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Populations with different densities often show genetically based differences in life histories. The divergent life histories could be driven by several agents of selection, one of which is variation in per‐capita food levels. Its relationship with population density is complex, as it depends on overall food availability, individual metabolic demand, and food‐independent factors potentially affecting density, such as predation intensity. Here, we present a case study of two populations of a small live‐bearing freshwater fish, one characterized by high density, low predation risk, low overall food availability, and presumably low per‐capita food levels, and the other by low density, high predation risk, high overall food availability, and presumably high per‐capita food levels. Using a laboratory experiment, we examined whether fish from these populations respond differently to food limitation, and whether size at birth, a key trait with respect to density variation in this species, is associated with any such differential responses. While at the lower food level growth was slower, body size smaller, maturation delayed, and survival reduced in both populations, these fitness costs were smaller in fish from the high‐density population. At low food, only 15% of high‐density fish died, compared to 75% of low‐density fish. This difference was much smaller at high food (0% vs. 15% mortality). The increased survival of high‐density fish may, at least partly, be due to their larger size at birth. Moreover, being larger at birth enabled fish to mature relatively early even at the lower food level. We demonstrate that sensitivities to food limitation differ between study populations, consistent with selection for a greater ability to tolerate low per‐capita food availability in the high‐density population. While we cannot preclude other agents of selection from operating in these populations simultaneously, our results suggest that variation in per‐capita food levels is one of those agents.  相似文献   

Organisms exhibit plasticity in response to their environment, but there is large variation even within populations in the expression and magnitude of response. Maternal influence alters offspring survival through size advantages in growth and development. However, the relationship between maternal influence and variation in plasticity in response to predation risk is unknown. We hypothesized that variation in the magnitude of plastic responses between families is at least partly due to maternal provisioning and examined the relationship between maternal condition, egg provisioning and magnitude of plastic response to perceived predation risk (by dragonfly larvae: Aeshna spp.) in northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens). Females in better body condition tended to lay more (clutch size) larger (egg diameter) eggs. Tadpoles responded to predation risk by increasing relative tail depth (morphology) and decreasing activity (behaviour). We found a positive relationship between morphological effect size and maternal condition, but no relationship between behavioural effect size and maternal condition. These novel findings suggest that limitations imposed by maternal condition can constrain phenotypic variation, ultimately influencing the capacity of populations to respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

Learning is an important form of phenotypic plasticity that allows organisms to adjust their behaviour to the environment. An individual''s learning performance can be affected by its mother''s environment. For example, mothers exposed to stressors, such as restraint and forced swimming, often produce offspring with impaired learning performance. However, it is unclear whether there are maternal effects on offspring learning when mothers are exposed to ecologically relevant stressors, such as predation risk. Here, we examined whether maternal predator-exposure affects adult offsprings’ learning of a discrimination task in threespined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Mothers were either repeatedly chased by a model predator (predator-exposed) or not (unexposed) while producing eggs. Performance of adult offspring from predator-exposed and unexposed mothers was assessed in a discrimination task that paired a particular coloured chamber with a food reward. Following training, all offspring learned the colour-association, but offspring of predator-exposed mothers located the food reward more slowly than offspring of unexposed mothers. This pattern was not driven by initial differences in exploratory behaviour. These results demonstrate that an ecologically relevant stressor (predation risk) can induce maternal effects on offspring learning, and perhaps behavioural plasticity more generally, that last into adulthood.  相似文献   

We identified a new role of phytochrome in mediating germination responses to seasonal cues and thereby identified for the first time a gene involved in maternal environmental effects on germination. We examined the germination responses of a mutant, hy2-1, which is deficient in the phytochrome chromophore. The background genotype, Landsberg erecta (Ler), lacked dormancy in most treatments, while hy2-1 required cold stratification for germination in a manner that resembled a more dormant ecotype, Columbia (Col). Unlike Col, hy2-1 was not induced into dormancy by warm stratification. Therefore, the down-regulation of phytochrome-mediated germination pathways results in sensitivity to cold, but we found no evidence that reduced phytochrome activity enables the warm-induction of dormancy. Cool temperatures during seed maturation induced dormancy. The hy2-1 mutants did not overcome this dormancy, indicating that phytochrome-mediated pathways are required to break cold-induced dormancy. Ler did not respond to post-stratification temperature, but hy2-1 did respond, suggesting phytochrome pathways are involved in germination responses to temperature. In summary, phytochromes mediate dormancy and germination responses to seasonal cues experienced both during seed maturation and after dispersal. Phytochromes therefore appear to be involved in mediating seasonal germination timing, a trait of great ecological importance and one that is under strong natural selection.  相似文献   

