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Seasonal and vertical distribution of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, free CO2, alkalinity, nitrate, phosphate and phytoplankton have been studied at the deepest point of the Lower Lake, Bhopal from September 1979 to August 1981. Stratification was noticed in almost all the parameters. Bottom was frequently anoxic. The dominant groups among phytoplankton were Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of phytoplankton was measured in two fish ponds at monthly intervals during two annual cycles, of which the second one included an unusual drought. The temporal course of variations in phytoplankton primary productivity was essentially similar in both annual cycles, exhibiting peaks and troughs during summer and winter, respectively. However, monthly mean values of gross and net primary productivity of phytoplankton during the second year were several times higher than during the first. The greatest difference between the two years of investigation was found in the summer peak of primary productivity. It is estimated that an increase of nitrogen or phosphate or the N/P ratio by one unit during the second year caused a 2 to 16-fold enhancement of the rates of primary productivity. The seasonal changes of photosynthetic efficiency correlated with the concentrations of phosphate.  相似文献   

The limnology of a sewage polluted pond was studied from 1978 to 1981. Stratification of temperature, dissolved, oxygen, conductivity, pH, alkalinity and chloride was recorded. The surface stratum down to 0.5 m was supersaturated throughout the year. The pond recorded a permanent water bloom dominated by Anacystis during the summer months. This was followed by Anabaena and Anabaenopsis during winter. The growth of Chlorococcales was retarded due to intraspecific competition, self-shading and low carbon dioxide levels though the waters were nutrient rich. Before the summer overturn, accumulation of calcium bicarbonate produced temporal meromixis. In general, a reduction in the number of zooplankters was recorded.  相似文献   

Population densities of primarily iron precipitating heterotrophs (metal-precipitating non oxidizing bacteria) were estimated in water and sediments of ponds being used for polyculture, monoculture and traditional systems of fish farming over a period of two and a half years. Spatial differences in microbial density in the ponds were related to the organic loading of the farm site and the type of farming. The highest bacterial populations occurred in November and the lowest in summer. Nitrite concentration was mainly responsible for such seasonal changes.  相似文献   

城市生活污水浇灌对金盏菊生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用三种稀释倍数的城市生活污水[污水:清水(v/v)为1:0、1:0.5、1:1]处理金盏菊种子及盆花,结果表明,污灌处理不仅显著地降低种子的萌发率,还增加萌发后幼苗病害的发生率;未经稀释的原生污水显著抑制金盏菊幼苗的生长,而稀释后抑制作用降低,当稀释至适当浓度时,则对幼苗生长起促进作用;对于金盏菊成年植株,污灌处理(不论稀释与否)显著地增加其茎、叶和根的鲜重,分别较对照增加161.63%~215.12%、86.77%~109.23%和23.89%~34.13%。综合分析表明,原生污水经过适当稀释后用于草花污灌,可以使污水中的营养盐得到回用,提高草花的观赏性。  相似文献   

为了减轻医院污水中氮元素对环境的污染,经富集驯化从医院污水样品中筛选出了呈硝化阳性的硝化菌菌群HH-C、HH-E、HH-I、HH-J,采用高通量方法对硝化菌群进行鉴定,用氨氮、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐快速测定试剂盒对其进行定性测定,再经单菌筛选纯化出10株呈硝化阳性的硝化细菌HH-3、HH-6、HH-8、HH-12、HH-13、HH-16、HH-18、HH-19、HH-21、HH-22,经复筛对这10株菌进行功能验证,选出了3株COD和氨氮降解率高的菌HH-12、HH-13和HH-22并应用到医院污水的处理中。  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distribution of some groups of bacteria as well as the rates of denitrification (natural and potential) have been investigated in water and sediments of four fish farming ponds under monoculture, traditional and polyculture systems in India. Marked differences in the monthly means of bacteria were found to exist in these fish ponds depending upon their trophic statuses. The seasonal changes of bacteria are discussed in relation to the variation of environmental factors.  相似文献   

Friligos  N. 《Hydrobiologia》1985,126(1):53-58
This paper investigates the relationship between nutrients, chlorophyll a and physical variables in the upper Saronikos Gulf, an oligotrophic marine environment south of the Greater Athens Metropolitan Area. Phosphate, silicate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were determined at eight stations on 9 occasions during summer 1982. A thermocline led to the stratification of the water column and the pycnocline was related to the thermocline. The values of oxygen were more or less normal. The Eutrophication of the seawater in the vicinity of the sewage outfall was demonstrated by surface levels of chlorophyll a being forty to two hundred times above background. This parameter provides evidence for a high phytoplankton standing stock. However, there were no appreciable differences between the nutrients in the outfall area and those in the background. This suggests rapid uptake of nutrients and/or effective dispersal from the outfall.  相似文献   

