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A fetal thymus organ culture system has been developed to study the differentiation of murine thymus-derived immunocompetent cells (T cells) such that cell yields can be easily monitored. This system has been used to study the effects of monoclonal anti-I-A antibodies on the growth of T cells. The addition of anti-I-A antibodies, but not anti-H2K monoclonal antibodies, to fetal thymus organ cultures resulted in a decreased yield of lymphoid cells. Anti-I-A-treated cultures did not produce cells that gave an immune response in MLC assays. Anti-I-A antibodies stained a small subpopulation of nonlymphoid cells in untreated cultures by indirect immunofluorescence that were no longer detectable in cultures that had been pretreated with anti-I-A antibody. Culture of fetal thymus lobes at low temperature (20 degrees C) for 1 wk resulted in a decrease in lymphocyte production, as well as a concomitant increase in the frequency of Ia-positive nonlymphoid cells. Co-culture of fetal liver or anti-thy-1 plus complement-treated adult bone marrow with such Ia-positive cell-enriched fetal thymus lobes at 37 degrees C resulted in the production of T cells. Anti-Thy-1.1 or -1.2 staining by indirect immunofluorescence of cells obtained from co-cultures that differed at the Thy-1 locus showed that the T cells produced were derived from the bone marrow or fetal liver. T cell production occurred in both syngeneic and allogeneic cocultures. However, if co-cultures were made by using 14-day gestation fetal thymus instead of fetal liver or bone marrow as donors of T cell precursors, T cell growth was observed only in syngeneic combinations. These results suggest that Ia-positive nonlymphoid cells play a role in the development of T cells in the fetal thymus, and that "thymus processed" T cell progenitors (but not the more immature progenitors in the fetal liver or bone marrow) are self-Ia restricted in their differentiation.  相似文献   

The effect of rIL-4 on early T cell development in fetal thymus organ culture was studied by two-color immunofluorescence and by proliferation assays. Addition of IL-4 to an organ culture of 14-day-old fetal BALB/c thymus resulted in a decreased cell yield (less than 15% as compared to the control culture) and in a complete inhibition of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes after 12 days of culture. This IL-4 effect was time dependent as shorter times (less than 6 days) resulted in a thymic development comparable to the untreated control. When thymuses at later stages of gestation were treated with IL-4, the inhibition was less pronounced. The inhibitory activity of IL-4 was abrogated by the anti-IL-4 mAb 11B11, ruling out the possibility of a contaminant. Organ cultured 14-day-old fetal thymocytes treated with IL-4 during 12 days responded vigorously to IL-2 alone and to IL-4 + PMA + ionomycin. Taken together, these results indicate that IL-4 affects the intrathymic T cell development at an early stage.  相似文献   

There is evidence for both physiological functions of the natural neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, and pharmacological actions of the plant alkaloid, nicotine, on the development and function of the immune system. The effects of continuous exposure to nicotine over a 12-day course of fetal thymus organ culture (FTOC) were studied, and thymocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry. In the presence of very low concentrations of nicotine many more immature T cells (defined by low or negative TCR expression) and fewer mature T cells (intermediate or high expression of TCR) were produced. In addition, the numbers of cells expressing CD69 and, to a lesser extent, CD95 (Fas) were increased. These effects took place when fetal thymus lobes from younger (13-14 days gestation) pups were used for FTOC. If FTOC were set up using tissue from older (15-16 days gestation pups), nicotine had little effect, suggesting that it may act only on immature T cell precursors. Consistent with an increase in immature cells, the expression of recombinase-activating genes was found to be elevated. Nicotine effects were partially blocked by the simultaneous addition of the nicotinic antagonist d-tubocurarine. Furthermore, d-tubocurarine alone blocked the development of both immature and mature murine thymocytes, suggesting the presence of an endogenous ligand that may engage nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on developing thymocytes and influence the course of normal thymic ontogeny.  相似文献   

