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Differential gene expression in culturable and non-culturable forms of Salmonella typhimurium was studied by the molecular display method. Six fragments of differentially expressed gene cDNA, depending on culturable or non-culturable state of the cultures, were isolated, cloned, and sequenced. Identification of corresponding S. typhimurium differentially expressed genes was carried out by comparing the sequences of cDNA fragments with the bacterial genome data base.  相似文献   

Liu M  Gong X  Alluri RK  Wu J  Sablo T  Li Z 《Biological chemistry》2012,393(3):123-132
We have examined the level of 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-oxo-G), an oxidized form of guanosine, in RNA in Escherichia coli under normal and oxidative stress conditions. The level of 8-oxo-G in RNA rises rapidly and remains high for hours in response to hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) challenge in a dose-dependent manner. H?O? induced elevation of 8-oxo-G content is much higher in RNA than that of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) in DNA. Under normal conditions, the 8-oxo-G level is low in RNA isolated from the ribosome and it is nearly three times higher in non-ribosomal RNAs. In contrast, 8-oxo-G generated by a short exposure to H?O? is almost equally distributed in various RNA species, suggesting that although ribosomal RNAs are normally less oxidized, they are not protected against exogenous H?O?. Interestingly, highly folded RNA is not protected from oxidation because 8-oxo-G generated by H?O? treatment in vitro increases to approximately the same levels in tRNA and rRNA in both native and denatured forms. Lastly, increased RNA oxidation is closely associated with cell death by oxidative stress. Our data suggests that RNA is a primary target for reactive oxygen species and RNA oxidation is part of the paradox that cells have to deal with under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The effect of visible light on Escherichia coli H10407 in seawater microcosms was investigated. Light damage was estimated by loss of colony-forming ability. Illumination of E. coli suspended in oligotrophic seawater with visible light at an intensity of about 40 klux caused a drastic decrease of culturable bacteria which turned to a viable but non-culturable state. In seawater E. coli exhibited weak metabolic activity as estimated by 3H methyl-thymidine incorporation in the cell. Visible light did not significantly alter this metabolic activity and did not involve detectable oxidation of lipid membranes as evaluated by gas chromatography analysis of fatty acids. The involvement of oxygen and reactive oxygen species in phototoxicity was studied. A decrease of the toxic effect was observed when E. coli was exposed to visible light under anaerobic conditions. Scavengers of reactive oxygen species exhibited variable protective effects. β-Carotene, a singlet oxygen scavenger, and superoxide dismutase were equally ineffective. On the other hand, catalase, which eliminates hydrogen peroxide and thiourea, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, showed a net protection. In addition desferrioxamine B, an iron chelator, was also effective in reducing phototoxicity, probably by preventing hydroxyl radical generation by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iron (Fenton reaction). Therefore, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical seem to be reactive intermediates of oxygen-dependent (type II) photosensitized reactions.  相似文献   

Heat and various inhibitory chemicals were tested in Escherichia coli for the ability to cause accumulation of adenylylated nucleotides and to induce proteins of the heat shock (htpR-controlled), the oxidation stress (oxyR-controlled), and the SOS (lexA-controlled) regulons. Under the conditions used, heat and ethanol initiated solely a heat shock response, hydrogen peroxide and 6-amino-7-chloro-5,8-dioxoquinoline (ACDQ) induced primarily an oxidation stress response and secondarily an SOS response, nalidixic acid and puromycin induced primarily an SOS and secondarily a heat shock response, isoleucine restriction induced a poor heat shock response, and CdCl2 strongly induced all three stress responses. ACDQ, CdCl2, and H2O2 each stimulated the synthesis of approximately 35 proteins by factors of 5- to 50-fold, and the heat shock, oxidation stress, and SOS regulons constituted a minor fraction of the overall cellular response. The pattern of accumulation of adenylylated nucleotides during these treatments was inconsistent with a simple role for these nucleotides as alarmones sufficient for triggering the heat shock response, but was consistent with a role in the oxyR-mediated response.  相似文献   