The magnitudes of sediment oxygen consumption in the rural undrainable fish ponds of Orissa, India, were quantified and partitioned into bacterial, animal and chemical uptakes. It was in the low range, comprising a maximum of 30 % of the total community respiration. Chemical uptake was generally predominant, followed by bacterial respiration and low macroinvertebrate respiration. Evidence has been produced to the limiting effects of oxygen levels, mechanical disturbances and bioturbation on uptake rates in these ponds. The sediment layers are shown to act as energy traps, and measures are suggested for improved sediment -water interaction and enhanced nutrient recycling.  相似文献   

The effect of filter-feeding zooplankton on phytoplankton was investigated in two fish ponds near Blatná (southwestern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia) using enclosures of 50 liters volume. Filter-feeding activity had a positive effect on the growth of individual net phytoplankton (> 40 μm) species except for Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Melosira granulata. Except for Schroederia setigera nanoplankton species (< 40 μm) were suppressed by the filter-feeding zooplankton. In bags without zooplankton the addition of nutrients induced growth of nanophytoplankton species, but no significant differences were noted in bags with zooplankton.  相似文献   


Electrometric studies were carried out on the interaction of heavy metal ions such as manganese, chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead with the extracted organic matter, humic and fulvic acid from the sludge in a sewage oxidation pond. The distribution of heavy metals was between 60 and 97%, which is associated with the solid waste (sludge) of the oxidation pond. The adsorption/removal efficiency of metal ions onto the sludge ash was more than 90% and 97%, respectively, in the pure system. To obtain the ash, the sludge was burnt at 500°C, treated with nitric acid (1+1) to leach out all the metals and then filtered; the residue left on the filter paper was the pure ash. Both this and that coated with organic matter were studied. The adsorption isotherm for metals, humic/fulvic acids and metal-humic/fulvic acid complexes in the metal-free sludge ash and in the organic matter in the pure system were studied using the Freundlich relationship. Good agreement was found suggesting that sediment and humic/fulvic acids have an important role in the mobility, dispersion and sedimentation of metal ions in an aquatic environment. More of these heavy metals are removed in the pure system than in the natural system. This may be due to the lesser availability of humic and fulvic acids in the lagoons during the short detention time of sewage in suspension in the oxidation pond, whereas the sludge which has settled to the bottom of the pond for several years contains rich decomposed organic matter in the form of humic and fulvic acids containing heavy metals. Such pure systems could be useful for the effective removal of heavy metals.  相似文献   

The paper describes the seasonal variation in the rate of phytoplankton primary production in Suraha Lake – a large shallow water body – in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters and the abundance and composition of the phytoplankton over a period of two years.  相似文献   

Summer blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae var. flos-aquae accompanied by dense populations of Daphnia were common in fish ponds of the district Blatná in 1950s-1960s. Changes in management (increased stocking densities, decreased usage of superphosphate as fertilizer) made this type of plankton less frequent. The present study documents this trend and suggests explanations.  相似文献   

The hot water of Rajgir springs is used for drinking and bathing purposes by tourists. Certain physico-chemical characteristics (temperature, pH, NO, PO, etc.) of the water along with phycological parameters viz. community composition, species diversity, standing crop etc. were measured from June 1986 to April 1987. The water was deficient in Na, NO and PO ions. The hot springs were mainly dominated by algae belonging to Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. The algal community comprised 18 species, with dominance of Cyanophyceae over Bacillariophyceae. While Mastigocladus laminosus and species of Phormidium were dominant in Suraj Kund, species of Oscillaroria and Synechococcus dominated in Chandrama Kund. Diatoms comprised about 10 % of the algal community. Though there was a considerable seasonal change in species diversity of the algal community the total biomass (chlorophyll a extracted per unit area from the algal mat) remained constant.  相似文献   

