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In this review we describe proteins and supermolecular structures which take part in the division of bacterial cells. FtsZ, a eukaryotic tubulin homolog is a key cell division protein in most prokaryotes. FtsZ, as well as tubulin, is capable of binding and hydrolyzing GTP. The division of a bacterial cell begins with the forming of a so-called divisome. The basis of such a divisome is a contractile ring (Z ring) which encircles the cell about midcell. The Z-ring consists of a bundle of laterally bound protofilaments formed in result of FtsZ polymerization. Z-ring is rigidly bounded to the cytosolic side of the inner membrane with the participation of FtsA, ZipA, FtsW and many other divisome cell division proteins. The ring directs the process of cytokinesis transmitting constriction power to the membrane. The primary structures of the prokaryotic FtsZ family members significantly differ from eukaryotic tubulins except for the sites of GTP binding. There is a high degree of structural homology between these proteins in the region. FtsZ is one of the most conserved proteins in prokaryotes. However, ftsZ genes have not been found in several species of microorganisms with completely sequenced genomes. They include two species of mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma parvum and Mycoplasma mobile), Prostecobacter dejongeii, 10 species of chlamydia and 5 species of archaea. Consequently, these organisms divide without FtsZ participation. The genomes of U. parvum and M. mobile have many open reading frames which encode proteins with unknown functions. A comparison of the primary structures of these hypothetical proteins did not identify any known cell division proteins. We hypothesize that the process of cell division in these organisms should involve proteins similar to FtsZ in function and homologous to FtsZ or other cell division proteins in structure.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural observations of dividing cells inBangia vermicularis revealed a type of chloroplast division (plastokinesis) not previously reported in the red algae. The polarity of this prekaryokinetic process serves as a reliable marker of the plane of cytokinesis, a key factor in establishing thallus morphology. At the onset of division one or more invaginations develop in the envelope of the large, lobed chloroplast and proceed centripetally through the stroma in the plane of the thylakoids, forming narrow cytoplasmic channels (CCs). The thylakoids are realigned somewhat, but are not constricted as the chloroplast is divided into two or more units. The number of resulting chloroplasts and the orientation of the CCs are dependent on cell type. Distinctive cylindrical cells at the base of the filamentous region, immediately distal to the holdfast, are shorter than broad and contain a central nucleus surrounded by a doughnutshaped chloroplast. The cylindrical morphology of the thallus is established early in the first periclinal division as multiple plastokinesis commences, generating several radially-arranged daughter chloroplasts. Cleavage of the original chloroplast is completed during subsequent cell divisions in the initial developmental stage, finally resulting in eight chloroplasts that are distributed to an equal number of wedge-shaped radial cells. Cells distal to the actively dividing basal cells are cuboidal and have a peripheral nucleus. Division of the single chloroplast prior to karyokinesis in these cells results in two or four daughter chloroplasts according to cell type. During or following plastokinesis, multilamellar bodies derived from the CE appear to serve as the source of membranes for the developing septum in the channels. Septa link to proliferations of the plasmalemma in areas of slight cell wall (CW) indentations, and are completed between daughter nuclei after karyokinesis, producing a cleavage channel. Subsequently, primary CW material is deposited between the two septal membranes. The shape and arrangement of daughter cells in each of the developmental stages in the thallus are defined by the planes of cell division. These are indicated by both the orientation of CCs and the polar orientation of nuclear division which is always at right angles to the CC.Abbreviations CC cytoplasmic channel - CE chloroplast envelope - CW cell wall - ER endoplasmic reticulum - MLB multilamellar body  相似文献   

