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Division of large, immature alveolar structures into smaller, more numerous alveoli increases the surface area available for gas exchange. Alveolar division requires precise epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. However, few experimental models exist for studying how these cell-cell interactions produce changes in 3-dimensional structure. Here we report an epithelial-mesenchymal cell co-culture model where 3-dimensional peaks form with similar cellular orientation as alveolar structures in vivo. Co-culturing fetal mouse lung mesenchyme with A549 epithelial cells produced tall peaks of cells covered by epithelia with cores of mesenchymal cells. These structures did not form when using adult lung fibroblasts. Peak formation did not require localized areas of cell proliferation or apoptosis. Mesenchymal cells co-cultured with epithelia adopted an elongated cell morphology closely resembling myofibroblasts within alveolar septa in vivo. Because inflammation inhibits alveolar formation, we tested the effects of E. coli lipopolysaccharide on 3-dimensional peak formation. Confocal and time-lapse imaging demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide reduced mesenchymal cell migration, resulting in fewer, shorter peaks with mesenchymal cells present predominantly at the base. This epithelial-mesenchymal co-culture model may therefore prove useful in future studies of mechanisms regulating alveolar morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Division of large, immature alveolar structures into smaller, more numerous alveoli increases the surface area available for gas exchange. Alveolar division requires precise epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. However, few experimental models exist for studying how these cell-cell interactions produce changes in 3-dimensional structure. Here we report an epithelial-mesenchymal cell co-culture model where 3-dimensional peaks form with similar cellular orientation as alveolar structures in vivo. Co-culturing fetal mouse lung mesenchyme with A549 epithelial cells produced tall peaks of cells covered by epithelia with cores of mesenchymal cells. These structures did not form when using adult lung fibroblasts. Peak formation did not require localized areas of cell proliferation or apoptosis. Mesenchymal cells co-cultured with epithelia adopted an elongated cell morphology closely resembling myofibroblasts within alveolar septa in vivo. Because inflammation inhibits alveolar formation, we tested the effects of E. coli lipopolysaccharide on 3-dimensional peak formation. Confocal and time-lapse imaging demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide reduced mesenchymal cell migration, resulting in fewer, shorter peaks with mesenchymal cells present predominantly at the base. This epithelial-mesenchymal co-culture model may therefore prove useful in future studies of mechanisms regulating alveolar morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Hox genes confer positional information to the axial and paraxial tissues as they emerge gradually from the posterior aspect of the vertebrate embryo. Hox genes are sequentially activated in time and space, in a way that reflects their organisation into clusters in the genome. Although this co-linearity of expression of the Hox genes has been conserved during evolution, it is a phenomenon that is still not understood at the molecular level. This review aims to bring together recent findings that have advanced our understanding of the regulation of the Hox genes during mouse embryonic development. In particular, we highlight the integration of these transducers of anteroposterior positional information into the genetic network that drives tissue generation and patterning during axial elongation.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, the Mix/Bix family of homeobox genes has been implicated in mesendoderm development. Mixl1 is the only known murine member of this family. To examine the role of Mixl1 in murine embryogenesis, we used gene targeting to create mice bearing a null mutation of Mixl1. Homozygous Mixl1 mutant embryos can be distinguished from their littermates by a marked thickening of the primitive streak. By the early somite stage, embryonic development is arrested, with the formation of abnormal head folds, foreshortened body axis, absence of heart tube and gut, deficient paraxial mesoderm, and an enlarged midline tissue mass that replaces the notochord. Development of extra-embryonic structures is generally normal except that the allantois is often disproportionately large for the size of the mutant embryo. In chimeras, Mixl1(-/-) mutant cells can contribute to all embryonic structures, with the exception of the hindgut, suggesting that Mixl1 activity is most crucial for endodermal differentiation. Mixl1 is therefore required for the morphogenesis of axial mesoderm, the heart and the gut during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium has played an important role in unraveling the pathways that control cell movement and chemotaxis. Recent studies have started to elucidate the pathways that control cell sorting, morphogenesis, and the establishment of spatial patterning in this system. In doing so, they provide new insights into how cell movements within a multicellular organism are regulated and the importance of pathways that are similar to those that regulate chemotaxis of cells on two-dimensional surfaces during aggregation.  相似文献   

