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Reaginic antibodies to DNP and ovalbumin (OA) were induced in B6D2F1 mice by a single i.p. injection of 1 microgram of DNP3-OA suspended with 1 mg of A1(OH)3 in 0.5 ml of saline. The anti-DNP reaginic antibody titers were markedly depressed by treatment of mice with DNP-coated liposomes. This treatment, however, did not affect the level of antibody formation to OA.  相似文献   

Rats pretreated with 10 mg soluble sheep gamma globulin (soluble SGG or SGGSo) showed a marked reduction in IgE anti-TNP antibody upon challenge with TNP-SGG in alum. This effect was found to be carrier-specific since SGGSo tolerant rats gave normal IgE anti-TNP responses when challenged with TNP-KLH. Carrier tolerance persisted when a secondary challenge with TNP-SGG was given. The degree of tolerance induction was shown to be tolerogen dose-dependent. As expected, IgE anti-SGG responses were also reduced in this system by pretreatment with SGGSo. These results indicate that carrier-specific helper cells for IgE antibody responses can be rendered functionally unresponsive. However, in contrast to the long duration of carrier-specific tolerance for IgM and IgG responses, IgE tolerance in this system appeared to be only short-lived. This difference suggests that IgE helper and/or suppressor T cells may represent a separate subclass from those involved in IgM and IgG responses.  相似文献   

From the study of the effect of epitope density on the immunogenicity of haptenated ovalbumin (DNP-OA) it was concluded that the lightly haptenated conjugate, DNP0-5-OA, induced, on the one hand, only low titers of anti-DNP hemagglutinating antibody and no reaginic antibodies to the hapten and, on the other, high reaginic and high hemagglutinating antibody responses to the carrier. The conjugate with a slightly higher degree of haptenation, i.e., DNP2.3-OA, induced both reaginic and hemagglutinating antibodies to both the hapten and the carrier. By contrast, the heavily haptenated conjugate, DNP20-OA, elicited reaginic and hemagglutinating antibodies only against the hapten but not against the carrier. Specific suppression of anti-hapten reaginic antibody formation had been achieved by treatment of mice with a tolerogen consisting of the hapten (DNP) conjugated covalently to isologous gamma globulins (MgammaG). The epitope density of the DNPx-MgammaG conjugates was shown to play a dominant role in determining whether or not the conjugate was tolerogenic. Thus, lightly haptenated conjugates (DNP0.5-MgammaG, DNP1.3-MgammaG or DNP1.9-MgammaG) were not tolerogenic, moderately haptenated conjugates (DNP4.2-MgammaG, DNP8-MgammaG, and DNP 14-MgammaG) were tolerogenic, and heavily haptenated conjugates (DNP32-MgammaG and DNP53-MgammaG) were immunogenic, being capable of priming the recipients for the DNP hapten. Further evidence for the nonimmunogenicity of DNP 8-MgammaG conjugate was inferred from its rate of clearance in tolerized and normal mice. Thus, the half-life of 125I-labeled DNP8-MgammaG in circulation was not significantly different for normal and tolerized mice; it was 3.7 and 3.5 days, respectively, which is within the range of data reported for clearance of normal MgammaG. These results suggest that DNP8-MgammaG was catabolized at a rate similar to that of nonconjugated, isologous MgammaG. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the localization of DNP8-MgammaG in identical difference in the localization of DNP8-MgammaG in identical organs (spleen, thymus, kidney, and liver) of normal and tolerized mice. All the multivalent DNPx-MgammaG conjugates were shown to be able to elicit passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) reaction on i.v. challenge of rats which had been pre-sensitized i.d. with anti-DNP reaginic antibodies.  相似文献   

Reaginic antibodies to the benzylpenicilloyl determinant (BPO) and ovalbumin (OA) were induced readily in B6D2F1 mice by a single i.p. injection of either 1 or 10 mug of BPO4-OA suspended with 1 mg of Al(OH)3 in 0.5 ml of saline. Administration of conjugates consisting of the hapten coupled to the isologous, nonimmunogenic murine gamma-globulins (MgammaG), i.e., BPO9-MgammaG, BPO11-MgammaG, or BPO12-MgammaG, resulted in complete and specific suppression of the induction of the anti-BPO reaginic antibody response without affecting, however, the level of reaginic antibodies to OA. Further study of the effect of epitope density on the immunologic properties of BPOX-MgammaG revealed that a) the lightly haptenated conjugated, BPO1-MgammaG and BPO2.9-MgammaG, were not immunosuppressive, b) the conjugates, BPO4.3-MgammaG and BPO19-MgammaG, were partially tolerogenic, and c) the heavily haptenated conjugate, BPO31-MgammaG, was nontolerogenic. Moreover, most importantly, the ongoing anti-BPO response in sensitized mice was readily abrogated by either four daily or four weekly injections of BPO9-MgammaG. The immunosuppressive effect of BPO12-MgammaG conjugates was dose dependent, complete suppression being achieved with 200 mug of the tolerogen. The unresponsiveness to BPO of spleen cells from immunosuppressed donors was also maintained in adoptive cell transfer experiments in spite of the additional administration of the immunizing antigen under conditions expected to yield a secondary IgE response. Hence, it is suggested that, with special precautions to prevent unleashing an anaphylactic shock, treatment of penicillin-sensitive individuals with polyvalent conjugates of an appropriate number of BPO groups per human gamma-globulin molecule would constitute a rational immunotherapeutic procedure for the abrogation of the allergic response to BPO.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides.   总被引:61,自引:44,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
We have recently shown that phosphorothioate (PS) oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) analogs, unlike their normal congeners, exhibit significant anti-HIV activity (Matsukura et al., (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 7706-7710). We now report the syntheses, melting temperatures (Tm), and nuclease susceptibilities of a series of phosphorothioate ODN analogs. These include all-PS duplexes, duplexes with one normal chain and the other chain either all-PS, or end-capped with several PS groups at both 3' and 5' ends. The DNase susceptibilities of the S-ODNs are much less than the normal phosphodiesters, but by contrast duplexes of poly-rA with S-dT40 are much more susceptible to RNase H digestion. The Tm's for AT base pairs of S-ODNs are significantly depressed relative to normals, while GC base pairs show much less Tm depression. The Tm's of S-dT oligomers with poly-rA are reduced relative to the duplexes with normal dA oligomers. These results have significance for the biological properties of these analogs as anti-message inhibitors of gene expression, and provide a rational basis for the S-dC/G sequences as potential effective anti-AIDS agents.  相似文献   

