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Mesozooplankton samples were collected over a period of one year in five stations of the Ebrié lagoon and analysed for organic, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents. When zooplankton was dominated by A. clausi, body composition was relatively stable compared with the broad variability of environmental factors (mainly salinity, food abundance and composition), although a negative hypothetic influence of salinity may have occurred. Body composition was comparable when zooplankton was dominated by Pseudodiaptomus hessei and freshwater species, but contents were significantly lower for assemblages dominated by more exclusively marine species (Paracalanus spp., Oithona spp., marine cladocerans, chaetognates, etc.).  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are usually subjected to several kinds of human impacts, especially eutrophication. The breaching of the sand bar, which separates the lagoon from the ocean, by human action, is a common process used to decrease the negative effects of eutrophication. The aims of this research were to evaluate the effects of the artificial sand bar breaching on the populations of the aquatic macrophyte Typha domingensis and the subsequent effects on nutrients concentration in a tropical coastal lagoon. Samplings were carried out monthly from February/01 to January/02 in a monospecific stand of T. domingensis at Imboassica lagoon (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil). Two sampling sites, in the middle and in the border of the stand, were marked in three different transects. Water depth was measured and the aerial biomass sampled with a 0.25 m2 quadrat. The macrophyte samples were separated into live and dead material and the shoot length, shoot density and number of leaves were analyzed. All plant material was oven dried till constant weight and net primary production, dead stand crop production and the nutrients release through decomposition were estimated at each site. The decrease in water level due to sand bar opening affected negatively T. domingensis populations, but the most intense effects were observed in the middle of the stand. The shoot mortality was highly enhanced after the sand bar breaching and the nutrients were released through decomposition to the water column. It reflected on an input of 11.5 kg C m−2, 0.22 kg N m−2 and 0.13 kg P m−2 into the lagoon, which represent from 22.5 to 44.8 ton P and 35.9 to 71.8 ton N to the lagoon. The decrease of nutrients concentration after the sand bar breaching was not successfully accomplished. The decay of T. domingensis stands due to the sand bar breaching neutralized the exportation of nutrients to the ocean, and contributed to the phosphorous increase in the water column. Thus, to a better management of aquatic ecosystems subjected to human eutrophication, the role of aquatic macrophytes decomposition on internal fertilization of aquatic ecosystems should be accounted.  相似文献   

Species of Chaetoceros with less than four setae per cell are not common. In this study, five different taxa presenting this characteristic were found in the Sontecomapan lagoon, Mexico, a small tropical coastal lagoon on the Gulf of Mexico:Chaetoceros minimus, C. subtilis var. abnormis f. abnormis, C. subtilis var. abnormis f. simplex, C. throndsenii var. throndsenia, and C. thondsenii var. trisetosa. Using an electron microscope to make observations of C. subtilis var. abnormis f. simplex made evident the absence of rimoportulae suggesting a close relationship to C. minimus. According to our observations, we believe that the reduction in the number of setae in Chaetoceros is related to solitary forms. The five species studied here are associated with quiet brackish-water enclosed environments and can be considered worldwide-distributed organisms.  相似文献   

