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We isolated a novel sporulation-deficient mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The mutant did not have a mitotic growth defect but aborted meiosis at the first or the second division with condensed chromosomes that failed to separate, abnormal spindle(s), and disintegrated spindle pole bodies (SPBs). During the first division, the centromeres were pulled to near the spindle poles but condensed divalent chromosomes remained at the center. The failure to proceed to anaphase was also observed during a time-lapse recording of a SPB protein tagged with green fluorescent protein. The polyubiquitin gene ubi4(+), which encoded eight ubiquitins fused in tandem, complemented this mutant. The mutation, an A to G substitution, was identified within the ubi4(+) gene at the ATG initiation codon. Disruption of the ubi4(+) gene produced the same phenotypes. The ubi4(+) mRNA was strongly induced for meiosis. However, ubiquitin increases only slightly, suggesting that the role of the polyubiquitin gene is to supply ubiquitin that is consumed by unidentified mechanisms. Before the ubi4 mutant cells entered meiosis, ubiquitin was greatly decreased indicating that shortage of ubiquitin caused abortion of meiosis. This work provides insights for the role of polyubiquitin gene and importance of ubiquitination in SPB integrity at the meiotic divisions.  相似文献   

Tanaka Y  Okuzaki D  Yabuta N  Yoneki T  Nojima H 《FEBS letters》2000,472(2-3):254-258
The rad24(+) gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe encodes a ubiquitously expressed 14-3-3 protein. We report here that Deltarad24 cells displayed a defect in diploid colony formation, although they conjugated efficiently. We found that a cumulative deletion of mei2(+) gene almost completely suppressed this defect, and demonstrated using two-hybrid analysis that Rad24 protein directly associates with Mei2 protein by recognizing Ser-438 which is a phosphorylation target of Pat1 kinase. We conclude that constitutive progression to meiosis, caused by lack of Mei2 inhibition due to the absence of Rad24 protein, is the primary cause of the proliferative deficiency observed in Deltarad24 cells.  相似文献   

The p50 subunit of NF-kappaB is generated by limited processing of the precursor p105. IkappaB kinase-mediated phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of p105 recruits the SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase, resulting in rapid ubiquitination and subsequent processing/degradation of p105. NEDD8 is known to activate SCF ligases following modification of their cullin component. Here we show that NEDDylation is required for conjugation and processing of p105 by SCF(beta-TrCP) following phosphorylation of the molecule. In a crude extract, a dominant negative E2 enzyme, UBC12, inhibits both conjugation and processing of p105, and inhibition is alleviated by an excess of WT- UBC12. In a reconstituted cell-free system, ubiquitination of p105 was stimulated only in the presence of all three components of the NEDD8 pathway, E1, E2, and NEDD8. A Cul-1 mutant that cannot be NEDDylated could not stimulate ubiquitination and processing of p105. Similar findings were observed also in cells. It should be noted that NEDDylation is required only for the stimulated but not for basal processing of p105. Although the mechanisms that underlie processing of p105 are largely obscure, it is clear that NEDDylation and the coordinated activity of SCF(beta-TrCP) on both p105 and IkappaBalpha serve as an important regulatory mechanism controlling NF-kappaB activity.  相似文献   

NEDD8/Rub1 is a ubiquitin (Ub)-like post-translational modifier that is covalently linked to cullin (Cul)-family proteins in a manner analogous to ubiquitylation. NEDD8 is known to enhance the ubiquitylating activity of the SCF complex (composed of Skp1, Cul-1, ROC1 and F-box protein), but the mechanistic role is largely unknown. Using an in vitro reconstituted system, we report here that NEDD8 modification of Cul-1 enhances recruitment of Ub-conjugating enzyme Ubc4 (E2) to the SCF complex (E3). This recruitment requires thioester linkage of Ub to Ubc4. Our findings indicate that the NEDD8-modifying system accelerates the formation of the E2-E3 complex, which stimulates protein polyubiquitylation.  相似文献   

