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A long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase from rat liver microsomes has been purified by solvent extraction and gel chromatography to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme was a monomer of molecular weight 59 000. In a sucrose gradient it sedimented at 4.3 S. The isoelectric point, pI was 6.9, and the Stokes radius was approx. 31 A. The enzyme hydrolyzed long-chain fatty acyl-CoA (C7--C18) with maximum activity for palmitoyl-CoA. Bovine serum albumin activation of the enzyme was related to the ratio acyl-CoA/bovine serum albumin, and at high ratios, acyl-CoA inhibited the enzyme activity. Disregarding the substrate inhibition, an apparent Km of 65 nmol/mg protein or 1-10(-7) M and a V of 750 nmol/mg protein per min were calculated. The enzyme was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide. Reactivation by means of dithiothreitol was not complete.  相似文献   

The activity of long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase in rat liver was increased by the administration of peroxisome proliferators, such as ethyl p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate or acetylsalicylic acid. The induced activity was mainly confined in the soluble fluid after the subcellular fractionation. The enzyme was purified nearly to homogeneity from livers of rats treated with di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate. The specific activity of the final preparation was 247 mumol palmitoyl-CoA hydrolyzed min-1 mg protein-1. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was estimated to be 150 000 by gel filtration and that of the subunits was 41 000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The activity of the enzyme was not increased but inhibited by bovine serum albumin or Triton X-100. The molecular and catalytic properties of the enzyme suggest that the induced enzyme was different from mitochondrial and microsomal long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolyses in liver.  相似文献   

The present study has confirmed previous findings of long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase activities in the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions of the normal rat liver. In addition, experimental evidence is presented in support of a peroxisomal localization of long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase activity. (a) Analytical differential centrifugation of homogenates from normal rat liver revealed that this activity (using palmitoyl-CoA as the substrate) was also present in a population of particles with an average sedimentation coefficient of 6740 S, characteristic of peroxisomal marker enzymes. (b) The subcellular distribution of the hydrolase activity was greatly affected by administration of the peroxisomal proliferators clofibrate and tiadenol. The specific activity was enhanced in the mitochondrial fraction and in a population of particles with an average sedimentation coefficient of 4400 S, characteristic of peroxisomal marker enzymes. Three populations of particles containing lysosomal marker enzymes were found by analytical differential centrifugation, both in normal and clofibrate-treated rats. Our data do not support the proposal that palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase and acid phosphatase belong to the same subcellular particles. In livers from rats treated with peroxisomal proliferators, the specific activity of palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase was also enhanced in the particle-free supernatant. Evidence is presented that this activity at least in part, is related to the peroxisomal proliferation.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase (EC has been purified 12,000-fold from bovine heart muscle microsomes by extraction with Miranol detergent, followed by column chromatography on Reactive Blue agarose and DEAE-cellulose. The purified enzyme was nearly homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had a molecular weight of 41,000 in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The specificity and kinetic properties of the enzyme were studied using several acyl-CoA derivatives as potential substrates. The enzyme showed a wide degree of specificity with little dependence on either the fatty acyl chain length or the degree of unsaturation of the acyl group. The kinetic properties were in accord with the Michaelis-Menten equation under most conditions, although high concentrations of substrates generally inhibited the enzyme. Arachidonoyl-CoA, which was the most effective substrate, had a Km value of 0.4 microM and a Vmax value of 6.0 mumol min-1 mg-1. The enzyme was strongly and specifically inhibited by constants of 16 and 30 nM, respectively. Other lysolipids and detergents such as deoxycholate and Triton X-100 were weak inhibitors. These properties and others distinguish this enzyme from other acyl-CoA hydrolases and support the idea that lysophospholipids may be important in vivo in the regulation of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