Purified splenic B cells from C57BL/6 mice were separated into high-density (resting) and low-density (activated) B cells. Separated B cell populations were cultured at low cell densities (1 X 10(4) cells/well) with recombinant interleukin 1 (r-IL 1) alone or in combination with dextran sulfate (DXS) or anti-IgM monoclonal antibodies (alpha IgM mab), respectively, and proliferative responses were determined. R-IL 1 alone, as well as in synergy with alpha IgM mab or DXS, respectively, stimulated the growth of low-density B cells. Moreover, r-IL 1 and alpha IgM mab costimulated replication of high-density B cells. Separated B cell populations (1 X 10(5) cells/well) were cultured with r-IL 1 alone or in combination with DXS or alpha IgM mab, respectively, and the generation of plaque-forming cells was determined. R-IL 1 alone, as well as in synergy with DXS, stimulated the differentiation of low-density B cells into Ig-secreting cells. These findings suggest that r-IL 1 has B cell growth and differentiation factor activity and is operative on high- and low-density B cells. Thus, IL 1 may play an important role in B cell growth and maturation.  相似文献   

Cells with cytolytic activity can be detected in mouse fetal thymic lobes cultured in the presence of interleukin 2 for 6 days. The lymphokine-activated killer cells from 14-day fetal thymic lobes are relatively resistant to treatment with anti-Ly-2 antibody and complement (CD8-) but sensitive to anti-Thy-1 and complement treatment (Thy-1+). They display major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted killing, lysing both syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells, but will not lyse human xenogenic target cells. Low levels of cytotoxic activity can be detected in thymic lobes from Day 12-13 embryos and this activity increases with embryonic age. While the events which lead to the inhibition of normal maturation of fetal thymocytes by inclusion of IL-2 in fetal thymus organ cultures are unknown, the appearance of cytotoxic cells raises the question of whether they are involved in the normal intrathymic cell death process.  相似文献   

A T cell receptor-like molecule with a dimer structure of 45 kilodaltons (Kd) under reducing and 90 Kd under nonreducing conditions was detected on the surface of two murine T lymphoma lines, EL-4 and MBL-2, by two rat monoclonal antibodies. The two antibodies seemed to react with different determinants on the same molecule. The antibodies did not react with the surface of normal T cells as tested by flow cytometric analysis of cell surface staining. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (IEF vs SDS-PAGE) and tryptic peptide analysis revealed the molecule to consist of two chains with different isoelectric points and different tryptic peptides. A conventional antiserum was raised against the heterodimer purified from EL-4 cells. The immune serum did not bind to the surface of normal T cells. However, the immune serum as well as the monoclonal antibodies immunoprecipitated the dimer molecules from detergent-solubilized normal thymocytes and spleen cells. The dimer molecule was detected on both immature and mature thymocytes. These results suggest that the antibodies detect non-clonotypic determinants on a T cell receptor-like protein. The determinants are masked on the surface of normal T cells, whereas they are exposed on the surface of at least two T lymphoma cell lines. Three polypeptides of 30 Kd, 25 Kd, and 15 Kd were also coprecipitated with the heterodimer from MBL-2 cells. These proteins may associate with the heterodimer and may be masking the antigenic determinants on normal T cells. The relationship between the heterodimer molecule described here and the T cell antigen receptor or the human T cell antigen 9.3 is still unknown.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice expressing hK10 under the keratin K5 promoter display several alterations in the epidermis including decreased cell proliferation, and reduced susceptibility to tumor development. Given that K5 promoter is also active in the epithelial cells of the thymus, we explored the possible alterations of the thymus because of K10 transgene expression. We found severe thymic alterations, which affect not only the thymic epithelial cells (TEC), but also thymocytes. We observed altered architecture and premature thymus involution in the transgenic mice associated with increased apoptosis and reduced proliferation of the thymocytes. Interestingly, prior to the development of this detrimental phenotype, thymocytes of the transgenic mice also displayed altered differentiation, which is aggravated later on. Molecular characterization of this phenotype indicated that Akt activity is reduced in TEC, but not in thymocytes. In addition, we also observed altered expression of Notch family members and some of their ligands both in TEC and T cells. This produces reduced Notch activity in TEC but increased Notch activity in thymocytes, which is detectable prior to the disruption of the thymic architecture. In addition, we also detect altered Notch expression in the epidermis of bK5hK10 transgenic mice. Collectively the present data indicate that keratin K10 may induce severe alterations not only in a cell autonomous manner, but also in neighboring cells by the modulation of signals involved in cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

