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Reimann JD  Freed E  Hsu JY  Kramer ER  Peters JM  Jackson PK 《Cell》2001,105(5):645-655
We have discovered an early mitotic inhibitor, Emi1, which regulates mitosis by inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC). Emi1 is a conserved F box protein containing a zinc binding region essential for APC inhibition. Emi1 accumulates before mitosis and is ubiquitylated and destroyed in mitosis, independent of the APC. Emi1 immunodepletion from cycling Xenopus extracts strongly delays cyclin B accumulation and mitotic entry, whereas nondestructible Emi1 stabilizes APC substrates and causes a mitotic block. Emi1 binds the APC activator Cdc20, and Cdc20 can rescue an Emi1-induced block to cyclin B destruction. Our results suggest that Emi1 regulates progression through early mitosis by preventing premature APC activation, and may help explain the well-known delay between cyclin B/Cdc2 activation and cyclin B destruction.  相似文献   

Proteolysis mediated by the anaphase promoting complex (APC) has a crucial role in regulating the passage of cells through anaphase. Destruction of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p is necessary for separation of sister chromatids, whereas destruction of the mitotic cyclin Clb2p is important for disassembly of the mitotic spindle, cytokinesis and re-replication of the genome. Pds1p proteolysis precedes that of Clb2p by at least 15 min, which helps to ensure that cells never re-replicate their genome before they have separated sister chromatids at the previous mitosis. What triggers Pds1p proteolysis and why does it not also trigger that of Clb2p? Apart from sharing a dependence on the APC, these two proteolytic events differ in their dependence on other cofactors. Pds1p proteolysis depends on a WD-repeat protein called Cdc20p, whereas Clb2p proteolysis depends on another, related WD protein called Hct1/Cdh1p. On the other hand, destruction of Clb2p, but not that of Pds1p, depends on the Polo-like kinase, Cdc5p. Cdc20p is essential for separation of sister chromatids, whereas Cdc5p is not. We show that both Cdc5p and Cdc20p are unstable proteins whose proteolysis is regulated by the APC. Both proteins accumulate during late G2/M phase and disappear at a late stage of anaphase. Accumulation of Cdc20p contributes to activation of Pds1p proteolysis in metaphase, whereas accumulation of Cdc5p facilitates the activation of Clb2p proteolysis.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase functions are essential for the establishment of a normal bipolar mitotic spindle, although precisely how Plk1 regulates the spindle is uncertain. In this study, we report that the small GTP/GDP-binding protein Ran is associated with Plk1. Plk1 is capable of phosphorylating co-immunoprecipitated Ran in vitro on serine-135 and Ran is phosphorylated in vivo at the same site during mitosis when Plk1 is normally activated. Cell cultures over-expressing a Ran S135D mutant have significantly higher numbers of abnormal mitotic cells than those over-expressing either wild-type or S135A Ran. The abnormalities in S135D mutant cells are similar to cells over-expressing Plk1. Our data suggests that Ran is a physiological substrate of Plk1 and that Plk1 regulates the spindle organization partially through its phosphorylation on Ran.  相似文献   

Separase, a large protease essential for sister chromatid separation, cleaves the cohesin subunit Scc1/Rad21 during anaphase and leads to dissociation of the link between sister chromatids. Securin, a chaperone and inhibitor of separase, is ubiquitinated by APC/cyclosome, and degraded by 26S proteasome in anaphase. Cdc48/VCP/p97, an AAA ATPase, is involved in a variety of cellular activities, many of which are implicated in the proteasome-mediated degradation. We previously reported that temperature-sensitive (ts) fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc48 mutants were suppressed by multicopy plasmid carrying the cut1(+)/separase gene and that the defective mitotic phenotypes of cut1 and cdc48 were similar. We here describe characterizations of Cdc48 mutant protein and the role of Cdc48 in sister chromatid separation. Mutant residue resides in the conserved D1 domain within the central hole of hexamer, while Cdc48 mutant protein possesses the ATPase activity. Consistent with the phenotypic similarity and the rescue of cdc48 mutant by overproduced Cut1/separase, the levels of Cut1 and also Cut2 are diminished in cdc48 mutant. We show that the stability of Cut1 during anaphase requires Cdc48. Cells lose viability during the traverse of anaphase in cdc48 mutant cells. Cdc48 may protect Cut1/separase and Cut2/securin against the instability during polyubiquitination and degradation in the metaphase-anaphase transition.  相似文献   

