH; and (3) feedback inhibition of primary processes occurs either via ΔpH or the redox state of electron carriers. However, ΔpH does not appear to be a limiting factor, but rather an inability to regenerate NADP as electron acceptor is suggested. The addition of DCMU to chloroplasts during illumination in the absence of Pi for periods of up to 10 min showed that there was very little loss of variable fluorescence despite a 60% reduction in the capacity for O2 evolution. This would suggest that photoinhibitory damage to Photosystem II was not the major cause of the inhibition of photosynthesis observed with low Pi.  相似文献   

Henrik Laasch 《Planta》1987,171(2):220-226
Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence after short-time light, heat and osmotic stress was investigated with intact chloroplasts from Spinacia oleracea L. The proportions of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (q N ) which are related (q E ) and unrelated (q I ) to the transthylakoid proton gradient (pH) were determined. Light stress resulted in an increasing contribution of q Ito total q N.The linear dependence of q. Eand pH, as seen in controls, was maintained. The mechanisms underlying this type of quenching are obviously unaffected by photoin-hibition. In constrast, q Ewas severely affected by heat and osmotic stress. In low light, the response of q Eto changes in pH was enhanced, whereas it was reduced in high light. The data are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that q Eis related to thermal dissipation of excitation energy from photosystem II. It is shown that q Eis not only controlled by pH, but also by external factors.Abbreviations and symbols 9-AA 9-aminoacridine - F o basic chlorophyll fluorescence - F o variable chlorophyll fluorescence - L 2 saturating light pulse - PS photosystem - q E pH-dependent, non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence - q I pH-independent, non-photochemical quenching - q N entire non-photochemical quenching - q Q photochemical quenching  相似文献   

The role of monovalent cations in the photosynthesis of isolated intact spinach chloroplasts was investigated. When intact chloroplasts were assayed in a medium containing only low concentrations of mono- and divalent cations (about 3 mval l-1), CO2-fixation was strongly inhibited although the intactness of chloroplasts remained unchanged. Addition of K+, Rb+, or Na+ (50–100 mM) fully restored photosynthesis. Both the degree of inhibition and restoration varied with the plant material and the storage time of the chloroplasts in low-salt medium. In most experiments the various monovalent cations showed a different effectiveness in restoring photosynthesis of low-salt chloroplasts (K+>Rb+>Na+). Of the divalent cations tested, Mg2+ also restored photosynthesis, but to a lesser extent than the monovalent cations.In contrast to CO2-fixation, reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate was not ihibited under low-salt conditions. In the dark, CO2-fixation of lysed chloroplasts supplied with ATP, NADPH, and 3-phosphoglycerate strictly required the presence of Mg2+ but was independent of monovalent cations. This finding excludes a direct inactivation of Calvin cycle enzymes as a possible basis for the inhibition of photosynthesis under low-salt conditions.Light-induced alkalization of the stroma and an increase in the concentration of freely exchangeable Mg2+ in the stroma, which can be observed in normal chloroplasts, did not occur under low-salt conditions but were strongly enhanced after addition of monovalent cations (50–100 mM) or Mg2+ (20–50 mM).The relevance of a light-triggered K+/H+ exchange at the chloroplast envelope is discussed with regard to the light-induced increase in the pH and the Mg2+ concentration in the stroma, which are thought to be obligatory for light activation of Calvincycle enzymes.  相似文献   

Terry N 《Plant physiology》1976,57(4):477-479
Effects of sulfur on photosynthesis in sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L. cv. F58-554H1) were studied by inducing sulfur deficiency and determining changes in the photosynthesis of whole attached leaves and of isolated chloroplasts. The rates of photosynthetic CO2 uptake by intact leaves, photoreduction of ferricyanide, cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation of isolated chloroplasts, and the rate of CO2 assimilation by ribulose diphosphate carboxylase, decreased with decrease in total leaf sulfur from 2500 to about 500 μg g−1 dry weight. Sulfur deficiency reduced photosynthesis through an effect on chlorophyll content, which decreased linearly with leaf sulfur, and by decreasing the rate of photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll. There was only a small effect of sulfur deficiency on stomatal diffusion resistance to CO2 until leaf sulfur decreased below 1000 μg g−1 when stomatal resistance became a more significant proportion of the total diffusion resistance to CO2. Light respiration rates were positively correlated with photosynthesis rates and dark respiration was unchanged as leaf sulfur concentrations declined.  相似文献   

Effects of calcium on photosynthesis in sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L. cv. F58-554H1) were studied by inducing calcium deficiency and determining changes in CO2 uptake by attached leaves, electron transport, and photophosphorylation by isolated chloroplasts, and CO2 assimilation by ribulose diphosphate carboxylase extracts. Calcium deficiency had no significant effect on leaf CO2 uptake, photoreduction of ferricyanide, cyclic or noncyclic ATP formation of isolated chloroplasts, or on ribulose diphosphate carboxylase CO2 assimilation, when the rates were expressed per unit chlorophyll. When expressed per unit leaf area CO2 uptake increased by about 15% in low calcium leaves. The most noticeable effect of calcium deficiency was reduction in leaf area: low calcium had no effect on dark respiratory CO2 evolution, on leaf diffusion resistance, or on mesophyll resistance to CO2. We concluded that only small amounts of calcium are required for normal photosynthetic activity of sugar beet leaves.  相似文献   

The effects of a photoinhibition treatment (PIT) on electron transport and photophosphorylation reactions were measured in chloroplasts isolated from triazine-resistant and susceptible Chenopodium album plants grown under high and low irradiance. Electron transport dependent on photosystem I (PSI) alone was much less affected by PIT than that dependent on both photosystem II (PSII) and PSI. There was a smaller difference in susceptibility to PIT between the photophosphorylation activitity dependent on PSI alone and that dependent on both PSII and PSI. Because in all cases photophosphorylation activity decreased faster upon PIT than the rate of electron transport, we conclude that photoinhibition causes a gradual uncoupling of electron transport with phosphorylation. Since the extent of the light-induced proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane decreased upon PIT, it is suggested that photoinhibiton causes a proton leakiness of the membrane. We have found no significant differences to PIT of the various reactions measured in chloroplasts isolated from triazine-resistant and susceptible plants. We have also not observed any significant differences to PIT of the photophosphorylation reactions in chloroplasts of plants grown under low irradiance, compared with those grown under high irradiance. However, the electron transport reactions in chloroplasts from plants grown under low irradiance appeared to be somewhat less sensitive to PIT than those grown under high irradiance.  相似文献   

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