D. Daby 《Hydrobiologia》2006,556(1):47-60
The oceanography around Mauritius (in the Western Indian Ocean) remains largely unstudied, hence there is an acute scarcity of marine environmental data for management purposes. Rigorous water depth and current measurements were made on a system of grids inside Le Morne lagoon (in the south western part of Mauritius) in March–April 2000 to generate semi-quantitative models of general flow pattern in the form of contour maps using SURFER 6 computer programme. A simultaneous survey on composition of bottom cover was conducted to examine possible relationships with current speed. A separate investigation recorded surface and bottom currents prevailing amongst various habitat types to demonstrate the nature of the resulting damping effect on surface current speed. Significant correlations generated from data analysis were discussed as a basis for real biophysical relationships. Some of the limitations in the current analysis and some of the seemingly contradictory results are acknowledged and addressed in the light of the general assumption that the structure of the lagoon is conditioned by current speeds. Much stronger current speeds just outside the reef (e.g. >0.5 m s−1) than inside the lagoon (e.g. <0.32 m s−1) indicated a substantial slow-down of water current by the reef barrier. Inshore bottom currents were weaker than at the surface and current speed correlated well with water depth. Bottom and surface current directions were generally similar, i.e. going northward during flood tide and southward during ebb. The lagoon would be classified as ‘restricted’, exhibiting well-defined tidal circulation, which is modified by wind forcing. Dense fields of branching Acropora corals slowed down surface current speed by as much as 87%, but the relationship between current speed and bottom cover appears to be variable, depending on the specific location within the lagoon under consideration. The contour plots of the flow pattern model generated reasonably high qualitative modelling of spatial current speed pattern in the lagoon, with stronger currents generally along the reef areas, at the reef passes and in the deeper zones. However, these plots did not match closely those displaying distribution of bottom cover, thus confirming results obtained from pair-wise correlation tests, namely the lack of a significant relationship between current speed and bottom cover. Most of the correlations would appear to represent biological relationships, with different types of communities enabling or excluding other types. Thus, the biophysical structure of the lagoon would be driven a priori by the distribution and abundance of corals rather than current speeds, which contradicts the above hypothesis. Recurrent natural hazards subject the benthic communities to a state of ‘perpetual knock-down and recovery’. Recovery, however, can be seriously impaired by the chronic ongoing degradation of the coastal marine environment of Mauritius. An urgent review of its coastal zone management and protection strategy would be desirable for the island.  相似文献   

The macrozoobenthic community structure and dynamics at low salinities (0.3–6 psu) in a Mediterranean lagoon (Monolimni lagoon) were investigated. Samples were collected monthly from February 1998 to February 1999 at two sampling stations. Community structure was analyzed by means of uni‐ and multivariate methods. 21 taxa were collected; the amphipod Corophium orientale and the gastropod Ventrosia maritima dominated the assemblages. Total abundance peaked (50,000–60,000 individuals m–2) in mid or late autumn. Community structure showed an almost even seasonal periodicity; seasonal changes were mainly derived from the intense variation in abundance of most species and the non–occurrence of a few ones (e.g. Corophium insidiosum, Polydora ciliata) in spring and summer. Non– occurrence, which led to a depression of the most diversity indices, was possibly the only direct impact of the extremely low salinities (~0.3 psu) on community structure. The main structuring factors of the community in the deeper outer part of the lagoon were water temperature and depth, and in the innermost part, where a Ruppia maritima meadow occurred, were water temperature and predation pressure by crabs (Carcinus aestuarii) and gobies (Knipowitchia caucasica). A temporary decline in total abundance in summer followed an increase in abundance of these predators. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The annual cycles of nutrients in the Etang de Berre were studied in 1985. From measurements twice a month at the input points, daily data for the freshwater flow and from daily measurements at the output point, an estimation is proposed for a nutrient budget. Seasonal variability is important, and a biological control of nutrient availability (locally remineralized products) results in a hydrologically controlled system (nutrients carried by continental waters) which produces the very high microalgal biomass observed in the lagoon. The seasonal halocline brings the euphotic layer very close to the remineralization site: nutrients are then constantly available to the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was carried out on a picocyanobacterial mixed culture harvested from the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic) and identified as Synechococcus spp. both by transmission electron microscopy observations, biliprotein composition and molecular analyses. Absorption and fluorescence spectra revealed phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin chromophores, suggesting the presence of both CU- and C-phycoerythrin, besides phycocyanobilin chromophores typical for phycocyanins and allophycocyanins. Both biliprotein analyses and molecular identification indicated the presence of at least two Synechococcus subgroups presumably differing either in phycoerythrin type or in physiological traits. Among the exoenzymatic activities acting on different substrates, only aminopeptidase showed high hydrolysis rates and the uptake of organic molecules was positive for leucine but not for thymidine. The protein carbon mobilized was high compared with the leucine incorporation rates, resulting in low percentages of newly mobilized carbon utilized by cultures. The organic carbon incorporated as leucine was compared with the photosynthetically produced one, and the balance between the phototrophic- and heterotrophic-like processes was c. 3 : 1. Our findings suggest that the Synechococcus heterotrophy plays an important role in cell's metabolism, and that the photoheterotrophic behavior, together with their chromatic adaptation capability, might represent the key for the absolute dominance of this genus in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Deforestation rates were estimated in 270 km2 of lowland moist forest on the eastern slope of the Colombian Andes (300–800 m). Deforestation was quantified by determining areas of pasture, secondary growth, and forest in aerial photographs (1:19,000–1:60,000) taken in the 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Mean annual deforestation rate for the 1938–1988 period was 1.5 percent, and ranged from <0.1 percent (1938–1955) to 4.4 percent (1970s–1980s). Between the 1930s and the 1980s, areas covered by pasture and young secondary forest increased from 26–53 percent and from 2–14 percent, respectively. This suggests that, although there are areas with clear signs of forest regeneration, the overall trend is the conversion of mature tropical forests to pastures for cattle ranching.  相似文献   