FtsZ, a prokaryotic homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, is a major constituent of the bacterial Z-ring, which contracts the cell wall during cell division. Because the mechanical properties of FtsZ are unknown, its function in the maintenance and constriction of the Z-ring is not well understood. Here, quantitative rheometry shows that, at physiological concentrations, FtsZ filaments form, extremely rapidly, highly elastic networks within physiological time scales ( approximately minutes), much faster than other major dynamic cytoskeletal filaments, including microtubule, actin, and vimentin in eukaryotes. FtsZ networks display a relatively low viscosity and a high resilience against shear stresses, as well as an elasticity that depends weakly on concentration, G approximately C(0.57), a power-law dependence consistent with crosslinked flexible filaments. Calcium, whose intracellular concentration increases during bacterial division, further enhances the elasticity of FtsZ networks through filament bundling, an effect that occurs in the presence of GTP, not GDP. These studies suggest that FtsZ filaments have the toughness to provide strong mechanical support for the maintenance and circumferential constriction of the bacterial Z-ring.  相似文献   

With the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, there is a dire need for new drug targets for antibacterial drug discovery and development. Filamentous temperature sensitive protein Z (FtsZ), is a GTP-dependent prokaryotic cell division protein, sharing less than 10% sequence identity with the eukaryotic cell division protein, tubulin. FtsZ forms a dynamic Z-ring in the middle of the cell, leading to septation and subsequent cell division. Inhibition of the Z-ring blocks cell division, thus making FtsZ a highly attractive target. Various groups have been working on natural products and synthetic small molecules as inhibitors of FtsZ. This review summarizes the recent advances in the development of FtsZ inhibitors, focusing on those in the last 5 years, but also includes significant findings in previous years.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell growth and cell division are highly complicated and diversified biological processes. In most rod-shaped bacteria, actin-like MreB homologues produce helicoidal structures along the cell that support elongation of the lateral cell wall. An exception to this rule is peptidoglycan synthesis in the rod-shaped actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum, which is MreB-independent. Instead, during cell elongation this bacterium synthesizes new cell-wall material at the cell poles whereas the lateral wall remains inert. Thus, the strategy employed by C. glutamicum to acquire a rod-shaped morphology is completely different from that of Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis. Cell division in C. glutamicum also differs profoundly by the apparent absence in its genome of homologues of spatial or temporal regulators of cell division, and its cell division apparatus seems to be simpler than those of other bacteria. Here we review recent advances in our knowledge of the C. glutamicum cell cycle in order to further understand this very different model of rod-shape acquisition.  相似文献   

Recent work has dramatically changed our view of chromosome segregation in bacteria. Rather than being a passive process, it involves rapid movement of parts of the circular chromosome. Several genes involved in chromosome segregation have been identified, and the analysis of their functions and intracellular localization are beginning to shed light on the mechanisms that ensure efficient chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Novel 3-elongated arylalkoxybenzamide derivatives were designed, synthesized and evaluated for their cell division inhibitory activity and antibacterial activity. Among them, the subseries of 3-alkyloxybenzamide derivatives exhibited greatly improved on-target activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, and remarkably increased antibacterial activity against B. subtilis ATCC9372, penicillin-susceptible S. aureus ATCC25923, methicillin-resistant S. aureus ATCC29213 (MRSA) and penicillin-resistant S. aureus PR compared with 3-methoxybenzamide. In contrast, the subseries of 3-phenoxyaklyloxybenzamide, 3-heteroarylalkyloxybenzamide and 3-heteroarylthioalkyloxybenzamide derivatives only showed a significant improvement in on-target activity and antibacterial activity against B. subtilis ATCC9372.  相似文献   

The assembly of FtsZ plays an important role in bacterial cell division. Lipids in the bacterial cell membrane have been suggested to play a role in directing the site of FtsZ assembly. Using lipid monolayer and bilayer (liposome) systems, we directly examined the effects of cationic lipids on FtsZ assembly. We found that cationic lipids enhanced the assembly of FtsZ in association with an increase in the GTPase activity of FtsZ. The system consisting of lipid monolayer and bilayer (liposome) may mimic the bacterial membrane and therefore, the data might indicate the influence of bacterial membrane on the assembly of FtsZ protofilaments.  相似文献   

