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We here review the evolution of invasive placentation in primates towards the deep penetration of the endometrium and its arteries in hominoids. The strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises) have non-invasive, epitheliochorial placentation, although this is thought to be derived from a more invasive type. In haplorhine primates, there is differentiation of trophoblast at the blastocyst stage into syncytial and cellular trophoblast. Implantation involves syncytiotrophoblast that first removes the uterine epithelium then consolidates at the basal lamina before continuing into the stroma. In later stages of pregnancy, especially in Old World monkeys and apes, cytotrophoblast plays a greater role in the invasive process. Columns of trophoblast cells advance to the base of the implantation site where they spread out to form a cytotrophoblastic shell. In addition, cytotrophoblasts advance into the lumen of the spiral arteries. They are responsible for remodelling these vessels to form wide, low-resistance conduits. In human and great apes, there is additional invasion of the endometrium and its vessels by trophoblasts originating from the base of the anchoring villi. Deep trophoblast invasion that extends remodelling of the spiral arteries to segments in the inner myometrium evolved in the common ancestor of gorilla, chimp and human.  相似文献   

Complex interactions occur among embryonic, placental and maternal tissues during embryo implantation. Many of these interactions are controlled by growth factors, extracellular matrix and cell surface components that share the ability to bind heparan sulfate (HS) polysaccharides. HS is carried by several classes of cell surface and secreted proteins called HS proteoglycan that are expressed in restricted patterns during implantation and placentation. This review will discuss the expression of HS proteoglycans and various HS binding growth factors as well as extracellular matrix components and HS-modifying enzymes that can release HS-bound proteins in the context of implantation and placentation.  相似文献   

Dynamics of genome multiplication during establishment of interrelations between the trophoblast and the glandular epithelium of endometrium was studied in the course of placenta formation in the silver fox. Endometrium response on the embryo implantation exhibits some features of inflammation. In the course of placenta formation the trophoblast gains access to the endometrial glandular epithelium zone, while the endometrial blood vessels grow the other way into the expanding trophoblast zone. The trophoblast gradually replaces the whole epithelium and part of the stroma of the endometrium, closely adjoining the endometrial vessels but not disrupting them. Cytophometric DNA measurements in the trophoblast nuclei have shown that most of the nuclei are polyploid: predominantly 4c-64c, occasionally 128c and 256c. Polyploidy of the trophoblast may result from various types of polyploidizing mitoses. Cytophotometric DNA measurements in mitotic figures have revealed mitoses with DNA amounts equal to 4c (2n), 8c (4n), and 16c (8n), which indicates that trophoblast cells in the silver fox placenta are able to enter mitosis prior to the octaploid level. Higher degrees of polyploidy in the trophoblast cells may be achieved presumably by endoreduplication. In the silver fox polyploidization of uterine grandular epithelial cells during placentation occurs until the level of 8c. Thus, the tissue-specific response of the uterus to the implanting embryo is an active proliferation and polyploidization of the glandular epithelium, rather than formation of a population of polyploid decidual cells (i.e. connective tissue cells). Using the silver fox endotheliochorial placenta as an example, a regularity has been confirmed that cells of both maternal and fetal origin are polyploid in sites of their contact in placenta, which might be of protective significance in the contact of allogenic organisms.  相似文献   