The tropical monodominant tree Dicymbe corymbosa reiterates via epicormic shoots and roots, resulting in multistemmed trees with complex pseudotrunks and root mounds. In 2 ha of primary forest on the Guiana Shield, we quantified the reiterative structure and aboveground soil development of 307 D. corymbosa individuals ≥ 10 cm dbh and investigated the potential adaptive significance of reiteration in terms of genet persistence and root exploitation of aboveground soil accumulations. We also investigated the incidence of the heart rot fungus Phellinus robustus in D. corymbosa and examined its relationship to the reiteration process. Large trees contained more and larger reiterations, greater trunk, root mound, and organic soil volumes, and a higher incidence of Phellinus than smaller trees. Roots and ectomycorrhizas were abundant in aboveground soils on the trees, occurred at higher densities than those of the surrounding forest floor, and may be important in recycling mineral nutrients. Stem turnover and reiteration were associated with Phellinus heart rot and appeared to be cumulative over time, resulting in persistent, structurally complex trees of indeterminate lifespan. Dicymbe corymbosa provides a rare example of a tree species that exploits both persistence and recruitment niches, as it successfully recruits through mast fruiting.  相似文献   

An effort has been made for the first time in Asia's largest brackish water lagoon, Chilika, to investigate the spatio-temporal variability in primary productivity (PP), bacterial productivity (BP), bacterial abundance (BA), bacterial respiration (BR) and bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) in relation to partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and CO2 air–water flux and the resultant trophic switchover. Annually, PP ranged between 24 and 376 µg C L?1 d?1 with significantly low values throughout the monsoon (MN), caused by light limitation due to inputs of riverine suspended matter. On the contrary, BP and BR ranged from 11.5 to 186.3 µg C L?1 d?1 and from 14.1 to 389.4 µg C L?1 d?1, respectively, with exceptionally higher values during MN. A wide spatial and temporal variation in the lagoon trophic status was apparent from BP/PP (0.05–6.4) and PP/BR (0.10–18.2) ratios. The seasonal shift in net pelagic production from autotrophy to heterotrophy due to terrestrial organic matter inputs via rivers, enhanced the bacterial metabolism during the MN, as evident from the high pCO2 (10,134 µatm) and CO2 air–water flux (714 mm m?2 d?1). Large variability in BGE and BP/PP ratios especially during MN led to high bacteria-mediated carbon fluxes which was evident from significantly high bacterial carbon demand (BCD >100% of PP) during this season. This suggested that the net amount of organic carbon (either dissolved or particulate form) synthesized by primary producers in the lagoon was not sufficient to satisfy the bacterial carbon requirements. Lagoon sustained low to moderate autotrophic–heterotrophic coupling with annual mean BCD of 231% relative to the primary production, which depicted that bacterioplankton are the mainstay of the lagoon biogeochemical cycles and principal players that bring changes in trophic status. Study disclosed that the high CO2 supersaturation and oxygen undersaturation during MN was attributed to the increased heterotrophic respiration (in excess of PP) fuelled by allochthonous organic matter. On a spatial scale, lagoon sectors such as south sector, central sector and outer channel recorded “net autotrophic,” while the northern sector showed “net heterotrophic” throughout the study period.  相似文献   