The patterns of development of T cells from the very early stem cells that settle in the embryonic thymus have been studied. For this purpose, mouse embryonic thymuses (14 days) depleted of thymocytes were reconstituted with hemopoietic stem cells from fetal liver (FL) and yolk sac (YS) and T-cell development was followed in vitro in organ culture. It was found that cells derived from FL and YS of 10- to 14-day-old embryos were capable of reconstituting depleted thymic explants and exhibiting membrane markers in a pattern similar to that of thymocytes developing in intact thymic explants. Furthermore, these cells responded to concanavalin A in proliferative and cytotoxic assays as measured by limiting-dilution analysis. Thus, lymphohemopoietic stem cells emerging in the embryo prior to thymus lymphoid development are capable of differentiation in the thymus microenvironment into T cells, identified by phenotypic markers and functions that are characteristic of cells developing in the intact embryonic thymus.  相似文献   

The maturation sequences of thymocytes is known to some extent: A generative layer of subcapsular large lymphoblasts gives rise to a major population of small cortical thymocytes and a minor population of midsize medullary thymocytes. The relative contribution of these three populations to the peripheral T cell populations is not yet known. In this study, subcapsular lymphoblasts, cortical small cells, medullary cells, and thymic emigrant cells have all been analyzed by immunofluorescence for expression of the antigens H-2D, I-A, H-2K, and TL. H-2D is expressed brightly on all subcapsular large cells, dimly on cortical small cells, and brightly on all migrants, cortisone-resistant thymocytes (CRT), and peripheral T cells. I-A can be detected at low levels on 30 to 50% of cells in all the thymic subpopulations, and on 30 to 50% of migrants and peripheral T cells. Fifty to 80% of small cortical cells do not express detectable H-2K, but all the other subpopulations, both inside and outside the thymus, stain uniformly quite brightly. TL3 is expressed on 70 to 80% of subcapsular and cortical thymocytes, 30 to 40% of CRT, is undetectable on migrants but can be seen at low levels on 10 to 20% of spleen and lymph node T cells. The possibility that some or all of these antigens represent stable markers of separate lineages rather than unstable, stage-specific markers is discussed.  相似文献   