NEDD8/Rub1 is a ubiquitin (Ub)-like molecule that covalently ligates to target proteins through an enzymatic cascade analogous to ubiquitylation. This modifier is known to target all cullin (Cul) family proteins. The latter are essential components of Skp1/Cul-1/F-box protein (SCF)-like Ub ligase complexes, which play critical roles in Ub-mediated proteolysis. To determine the role of the NEDD8 system in mammals, we generated mice deficient in Uba3 gene that encodes a catalytic subunit of NEDD8-activating enzyme. Uba3(-/-) mice died in utero at the periimplantation stage. Mutant embryos showed selective apoptosis of the inner cell mass but not of trophoblastic cells. However, the mutant trophoblastic cells could not enter the S phase of the endoreduplication cycle. This cell cycle arrest was accompanied with aberrant expression of cyclin E and p57(Kip2). These results suggested that the NEDD8 system is essential for both mitotic and the endoreduplicative cell cycle progression. beta-Catenin, a mediator of the Wnt/wingless signaling pathway, which degrades continuously in the cytoplasm through SCF Ub ligase, was also accumulated in the Uba3(-/-) cytoplasm and nucleus. Thus, the NEDD8 system is essential for the regulation of protein degradation pathways involved in cell cycle progression and morphogenesis, possibly through the function of the Cul family proteins.  相似文献   

The telomere bouquet, i.e., telomere clustering on the nuclear envelope (NE) during meiotic prophase, is thought to promote homologous chromosome pairing. Using a visual screen, we identified bqt2/im295, a mutant that disrupts telomere clustering in fission yeast. Bqt2p is required for linking telomeres to the meiotic spindle pole body (SPB) but not for attachment of telomeres or the SPB to the NE. Bqt2p is expressed upon pheromone sensing and colocalizes thereafter to Sad1p, an SPB protein. This localization only depends on Bqt1p, not on other identified proteins required for telomere clustering. Upon pheromone sensing, generation of Sad1p foci next to telomeres depends on Bqt2p. However, depletion of Bqt2p from the SPB is dispensable for dissolving the telomere bouquet at the end of meiotic prophase. Therefore, telomere bouquet formation requires Bqt2p as a linking component and is finely regulated during meiotic progression.  相似文献   

We have isolated Glel homologue (named as spglel) as a partial multicopy suppressor of the synthetic lethality of rael-167 elfl-21 in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The spglel is also able to complement partially temperature-sensitive phenotype of rael-167 only at a lower restrictive temperature. The spglel gene contains one intron and encodes a 480 amino-acid protein with predicted molecular weight of 56.2 kDa. We showed that spglel gene is essential for vegetative growth and functional Glel-GFP protein is localized mainly in NPC. The accumulation of poly(A)(+) RNA in the nucleus is exhibited when expression of spglel is repressed or over-expressed. These results suggest that the spGle1 protein is also involved in mRNA export in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cohesion in meiosis is established by cohesin complexes, including the Rec8 subunit. During meiosis I, sister chromatid cohesion is destroyed along the chromosome arms to release connections of recombined homologous chromosomes (homologues), whereas centromeric cohesion persists until it is finally destroyed at anaphase II. In fission yeast, as in mammals, distinct cohesin complexes are used depending on the chromosomal region; Rec8 forms a complex with Rec11 (equivalent to SA3) mainly along chromosome arms, while Psc3 (equivalent to SA1 and SA2) forms a complex mainly in the vicinity of the centromeres. Here we show that separase activation and resultant Rec8 cleavage are required for meiotic chromosome segregation in fission yeast. A non-cleavable form of Rec8 blocks disjunction of homologues at meiosis I. However, displacing non-cleavable Rec8 restrictively from the chromosome arm by genetically depleting Rec11 alleviated the blockage of homologue segregation, but not of sister segregation. We propose that the segregation of homologues at meiosis I and of sisters at meiosis II requires the cleavage of Rec8 along chromosome arms and at the centromeres, respectively.  相似文献   