Summary Natural populations live in heterogeneous environments, where habitat variation drives the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. The key feature of population structure addressed in this paper is the net flow of individuals from source (good) to sink (poor) habitats. These movements make it necessary to calculate fitness across the full range of habitats encountered by the population, rather than independently for each habitat. As a consequence, the optimal phenotype in a given habitat not only depends on conditions there but is linked to the performance of individuals in other habitats. We generalize the Euler-Lotka equation to define fitness in a spatially heterogeneous environment in which individuals disperse among habitats as newborn and then stay in a given habitat for life. In this case, maximizing fitness (the rate of increase over all habitats) is equivalent to maximizing the reproductive value of newborn in each habitat but not to maximizing the rate of increase that would result if individuals in each habitat were an isolated population. The new equation can be used to find optimal reaction norms for life history traits, and examples are calculated for age at maturity and clutch size. In contrast to previous results, the optimal reaction norm differs from the line connecting local adaptations of isolated populations each living in only one habitat. Selection pressure is higher in good and frequent habitats than in poor and rare ones. A formula for the relative importance of these two factors allows predictions of the habitat in which the genetic variance about the optimal reaction norm should be smallest.  相似文献   

Listen to the news and you are bound to hear that researchers are increasingly interested in the biological manifestations of trauma that reverberate through the generations. Research in this area can be controversial in the public realm, provoking societal issues about personal responsibility (are we really born free or are we born with the burden of our ancestors’ experience?). It is also a touchy subject within evolutionary biology because it provokes concerns about Lamarckianism and general scepticism about the importance of extra‐genetic inheritance (Laland et al., 2014 ). Part of why the research in this area has been controversial is because it is difficult to study. For one, there is the problem of how long it takes to track changes across generations, making long‐term, multi‐generational studies especially tricky in long‐lived species. Moreover, there are presently very few (if any) known molecular mechanisms by which environmental effects can be incorporated into the genome and persist for multiple successive generations, casting doubt on their evolutionary repercussions. Fortunately, you only have to look in your local pond to find the creatures that are teaching us a great deal about how and why the experiences of parents are passed down to their offspring. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hales et al. (Hales et al., 2017 ) illustrate the power of Daphnia (“water fleas”) for making headway in this field.  相似文献   

Abstract The existence of adaptive phenotypic plasticity demands that we study the evolution of reaction norms, rather than just the evolution of fixed traits. This approach requires the examination of functional relationships among traits not only in a single environment but across environments and between traits and plasticity itself. In this study, I examined the interplay of plasticity and local adaptation of offspring size in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Guppies respond to food restriction by growing and reproducing less but also by producing larger offspring. This plastic difference in offspring size is of the same order of magnitude as evolved genetic differences among populations. Larger offspring sizes are thought to have evolved as an adaptation to the competitive environment faced by newborn guppies in some environments. If plastic responses to maternal food limitation can achieve the same fitness benefit, then why has guppy offspring size evolved at all? To explore this question, I examined the plastic response to food level of females from two natural populations that experience different selective environments. My goals were to examine whether the plastic responses to food level varied between populations, test the consequences of maternal manipulation of offspring size for offspring fitness, and assess whether costs of plasticity exist that could account for the evolution of mean offspring size across populations. In each population, full‐sib sisters were exposed to either a low‐ or high‐food treatment. Females from both populations produced larger, leaner offspring in response to food limitation. However, the population that was thought to have a history of selection for larger offspring was less plastic in its investment per offspring in response to maternal mass, maternal food level, and fecundity than the population under selection for small offspring size. To test the consequences of maternal manipulation of offspring size for offspring fitness, I raised the offspring of low‐ and high‐food mothers in either low‐ or high‐food environments. No maternal effects were detected at high food levels, supporting the prediction that mothers should increase fecundity rather than offspring size in noncompetitive environments. For offspring raised under low food levels, maternal effects on juvenile size and male size at maturity varied significantly between populations, reflecting their initial differences in maternal manipulation of offspring size; nevertheless, in both populations, increased investment per offspring increased offspring fitness. Several correlates of plasticity in investment per offspring that could affect the evolution of offspring size in guppies were identified. Under low‐food conditions, mothers from more plastic families invested more in future reproduction and less in their own soma. Similarly, offspring from more plastic families were smaller as juveniles and female offspring reproduced earlier. These correlations suggest that a fixed, high level of investment per offspring might be favored over a plastic response in a chronically low‐resource environment or in an environment that selects for lower reproductive effort  相似文献   