F. Fiocca  A. Lugliè  N. Sechi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):1016-1031

The phytoplankton study on the S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon started in 1990, after dystrophic events, leading to high fish mortality and consequently great economic losses. This study presents a general picture of the conditions of the lagoon between 1990 and 1995, and reports on the quali-quantitative changes in the phytoplanktonic populations, as well as the trends of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, algal nutrients and chlorophyll a. The lagoon was characterized by great changes in salinity between years and within the same year, by high nutrient contents and by a phytoplankton trend characterized by sudden intense blooms mostly due to the Chlorophyceae and the Bacillariophyceae. The number of species found, decreased from 1990 to 1994, followed by a slight increase in 1995. The same trend was also found for total density and chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

F. Maggiore  E. Keppel 《Hydrobiologia》2007,588(1):189-203
Mollusc and polychaete distribution in the mud flats along the Dese estuary (lagoon of Venice, Italy) was analysed in May, August and October to evaluate taxonomic biodiversity and zonation pattern of soft macrobenthos in an area of the lagoon hardly known from this point of view. Throughout the studied area most of the species were polychaetes, particularly Streblospio shrubsolii (Buchanan), which showed greater abundance from May to October. Molluscs and polychaetes showed a zonation of marine species which colonize brackish environments in the outer and intermediate areas of the estuary and of brackish water species in the inner one. In the outer area different assemblages were attributed to different sediment types. This distribution pattern, put in relation to the distance from the sea, was evident in May and partly blurred in August and October: the assemblages of the inner area of the estuary invaded the intermediated area in August and affected outer area in October because of spreading of the brackish water species S. shrubsolii, which became dominant. The distribution pattern of molluscs and polychaetes can be explained in terms of confinement as the leading factor influencing water quality and dynamics of the ecosystem. It is also needed to be taken into consideration the role played by competition due to different degree of opportunism of the most abundant species.  相似文献   

