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Experimental allergic orchitis (EAO) and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) are animal models of organ-specific autoimmune disease. In this study, BALB/cByJ and BALB/cAnNCr mice were susceptible to both autoimmune diseases whereas BALB/cJ subline mice were resistant. Disease resistance in BALB/cJ mice did not appear to be a reflection of either (i) a nonspecific generalized impairment of cellular immunity or (ii) an alteration in the phenotypic expression of Bordetella pertussis-induced histamine sensitization, a phenotype which has been shown to be associated with susceptibility to both diseases. Susceptibility to both EAE and EAO was inherited as a dominant trait in F1 hybrid animals. Segregation analysis in a (BALB/cByJ X BALB/cJ) X BALB/cJ backcross population suggested that disease resistance may be associated with a single genotypic difference in a common regulatory gene affecting susceptibility to both diseases. Linkage analysis of the backcross population failed to demonstrate an association of disease resistance with the mutant raf-1b allele carried by BALB/cJ mice. The results of these studies support previous observations that multiple genotypic differences may in fact exist in mice of the BALB/cJ subline and that such differences play a significant role in the genetic control of susceptibility to EAE and EAO.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to the induction of murine autoimmune orchitis was found to be associated with the locus controlling Bordetella pertussis-induced sensitivity to the vasoactive amine, histamine. Only those inbred and H-2 congenic strains of mice possessing both the H-2 d haplotype and the locus for susceptibility to B. pertussis-induced sensitivity to histamine developed autoimmune orchitis. In addition, segregation analysis of backcross generation mice also demonstrated a high degree of correlation between susceptibility both to disease and to histamine sensitization, which was indicative of additional multigene control. Pertussigen-histamine sensitization factor (P-HSF) was only effective in eliciting disease when it was administered on the same day, or within a period up to 6 days following sensitization with mouse testicular homogenate-emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant. P-HSF induced sensitivity to histamine was not found to be associated with an increase in the vascular permeability of target tissue. Thus, B. pertussis-induced sensitivity to histamine appears to play a more crucial role during the sensitization phase of autoimmune orchitis induction, rather than at the inflammatory or effector phase of the disease.  相似文献   

Inbred strains of mice were studied for their susceptibility to the induction of experimental allergic orchitis after sensitization with mouse testicular homogenate in complete Freund's adjuvant accompanied by injections of extract from Bordetella pertussis. Susceptibility to autoimmune orchitis was found to be linked to the major histocompatibility complex in BALB/c and C57BL/10 mice and mapped to genes encoded within the H-2D dregion. In five of six groups of bidirectional (susceptible × resistant) F1 hybrids, H-2D d-linked susceptibility was inherited as a dominant autosomal trait. However, in (BALB/cByJ × DBA/2J)F1 and (DBA/2J × BALB/cByJ)F1 hybrids, dominant autosomal resistance to the induction of autoimmune orchitis was observed. Backcross analysis between the resistant F1 hybrid and the susceptible BALB/cByJ parent suggests that a single independently segregating DBA/2J locus is capable of negating H-2D d-linked susceptibility, and controls resistance to the induction of autoimmune orchitis.Abbreviations used in this paper BP extract Bordetella pertussis extract - CFA complete Freund's adjuvant - EAO experimental allergic orchitis - Ir immune response - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLH mouse liver homogenate - MTH mouse testis homogenate - PI pathology index  相似文献   

Typical experimental allergic orchitis (EAO) and aspermatogenesis were successfully transferred to strain 13 guinea pigs with peritoneal exudate and lymph node cells from male and female donor guinea pigs (lacking detectable antibody) previously sensitized with 9 mug of highly purified GP1 glucoprotein isolated from the sperm acrosome. Attempts to transfer the disease with circulating antibody from hyperimmunized animals were not successful. These studies support a cell-mediated basis for the immunopathologic events in EAO.  相似文献   