The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is crucial to the control of cell division (for a review, see ref. 1). It is a multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase that, at defined points during mitosis, targets specific proteins for proteasomal degradation. The APC/C is itself regulated by the spindle or kinetochore checkpoint, which has an important role in maintaining genomic stability by preventing sister chromatid separation until all chromosomes are correctly aligned on the mitotic spindle. The spindle checkpoint regulates the APC/C by inactivating Cdc20, an important co-activator of the APC/C. There is also evidence to indicate that the spindle checkpoint components and Cdc20 are spatially regulated by the mitotic apparatus, in particular they are recruited to improperly attached kinetochores. Here, we show that the APC/C itself co-localizes with components of the spindle checkpoint to improperly attached kinetochores. Indeed, we provide evidence that the spindle checkpoint machinery is required to recruit the APC/C to kinetochores. Our data indicate that the APC/C could be regulated directly by the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase until all chromosomes are properly attached to spindle microtubules. When the spindle checkpoint is activated at unattached kinetochores, the checkpoint proteins BubR1, Bub3 and Mad2 bind and inhibit Cdc20, an activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). Here, we show that Xenopus laevis Cdc20 is phosphorylated at Ser 50, Thr 64, Thr 68 and Thr 79 during mitosis and that mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) contributes to the phosphorylation at Thr 64 or Thr 68. Cdc20 mutants that are phosphorylation-deficient are able to activate the APC in X. laevis egg extracts. However, Cdc20 mutants in which any of the four phosphorylation sites were altered to Ala or Val failed to respond to the spindle checkpoint signal, owing to their reduced affinity for the spindle checkpoint proteins. This study demonstrates that the spindle checkpoint stops anaphase by inhibiting fully-phosphorylated Cdc20. Our results also have implications for the spindle checkpoint silencing mechanism.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis of animal cells requires ingression of the actomyosin-based contractile ring between segregated sister genomes. Localization of the RhoGEF Ect2 to the central spindle at anaphase promotes local activation of the RhoA GTPase, which induces assembly and ingression of the contractile ring. Here we have used BI 2536, an inhibitor of the mitotic kinase Plk1, to analyze the functions of this enzyme during late mitosis in human cells. We show that Plk1 acts after Cdk1 inactivation and independently from Aurora B to promote RhoA accumulation at the equator, contractile ring formation, and cleavage furrow ingression. Inhibition of Plk1 abolishes the interaction of Ect2 with its activator and midzone anchor, HsCyk-4, thereby preventing localization of Ect2 to the central spindle. We propose that late mitotic Plk1 activity promotes recruitment of Ect2 to the central spindle, triggering the initiation of cytokinesis and contributing to cleavage plane specification in human cells.  相似文献   

The process of cytokinesis can be divided into two stages: the assembly and constriction of an actomyosin ring giving rise to a narrow intracellular canal and the final breaking and resealing of this canal. Mutations in several genes of Caenorhabditis elegans disrupt the spindle midzone (anti-parallel microtubules and associated proteins that form between the spindle poles) and give rise to failures in the completion of cytokinesis. We show that loss of function of spd-1 causes midzone disruptions, although cytokinesis generally completes. SPD-1 is a conserved microtubule-bundling protein that localizes to the midzone and also to microtubule bundles in the cytoplasm. The midzone localization of SPD-1 is perturbed in embryos depleted of other midzone components, yet the cytoplasmic bundles are not affected. We found that two other midzone components also localize to the ingressing furrow in wild-type embryos; when SPD-1 is depleted, there is no visible midzone, and only this furrow localization remains. SPD-1 differs from other midzone components in that it is essential for the integrity of the midzone, yet not for cytokinesis. Also, it can localize to the midzone when other midzone components are depleted, suggesting that SPD-1 may play an early role in the pathway of midzone assembly.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase is tightly regulated to ensure programmed proteolysis in cells. The activity of the APC/C is positively controlled by cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), but a second level of control must also exist because phosphorylation inactivates Cdc20, a mitotic APC/C co-activator. How Cdc20 is dephosphorylated specifically, when CDK is high, has remained unexplained. Here, we show that phosphatases are crucial to activate the APC/C. Cdc20 is phosphorylated at six conserved residues (S50/T64/T68/T79/S114/S165) by CDK in Xenopus egg extracts. When all the threonine residues are phosphorylated, Cdc20 binding to and activation of the APC/C are inhibited. Their dephosphorylation is regulated depending on the sites and protein phosphatase 2A, active in mitosis, is essential to dephosphorylate the threonine residues and activate the APC/C. Consistently, most of the Cdc20 bound to the APC/C in anaphase evades phosphorylation at T79. Furthermore, we show that the 'activation domain' of Cdc20 associates with the Apc6 and Apc8 core subunits. Our data suggest that dephosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for its loading and activation of the APC/C ubiquitin ligase.  相似文献   

