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A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study has been made on some lipoxygenase inhibitors belonging to the series of omega-phenylalkyl hydroxamic acids, omega-naphthylalkyl hydroxamic acids, eicosatetraenoic acids, and 1H.benzimidazole-4-ols. It was found that the hydrophobic character of the molecules and the size of their substituents selectively govern their lipoxygenase inhibitory activity. The enzyme active site possesses a non-heme ferric ion, a hydrophobic domain, and a carboxylic acid binding site. It was found that while the functional group of inhibitors must interact with the ferric ion, the substituent on one side of it would be involved in hydrophobic interaction and that on the other side in van der Waals interaction with the enzyme so leading to an enhancement in the inhibitory activity of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis has been performed on a series of 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives, which were found to act as antagonists of cholecystokinin (CCK), a gastrointestinal peptide hormone. The CCK acts with three different receptor subtypes termed as CCK-A, CCK-B, and gastrin receptor, which can be found in peripheral system, brain, and stomach, respectively. With all the three subtypes, the binding of the compounds is found to significantly depend on the lipophilicity of the compounds and their ability to form the hydrogen bonds with the receptor. However, the binding sites in CCK-A receptor seem to be slightly rigid as compared to those in CCK-B or gastrin receptor. The latter two appear to have similar binding features.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study is made on some hydroxamic acid-based inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and a bacterial collagenase, namely Clostridium histolyticum collagenase (ChC), that also belongs to an MMP family, M-31, using Kier's valence molecular connectivity index (1)chi(v) of the substituents and electrotopological state (E-state) indices of some atoms. The results indicate that out of the four MMPs (MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-8, and MMP-9) studied, MMP-2 and MMP-9 can be structurally quite similar, but widely differing from MMP-1 and MMP-8 and ChC. For MMP-2 and MMP-9, the inhibition activity of compounds is shown to depend on both (1)chi(v )and E-state indices, while for MMP-1 and MMP-8 it is shown to depend only on E-state indices and for ChC only on (1)chi(v). However, in all the cases, an aromatic group like C(6)F(5) or 3-CF(3)-C(6)H(4) attached to SO(2) moiety in the compounds is indicated to be equally beneficial, due to probably the involvement of fluorine atom(s) in charge-charge interactions with the Zn(2+) ion of the enzymes or in the formation of the hydrogen bonds with some sites of the receptors.  相似文献   

Benzylsulfanyl imidazole derivatives (Figure 1) have shown their ability to inhibit the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells or human whole blood. Such anticytokine actions of these congeners are quantitatively studied using Fujita-Ban and Hansch type analyses. The Fujita-Ban study resulted in the contributions of different substituents and the parent moiety for the inhibitions of cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. The substituents that have a higher positive contribution to the given activity, relative to substituents of the parent moiety at different positions were then used to obtain a trend for the active analogues. None of the substituents present at X, Y, 2-R and 3-R, appears to be advantageous over the substituents of the parent moiety for inhibition of both the cytokines. However, the substituents at 4-R, 5-R and 6-R help to improve the inhibitory actions of the compounds for both cytokines. The optimal activities seem to be manifested by compounds in which 4-R, 5-R and 6-R are substituted respectively by OH (or SOCH3 and SO2CH3), Cl and OH for inhibition of TNF-alpha, whereas by SOCH3 (or SO2CH3 and OH), H and OH for inhibition of IL-1beta. The Hansch type analysis, on the other hand, revealed that the F-substituents of the X-position and a less bulky structural moiety such as--S(CH2)2--at the Y-incision are advantageous in improving the inhibitory action towards TNF-alpha. Similarly, a less bulky/polar substituent present at 2-R and not having a hydrogen-bond donor property, while a more hydrophobic substituent at 3-R and hydrogen-bond acceptor substituent at 4-R are helpful in augmenting inhibitory activity of a compound. However, for inhibition of cytokine IL-1beta, it emerged that the X-substituents that transmits a higher negative resonance effect, the Y-substituent that offers less molecular bulk are beneficial. The R-substituents, being more electron donors at the meta-position, less hydrophobic at the para-position and offering smaller refractivity (less bulky and or polar) at the ortho-position are likewise helpful in improving the activity of a compound.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study has been made on four different series of anthranilic acid-based matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors, in which two substituted aryl rings, one bearing the hydroxamic acid moiety that binds with the zinc atom of MMPs, are joined through a bridge group of sulfonamide. The QSAR results indicate that the sulfonamide group plays a very important role in the inhibition activity of the inhibitors and that the effectiveness of this sulfonamide group can be increased by the presence at the aryl rings or at the sulfonamide nitrogen itself of nitrogen-containing or some such substituents that can increase the electronic character of the sulfonamide group. The hydrophobic character of the molecules is not found to be of any advantage; rather in most of the cases it is shown to have detrimental effect, suggesting that MMPs provide little opportunity to the inhibitors to have a any hydrophobic interactions with them. On the other hand, polarizability of the molecules has been found to be conducive to activity in some cases. Thus the inhibition mechanism seems to predominantly involve the electronic interactions between the inhibitors and the enzymes.  相似文献   