The population sizes of ammonifying, protein mineralizing, nitrogen fixing and nitrifying bacteria, and the rates of ammonification and nitrification (natural and potential) were measured in water and sediments of four fish ponds being used for traditional, mono- and polyculture systems of fish farming. Spatial differences in the microbial density in these ponds were related to the fish culturing practices adopted. The seasonal variation of ammonifying bacteria was found to be positively correlated with the NH4-N level in the water. The natural and potential capacity to generate both nitrite and nitrate in these water bodies was strongly correlated with the concentrations of the different forms of inorganic nitrogen present. The rates of NO2-N and NO3-N formation occurring in these fish ponds were directly proportional to the amount of dissolved oxygen and pH of the environment, respectively.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that estrogens cause hormonal disturbances in aquatic organisms, few studies on the estrogen contamination in our surface waters have been conducted. This study was thus conducted (1) to investigate the level of estrogens in the surface waters in Shenzhen and (2) to examine the estrogen levels in the sewage discharges in Hong Kong. Total estrogens (estrone E1, estradiol E2, and estriol E3) in the samples taken from two reservoirs, five rivers, and thirty sampling locations of the seawater in Shenzhen were measured by using ELISA kits. The preliminary results have revealed that the level of estrogens in the surface waters of Shenzhen is generally higher than that in the similar water bodies in well-developed nations. Sewage could be the major source of the estrogen contamination in these waters. The total estrogens levels in the Xili and Shenzhen Reservoirs were in a range of 3–11 ng/L with a mean value of 7 ng/L, where that in four rivers in Shenzhen were found to be 47–90 ng/L and 60.25 ng/L, respectively. In the seawater near the sewage discharge points they were 260–300 ng/L and 287 ng/L, respectively. The estradiol levels in the influent and effluent of three sewage treatment works (STWs) in Hong Kong were also monitored. The activated sludge process used in these STWs removed more than 80% whereas the chemical coagulation processed used at the Stonecutters Island STW removed less estrogens. Biological treatment appears to play a significant role in removing estrogens from wastewater.  相似文献   

The potential of fish production based on periphyton   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Periphyton is composed of attached plant andanimal organisms embedded in amucopolysaccharide matrix. This reviewsummarizes research on periphyton-based fishproduction and on periphyton productivity andingestion by fish, and explores the potentialof developing periphyton-based aquaculture.Important systems with periphyton arebrush-parks in lagoon areas and freshwaterponds with maximum extrapolated fish productionof 8 t ha–1 y–1 and 7 t ha–1y–1, respectively. Experiments with avariety of substrates and fish species havebeen done, sometimes with supplemental feeding.In most experiments, fish production wasgreater with additional substrates compared tocontrols without substrates. Colonization ofsubstrates starts with the deposition oforganic substances and attraction of bacteria,followed by algae and invertebrates. Afterinitial colonization, biomass density increasesto a maximum when competition for light andnutrients prevents a further increase. Often,more than 50% of the periphyton ash-free drymatter is of non-algal origin. Highest biomass(dm) in natural systems ranges from 0 to 700g m–2 and in aquaculture experiments wasaround 100 g m–2. Highest productivity wasfound on bamboo in brush-parks (7.9 gC m–2 d–1) and on coral reefs (3 gC m–2 d–1). Inorganic and organicnutrients stimulate periphyton production.Grazing is the main factor determiningperiphyton density, while substrate type alsoaffects productivity and biomass. Better growthwas observed on natural (tree branches andbamboo) than on artifical materials (plasticand PVC). Many herbivorous and omnivorous fishcan utilize periphyton. Estimates of periphytoningestion by fish range from 0.24 to 112 mg dm(g fish)–1 d–1. Ingestion rates areinfluenced by temperature, fish size, fishspecies and the nutritional quality of theperiphyton. Periphyton composition is generallysimilar to that of natural feeds in fishponds,with a higher ash content due to the entrapmentof sand particles and formation of carbonates.Protein/Metabolizable Energy (P/ME) ratios ofperiphyton vary from 10 to 40 kJ g–1.Overall assimilation efficiency of fish growingon periphyton was 20–50%. The limited work onfeed conversion ratios resulted in valuesbetween 2 and 3. A simple simulation model ofperiphyton-based fish production estimates fishproduction at approximately 2.8 t ha–1y–1. Together with other food resources infishponds, total fish production with thecurrent technology level is estimated at about5 t ha–1 y–1. Because grazingpressure is determined by fish stocking rates,productivity of periphyton is currently themain factor limiting fish production. Weconclude that periphyton can increase theproductivity and efficiency of aquaculturesystems, but more research is needed foroptimization. Areas for attention include theimplementation and control of periphytonproduction (nutrient levels, substate types andconformations), the ratio of fish to periphytonbiomass, options for utilizing periphyton inintensive aquaculture systems and with marinefish, and possibilities for periphyton-basedshrimp culture.  相似文献   

The investigation deals with ways of increasing the number of species by means of artificial introduction of algae. After inoculation, the authors recorded 212 species and forms: 128 in spring, 165 in summer, 119 in autumn and 61 in winter. The maximal cell number of phytoplankton occurs in summer, the minimal in winter. The active role of algae in the sewage purification is shown.  相似文献   

采用混凝搅拌试验,对影响活化硅藻精土处理低浓度污水的各项因素进行分析。实验表明,在最佳参数条件下,该工艺对污水中悬浮固体(SS)的去除率为95%、化学需氧量(COD)去除率为67%、氨氮(NH_3-N)去除率为16%、总磷(TP)去除率为91%,是一种优良的城市污水强化一级处理工艺。  相似文献   

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