The role of Cdc42 and its regulation during cytokinesis is not well understood. Using biochemical and imaging approaches in budding yeast, we demonstrate that Cdc42 activation peaks during the G1/S transition and during anaphase but drops during mitotic exit and cytokinesis. Cdc5/Polo kinase is an important upstream cell cycle regulator that suppresses Cdc42 activity. Failure to down-regulate Cdc42 during mitotic exit impairs the normal localization of key cytokinesis regulators—Iqg1 and Inn1—at the division site, and results in an abnormal septum. The effects of Cdc42 hyperactivation are largely mediated by the Cdc42 effector p21-activated kinase Ste20. Inhibition of Cdc42 and related Rho guanosine triphosphatases may be a general feature of cytokinesis in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Lehmann A  Toda T 《FEBS letters》2004,566(1-3):77-82
Skp1 is a core component of the Skp1-Cullin-1-F-box ubiquitin ligase. Here, we show a novel role for fission yeast Skp1 in mitotic progression. Temperature-sensitive skp1-A7 mutants enter mitosis, but fail to execute anaphase. Time-lapse imaging shows that spindles in this mutant form intranuclear arch-like structures, which eventually collapse abruptly. The two spindle poles are also seen to move backward to the cell centre rather than towards the cell ends. These abnormal phenotypes appear to stem from defects in nuclear membrane segregation. Our results show that Skp1 is required for coordinated structural alterations of mitotic spindles and nuclear membranes.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) is essential for progression of mitosis and localizes to centrosomes, central spindles, midbody, and kinetochore. Ran, a small GTPase of the Ras superfamily, plays a role in microtubule dynamics and chromosome segregation during mitosis. Although Ran-binding protein-1 (RanBP1) has been reported as a regulator of RanGTPase for its mitotic functions, the action mechanism between Ran and RanBP1 during mitosis is still unknown. Here, we demonstrated in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation of RanBP1 by Plk1 as well as the importance of phosphorylation of RanBP1 in the interaction between Plk1 and Ran during early mitosis. Both phosphorylation-defective and N-terminal deletion mutant constructs of RanBP1 disrupted the interaction with Ran, and depletion of Plk1 also disrupted the formation of a complex between Ran and RanBP1. In addition, the results from both ectopic expression of phosphorylation-defective mutant construct and a functional complementation on RanBP1 deficiency with this mutant indicated that phosphorylation of RanBP1 by Plk1 might be crucial to microtubule nucleation and spindle assembly during mitosis.  相似文献   

For ordered mitotic progression, various proteins have to be regulated by an ubiquitin ligase, the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) with appropriate timing. Recent studies have implied that the activity of APC/C also contributes to release of mitotic checkpoint complexes (MCCs) from its target Cdc20 in the process of silencing the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Here we describe a temperature-sensitive mutant (ubc11-P93L) in which cell cycle progression is arrested at mitosis. The mutant grows normally at the restrictive temperature when SAC is inactivated, suggesting that the arrest is not due to abnormal spindle assembly, but rather due to prolonged activation of SAC. Supporting this notion, MCCs remain bound to APC/C even when SAC is satisfied. The ubc11+ gene encodes one of the two E2 enzymes required for progression through mitosis in fission yeast. Remarkably, Slp1 (a fission yeast homolog of Cdc20), which is degraded in an APC/C-dependent manner, stays stable throughout the cell cycle in the ubc11-P93L mutant lacking the functional SAC. Other APC/C substrates, in contrast, were degraded on schedule. We have also found that a loss of Ubc4, the other E2 required for progression through mitosis, does not affect the stability of Slp1. We propose that each of the two E2 enzymes is responsible for collaborating with APC/C for a specific set of substrates, and that Ubc11 is responsible for regulating Slp1 with APC/C for silencing the SAC.  相似文献   