Activity of enzymes of polyamine synthesis and contents of their products increased in E. coli cells in response to oxidative stress caused by addition of hydrogen peroxide to an exponentially growing culture. Putrescine and spermidine added to the culture medium in physiological concentrations significantly increased expression of genes oxyR and katG responsible for defense against oxidative stress, whereas cadaverine had no effect. The role of polyamines as modulators of the gene expression was confirmed by experiments with an inhibitor of polyamine synthesis, 1,3-diaminopropane, which decreased the level of cell polyamines and thus abolished the ability of the cell to induce oxyR expression under oxidative stress. A genetic method gave similar results: under oxidative stress mutants with disorders in polyamine synthesis displayed a significantly decreased level of induction of the oxyR and katG genes, and this level was recovered on addition of putrescine. In the presence of inhibitors of DNA-gyrase, nalidixic acid and novobiocin, the oxyR expression depended on the extent of DNA supercoiling. Putrescine decreased the inhibitory effects of nalidixic acid and novobiocin, and this confirmed its properties of a stimulator of DNA supercoiling. Resistance to rifampicin was studied to exemplify the mutation rate under oxidative stress. Putrescine decreased twofold the level of mutations and increased the number of viable cells in the culture exposed to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) is a highly reactive form of molecular oxygen that may harm living systems by oxidizing critical cellular macromolecules. The oxyR gene product regulates the expression of the enzymes and proteins that are needed for cellular protection against oxidative stress. In this study, the role of oxyR in cellular defense against a singlet oxygen was investigated using Escherichia coli oxyR mutant strains. Upon exposure to methylene blue and visible light, which generates singlet oxygen, the oxyR overexpression mutant was much more resistant to singlet oxygen-mediated cellular damage when compared to the oxyR deletion mutant in regard to growth kinetics, viability and protein oxidation. Induction and inactivation of major antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, were observed after their exposure to a singlet oxygen generating system in both oxyR strains. However, the oxyR overexpression mutant maintained significantly higher activities of antioxidant enzymes than did the oxyR deletion mutant. These results suggest that the oxyR regulon plays an important protective role in singlet oxygen-mediated cellular damage, presumably through the protection of antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

The universal stress protein (UspA) superfamily encompasses a conserved group of proteins that are found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Escherichia coli harbors six usp genes--uspA, -C, -D, -E, -F, and -G--the expression of which is triggered by a large variety of environmental insults. The uspA gene is important for survival during cellular growth arrest, but the exact physiological role of the Usp proteins is not known. In this work we have performed phenotypic characterization of mutants with deletions of the six different usp genes. We report on hitherto unknown functions of these genes linked to motility, adhesion, and oxidative stress resistance, and we show that usp functions are both overlapping and distinct. Both UspA and UspD are required in the defense against superoxide-generating agents, and UspD appears also important in controlling intracellular levels of iron. In contrast, UspC is not involved in stress resistance or iron metabolism but is essential, like UspE, for cellular motility. Electron microscopy demonstrates that uspC and uspE mutants are devoid of flagella. In addition, the function of the uspC and uspE genes is linked to cell adhesion, measured as FimH-mediated agglutination of yeast cells. While the UspC and UspE proteins promote motility at the expense of adhesion, the UspF and UspG proteins exhibit the exact opposite effects. We suggest that the Usp proteins have evolved different physiological functions that reprogram the cell towards defense and escape during cellular stress.  相似文献   

A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) assay was developed for detecting and quantifying Escherichia coli in water samples from agricultural watersheds. The assay included optimization of DNA extraction and purification from water samples, and Q-PCR amplification conditions using newly designed species-specific oligonucleotide primers derived from conserved flanking regions of the 16S rRNA gene, the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the 23S rRNA gene. The assay was optimized using a pure culture of E. coli with known quantities spiked into autoclaved agricultural water samples. The optimized assay was capable of a minimum quantification limit of 10 cells/ml of E. coli in the spiked agricultural water samples. A total of 121 surface water samples from three agricultural watersheds across Canada were analyzed, and results were compared with conventional culture-based enumerations of E. coli. The Q-PCR assay revealed significantly higher numbers of E. coli in water samples than the culture-based assay in each agricultural watershed. The new Q-PCR assay can facilitate the quantification of E. coli in a single water sample in < 3 h, including melt curve analysis, across a range of agricultural water quality conditions.  相似文献   

DPS是一种广泛存在于原核生物中的DNA结合蛋白,它能够在细菌乏营养等多种应激状态下为细菌提供保护。大肠埃希菌DPS已经被深入研究。本文从蛋白结构和铁隔离、DNA结合,铁氧化酶活性,调节基因表达四个方面介绍大肠埃希菌DPS的基本特性和作用机制。  相似文献   