Signal recognition particle (SRP) is a cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein required for targeting a subset of presecretory proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Here we report the results of a series of experiments to define the function of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homolog of the 54-kDa subunit of mammalian SRP. One-step gene disruption reveals that the Srp54 protein, like SRP RNA, is essential for viability in S. pombe. Precursor to the secretory protein acid phosphatase accumulates in cells in which Srp54 synthesis has been repressed under the control of a regulated promoter, indicating that S. pombe SRP functions in protein targeting. In common with other Srp54 homologs, the S. pombe protein has a modular structure consisting of an amino-terminal G (GTPase) domain and a carboxyl-terminal M (methionine-rich) domain. We have analyzed the effects of 17 site-specific mutations designed to alter the function of each of the four GTPase consensus motifs individually. Several alleles, including some with relatively conservative amino acid substitutions, confer lethal or conditional phenotypes, indicating that GTP binding and hydrolysis are critical to the in vivo role of the protein. Two mutations (R to L at position 194 [R194L] and R194H) which were designed, by analogy to oncogenic mutations in rats, to dramatically decrease the catalytic rate and one (T248N) predicted to alter nucleotide binding specificity produce proteins that are unable to support growth at 18 degrees C. Consistent with its design, the R194L mutant hydrolyzes GTP at a reduced rate relative to wild-type Srp54 in enzymatic assays on immunoprecipitated proteins. In strains that also contain wild-type srp54, this mutant protein, as well as others designed to be locked in a GTP-bound conformation, exhibits temperature-dependent dominant inhibitory effects on growth, while a mutant predicted to be GDP locked does not interfere with the function of the wild-type protein. These results form the basis of a simple model for the role of GTP hydrolysis by Srp54 during the SRP cycle.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme designated UbcP4 in fission yeast was isolated. Disruption of its genomic gene revealed that it was essential for cell viability. In vivo depletion of the UbcP4 protein demonstrated that it was necessary for cell cycle progression at two phases, G2/M and metaphase/anaphase transitions. The G2 arrest of UbcP4-depleted cells was dependent upon chk1, which mediates checkpoint pathway. UbcP4-depleted cells arrested at metaphase had condensed chromosomes but were defective in separation. However, septum formation and cytokinesis were not restrained during the metaphase arrest. Overexpression of UbcP4 specifically rescued the growth defect of cut9ts cells at a restrictive temperature. cut9 encodes a component of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) which is required for chromosome segregation at anaphase and moreover is defined as cyclin-specific ubiquitin ligase. Cdc13, a mitotic cyclin in fission yeast, was accumulated in the UbcP4-depleted cells. These results strongly suggested that UbcP4 is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme working in conjunction with APC and mediates the ubiquitin pathway for degradation of "sister chromatid holding protein(s)" at the onset of anaphase and possibly of mitotic cyclin at the exit of mitosis.  相似文献   

The proper folding of tubulins and their incorporation into microtubules consist of a series of reactions, in which evolutionarily conserved proteins, cofactors A to E, play a vital role. We have cloned a fission yeast gene (alp41(+)) which encodes a highly conserved small GTP-binding protein homologous to budding yeast CIN4 and human ARF-like Arl2. alp41(+) is essential, disruption of which results in microtubule dysfunction and growth polarity defects. Genetic analysis indicates that Alp41 plays a crucial role in the cofactor-dependent pathway, in which it functions upstream of the cofactor D homologue Alp1(D) and possibly in concert with Alp21(E).  相似文献   

By mutating the target residue of covalent flavinylation in vanillyl-alcohol oxidase, the functional role of the histidyl-FAD bond was studied. Three His(422) mutants (H422A, H422T, and H422C) were purified, which all contained tightly but noncovalently bound FAD. Steady state kinetics revealed that the mutants have retained enzyme activity, although the turnover rates have decreased by 1 order of magnitude. Stopped-flow analysis showed that the H422A mutant is still able to form a stable binary complex of reduced enzyme and a quinone methide product intermediate, a crucial step during vanillyl-alcohol oxidase-mediated catalysis. The only significant change in the catalytic cycle of the H422A mutant is a marked decrease in reduction rate. Redox potentials of both wild type and H422A vanillyl-alcohol oxidase have been determined. During reduction of H422A, a large portion of the neutral flavin semiquinone is observed. Using suitable reference dyes, the redox potentials for the two one-electron couples have been determined: -17 and -113 mV. Reduction of wild type enzyme did not result in any formation of flavin semiquinone and revealed a remarkably high redox potential of +55 mV. The marked decrease in redox potential caused by the missing covalent histidyl-FAD bond is reflected in the reduced rate of substrate-mediated flavin reduction limiting the turnover rate. Elucidation of the crystal structure of the H422A mutant established that deletion of the histidyl-FAD bond did not result in any significant structural changes. These results clearly indicate that covalent interaction of the isoalloxazine ring with the protein moiety can markedly increase the redox potential of the flavin cofactor, thereby facilitating redox catalysis. Thus, formation of a histidyl-FAD bond in specific flavoenzymes might have evolved as a way to contribute to the enhancement of their oxidative power.  相似文献   

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