Guinea-pigs were immunized with a defined and highly potent aspermatogenic antigen, G75m, and the occurrence of orchitis was correlated with (1) cell-mediated immune response to G75m, determined by lymph node cell proliferation and by secretion of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) by peritoneal exudate cells, and (2) humoral antibodies to G75m and to cell surface antigens of guinea-pig testicular cells, by radioimmunometric assays. A consistent temporal relationship between cell-mediated immune responses and disease was found: lymph node cell proliferation was positive by Day 4, followed 3 days later by maximum secretion of MIF, and orchitis lesions were manifest on Day 10. In contrast, maximal IgG antibodies to G75m or to the surface antigens of spermatozoa/testicular cells were detected at a time when cell-mediated immune responses and active testicular lesions had subsided. In individual animals, lymph node cell proliferation increased with severity of orchitis, while MIF secretion by peritoneal cells increased with orchitis only late in the disease. Early in disease, MIF response showed a negative correlation with orchitis. Moreover, peritoneal injection of oil reduced the incidence of early lymph node cell proliferative responses, and delayed the onset of testicular disease. These findings are consistent with competition between different inflammatory sites for recently antigen-activated T lymphocytes. We conclude that (1) the development of orchitis correlates with cell-mediated immune responses to purified aspermatogenic antigens but not with IgG antibody responses, and (2) when the same animal is used to assess different aspects of cellular immunity and autoimmune disease, one study may significantly influence the other.  相似文献   

Lyt-1 cells mediate acute murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adult SJL/J mice were depleted of T lymphocytes and were reconstituted with Lyt-1, Lyt-2, or Lyt-1 + Lyt-2 cells. After immunization with MSCH, severe acute EAE developed in the Lyt-1- and the Lyt-1 + Lyt-2-reconstituted mice. Only 25% of the Lyt-2-reconstituted mice developed signs of EAE, and in those EAE onset was delayed. Thus, Lyt-1 cells mediate EAE in the mouse.  相似文献   

A unique highly soluble aspermatogenic protein (AP1) was isolated from guinea pig testes and was shown by immunofluorescence to occupy the outer surface of the sperm acrosome. This protein is a potent inducer of allergic orchitis and aspermatogenesis; as little as 0.2 mug induced orchitis in 60 percent of guinea pig tested. The AP1 protein, relatively small and neutral, is stable under acid conditions, but at pH 8.6 shows a variety of forms due either to aggregation or polymorphism. The purified AP1 protein appeared homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 2.7 and in sodium dodecyl sulfate and by immunoelectrophoresis using rabbit antisera to either the purified protein or the testes extract. It also showed a single band on immunodiffusion over a wide concentration range. The purification procedure consisted of delipidation with chloroform/methanol (2/1); acid extraction at pH 3.0; precipitation with 85 percent saturated ammonium sulfate; trichloroacetic acid extraction and gel filtration on Bio-Gel A-1.5; gel filtration on Bio-Gel P-10; chromatography on CM52 cellulose; and preparative gel electrophoresis at pH 2.7. Approximately 20 mg of purified AP1 protein were obtained from 5000 g of wet guinea pig testes. The AP1 protein induced an autoimmune disease characterized by infiltration of mononuclear cells around and within the seminiferous tubules (orchitis), followed by extensive damage and destruction of the germinal cells (aspermatogenesis). The course of the disease induced by this protein (0.5 to 1 mug) was essentially identical with that seen with whole testicular tissue or other purified fractions.  相似文献   

Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), an experimental autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), is readily induced in many mammalian species by immunization with CNS tissue or myelin basic protein (MBP) purified from the CNS. EAE has been frequently used as a model for multiple sclerosis (MS). However, EAE generally presents as an acute monophasic disease in the adult animal after immunization with MBP. After recovery, the animal is resistant to rechallenge with encephalitogen (1). Two exceptions to these observations have been reported. McFarlin et al. (2) reported that a variable number of Lewis rats showed signs of a single, mild relapse about a week after recovery from MBP-induced acute EAE. Panitch and Ciccone (3) have reported induction of recurrent EAE in rats immunized with human MBP. Chronic, relapsing EAE has been induced in the mouse; however, an apparent requirement for CNS tissue had been noted (4, 5). Recently, during the course of a series of experiments on the induction of EAE in SJL/J, PL/J, and (SJL/J X PL/J)F1 (SPL F1) mice, it was observed that the F1 mice frequently had paralytic relapses after recovery from MBP-induced symptoms. Experiments were initiated to examine this phenomenon, and the findings are presented below.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which Trypanosoma cruzi causes cardiomyopathy and induces neuronal destruction are discussed in this paper. The results suggest that autoimmunity in the chronic phase is the main cause of the progressive cardiac destruction, and that autoreactivity is restricted to the CD4+ T cell compartment. During the acute phase, the neuronal and cardiac fiber destruction occurs when ruptured parasite nests release T. cruzi antigens that bind to the cell surface in the vicinity which become targets for the cellular and humoral immune response against T. cruzi. The various factors involved in the genesis of autoimmunity in chronic T. cruzi infection include molecular mimicry, presentation of self-antigens and imbalance of immune regulation.  相似文献   

In experimental allergic orchitis (EAO), a lesion characterized by mononuclear invasion of seminiferous tubules can be adoptively transferred within 1 to 4 days by testicular injection of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from syngeneic strain 13 guinea pigs (GP) immunized with homologous testicular antigens in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). This study examined the role of T lymphocytes, macrophages, and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in the adoptive transfer. Guinea pig PEC contained 7% T lymphocytes, rare B lymphocytes, and over 90% of macrophages and PMN. After T lymphocytes were depleted by rabbit erythrocyte (E) rosette and Hypaque-Ficoll gradient centrifugation, cell preparations that contained 73% of original macrophages and 15% original T lymphocytes were obtained, and these cells did not transfer EAO (0 of 18 testes). In contrast, cell preparations enriched in T lymphocytes by nylon wool column or E rosette contained 1.5% of the original macrophages and 59% of the original T lymphocytes transferred EAO to 70% of the testes, starting at 1.5 x 10(6) T lymphocytes per testis. The number of T lymphocytes correlated with the incidence of adoptive transfer; the correlation existed regardless of the number of macrophages or PMN present. Finally, EAO was adoptively transferred to recipients that had total-body irradiation. The results indicate that (a) T lymphocytes are capable of transferring lesions of EAO, (b) in the transfer, the T lymphocytes did not function as helper T cells, since the transfer need not involve participation of host lymphoid cells, and (c) by inference, testis antigen-reactive T lymphocytes exist.  相似文献   

A protocol was developed for reproducibly transferring experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) to naive recipient mice. Cell donors were (C57BL/6 x A/J)F1 mice immunized about 14 days earlier with mouse testicular homogenate with Freund's adjuvant and an extract of Bordetella pertussis. Lymphocytes from lymph nodes and spleens were equally capable of transferring disease. As few as 5 X 10(6) cells were able to transfer EAO, which began on Day 5-7 after transfer. Infiltrate of lymphocytes and macrophages in the region of the rete testis and straight tubules was the most reproducible early lesion, suggesting that this is the initial site of T cell-antigen interaction. It was not necessary to use both Mycobacteria and B. pertussis adjuvants in donor immunization to achieve transfer of EAO. Disease transfer was antigen specific since only cells from donors immunized with TH could transfer disease. In vitro stimulation of the cells with testicular antigens and/or concanavalin A was a prerequisite to successful transfer of EAO, which was dependent on the presence of L3T4+ T cells since depletion of these cells greatly diminished EAO in recipients and the lymphocyte proliferation response to testicular antigens. Disease did not depend on an antibody response by the recipients. The results imply that effector cells, once generated by immunization and fully activated or selected by in vitro stimulation, can home to specific locations in the testis, locate relevant autoantigens, and cause disease.  相似文献   