Congenitally lymphopenic diabetes-prone (DP) BioBreeding (BB) rats develop spontaneous T cell-dependent autoimmunity. Coisogenic diabetes-resistant (DR) BB rats are not lymphopenic and are free of spontaneous autoimmune disease, but become diabetic in response to depletion of RT6+ T cells. The basis for the predisposition to autoimmunity in BB rats is unknown. Abnormal T cell development in DP-BB rats can be detected intrathymically, and thymocytes from DR-BB rats adoptively transfer diabetes. The mechanisms underlying these T cell developmental abnormalities are not known. To study these processes, we established adult thymus organ cultures (ATOC). We report that cultured DR- and DP-BB rat thymi generate mature CD4 and CD8 single-positive cells with up-regulated TCRs. DR-BB rat cultures also generate T cells that express RT6. In contrast, DP-BB rat cultures generate fewer CD4+, CD8+, and RT6+ T cells. Analysis of the cells obtained from ATOC suggested that the failure of cultured DP-BB rat thymi to generate T cells with a mature phenotype is due in part to an increased rate of apoptosis. Consistent with this inference, we observed that addition of the general caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK substantially increases the number of both mature and immature T cells produced by DP-BB rat ATOC. We conclude that cultured DR-BB and DP-BB rat thymi, respectively, recapitulate the normal and abnormal T cell developmental kinetics and phenotypes observed in these animals in vivo. Such cultures should facilitate identification of the underlying pathological processes that lead to immune dysfunction and autoimmunity in BB rats.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified a lymphokine, termed Ts differentiation factor (TsDF), in primary MLR supernatants that induces effector function of alloantigen-primed MLR-Ts. The present report describes constitutive production of TsDF by the murine thymoma BW5147, and its use to analyze alloantigen and TsDF requirements for MLR-Ts activation to TsF production. Serum-free supernatants of BW5147 restored the capacity of MLR-TsF production to alloantigen-primed MLR-Ts cultured with glutaraldehyde-fixed allogeneic stimulator cells, and were not themselves directly suppressive in the MLR assay. BW5147 supernatant induced MLR-TsF production from primed L3T4-Ly2+ MLR-Ts in the absence of concomitant proliferation, suggesting that the function of BW5147 supernatant, like that of MLR-derived TsDF, is a differentiative rather than a proliferative one, and is required for the synthesis or release of TsF. The differentiative activity of BW5147 supernatant was associated with a molecular species of approximately 14,500 m.w. by HPLC fractionation and was expressed independently of detectable IL 2, IL 3, IFN-gamma, and IL 1. The functional activity of BW5147 supernatant has therefore been provisionally designated BW5147-derived Ts differentiative factor, or BW-TsDF. By using BW-TsDF, it was demonstrated that MLR-Ts fail to respond to TsDF in the absence of, or preceding, reexposure to priming alloantigen. Instead, alloantigen binding by primed MLR-Ts appears to create a transient state of TsDF responsiveness. Primed MLR-Ts were fully sensitive to delayed addition of TsDF for approximately 12 hr after reexposure to alloantigen, but became TsDF-unresponsive within 24 to 36 hr. MLR-Ts cultured alone for 36 hr were fully responsive to the combined addition of TsDF and alloantigen. Thus, MLR-Ts activation to TsF release requires the sequential events of specific alloantigen binding, which induces a TsDF-responsive state, followed by interaction with TsDF. The transience of induced TsDF responsiveness suggests a precise mechanism for control of antigen-initiated Ts activation to effector function.  相似文献   

Adhesion of lymphocytes to vascular endothelium is the first event in the passage of lymphocytes into a chronic inflammatory reaction. To investigate molecular mechanisms of T-EC adhesion, monoclonal antibodies (Mab) against T cell surface antigens have been tested for inhibition of binding. Baseline and phorbol ester-stimulated adhesion were strongly inhibited by either Mab 60.3 (reactive with the beta-chain of the LFA-1, OKM1, and p150,95 molecules) or by Mab TS 1/22 (specific for the alpha-chain of LFA-1). Although the increased binding of phorbol ester-stimulated lymphocytes was inhibited by anti-LFA-1 antibody, there was no increased expression of LFA-1 on phorbol ester-stimulated T cells, as determined by FACS analysis. Maximal inhibition of unstimulated and phorbol ester-stimulated T-EC adhesion was seen at Mab concentrations of 1 microgram/ml. In contrast, LPS- and IL 1-enhanced T-EC adhesion were only weakly inhibited by these antibodies. Mab 60.3 and TS 1/22 did not stain either unstimulated EC or LPS- or IL 1-stimulated EC, as measured by FACS analysis; moreover, preincubation of EC alone with these antibodies did not lead to inhibition of T-EC binding. Adhesion was not affected by Mab against the sheep erythrocyte receptor (LFA-2), a nonpolymorphic HLA class 1 framework antigen, or against LFA-3, the alpha-chain of OKM1, or the alpha-chain of p150,95. These results suggest that the mechanism of binding of lymphocytes to unstimulated endothelium differs from that to stimulated endothelium. LFA-1 appears to be an important adhesion-related molecule for binding to unstimulated endothelium. However, the increased lymphocyte adhesion to IL 1- or LPS-stimulated EC observed in these experiments appears to be relatively independent of LFA-1. The increased adhesion to stimulated EC could be due either to an increase in the avidity or the density of the EC receptor molecules ordinarily involved in unstimulated T-EC binding or to the formation of alternative receptors on the stimulated EC that are not present on unstimulated cells.  相似文献   