Matrotrophy, the continuous extra‐vitelline supply of nutrients from the parent to the progeny during gestation, is one of the masterpieces of nature, contributing to offspring fitness and often correlated with evolutionary diversification. The most elaborate form of matrotrophy—placentotrophy—is well known for its broad occurrence among vertebrates, but the comparative distribution and structural diversity of matrotrophic expression among invertebrates is wanting. In the first comprehensive analysis of matrotrophy across the animal kingdom, we report that regardless of the degree of expression, it is established or inferred in at least 21 of 34 animal phyla, significantly exceeding previous accounts and changing the old paradigm that these phenomena are infrequent among invertebrates. In 10 phyla, matrotrophy is represented by only one or a few species, whereas in 11 it is either not uncommon or widespread and even pervasive. Among invertebrate phyla, Platyhelminthes, Arthropoda and Bryozoa dominate, with 162, 83 and 53 partly or wholly matrotrophic families, respectively. In comparison, Chordata has more than 220 families that include or consist entirely of matrotrophic species. We analysed the distribution of reproductive patterns among and within invertebrate phyla using recently published molecular phylogenies: matrotrophy has seemingly evolved at least 140 times in all major superclades: Parazoa and Eumetazoa, Radiata and Bilateria, Protostomia and Deuterostomia, Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa. In Cycliophora and some Digenea, it may have evolved twice in the same life cycle. The provisioning of developing young is associated with almost all known types of incubation chambers, with matrotrophic viviparity more widespread (20 phyla) than brooding (10 phyla). In nine phyla, both matrotrophic incubation types are present. Matrotrophy is expressed in five nutritive modes, of which histotrophy and placentotrophy are most prevalent. Oophagy, embryophagy and histophagy are rarer, plausibly evolving through heterochronous development of the embryonic mouthparts and digestive system. During gestation, matrotrophic modes can shift, intergrade, and be performed simultaneously. Invertebrate matrotrophic adaptations are less complex structurally than in chordates, but they are more diverse, being formed either by a parent, embryo, or both. In a broad and still preliminary sense, there are indications of trends or grades of evolutionarily increasing complexity of nutritive structures: formation of (i) local zones of enhanced nutritional transport (placental analogues), including specialized parent–offspring cell complexes and various appendages increasing the entire secreting and absorbing surfaces as well as the contact surface between embryo and parent, (ii) compartmentalization of the common incubatory space into more compact and ‘isolated’ chambers with presumably more effective nutritional relationships, and (iii) internal secretory (‘milk’) glands. Some placental analogues in onychophorans and arthropods mimic the simplest placental variants in vertebrates, comprising striking examples of convergent evolution acting at all levels—positional, structural and physiological.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of corpora lutea obtained during the preimplantation, implantation and early postimplantation periods has been studied in 20 western spotted skunks. Fine structure of granulosa lutein cells was correlated with progesterone levels. The corpus luteum of the prolonged (7 month) preimplantation period contained undifferentiated small granulosa cells and differentiated large granulosa lutein cells. The former ranged in size between 12 and 20 and the latter between 20 and 45 . The ratio of small and large cells was about equal in an animal 2 days prior to nidation whereas only few small cells and numerous large cells were observed in an animal estimated to be 8 to 12 hours from nidation. Occasionally small cells were observed amidst large ones during the 24 hour nidation period, i.e. adhesion of trophoblast with the luminal uterine epithelium, but small cells were absent in animals after this period. Small cells had some smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, rod-shaped mitochondria with platelike cristae, small Golgi complex, and relatively smooth plasma membranes. Large lutein cells had abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, membranous whorls of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, usually round mitochondria with tubular and lamellar cristae, a well developed Golgi complex, variable amounts of lipid droplets, and highly plicated and ruffled plasma membranes. Peripheral plasma progesterone levels during the prolonged preimplantation period ranged between 1.1 and 7.9 ng/ml, but during implantation it was between 8 and 16.6 ng/ml. It is suggested that plasma progesterone levels fluctuate during the time of implantation and should not be regarded as a basis to predict actual nidation in the western spotted skunk.This research was supported in part by Grant Number HD06556 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.  相似文献   

骨桥蛋白与生殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨桥蛋白是细胞外基质的重要成分,它含有RGD序列,其主要受体为整合素αVβ3,二者相互作用共同参与介导细胞的聚集、黏附、增殖和迁移及免疫调节一系列重要过程.研究发现子宫内膜腺上皮细胞表达骨桥蛋白和其受体整合素αVβ3,且其在子宫内膜种植窗口期分泌至宫腔,推测与内膜容受性的建立及受精卵的种植有关.  相似文献   

Ahnak is a gigantic (700 kD) phosphoprotein with a unique structure whose expression and cellular localization are dynamically regulated during cell cycle progression. Here, we report that Ahnak is localized to sites of major morphogenesis during mouse placentation and neurulation. Ahnak was found in: (i) derivatives of trophectoderm, including chorionic ectoderm prior to and during union with the ectoplacental cone, presumptive syncytiotrophoblast cells in the chorionic labyrinth, and giant cells at the trophoblast-uterine interface; (ii) the allantois prior to, during, and after union with the chorion; and (iii) the tips of the neural plate during formation of the neural tube. On the basis of these observations, we suggest that Ahnak may play heretofore unrecognized roles in tissue union during normal mouse development.  相似文献   

Ahnak is a gigantic (700 kD) phosphoprotein with a unique structure whose expression and cellular localization are dynamically regulated during cell cycle progression. Here, we report that Ahnak is localized to sites of major morphogenesis during mouse placentation and neurulation. Ahnak was found in: (i) derivatives of trophectoderm, including chorionic ectoderm prior to and during union with the ectoplacental cone, presumptive syncytiotrophoblast cells in the chorionic labyrinth, and giant cells at the trophoblast-uterine interface; (ii) the allantois prior to, during, and after union with the chorion; and (iii) the tips of the neural plate during formation of the neural tube. On the basis of these observations, we suggest that Ahnak may play heretofore unrecognized roles in tissue union during normal mouse development.  相似文献   