J E Hooper  M P Scott 《Cell》1989,59(4):751-765
The patched (ptc) gene is one of several segment polarity genes required for correct patterning within every segment of Drosophila. The absence of ptc gene function causes a transformation of the fate of cells in the middle part of each segment so that they form pattern elements characteristic of cells positioned around the segment border. Analysis of the mutant phenotype demonstrates that both segment and parasegment borders are included in the duplicated pattern of ptc mutants. We have cloned the ptc gene and deduced that the product is a 1286 amino acid protein with at least seven putative transmembrane alpha helices. ptc RNA is expressed in embryos in broad stripes of segmental periodicity that later split into two stripes per segment primordium. The pattern of expression does not directly predict the transformation seen in ptc mutant embryos, suggesting that ptc participates in cell interactions that establish pattern within the segment.  相似文献   

Shape changes, extended processes, and other surface elaborations are associated with cellular differentiation, and the cell membranes involved with these developmental changes often are reshaped without a major alteration in biochemical composition. Caulobacter crescentus produces a hexagonally-packed periodic surface layer that covers the entire cell and further, mimics some of the membrane-mediated changes of higher organisms by forming a membranous stalk during its distinctive life cycle. Growth of the surface layer was examined during the cell cycle by treating synchronously growing cells with surface layer antibody, continuing growth, and then labeling for electron microscopy with a protein A-colloidal gold conjugate. Three regions of distinctive surface array biogenesis were resolved. The periodic surface layer on the main cell body was enlarged by insertion of new material at numerous uniformly distributed points. In contrast, the surface layer on the stalk appeared as entirely new synthesis. In examining growth of the stalk in subsequent generations, we noted that growth of stalk surface persisted at the stalk-cell body junction. The region of cell division also showed a pattern of entirely new surface layer production at late stages in division, similar to the stalk. The immunocytological method also facilitated a careful examination of stalk initiation and growth. Although initiation was under precise temporal and spatial regulation, the rate of stalk elongation was variable from cell to cell and apparently no longer under cell cycle control. The similarity of surface layer biogenesis on the stalk and the site of cell division may be a significant reflection of other events occurring at the cell pole. A model suggested by this and other studies that can account for the temporal pattern of polar morphogenesis is discussed, as is the potential relationship between the geometrically ordered surface array and the formation or maintenance of the stalk.  相似文献   

The green alga Volvox carteri has a very simple and regular adult form that arises through a short sequence of well-defined morphogenetic steps. A mature gonidium (asexual reproductive cell) initiates a stereotyped sequence of rapid cleavage divisions that will produce all of the cells found later in an adult. A predictable subset of these divisions are asymmetric and result in production of a small set of germ cells in a precise spatial pattern. Throughout cleavage, all intracellular components are held in predictable spatial relationships by a cytoskeleton of unusually regular structure, while neighboring cells are also held in fixed spatial relationships by an extensive network of cytoplasmic bridges that form as a result of incomplete cytokinesis. As a result of these two orienting mechanisms combined, dividing cells are arranged around the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo with precise rotational symmetry. These relationships are maintained by the cytoplasmic bridge system when the embryo that was inside out at the end of cleavage turns right-side out in the gastrulation-like process of inversion. Inversion is driven by a cytoskeleton-mediated sequence of cell shape changes, cellular movements and coordinated contraction. Then, by the time the cytoplasmic bridges begin to break down shortly after inversion, a preliminary framework of extracellular matrix (ECM) has been formed. The ECM traps the cells and holds them in the rotational relationships that were established during cleavage, and that must be maintained in order for the adult to be able to swim. Transposon tagging is now being used to clone and characterize the genes regulating these morphogenetic processes.  相似文献   