The paper deals with quantitative structure–activity studies on a group of sulfanilamide Schiff's base inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase (CA) using distance-based topological indices. The regression analysis of the data has shown that the activities of the compounds used in inhibiting Carbonic AnhydraseII (CAII) activity can be modeled excellently in multi-parametric model in that some indicator parameters are also involved. The results are discussed critically.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study has been made on two different series of tetrahydropyrimidinones acting as HIV-1 protease inhibitors. A structural parameter, the first order valence molecular connectivity index ((1)chi(v)), has been used to account for the variation in the activity. The protease inhibition activity as well as the antiviral potency of the compounds are found to be significantly correlated with (1)chi(v) of P(2)/P(2') substituents attached to the two nitrogens N1 and N3, suggesting that substituents containing less electronegative and more saturated atoms, meaning thereby the less polar or more hydrophobic substituents, will be more advantageous. Further, if P(2) and P(2') are dissimilar, the former is found to be more effective than the latter. This difference is attributed to a conformational change in the enzyme that may be more favorable to P(2) binding than to P(2') binding.  相似文献   

Design of aldose reductase (ALR2) inhibitors has received considerable attention. Aldose reductase inhibitors, when administered from the onset of hyperglycemia, prevent the progression of polyol accumulation-linked complications. The feasibility that inhibition of aldose reductase provides a pharmacologically direct treatment for diabetic complications that is independent of the control of blood sugar levels has spurred the development of structurally diverse aldose reductase inhibitors. In this work, we report quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis performed by 3D-QSAR analysis, Hansch analysis, and Fujita-Ban analysis on a series of 5-arylidene-2,4-thiazolidinediones as aldose reductase inhibitors. The 2D & 3D-QSAR models were generated using 18 compounds and Fujita-Ban analysis models were obtained using 23 compounds. The predictive ability of the resulting 2D and 3D models was evaluated against a test set of 5 compounds. Analyses of results from the present QSAR study inferred that 3rd position of the phenyl ring and acetic acid substitution at N-position of thiazolidinediones play a key role in the aldose reductase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

QSAR studies using molecular connectivity and van der Waal volume have been performed on a new series of hydroxyguanidine derivatives and a series of isoindolediones. Regression analysis has shown that anticancer and antiviral activity of hydroxyguanidines as well as cytostatic activity of isoindolediones correlate well with both the structural parameters.  相似文献   

Dihydropteridine reductase has been purified to homogeneity from bovine liver and bovine adrenal medulla by precipitation with polyethylene glycol, ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography on 5-AMP-Sepharose 4B. The enzymes from the two tissues seem identical by the criteria of gel filtration chromatography, affinity chromatography, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of dodecyl sulfate, isoelectric focusing, amino acid analysis, and binding of NADH. Fluorescence studies show two independent binding sites for NADH and a dissociation constant of 10 nM at pH 6.8. Isoelectric focusing of the enzyme as purified in the presence of NADH revealed three different bands, which by removal of this coenzyme were converted into a single band, corresponding to pI 5.7. The enzyme contains no carbohydrate or zinc.  相似文献   

A quantitative structure-activity relationship study has been performed on some cyclic cyanoguanidines that inhibit the enzyme HIV-1 protease (HIV-1-PR) and exhibit antiviral potency, and the results have been compared with those of cyclic urea derivatives. Both the enzyme inhibition activity and antiviral potency in cyclic cyanoguanidines as well as in cyclic urea derivatives are found to be primarily governed by hydrophobic property of substituents attached to nitrogen (P2/P2') and further enhanced by OH or NH2 group, if any, present in the substituents. However, aromatic substituents are found to be unfavourable to both the activities of cyclic cyanoguanidines but not to any activity of cyclic urea derivatives. Cyclic urea derivatives are indicated to be more potent than cyclic cyanoguanidines. A model for the interaction of cyclic cyanoguanidines with the receptor is proposed.  相似文献   

The adenosine kinase inhibitory (AKI) activity of 5-iodo and diaryl analogues of tubercidin is quantitatively analyzed using Fujita-Ban and Hansch type analyses. The Fujita-Ban analysis being a non-parametric approach assigned the highest contribution to Cl at the X-position, C6H4-4-Cl, C6H5, 2-furanyl and I at the Y-position and CH2NH2 and CH3 at the Z-position. In addition, a OH substituent at the C-position also emerged as a better choice possibly due to its engagement in hydrogen bonding with some active site function. Thus a compound having Cl, C6H4-4-Cl, CH2NH2 and OH respectively at X-, Y-, Z- and C-positions is predicted to have a potency nearly 1.5 orders of magnitude higher than the most potent compound of the parent data set. The Hansch type analysis, on the other hand, is a parametric approach and is carried out on two sub-sets of original compounds. This sub-division is based on size and nature of the substituents present at the X- and Y-positions. For the compounds in the first sub-set the derived significant correlation equation suggested that the substituent at the Y-position exhibiting a higher field effect and a substituent such as Cl and CH2NH2 at X- and Z-positions, respectively, are important for a compound to show increased AKI activity. Thio/alkylthio at X and CH2OCH3 at Z, on the other hand, lead to a detrimental effect. Similarly for the compounds in the second subset, the derived significant correlation equation showed that a substituent at the X-position having a higher negative field effect, a substituent at the Y-position having bulky groups and the C-position occupied by a OH group are essential for enhancement of the activity of a compound.  相似文献   

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