Models concerning the evolution of alternative mating tactics commonly assume that individuals determine their own strategies. Here we develop a computer-based ESS model that allows mothers, ovipositing in discrete patches, to choose both the sex and the male mating tactics (natal-patch mating or dispersing) of their offspring based only on how many other mothers have used the specific patch before them. Data for three species of nonpollinating fig wasps from the Otitesella genus agree quantitatively with the model's assumptions and predictions. This suggests that females respond to population densities at the level of individual figs. The alternative male tactics in the species we studied are probably a result of a conditional strategy exercised by the mother that laid them. In addition, as females were only allowed to lay one egg per patch, our results suggest a new mechanism that can skew population sex ratios towards a female bias.  相似文献   

In freshwater environments, one of the challenges aquatic grazers face are periods of suboptimal food quantity and quality. In a life table experiment, the effects of food quantity (a gradient of algae concentration) and quality (a diet of cyanobacteria) on the life histories and resource allocation strategy in Daphnia magna were tested. Growth‐related traits were similarly affected under different food regimes while the reproductive strategies differed in animals exposed to low food quantity and quality. The per‐clutch investment (clutch volume) did not differ between Daphnia fed with cyanobacteria and underfed mothers, but resources were differently allocated; underfed mothers increased their per‐offspring investment by producing fewer, but larger eggs, whereas cyanobacteria‐fed mothers invested in a greater number of eggs of smaller size. I argue that both strategies of resource allocation (number vs. size of eggs) may be adaptive under the given food regime. The results of the study show that the cyanobacteria diet‐driven fitness losses are comparable to losses caused by food quantity, which is only slightly above the growth capability threshold for Daphnia.  相似文献   

Seasonal germination timing strongly influences lifetime fitness and can affect the ability of plant populations to colonize and persist in new environments. To quantify the influence of seasonal environmental factors on germination and to test whether pleiotropy or close linkage are significant constraints on the evolution of germination in different seasonal conditions, we dispersed novel recombinant genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana into two geographic locations. To decouple the photoperiod during seed maturation from the postdispersal season that maternal photoperiod predicts, replicates of recombinant inbred lines were grown under short days and long days under controlled conditions, and their seeds were dispersed during June in Kentucky (KY) and during June and November in Rhode Island (RI). We found that postdispersal seasonal conditions influenced germination more strongly than did the photoperiod during seed maturation. Genetic variation was detected for germination responses to all environmental factors. Transgressive segregation created novel germination phenotypes, revealing a potential contribution of hybridization of ecotypes to the evolution of germination. A genetic trade-off in germination percentage across sites indicated that determinants of fitness at or before the germination stage may constrain the geographic range that a given genotype can inhabit. However, germination timing exhibited only weak pleiotropy across treatments, suggesting that different sets of genes contribute to variation in germination behavior in different seasonal conditions and geographic locations. Thus, the genetic potential exists for rapid evolution of appropriate germination responses in novel environments, facilitating colonization across a broad geographic range.  相似文献   