The capacity of mAb directed at the CD3 molecular complex (64.1) to induce T cell-dependent B cell proliferation and differentiation was examined. Coculture of B cells with mitomycin C-treated T4 cells (T4 mito) stimulated by immobilized 64.1 resulted in marked B cell proliferation and Ig-secreting cells (ISC) generation in the absence of any additional stimulation. The magnitude of the B cell responses induced by immobilized 64.1-stimulated T4 mito was far greater than that induced by other stimuli, such as Staphylococcus aureus plus factors produced by mitogen-activated T cells, PWM, or soluble 64.1. The induction of maximal B cell responsiveness required direct contact between activated T cells and responding B cells. Of note, immobilized 64.1 also induced B cell proliferation and ISC generation in the presence of mitomycin C-treated T8 cells. By contrast, immobilized 64.1 stimulated T4 or T8 cells that had not been treated with mitomycin C induced very modest ISC generation and suppressed B cell responses supported by T4 mito even in the presence of exogenous IL-2 or factors produced by mitogen-activated T cells. The interactions between T and B cells in these cultures not only induced B cell responses, but also enhanced the production of IL-2 by activated T cells. Increased IL-2 production was facilitated when culture conditions afforded the opportunity for contact between B cells and activated T cells. These results indicate that the establishment of interactions between B cells and anti-CD3-stimulated T4 or T8 cells provides all of the signals necessary for proliferation and differentiation of B cells without other stimuli and also augments the production of lymphokines by the activated T cells. The data emphasize the role of Ag-nonspecific interactions between B cells and T cells in promoting polyclonal responses of both cell types.  相似文献   

The requirements for activation of human peripheral blood T cells by the mitogenic monoclonal antibody OKT3 were examined. OKT3 binds to a T cell molecule, T3, associated with the T cell antigen receptor and involved in T cell activation. Activation of T cells by OKT3 requires signals provided by accessory cells and is IL 2 dependent. In the presence of accessory cells, OKT3 induces loss of T3 molecules from the cell surface, production of IL 2, expression of IL 2 receptors, and proliferation. Modulation of T3 molecules by OKT3 can be induced in the absence of accessory cells with anti-mouse IgG. These T cells, however, are not induced to express IL 2 receptors or secrete IL 2. The addition of IL 1 induces expression of IL 2 receptors, but does not induce IL 2 secretion or proliferation. Thus, peripheral blood T cells appear to have different requirements for activation compared with antigen-specific T cell clones that can be induced to produce IL 2 when stimulated with OKT3 and IL 1. Expression of IL 2 receptors does not require modulation of T3 molecules, because the binding of OKT3 to T cells in the presence of IL 1 alone is sufficient to induce IL 2 receptor expression. The results suggest that IL 2 secretion depends on cross-linking and modulation of T3 molecules, and additional, as yet undefined, accessory cell signals. The expression of IL 2 receptors and proliferation of T cells can be induced in the absence of these signals when exogenous IL 2 is provided.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation of epithelial tissue in organ cultures of murine buccal mucosa, various human oral mucosa, and human newborn foreskin was found to be dependent on the calcium concentration of the culture media. In low calcium medium (≤0.07 mM) epithelial differentiation was inhibited. The original stratifying layers separate and can be removed, producing a destratified explant. Histologically such an explant consits of a dorsal epithelial layer of basal keratinocytes resting on an intact basal lamina with subjacent stroma. At 0.01 mM calcium, the epithelial layer was one to two cells thick whereas at 0.07 mM it could be three or more layers in thickness with the most superficial cells being spread over the underlying cells. In addition to differentiation, keratinocyte migration over the sides of the explant (epiboly) and epithelial proliferation as determined by [3H]thymidine autoradiography were reduced by culture in low calcium medium. Redifferentiation occurs upon return to normal calcium levels (1.8 mM); addition of hydrocortisone to low calcium media was found to facilitate this redifferentiation. This investigation was supported by NIH Grant CA29255 from the National Cancer Institute, PHS/DHHS, and by NIH Grant RR01219 supporting the New York State High-Voltage Electron Microscope as a National Biotechnology Resource, awarded by the Division of Research Resources, PHS/DHHS.  相似文献   