During 1 year from spring 2007 to winter 2008, we conducted four seasonal samplings along a transect in the supralittoral zone of Bizerte Lagoon at Menzel Jmil (Tunisia) to study the intra‐annual variation of Peracarida diversity, Talitridae and Oniscidea. For each season, one transect was studied and quadrates were placed successively from the shoreline to the road backing the shore. Talitridae and Oniscidea were the most abundant taxa in our samples reaching highest densities in summer, when fourteen species were found. The minimum and maximum values of species richness of Talitridae were observed in winter (four species) and summer (eight species), respectively, while for Oniscidea, species richness ranged from one species in winter and five species in spring. Both Talitridae and Oniscidea exhibited intra‐annual variation in their spatial distribution; in that, they moved away from the shoreline in winter and were found near the waterline in the other seasons. ANOVA test shows a high significant correlation between both Talitridae with Suaeda maritima and Oniscidea with the plants S. maritima,Salicornia arabica and Obione portulacoides.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to assess the processes controlling compositional change in a Northern Andean páramo highly affected by human‐induced disturbances over the last few decades (La Rusia, Colombia). Along the 3000–3800 m asl altitudinal range, we randomly sampled fifty 10 × 10 m plots. Therein, we measured altitude and variables related to soil conditions (i.e., moisture, nutrient contents, bulk density, and texture), occurrence of human‐induced disturbances (i.e., fire, vegetation clearing, potato cultivation, and cattle grazing), and land‐use history. We also recorded richness and abundance of plant species, identifying them as exotic or native. We differentiated four groups of plots according to their species composition. The groups had significant differences in altitude, soil conditions, land‐use history, and particularly, in richness of exotic species and exotic/native cover ratio. They could be ascribed to shrub‐ and grass‐páramo vegetation types based on their relative dominance of woody and herbaceous species; however, these groups were not arranged according to the hypothetical composition of altitudinal belts, but rather formed a mosaic of patches. This mosaic was determined not only by altitude but also by soil conditions and disturbance history of sites. Our results corroborate recent findings which highlight shrub‐ and grass‐páramo vegetation types as patches of contrasting species composition and structure that depend on local environmental variables, as well as human‐induced disturbances as a major determinant of compositional discontinuities in these ‘high mountain’ tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abundance, growth and production of the deposit‐feeding bivalves were studied in the Ichkeul wetland, northern Tunisia, from July 1993 – April 1994. Scrobicularia plana (Da Costa , 1778) occurred at annual mean densities (biomasses) of 299 ± 65 to 400 ± 100 individuals/m2 (22.54 ± 3.00 to 34.27 ± 3.96 g ash‐free dry mass (AFDM)/m2) depending on the study area. The annual mean density of Abra tenuis (Montagu , 1803) amounted to 640 ± 74 individuals/m2 during the whole study period, in contrast the biomass rose from 2.87 g AFDM/m2 in July to 10.29 g AFDM/m2 in April. Both species were largely dominated by age class I. Although not very successful, recruitment presented a two‐period pattern: the main period at the beginning of spring, and a secondary one in late summer/autumn. S. plana rarely exceeded 40 mm and lived for only 2 years, while most individuals of A. tenuis lived for only 15–18 months growing to a length of 12 mm. The annual bivalve deposit‐feeder production for the whole lagoon system (90 km2) was 8.24 g AFDM/m2 (5.26 g C/m2, 0.65 g N/m2). The annual P/ ratio was about 0.4 and therefore in the same order of magnitude as estimates from other brackish coastal waters. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Plankton samples obtained from the lagoon system Laguna Navío Quebrado, in northern Colombia, yielded male and female specimens of an undescribed cyclopoid copepod of the genus Halicyclops. The new species belongs to the highly diverse and widely distributed thermophilus-complex. It closely resembles Halicyclopsclarkei Herbst, 1982 from Louisiana and Halicyclopsbowmani Rocha & Iliffe, 1993 from Bermuda. These species share the same armature of P1-P4EXP3, with a 3443 spine formula and the terminal antennary segment with 5 setae. However, Halicyclopsgaviriaisp. n. can be separated from both Halicyclopsclarkei and Halicyclopsbowmani by the morphology of the anal pseudoperculum, the proportions of the fourth antennulary segment, the length of the inner basipodal spine of P1, the P1EXP/inner basipodal spine inner length ratio and the length/width ratio of the caudal rami. This is the third species of Halicyclops recorded from Colombia and the first one described from this country. With the addition of Halicyclopsgaviriaisp. n., the number of species of Halicyclops known from the Neotropics increases to 19. The regional diversity of the genus is probably underestimated.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and the vertical distribution of the phytoplanktonic population of the lagoon of Cullera, an elongated coastal lagoon with estuarine circulation of water, has been studied in three sampling stations: mouth, centre and source. Seasonal variation is determined by a marine-freshwater interaction. In winter, the sea influence is important, a marine water wedge of anoxic water arrives at the sampling station located at the source and marine and brackish water species dominate the phytoplankton. Also marine species of zooplankton and fish enter the system, which may then be considered as exploited by the sea. In spring the marine wedge retreats from the source but remains in the centre and mouth, salinity diminishes, vertical mixing persists and phytoplankton is dominated by Cyclotella species. From late spring to autumn the freshwater influence prevails and a sharp stratification of the water is produced in the stations at the mouth and the centre, by means of a steep halocline coincident with an oxycline. The phytoplankton in this period follows a typical succession like those described in freshwater eutrophic lakes. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton is determined by the presence of the oxycline, originated by the marine water wedge, whose depth varies seasonally but which is always present in the mouth and centre of the lagoon; only few species of algae can be found below its level.  相似文献   