In a two-hit model of acid aspiration lung injury, mice were subjected to nonlethal cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). After 48 h, intratracheal (IT) acid was administered, and mice were killed at several time points. Recruitment of neutrophils in response to acid was documented by myeloperoxidase assay and neutrophil counts in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and peaked at 8 h post-IT injection. Albumin in BAL fluid, an indicator of lung injury, also peaked at 8 h. When the contributions of the two hits were compared, neutrophil recruitment and lung injury occurred in response to acid but were not greatly influenced by addition of another hit. Neutrophil sequestration was preceded by elevations in KC and macrophage inflammatory protein-2alpha in plasma and BAL fluid. KC levels in BAL fluid were higher and peaked earlier than macrophage inflammatory protein-2alpha levels. When KC was blocked with specific antiserum, neutrophil recruitment was significantly reduced, whereas albumin in BAL fluid was not affected. In conclusion, murine KC mediated neutrophil recruitment but not lung injury in a two-hit model of aspiration lung injury.  相似文献   

Differential susceptibility to the induction of experimental allergic orchitis (EAO) was examined in Lewis/NCr and Le-R subline rats. Lewis/NCr rats were found to be fully susceptible to the induction of EAO whereas Le-R subline rats were not. Disease resistance exhibited by Le-R rats could be overcome by including Bordetella pertussis in the immunization protocol. However, reversal of resistance with B. pertussis was dependent on the dose of rat testicular homogenate in the inoculum and found to be effective only at lower doses of antigen (10 mg/rat). Disease resistance in Le-R rats as well as B. pertussis-induced reversal of resistance did not appear to be associated with either (1) a significant difference in the number of mast cells in the ductus efferentes, the anatomic location of the earliest inflammatory infiltrates, or (2) an alteration in the phenotypic expression of either innate or B. pertussis-induced sensitivity to vasoactive amines. The results are discussed in the context of the role of B. pertussis in other animal models of organ-specific autoimmune diseases. It is proposed that the phenotypic expression of resistance to EAO in Le-R rats is a result of a mutation in a common regulatory locus affecting susceptibility to multiple autoimmune diseases and whose immunoregulatory action is normally exerted during the sensitization phase of the immune response.  相似文献   

The relative roles of donor and host T lymphocytes and the T cell activation requirements in adoptive transfer of experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) in (C57BL/6 x A/J)F1 mice were investigated in order to gain an understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease. Depletion of T cell subsets in recipients by adult thymectomy and treatment with monoclonal antibodies against CD4 or CD8 had no effect on the incidence of EAO following adoptive transfer of activated T cells from donors immunized with testis homogenate (TH) and adjuvants. In contrast, such depletion of CD4+ T cells inhibited development of EAO in actively immunized mice. Thus, CD4+ cells are required for induction of EAO, but donor CD4+ cells are sufficient by themselves without a comparable contribution from the recipient. Adoptive transfer of EAO required that donor splenic and lymph node T cells be activated in vitro before transfer. We found that exposure to antigen (TH) for as little as 4 hr allowed EAO to occur in 25% of recipients, and by 24 hr the cells were fully competent to induce disease. Proliferation of the cells could not be measured until 2 days later. In serial double-transfer experiments, it was found that the cells must be cultured with TH before each transfer in order for the secondary recipients to develop EAO. However, it was not necessary for the transferred T cells to "see" antigen in vivo in the primary recipients, since transfer to castrated primary recipients had no effect on EAO incidence in secondary recipients. Lymphocytes isolated from diseased testes of immunized donors were competent to transfer EAO without activation in vitro, suggesting that, unlike spleen and lymph node cells, these orchitic lymphocytes were already capable of trafficking to the testis.  相似文献   

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