Recombinant mouse interleukin 4/BSF-1 (rIL4/BSF-1) together with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) promotes growth of one out of approximately four intrathymic T cell precursors from fetal mice (14-15 days gestation). This response is not inhibited by even high concentrations of monoclonal antibody against the receptor for interleukin 2. Fetal thymocytes activated by rIL4/BSF-1 plus PMA give rise to cytolytic T cells after 7-21 days of culture. All the proliferating cells are Thy1+, some of them express Lyt2 but none has detectable L3T4 T cell differentiation antigens nor T cell antigen receptor (F23.1) on the cell membrane as assessed by immunofluorescence staining and flow fluorocytometry analysis. It is concluded that rIL4/BSF-1 exerts both growth and differentiation activities on normal intrathymic T cell precursors. The results provide evidence for an alternative growth factor to interleukin 2 involved in proliferation of T cell precursors. These findings open new and direct ways of studying cellular and molecular events during the differentiation of normal intrathymic T cell precursors in vitro and extend the spectrum of target cells for IL4/BSF-1.  相似文献   

The expression of T cell receptor beta chain in the developing thymus was examined at the light and electron microscopic levels using the monoclonal antibody F23.1. Cells expressing cytoplasmic forms of beta chain were first observed at Day 16 of gestation, while thymocytes expressing cell surface beta chain were detected about a day later. Clustering of cortical F23.1+ cells was more pronounced in fetal thymus when compared to adult. The density of F23.1+ cells in the subcapsular areas of the thymus was initially lower than that in the rest of the cortex or the medulla. Within the subcapsular and cortical areas of the thymus there was an inverse relationship between the density of F23.1+ cells and cells labeled with the lectin from Dolichos bifloris, which binds to terminal alpha-linked N-acetylgalactosamine residues preferentially expressed by L3T4-/Lyt2- thymocytes. Although this pattern was less pronounced with increasing gestational age, it was still apparent at birth.  相似文献   

Proliferation of normal (not immunized intentionally) murine spleen cells was elicited with concanavalin A, supernatant fluid from cultures of EL-4 cells, human recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2), or a mixture of phorbol ester and calcium ionophore A23187. IL-2-induced proliferation was inhibited by membrane-permeable dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) or by the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin. Consistent with these observations was the finding that stimulation with IL-2 decreased and forskolin increased the intracellular content of cAMP. IL-2-induced proliferation, as well as that induced by concanavalin A or phorbol-ionophore mixture, was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific for L3T4 or Lyt-2 cell surface markers. This inhibition was observed even when antibodies were added several hours after exposure of cells to IL-2. Notably, antibodies did not alter the intracellular content of cAMP. Thus, the experimental data failed to establish a functional linkage between the inhibitory effect of antibodies and the regulatory effect of the adenylate cyclase system. However, our results provide a rational basis for the postulation that antibodies, upon binding to their corresponding ligands, generate a negative signal that interferes with IL-2-induced proliferation. Therefore, L3T4 and Lyt-2 molecules appear to play an important role in the regulation of lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

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