To quantify bioturbation activity in Tikehau lagoon, a tracer made of black basaltic sand was poured over the natural white calcareous sediment surface. Three stations respectively located on the inner flat (-3m), the inner slope (-9m), and the lagoon floor (-19m), were studied for short periods of time (48 hours). Bioturbation by macrofauna was quantified by volume of sediment ejected onto the experimental surface and by volume of tracer incorporated into sediment. The results showed a rapid incorporation of sedimented particles at the interface by way of the funnels and burrows of surface deposit feeders and carnivores. Expelled quantities varied with respect to site location: 213 cm3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the inner flat; 98.9 cm3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the inner slope; 7.9 m3 · m−2 · 24 h−1 in the lagoon floor. Bioturbation by decapod megafauna appeared to be important in the dynamics of the sediments in the deepest areas of the lagoon. In these areas, with almost no hydrodynamical impacts on sediments, bioturbating events were responsible for sediment mixing (despite lower absolute rates than in shallow area). Hydrodynamics controlled the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrate trophic groups by its effects on sedimentation.  相似文献   

The nature of the particulate organic matter (POM) as well as its temporal and spatial distribution and dynamics in the Curonian Lagoon (south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea) were investigated. The organic matter was characterized by the organic carbon and nitrogen content, δ13C and δ15N signatures as well as POC/Chl-a and C/N ratios. Additionally, data on hydrological, chemical and biological parameters were used for better understanding the POM distribution and dynamics. The sampling was performed at 13 stations in the Curonian Lagoon and its outflow in the Baltic Sea during the 2012–2013 period. Samples were also collected at the Nemunas River mouth in order to test the riverine impact. Obtained results showed that isotopic values of carbon and nitrogen ranged from −36.1‰ to −25.2‰ and from −0.9‰ to 15.5‰, respectively. The isotopic composition, together with the low C/N molar (∼7) and POC/Chl-a ratios (<100) of the POM, suggested the dominance of living phytoplankton in POM throughout the year with the higher input of detrital material (C/N >10, POC/Chl-a ratios >100) in late autumn − winter.The results of multivariate analysis evidenced a spatial distinction of POM distribution in the northern-transitional and central confined areas and allowed us to distinguish the main driving factors. The seasonal variation of the δ13C and δ15N values in POM (towards higher δ13C and lower δ15N values in the summer − early autumn period and lower δ13C and higher δ15N values in the late autumn − spring period) was determined by combination of factors such as availability of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, the riverine discharge, seasonal phytoplankton succession and by the short-term saline water intrusion to the northern-transitional part of the lagoon.  相似文献   

Cold-adapted microorganisms are potentially interesting for use in environmental biotechnology applications since a large part of the biosphere has low temperatures during at least parts of the year. Many studies have shown that both oil-contaminated and uncontaminated soils in the Arctic, the Antarctic and the Alps contain microbes that can degrade different hydrocarbons deriving from oils. A few studies have also been conducted on degradation of herbicides in soils at low temperatures. Furthermore, phenols and some polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners have proved to be degradable at low temperatures, using microorganisms isolated from sediments or soils. Additions of nitrogen and phosphorous to polluted soils have been shown to enhance the degradation of hydrocarbons in many cases. Bioaugmentation with hydrocarbon degrading cold-adapted microorganisms has given varying results. The inoculated microorganisms have probably been out-competed by the indigenous microorganisms in some cases. Different ways to increase the efficiency of microbial degradation of organic pollutants in soil in a cold climate is discussed.  相似文献   

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