The role of putrescine in the adaptive response of Escherichia coli grown aerobically in synthetic M9 medium with glucose to the H2O2-induced oxidative stress was studied. Under oxidative stress, the expression of the single-copy reporter gene fusions oxyR::lacZ and katG::lacZ was found to undergo biphasic changes, which were most pronounced in glucose-starved E. coli cells. The concentration-dependent activating effect of putrescine on the expression of the oxyR regulon genes was maximum when the oxyR gene was inhibited by high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Vasil'eva SV  Makhova EV 《Genetika》2003,39(8):1033-1038
Oxidative stress formed in Escherichia coli cells is known to bring about a complex induction of alternative DNA repair processes, including SOS, SoxRS, and heat-shock response (HSR). The modification by heat shock of the expression of sfiA and soxS genes induced by oxidative agents H2O2, menadione and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) was studied for the first time. Quantitative parameters of gene expression were examined in E. coli strains with fused genes (promoters) sfiA::lacZ and soxS::lacZ. The expression of these genes induced by cell treatment with H2O2, but not menadione or 4NQO, was shown to decrease selectively after exposure to heat shock. Since genetic activity of menadione and 4NQO depends mainly on the formation of superoxide anion O2-, it is assumed that the effect of selective inhibition by heat-shock of sfiA and soxS gene expression in experiments with H2O2 is connected with activity of DnaK heat shock protein, which, unlike other heat-shock proteins, cannot be induced by superoxide anion O2-.  相似文献   

Membrane lipid peroxidation processes yield products that may react with DNA and proteins to cause oxidative modifications. The oxyR gene product regulates the expression of enzymes and proteins that are needed for cellular protection against oxidative stress. Upon exposure to tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BOOH) and 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride (AAPH), which induce lipid peroxidation in membranes, the Escherichia coli oxyR overexpression mutant was much more resistant to lipid peroxidation-mediated cellular damage, when compared to the OxyR deletion mutant in regard to growth kinetics, viability, and DNA damage. The deletion of the OxyR gene in E. coli also resulted in increased susceptibility of superoxide dismutase to lipid peroxidation-mediated inactivation. The results indicate that the peroxidation of lipid is probably one of the important intermediary events in free radical-induced cellular damage. Also, the oxyR regulon plays an important protective role in lipid peroxidation-mediated cellular damage.  相似文献   

Inorganic polyphosphate is a ubiquitous, linear polymer of phosphate residues linked by high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds. In response to starvation, polyP levels are increased up to 100-fold. It has been proposed that chelation of transition metals by polyP might reduce their toxicity, and that polyP accumulation is vital for survival in stationary phase. SOD-deficient E. coli is unable to survive in stationary phase. We found that deletion of the cytoplasmic SODs does not impair the cell's capability of synthesizing polyP. However, transient accumulation of polyphosphate correlated with increased resistance to H(2)O(2) and protection of DNA against oxidative damage. The reason for this protective effect of polyP is the induction of HPII catalase and DNA repair enzymes as members of the rpoS regulon. PolyP did not directly protect DNA against oxidative damage in vitro and acted as a pro-oxidant by stimulating the production of hydroxyl radical in the Fenton reaction. It is thus suggested that accumulation of poly P and rpoS induction cannot compensate for the lack of cytosolic SODs for survival in stationary phase.  相似文献   

Using leaderless alkaline phosphatase as a probe, it was demonstrated that pressure treatment induces endogenous intracellular oxidative stress in Escherichia coli MG1655. In stationary-phase cells, this oxidative stress increased with the applied pressure at least up to 400 MPa, which is well beyond the pressure at which the cells started to become inactivated (200 MPa). In exponential-phase cells, in contrast, oxidative stress increased with pressure treatment up to 150 MPa and then decreased again, together with the cell counts. Anaerobic incubation after pressure treatment significantly supported the recovery of MG1655, while mutants with increased intrinsic sensitivity toward oxidative stress (katE, katF, oxyR, sodAB, and soxS) were found to be more pressure sensitive than wild-type MG1655. Furthermore, mild pressure treatment strongly sensitized E. coli toward t-butylhydroperoxide and the superoxide generator plumbagin. Finally, previously described pressure-resistant mutants of E. coli MG1655 displayed enhanced resistance toward plumbagin. In one of these mutants, the induction of endogenous oxidative stress upon high hydrostatic pressure treatment was also investigated and found to be much lower than in MG1655. These results suggest that, at least under some conditions, the inactivation of E. coli by high hydrostatic pressure treatment is the consequence of a suicide mechanism involving the induction of an endogenous oxidative burst.  相似文献   

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