Sato M  Nishikawa T  Kajitani H  Kawano S 《Planta》2007,227(1):177-187
Cyanelles of the biflagellate protist Cyanophora paradoxa have retained the peptidoglycan layer, which is critical for division, as indicated by the inhibitory effects of β-lactam antibiotics. An FtsZ ring is formed at the division site during cyanelle division. We used immunofluorescence microscopy to observe the process of FtsZ ring formation, which is expected to lead cyanelle division, and demonstrated that an FtsZ arc and a split FtsZ ring emerge during the early and late stages of cyanelle division, respectively. We used an anti-FtsZ antibody to observe cyanelle FtsZ rings. We observed bright, ring-shaped fluorescence of FtsZ in cyanelles. Cyanelles were kidney-shaped shortly after division. Fluorescence indicated that FtsZ did not surround the division plane at an early stage of division, but rather formed an FtsZ arc localized at the constriction site. The constriction spread around the cyanelle, which gradually became dumbbell shaped. After the envelope’s invagination, the ring split parallel to the cyanelle division plane without disappearing. Treatment of C. paradoxa cells with ampicillin, a β-lactam antibiotic, resulted in spherical cyanelles with an FtsZ arc or ring on the division plane. Transmission electron microscopy of the ampicillin-treated cyanelle envelope membrane revealed that the surface was not smooth. Thus, the inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis by ampicillin causes the inhibition of septum formation and a marked delay in constriction development. The formation of the FtsZ arc and FtsZ ring is the earliest sign of cyanelle division, followed by constriction and septum formation.  相似文献   

Factors contributing to the stability of bacterial cell division protein FtsZ remain unknown. In order to identify FtsZ-stabilizing factor(s), we exploited FtsH protease-based in vitro FtsZ degradation assay system. Whole cell lysate from an ftsH-null strain of Escherichia coli inhibited degradation of FtsZ by FtsH in vitro. However, activated charcoal-treated lysate did not inhibit degradation. The loss of ability of the activated charcoal-treated lysate to inhibit degradation of FtsZ was restored when it was replenished with GTP, but not when replenished with other NTPs or dNTPs. The lysate did not protect either FtsZ deletion mutants, which do not bind GTP, or FtsH substrates, sigma(32) and cI-108 proteins, against FtsH. GDP and GTPgammaS also stabilized FtsZ against FtsH. Neither GTP nor GDP inhibited proteolytic activity of FtsH per se. These observations demonstrate that binding of GTP/GDP ligands is responsible for the proteolytic stability of FtsZ against FtsH.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure and temperature on the growth of the mesophilic lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis was studied. Both strains were piezosensitive. Lb. sanfranciscensis failed to grow at 50 MPa and the growth rate of Lc. lactis at 50 MPa was less than 30% of that at atmospheric pressure. An increase of growth temperature did not improve the piezotolerance of either organism. During growth under high-pressure conditions, the cell morphology was changed, and the cells were elongated as cell division was inhibited. At atmospheric pressure, temperatures above the optimal temperature for growth caused a similar effect on cell morphology and cell division in both bacteria as that observed under high-pressure conditions. The segregation and condensation of chromosomal DNA were observed by DAPI staining and occurred normally at high-pressure conditions independent of changes in cell morphology. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Lc. lactis cells demonstrated an inhibitory effect of high pressure on the formation of the FtsZ ring and this inhibition of the FtsZ ring formation is suggested to contribute to the altered cell morphology and growth inhibition induced by high pressure.Communicated by K. Horikoshi  相似文献   