Osteopontin: role in cell signaling and cancer progression   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cell migration and degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are crucial steps in tumor progression. Several matrix-degrading proteases, including matrix metalloproteases, are highly regulated by growth factors, cytokines and ECM proteins. Osteopontin (OPN), a chemokine-like, calcified ECM-associated protein, plays a crucial role in determining the metastatic potential of various cancers. Since its first identification in bone, the multifaceted roles of OPN have been an area of intense investigation. Extensive research has elucidated the pivotal role of OPN in regulating the cell signaling that controls tumor progression and metastasis. This review focuses on recent advances in understanding the functional role of the OPN-induced signaling pathway in the regulation of cell migration and tumor progression and the implications for identifying novel targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Osteopontin: role in immune regulation and stress responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has led to a better but as yet incomplete understanding of the complex roles osteopontin plays in mammalian physiology. A soluble protein found in all body fluids, it stimulates signal transduction pathways (via integrins and CD44 variants) similar to those stimulated by components of the extracellular matrix. This appears to promote the survival of cells exposed to potentially lethal insults such as ischemia/reperfusion or physical/chemical trauma. OPN is chemotactic for many cell types including macrophages, dendritic cells, and T cells; it enhances B lymphocyte immunoglobulin production and proliferation. In inflammatory situations it stimulates both pro- and anti-inflammatory processes, which on balance can be either beneficial or harmful depending on what other inputs the cell is receiving. OPN influences cell-mediated immunity and has been shown to have Th1-cytokine functions. OPN deficiency is linked to a reduced Th1 immune response in infectious diseases, autoimmunity and delayed type hypersensitivity. OPN's role in the central nervous system and in stress responses has also emerged as an important aspect related to its cytoprotective and immune functions. Evidence suggests that either OPN or anti-OPN monoclonal antibodies (depending on the circumstances) might be clinically useful in modulating OPN function. Manipulation of plasma OPN levels may be useful in the treatment of autoimmune disease, cancer metastasis, osteoporosis and some forms of stress.  相似文献   

The traditional way to study the immunology of pregnancy follows the classical transplantation model, which views the fetus as an allograft. A more recent approach, which is the subject of this Review, focuses on the unique, local uterine immune response to the implanting placenta. This approach requires knowledge of placental structure and its variations in different species, as this greatly affects the type of immune response that is generated by the mother. At the implantation site, cells from the mother and the fetus intermingle during pregnancy. Unravelling what happens here is crucial to our understanding of why some human pregnancies are successful whereas others are not.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia is not fully understood; and few biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and therapeutic agents for its management have been identified. Original investigative findings suggest that abnormal placentation triggers preeclampsia and leads to hypertension, proteinuria, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation, which are characteristics of the disease. Because of the regulatory roles that it plays in several metabolic processes, adiponectin has become a cytokine of interest in metabolic medicine. In this review, we have discussed the role of adiponectin in trophoblast proliferation, trophoblast differentiation, trophoblast invasion of the decidua, and decidual angiogenesis, which are the major phases of placentation. Also, we have highlighted the physiological profile of adiponectin in the course of normal pregnancy. Moreover, we have discussed the involvement of adiponectin in hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and proteinuria. Furthermore, we have summarized the reported relationship between the maternal serum adiponectin level and preeclampsia. The available evidence indicates that adiponectin level physiologically falls as pregnancy advances, regulates placentation, and exhibits protective effects against the symptoms of preeclampsia and that while hyperadiponectinemia is evident in normal-weight preeclamptic women, hypoadiponectinemia is evident in overweight and obese preeclamptic women. Therefore, the clinical use of adiponectin as a biomarker, therapeutic target, or therapeutic agent against the disease looks promising and should be considered.  相似文献   

骨桥蛋白(osteopontin OPN)是一种糖基化磷酸蛋白,许多肿瘤都可以分泌和表达.大量研究显示:OPN在恶性肿瘤转移播散过程中发挥重要作用.而新生血管形成是肿瘤转移进展过程中非常重要的步骤.OPN与肿瘤新生血管关系密切,癌组织中OPN的高表达与肿瘤微血管密度相关.OPN与许多血管形成因子相互影响协同促进血管形成.OPN通过与整合素和CD44受体结合的细胞信号通路作用于血管形成的重要参与者内皮细胞,影响其增殖,迁移,粘附,趋化,凋亡等生物学特性,并降解细胞外基质为内皮细胞在局部组织中延伸形成血管提供基础.最近的研究也显示OPN可以在血管干/祖细胞水平调节其增殖功能,从而影响肿瘤血管新生.本文将对OPN分子结构,OPN在肿瘤血管形成中所起的作用及相关机制进行综述.  相似文献   

骨桥蛋白与肿瘤转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转移是肿瘤恶化的主要标志.骨桥蛋白被称为"肿瘤转移基因",是一种分泌型、粘附性的糖基化磷蛋白,与其主要受体整合素和CD44相互作用,参与多种器官和组织的生理病理过程,具有多种功能.近来的很多研究揭示,骨桥蛋白在肿瘤细胞的粘附、浸润、迁移及新血管生成过程中起关键作用. 骨桥蛋白在血清中的含量高低与病人的肿瘤转移情况及预后密切相关.很多研究认为,骨桥蛋白是一个很好的肿瘤转移标志物,是诊断与治疗肿瘤转移的新靶点.本文就骨桥蛋白的一般生物学特点及其在肿瘤转移过程中所起的作用和主要机制进行综述.  相似文献   

Placenta,a temporary organ first formed during the development of a new life is essential for the survival and growth of the fetus in eutherian mammals.It serves as an interface for the exchange of nutrients,gases and wastes between the maternal and fetal compartments.During the past decades,studies employing gene-engineered mouse mutants have revealed a wide range of signaling molecules governing the trophoblast development and function during placentation under various pathophysiological conditions.Here,we summarize the recent progress with particular respect to the involvement of developmental genes during placentation.  相似文献   

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