Both Wnt signaling and heat shock proteins play important roles in development and disease. As such, they have been widely, though separately, studied. Here we show a link between a heat shock protein and Wnt signaling in a member of the basal phylum, Cnidaria. A heat shock at late gastrulation in the clonal marine hydrozoan, Hydractinia, interferes with axis development, specifically inhibiting head development, while aboral structures remain unaffected. The heat treatment upregulated Hsc71, a constitutive Hsp70 related gene, followed by a transient upregulation, and long-term downregulation, of Wnt signaling components. Downregulating Hsc71 by RNAi in heat-shocked animals rescued these defects, resulting in normal head development. Transgenic animals, ectopically expressing Hsc71, had similar developmental abnormalities as heat-shocked animals in terms of both morphology and Wnt3 expression. We also found that Hsc71 is upregulated in response to ectopic Wnt activation, but only in the context of stem cell proliferation and not in head development. Hsc71's normal expression is consistent with a conserved role in mitosis and apoptosis inhibition. Our results demonstrate a hitherto unknown crosstalk between heat shock proteins and Wnt/β-catenin signaling. This link likely has important implications in understanding normal development, congenital defects and cancer biology.  相似文献   

The structural identity of the axial ligands is one of the major determinants of haem protein function and properties. In this work, the mobile distal histidine residue of soybean leghaemoglobin a has been replaced with a non-coordinating alanine residue (H61A variant) and the H61A variant has been characterised using a range of spectroscopic methods. These experiments provide a useful experimental framework for the examination of haem axial ligation and structure-function relationships.  相似文献   

Gelsolin is an actin-binding/severing protein expressed in intracellular and secreted forms. It is a major regulator of the form and function of the actin cytoskeleton in most all cells. Here we demonstrate that female mice with a targeted deletion of the gelsolin gene (Gsn-/-) have defects in mammary gland morphogenesis. Two distinct defects were identified in the gelsolin-null mammary gland. First, the mammary anlage from Gsn-/- mice failed to elongate at the onset of puberty and remained rudimentary until approximately 9 weeks of age, early block (Gsn-/-(EB)). Second, after the mammary epithelium had filled the mammary fat pad, a complete lack of terminal branching, or late block, was observed (Gsn-/-(LB)). The Gsn-/-(EB) was seen in 70% of Gsn-/- mice and appeared to be dependent on a modifier gene(s) in addition to the loss of gelsolin. Gsn-/-(LB) was observed in all Gsn-/- mice. Terminal end buds (TEBs) were not evident in the mammary anlage from Gsn-/-(EB) mice until approximately 9 weeks of age. Cellular proliferation in the terminal ductal regions of Gsn-/-(EB) females was detected by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, but was less than that found in the TEBs of age-matched controls. In mice deficient for gelsolin, mammary gland architecture was unaltered at the histological level. Lobuloalveolar development was delayed in response to pregnancy in mammary glands of Gsn-/- mice but was otherwise normal. Lactation and involution in the gelsolin-null animals were similar to those of wild-type mice. Transplantation of epithelium devoid of gelsolin into a wild-type (GsnWT) mammary fat pad resulted in proper arborization of the ductal tree. Transplantation of GsnWT epithelium into the Gsn-/- fat pad recapitulated the lack of terminal branching seen in Gsn-/- females. These results indicate that gelsolin is required in the mammary stroma for proper ductal morphogenesis. Our results provide the first evidence of an actin regulatory protein affecting mammary ductal growth through stromal-epithelial communication.  相似文献   

In order to follow cardiac precursor cells, we have adopted a retrospective clonal approach, based on the nlaacZ genetic label. Random clones were generated and observed at different developmental stages in murine myocardium. The distribution of these clones in clusters suggest for the first time that cells fated to form myocardium proliferate in two steps. The first growth phase, before E8.5, is dispersive and polarised along the axis of the primitive cardiac tube, contributing to its elongation. The second growth phase is coherent and polarised differentially in different cardiac subregions. Interestingly, this can be correlated with production of geometrical forms (dilatation of a sphere, enlargement of a tube), showing the relation between heart morphogenesis and the controlled proliferation of myocardial cells. The restricted distribution of clones to the right or left ventricule was also investigated with the goal of establishing the time at which cardiac chamber identity emerges. Right and left ventricular lineages appear to segregate early, in agreement with the existence of two populations of cardiac precursors, the so-called primary (or posterior) and secondary (or anterior) heart fields.  相似文献   

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