Coupling cell cycle with nutrient availability is a crucial process for all living cells. But how bacteria control cell division according to metabolic supplies remains poorly understood. Here, we describe a molecular mechanism that coordinates central metabolism with cell division in the α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus. This mechanism involves the NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase GdhZ and the oxidoreductase-like KidO. While enzymatically active GdhZ directly interferes with FtsZ polymerization by stimulating its GTPase activity, KidO bound to NADH destabilizes lateral interactions between FtsZ protofilaments. Both GdhZ and KidO share the same regulatory network to concomitantly stimulate the rapid disassembly of the Z-ring, necessary for the subsequent release of progeny cells. Thus, this mechanism illustrates how proteins initially dedicated to metabolism coordinate cell cycle progression with nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Li Z  Trimble MJ  Brun YV  Jensen GJ 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(22):4694-4708
In prokaryotes, FtsZ (the filamentous temperature sensitive protein Z) is a nearly ubiquitous GTPase that localizes in a ring at the leading edge of constricting plasma membranes during cell division. Here we report electron cryotomographic reconstructions of dividing Caulobacter crescentus cells wherein individual arc-like filaments were resolved just underneath the inner membrane at constriction sites. The filaments' position, orientation, time of appearance, and resistance to A22 all suggested that they were FtsZ. Predictable changes in the number, length, and distribution of filaments in cells where the expression levels and stability of FtsZ were altered supported that conclusion. In contrast to the thick, closed-ring-like structure suggested by fluorescence light microscopy, throughout the constriction process the Z-ring was seen here to consist of just a few short (approximately 100 nm) filaments spaced erratically near the division site. Additional densities connecting filaments to the cell wall, occasional straight segments, and abrupt kinks were also seen. An 'iterative pinching' model is proposed wherein FtsZ itself generates the force that constricts the membrane in a GTP-hydrolysis-driven cycle of polymerization, membrane attachment, conformational change, depolymerization, and nucleotide exchange.  相似文献   

Assembly of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ at or near the cytoplasmic membrane is one of the earliest steps in division of bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Exactly what constitutes the site at which FtsZ acts is less clear. To investigate the influence of the membrane phospholipids on FtsZ localization and assembly, we have elaborated with the Langmuir technique a two-lipid monolayer made of dilauryl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DLPE) and dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). This monolayer comprised stable condensed domains in an expanded continuous phase. In the presence of GTP, FtsZ assembly disrupts the condensed domains within 5 min. After several hours, with or without GTP, FtsZ assembled into large aggregates at the domain interface. We suggest that the GTP-induced polymerization of FtsZ is coupled to the association of FtsZ protofilaments with domain interfaces.  相似文献   

D. Francis  R. F. Lyndon 《Planta》1978,139(3):273-279
The changes in cell number, the relative proportions of interphase nuclei with different amounts of DNA, mitotic index and labelling index have been investigated in the shoot apex of Silene coeli-rosa L. (a long-day plant) during the first long day of photoinduction, and compared with the corresponding changes in plants in short days. 3 h after the start of induction the proportion of nuclei in the G2 phase of the cell cycle had increased, the mitotic index tended to be higher, and the labelling index was lower than in plants in short days. 8–9 h later the values for plants in the long day had become similar to those for plants in short days. No evidence was obtained for a synchronisation of cells in one phase of the cell cycle as a result of photoinduction. The results obtained were consistent with a temporary shortening of the cell cycle in the induced apices over the first long day which resulted in a greater increase in cell number by the end of the first day of photoinduction than in plants in short days.Abbreviations LD long day - SD short day  相似文献   

How bacteria coordinate cell growth with division is not well understood. Bacterial cell elongation is controlled by actin–MreB while cell division is governed by tubulin–FtsZ. A ring‐like structure containing FtsZ (the Z ring) at mid‐cell attracts other cell division proteins to form the divisome, an essential protein assembly required for septum synthesis and cell separation. The Z ring exists at mid‐cell during a major part of the cell cycle without contracting. Here, we show that MreB and FtsZ of Escherichia coli interact directly and that this interaction is required for Z ring contraction. We further show that the MreB–FtsZ interaction is required for transfer of cell‐wall biosynthetic enzymes from the lateral to the mature divisome, allowing cells to synthesise the septum. Our observations show that bacterial cell division is coupled to cell elongation via a direct and essential interaction between FtsZ and MreB.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(3):499-508.e6
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