Incubation is a vital component of reproduction and parental care in birds. Maintaining temperatures within a narrow range is necessary for embryonic development and hatching of young, and exposure to both high and low temperatures can be lethal to embryos. Although it is widely recognized that temperature is important for hatching success, little is known about how variation in incubation temperature influences the post‐hatching phenotypes of avian offspring. However, among reptiles it is well known that incubation temperature affects many phenotypic traits of offspring with implications for their future survival and reproduction. Although most birds, unlike reptiles, physically incubate their eggs, and thus behaviourally control nest temperatures, variation in temperature that influences embryonic development still occurs among nests within a population. Recent research in birds has primarily been limited to populations of megapodes and waterfowl; in each group, incubation temperature has substantial effects on hatchling phenotypic traits important for future development, survival, and reproduction. Such observations suggest that incubation temperature (and incubation behaviours of parents) is an important but underappreciated parental effect in birds and may represent a selective force instrumental in shaping avian reproductive ecology and life‐history traits. However, much more research is needed to understand how pervasive phenotypic effects of incubation temperature are among birds, the sources of variation in incubation temperature, and how effects on phenotype arise. Such insights will not only provide foundational information regarding avian evolution and ecology, but also contribute to avian conservation.  相似文献   

Females of many organisms mate more than once and with more than one male, suggesting that polyandry confers some advantage to the female or her offspring. However, variation in maternal investment in response to mate choice and mate number can confound efforts to determine if there are benefits of polyandry. Access to multiple mates could increase maternal investment in offspring via a number of different mechanisms. Few studies have determined if investment is influenced by mate choice and number, and data are particularly lacking for marine invertebrates. This study was designed to determine if maternal investment and offspring size increase with access to increasing numbers of mates in the protandrous intertidal slipper snail Crepidula cf. marginalis. Virgin female slipper limpets were exposed to one, three, or five potential mates and their fecundity, egg size, and hatchling size were measured for multiple clutches. Treatment had a significant effect on fecundity, with fecundity increasing with the number of potential mates. Treatment did not have an effect on the size of eggs or hatchlings, on the variation in egg size or hatchling size within broods, or on the frequency of oviposition. Treatment did alter the variation in average offspring size among females, but not in the way predicted by theory. The main result, that access to multiple mates does not have an effect on per offspring maternal investment, makes C. cf. marginalis an ideal candidate to study the effects of polyandry on offspring fitness without having to take into account confounding effects of variation in maternal investment.  相似文献   

1. The contribution of non‐genetic maternal effects to offspring performance is well established and the evidence for paternal effects has also been increasing recently. Studies determining the relative contributions of the two parents to offspring success are, however, still rare. 2. In this study, two stressors were applied to adult red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) – starvation and cold stress – and a full‐factorial design was used to distinguish between maternal and paternal reproductive decisions and their effects on the offspring. 3. Starvation had a stronger negative effect than cold stress on both males and females, and the likelihood of starved females producing offspring was very low. Furthermore, starved fathers led to lower offspring mass at the larval stage, probably leading to impaired starvation tolerance of the offspring. 4. Cold‐stressed fathers were less likely than unstressed fathers to reproduce, whereas cold‐stressed mothers demonstrated a similar effect by producing fewer offspring. 5. Applying stress probably led to energy saving that came at the expense of reproduction intensity. It is suggested that the smaller offspring mass is a negative consequence of the parental exposure to stress. 6. The differences between the consequences of the two stressors applied and between the relative contribution of each parent could perhaps be explained by the distinct physiological responses of each sex to each of the stressors.  相似文献   