The Nup107-160 complex is a critical subunit of the nuclear pore. This complex localizes to kinetochores in mitotic mammalian cells, where its function is unknown. To examine Nup107-160 complex recruitment to kinetochores, we stained human cells with antisera to four complex components. Each antibody stained not only kinetochores but also prometaphase spindle poles and proximal spindle fibers, mirroring the dual prometaphase localization of the spindle checkpoint proteins Mad1, Mad2, Bub3, and Cdc20. Indeed, expanded crescents of the Nup107-160 complex encircled unattached kinetochores, similar to the hyperaccumulation observed of dynamic outer kinetochore checkpoint proteins and motors at unattached kinetochores. In mitotic Xenopus egg extracts, the Nup107-160 complex localized throughout reconstituted spindles. When the Nup107-160 complex was depleted from extracts, the spindle checkpoint remained intact, but spindle assembly was rendered strikingly defective. Microtubule nucleation around sperm centrosomes seemed normal, but the microtubules quickly disassembled, leaving largely unattached sperm chromatin. Notably, Ran-GTP caused normal assembly of microtubule asters in depleted extracts, indicating that this defect was upstream of Ran or independent of it. We conclude that the Nup107-160 complex is dynamic in mitosis and that it promotes spindle assembly in a manner that is distinct from its functions at interphase nuclear pores.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle satellite cells, which are found between the muscle fiber and the basal lamina, remain quiescent and undifferentiated unless stimulated to remodel skeletal muscle or repair injured skeletal muscle tissue. Quiescent satellite cells express c-met and fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) 1 and 4, suggesting these receptors are involved in maintaining the undifferentiated quiescent state or involved in satellite cell activation. Although the signaling pathways involved are poorly understood, the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade has been implicated in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth and differentiation by FGFs. In this study, we investigated if activation of the Raf-MKK1/2-ERK1/2 signaling cascade plays a role in FGF-dependent repression of differentiation and proliferation of MM14 cells, a skeletal muscle satellite cell line. Inactivation ofthe Raf-MKK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway in myoblasts through the overexpression of dominant negative mutants of Raf-1 blocks ERK1/2 activity and prevents myoblast proliferation. Additionally, inhibition of MKK1/2 by treatment with pharmacological inhibitors also blocks FGF-mediated stimulation of ERK1/2 and blocks the G1 to S phase transition of myoblasts. Unexpectedly, we found that inactivation of the Raf-ERK pathway does not activate a muscle reporter, nor does inactivation of this pathway promote myogenic differentiation. We conclude that FGF-stimulated ERK1/2 signaling is required during the G1 phase of the cell cycle for commitment of myoblasts to DNA synthesis but is not required for mitosis once cells have entered the S-phase. Moreover, ERK1/2 signaling is not required either to repress differentiation, to promote skeletal muscle gene expression, or to promote myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

We describe here a new member of the kinesin superfamily in Drosophila, KLP3A (Kinesin-Like-Protein-at-3A). The KLP3A protein localizes to the equator of the central spindle during late anaphase and telophase of male meiosis. Mutations in the KLP3A gene disrupt the interdigitation of microtubules in spermatocyte central spindles. Despite this defect, anaphase B spindle elongation is not obviously aberrant. However, cytokinesis frequently fails after both meiotic divisions in mutant testes. Together, these findings strongly suggest that the KLP3A presumptive motor protein is a critical component in the establishment or stabilization of the central spindle. Furthermore, these results imply that the central spindle is the source of signals that initiate the cleavage furrow in higher cells.  相似文献   