The physicochemical, catalytic, and antiproliferative activity of a recombinant L-asparaginase from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (YpA) have been studied. The following results were obtained: the K M value for L-asparagine is 17 ± 0.9 ??M, the optimal temperature is 60°C, pH is 8.0, pI is 5.4 ± 0.3, the L-glutaminase activity is no more than 5?C6% of the L-asparaginase activity, and the antiproliferative activity on the Fisher L5178y lymphadenosis cell line comprised T/C = 136% (p < 0.001) at a 15% recovery rate. The described characteristic allows one to regard YpA as an antitumor enzyme with biological features similar to the L-asparaginase of E. coli.  相似文献   

By inducing carrier-specific tolerance to sheep γ-globulin (SGG) in rats challenged with TNP-SGG in alum, it has been possible to study the effect of helper T-cell Unresponsiveness on IgE anti-TNP antibody formation. Rats primed to either the carrier (SGG) or the hapten (TNP as TNP-KLH) were treated with a single high dose (10 mg) of soluble SGG resulting in a suppression of both IgE anti-TNP and anti-SGG antibody which was maintained following a normally immunogenic secondary challenge with TNP-SGG in alum. This suppression was relatively long lasting, with no detectable IgE responsiveness to hapten or carrier observed for up to 8 weeks after tolerance induction. Suppressed animals were able to respond to the hapten when challenged with TNP-KLH, indicating that the induced effect did not directly involve the IgE antibody producing cells, but rather the carrier-specific helper cells. These results parallel our previous findings for IgM and IgG responses in a similar system. Such relatively long lasting and easily induced suppression in IgE antibody formation to specific protein antigens in primed animals may eventually provide a clinically useful means of allergic desensitization to large protein allergens.  相似文献   

Dual-radiolabelled avian tracheal secretions were obtained by giving Na235SO4 and D-[1-3H]glucosamine simultaneously into the lumen of the trachea in preparations in vitro. These secretions comprised fibrillar, gelatinous and soluble-phase mucins. These were eluted as single components in the non-retarded fractions from Bio-Gel A-15m. Although no evidence of the presence of subunit structure was found, chemical and radiolabelling analyses showed a high degree of internal inhomogeneity among the three types of mucins. The differences among these mucins could be attributed to the chemical nature of their constituent glycoproteins. Glycoprotein fractions separated by ion-exchange chromatography were found to contain sulphate and N-acetylneuraminic acid residues in differing amounts. The overall acidic properties appeared to be correlated with ester sulphate content. A close similarity in the carbohydrate composition and a reciprocal relationship between the total ester sulphate residue contents and 35S- and 3H-labelling suggested that, in addition to stepwise glycosylation and sulphation, some pre-existing sulphated oligosaccharides might have been utilized for the synthesis of acidic glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The physiochemical properties of pyocin F1 were studied. Pyocin F1 consists of flexuous rod-like particles homogenous in size. Each particle was composed of rod and fiber parts. The rod part was 105.5 +/- 9.5 nm long and 10.0 +/- 1.4 nm wide, and showed regular striations amounting to 23 layers. The fiber part was composed of several filaments; the length of the longest filament was 43.0 +/- 12.0 nm. The amino acid composition, the partial specific volume (0.720 ml/g), the sedimentation coefficient (S020,W = 35.1S), and the translational diffusion constant (0.94 +/- 0.01 x 10(-7) cm2/s) were determined. The particle weight was calculated to be 3.23 x 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   

The erythrocruorin from the snail Planorbis corneus had a sedimentation coefficient, so/20,w, of 33.5 +/- 0.31 S, and a molecular weight of 1.65 x 10(6) +/- 0.04 x 10(6) by high-speed sedimentation-equilibrium ultracentrifugation. The amino acid composition and absorption spectrum of the protein are reported. A very low number of half-cystine residues was found, corresponding to 0.4 residue per haem group. The haem content was 2.76 +/- 0.22%, corresponding to a protein molecular weight of about 22300. Under both acid and alkaline conditions partial dissociation took place to yield mixtures of products that could not be identified. A subunit corresponding to that containing one haem group was not obtained under any of the dossociating conditions tried. Electron microscopy revealed a ring-shaped molecule about 12.2 +/- 0.5 nm in diameter. The native erythrocruorin bound O2 co-operatively, the intermediate value of h in Hill plots having values between 1.7 and 3.4 depending on the conditions.  相似文献   

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