  1. A large body of research shows that maternal stress during an offspring’s early life can impact its phenotype in both the short and long term. In the Vertebrata, most research has been focused on maternal stress during the prenatal period. However, the postnatal period is particularly important in mammals because maternal milk provides a conduit by which maternal hormones secreted in response to stressors (glucocorticoids, GCs) can reach offspring. Moreover, lactation outlasts gestation in many species.
  2. Though GCs were first detected in milk over 40 years ago, few studies have explored how they affect nursing offspring, and no reviews have been written on how maternal stress affects nursing offspring in the natural world.
  3. We discuss the evolution of milk and highlight its importance in each of the three mammalian lineages: monotremes (subclass Monotremata), marsupials (infraclass Marsupialia), and eutherians (infraclass Placentalia). Most research on the effects of milk GCs on offspring has been focused on eutherians, but monotremes and marsupials rely on their mothers’ milk for a proportionally longer period of time, and so research on these taxa may yield more insight.
  4. We show that GCs are important for milk production, both during an individual nursing bout and over the entire lactation period, and review evidence of GCs moving from maternal blood to milk, and eventually to nursing offspring. We examine evidence from rodents and primates of associations between GC levels in lactating females (either blood or milk) and offspring behaviour and growth rates. We discuss ways that maternal stress may impact these offspring phenotypes outside of milk GCs, such as changes to: (1) milk output, (2) other milk constituents (e.g. macronutrients, growth factors, cytokines), and (3) maternal care behaviour.
  5. Critical to understanding the fitness impacts of elevated maternal GC levels during lactation is to place this within the context of the natural environment. Species-specific traits and natural histories will help us to understand why such maternal stress produces different offspring phenotypes that equip them to cope with and succeed in the environment they are about to enter.

Abstract.  1. Variation in progeny size and quality is common among insects and this variation can strongly influence individual fitness. Larger progeny typically survive better and develop faster under adverse conditions and may have higher fecundity. Due to resource limitations, however, trade-offs may arise between having fewer large offspring or more smaller ones.
2. For cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni , pepper leaves are a poorer larval host than cucumber or tomato leaves as indicated by survival, development rate, and body size. Moths reared on cucumber produced more slower growing offspring than those that had been reared on pepper, which produced fewer, faster growing progeny.
3. Traits conferring resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) generally are associated with strong deleterious effects that may influence resource allocation and reproductive trade-offs between progeny size and number.
4. Unlike the host-plant related trade-off between progeny size and fecundity observed among susceptible control moths, Bt -resistant parents had both the lowest fecundity and smallest progeny size on all host plants. This finding suggests that the progeny size–number relationship is constrained in resistant individuals.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective pressure generating morphological, physiological and behavioural responses in organisms. As predation risk is often higher during juvenile stages, antipredator defences expressed early in life are paramount to survival. Maternal effects are an efficient pathway to produce such defences. We investigated whether maternal exposure to predator cues during gestation affected juvenile morphology, behaviour and dispersal in common lizards (Zootoca vivipara). We exposed 21 gravid females to saurophagous snake cues for one month while 21 females remained unexposed (i.e. control). We measured body size, preferred temperature and activity level for each neonate, and released them into semi-natural enclosures connected to corridors in order to measure dispersal. Offspring from exposed mothers grew longer tails, selected lower temperatures and dispersed thrice more than offspring from unexposed mothers. Because both tail autotomy and altered thermoregulatory behaviour are common antipredator tactics in lizards, these results suggest that mothers adjusted offspring phenotype to risky natal environments (tail length) or increased risk avoidance (dispersal). Although maternal effects can be passive consequences of maternal stress, our results strongly militate for them to be an adaptive antipredator response that may increase offspring survival prospects.  相似文献   

Maternal and environmental effects can profoundly influence offspring phenotypes, independent of genetic effects. Within avian broods, both the asymmetric post‐hatching environment created by hatching asynchrony and the differential maternal investment through the laying sequence have important consequences for individual nestlings in terms of the allocation of resources to body structures with different contributions to fitness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of post‐hatching environmental and maternal effects in generating variation in offspring phenotypes. First, an observational study showed that within blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, broods, late‐hatched nestlings allocated resources to tarsus development, maintained mass gain and head‐bill growth and directed resources away from the development of fourth primary feathers. Second, a hatching order manipulation experiment resulted in nestlings from first‐laid eggs hatching last, thereby allowing comparison with both late and early‐hatched nestlings. Experimental nestlings had growth patterns which were closer to late‐hatched nestlings, suggesting that within‐brood growth patterns are determined by post‐hatching environmental effects. Therefore, we conclude that post‐hatching environmental effects play an important role in generating variation in offspring phenotypes.  相似文献   

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