In animal cells, microtubules (MTs) of the mitotic apparatus (MA) communicate with the cell cortex to stimulate cytokinesis; however, the molecular nature of this stimulus remains elusive . A signal for cytokinesis likely involves the MT plus end binding family of proteins, which includes EB1, p150glued, APC, LIS1, and CLIP-170. These proteins modulate MT dynamics and facilitate interactions between growing MTs and their intracellular targets, including kinetochores, organelles, and the cell cortex . The dynein-dynactin complex mediates many of these microtubule capture events . We report that EB1 and p150glued interactions are required for stimulation of cytokinesis in dividing sea urchin eggs. Injected antibodies against EB1 or p150glued suppressed furrow ingression but did not prevent elongation of anaphase astral MTs toward the cortex, suggesting that EB1 and dynactin are both required for communication between the MA and the cortex. Targeted disruption of the interaction between EB1 and p150glued suppressed anaphase astral MT elongation and resulted in a delay of cytokinesis that could not be overcome by manipulation of the asters toward the cortex. We conclude that EB1 and dynactin participate in stimulation of the cleavage furrow, and their interaction promotes elongation of astral MTs at anaphase onset.  相似文献   

Mad2 is a key component of the spindle checkpoint, a device that controls the fidelity of chromosome segregation in mitosis. The ability of Mad2 to form oligomers in vitro has been correlated with its ability to block the cell cycle upon injection into Xenopus embryos. Here we show that Mad2 forms incompatible complexes with Mad1 and Cdc20, neither of which requires Mad2 oligomerization. A monomeric point mutant of Mad2 can sustain a cell cycle arrest of comparable strength to that of the wild-type protein. We show that the interaction of Mad2 with Mad1 is crucial for the localization of Mad2 to kinetochores, where Mad2 interacts with Cdc20. We propose a model that features the kinetochore as a 'folding factory' for the formation of a Mad2-Cdc20 complex endowed with inhibitory activity on the anaphase promoting complex.  相似文献   

WASP homolog associated with actin, membranes and microtubules (WHAMM) is a newly discovered nucleation-promoting factor that links actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and regulates transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. However, knowledge of WHAMM is limited to interphase somatic cells. In this study, we examined its localization and function in mouse oocytes during meiosis. Immunostaining showed that in the germinal vesicle (GV) stage, there was no WHAMM signal; after meiosis resumption, WHAMM was associated with the spindle at prometaphase I (Pro MI), metaphase I (MI), telophase I (TI) and metaphase II (MII) stages. Nocodazole and taxol treatments showed that WHAMM was localized around the MI spindle. Depletion of WHAMM by microinjection of specific short interfering (si)RNA into the oocyte cytoplasm resulted in failure of spindle migration, disruption of asymmetric cytokinesis and a decrease in the first polar body extrusion rate during meiotic maturation. Moreover, actin cap formation was also disrupted after WHAMM depletion, confirming the failure of spindle migration. Taken together, our data suggest that WHAMM is required for peripheral spindle migration and asymmetric cytokinesis during mouse oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Defects in chromosome segregation result in aneuploidy, which can lead to disease or cell death [1, 2]. The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes are attached to spindle microtubules in a bipolar fashion [3, 4]. Mad2 is a key checkpoint component that undergoes conformational activation, catalyzed by a Mad1-Mad2 template enriched at unattached kinetochores [5]. Mad2 and Mad3 (BubR1) then bind and inhibit Cdc20 to form the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which binds and inhibits the anaphase promoting complex (APC/C). Checkpoint kinases (Aurora, Bub1, and Mps1) are critical for checkpoint signaling, yet they have poorly defined roles and few substrates have been identified [6-8]. Here we demonstrate that a kinase-dead allele of the fission yeast MPS1 homolog (Mph1) is checkpoint defective and that levels of APC/C-associated Mad2 and Mad3 are dramatically reduced in this mutant. Thus, MCC binding to fission yeast APC/C is dependent on Mph1 kinase activity. We map and mutate several phosphorylation sites in Mad2, producing mutants that display reduced Cdc20-APC/C binding and an inability to maintain checkpoint arrest. We conclude that Mph1 kinase regulates the association of Mad2 with its binding partners and thereby mitotic arrest.  相似文献   

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