1. Fat feeding (soybean oil or erucic acid-rich rape-seed oil) enhance after 2 to 7 days the palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity in the heart of weanling rats in a degree dependent on the content of fat in the diet. 2. The rise in enzyme activity between the 7th and 14th day of feeding, observed only in rats fed on rape-seed oil, coincides with the decrease in lipid infiltration in the heart. 3. The obtained results suggest that palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase may control in the heart the amount of acyl-CoA thioesters in the cell, thus decreasing the lipidosis induced by eurcic acid.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase (EC has been purified 12,000-fold from bovine heart muscle microsomes by extraction with Miranol detergent, followed by column chromatography on Reactive Blue agarose and DEAE-cellulose. The purified enzyme was nearly homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had a molecular weight of 41,000 in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The specificity and kinetic properties of the enzyme were studied using several acyl-CoA derivatives as potential substrates. The enzyme showed a wide degree of specificity with little dependence on either the fatty acyl chain length or the degree of unsaturation of the acyl group. The kinetic properties were in accord with the Michaelis-Menten equation under most conditions, although high concentrations of substrates generally inhibited the enzyme. Arachidonoyl-CoA, which was the most effective substrate, had a Km value of 0.4 μm and a Vmax value of 6.0 μmol min−1 mg−1. The enzyme was strongly and specifically inhibited by lysophosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylinositol with kinetic inhibition constants of 16 and 30 nm, respectively. Other lysolipids and detergents such as deoxycholate and Triton X-100 were weak inhibitors. These properties and others distinguish this enzyme from other acyl-CoA hydrolases and support the idea that lysophospholipids may be important in vivo in the regulation of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase (EC has been partially purified from the 100,000 × g supernatant fraction of rat brain tissue. The purification procedure included chromatography on gel filtration media, DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulose, and hydroxyapatite. The partially purified enzyme had a specific activity of 7.1 mol/min-mg, and when analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, revealed one major and three minor bands of protein in the presence of dodecyl sulfate and two major bands of protein in the absence of dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 65,000 and showed no evidence of aggregated or dissociated forms. The highest catalytic activity was exhibited with palmitoyl-CoA and oleoyl-CoA as substrates. Lower activity was found with decanoyl-CoA as the substrate and little or no activity was found with acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, butyryl-CoA, or acetoacetyl-CoA. The enzyme was inhibited by CoA, various metal ions, including Mn2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, and by bovine serum albumin. Heating the enzyme produced a loss of activity which corresponded to a first-order kinetic process, the rate of which was independent of the choice of substrate used to measure enzyme activity. This finding supports the idea that the purification procedure yields a single species of long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase.  相似文献   

A long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase, BACH, is markedly distributed in the brain and localized in neurons. However, the physiological significance of BACH is unclear. To study the gene function, we expressed the mouse BACH gene in C3H 10T1/2 fibroblastic cells using a mifepristone (RU486)-inducible gene expression system. A cell clone, 10T-S6/44, was generated by stable transfection of two plasmids encoding a mifepristone-dependent transactivator and an inducible transgene product, BACH with a C-terminal MYC-tag (BACH-MYC). The transgene expression in the 10T-S6/44 cells was tightly regulated by mifepristone. Induction of BACH-MYC and an increase in palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity were observed in the cells treated with 3 × 10–11 M mifepristone and reached maximal levels at a concentration of 1 × 10–9 M for 48 h. The growth rate of cells showing the maximal induction of BACH-MYC was reduced, whereas phospholipid synthesis was unchanged. These results suggested that BACH affects specific cellular systems and functions, but not all acyl-CoA-utilizing processes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of the microsomal oxidative desaturase in defining the aberrant phosphoglyceride fatty acid composition of hepatomas. The microsomal delta 9-stearoyl-CoA, delta 6-oleoyl(linolenoyl)-CoA, and delta 5-eicosatrienoyl-CA desaturase activities were studied in control and host liver and in the poorly differentiated Morris 7777 hepatoma. The delta 9-stearoyl-CoA desaturase of the hepatoma was significantly decreased (42%) relative to control liver, yet the hepatoma specific activity was twice that of host liver. Additionally, the specific activity of the delta 9-stearoyl-CoA desaturase of the tumor was found to decrease with increasing tumor weight. Also this desaturase was inactivated by freezing and thawing. The delta 6-oleoyl(linolenoyl)-CoA and delta 5-eicosatrienoyl-CoA desaturases of the hepatoma were 39% and 4% of control, respectively. The electron transport components involved in the desaturase system were reduced, although this did not appear to be rate-limiting. In addition, two competing metabolic reactions which could lower the observed desaturase activities, hydrolysis of the thioester and incorporation of substrate acyl-CoA molecules into glycerides, did not appear to be responsible for the lowered desaturase activities of the tumor. Thus, it appears that reduced levels of the desaturases themselves may be responsible for the observed activities. These results indicate that the capacity of the hepatoma to biosynthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids is greatly reduced and this is consistent with the decreased polyene content observed in many neoplasms.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of a long-chain-acyl-CoA hydrolase (EC of rat liver microsomes have been studied. The hydrolase sedimented as a homogeneous species with a sedimentation coefficient, S20,W, of 4.1 S and the molecular weight of 59000 was obtained. Amino acid composition of the enzyme was determined. The specific absorption coefficient, A280nm1% was estimated as 9.8 (1 cm cell length) and the circular dichroic data suggested 50-60% alpha-helical structure. The enzyme contained three sulphydryl groups, and one of these was exposed to the environment. The hydrolase was inhibited by the serine-directed reagent phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, as well as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Reactivation by means of dithiothreitol was never complete with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate as inhibitors.  相似文献   

Inductions by perfluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA) of hepatomegaly, peroxisomal beta-oxidation, microsomal 1-acylglycerophosphocholine acyltransferase and cytosolic long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase were compared in liver between male and female rats. Marked inductions of these four parameters were seen concurrently in liver of male rats, whereas the inductions in liver of female rats were far less pronounced. The sex-related difference in the response of rat liver to PFOA was much more marked than that seen with p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (clofibric acid) or 2,2'-(decamethylenedithio)diethanol (tiadenol). Hormonal manipulations revealed that this sex-related difference in the inductions is strongly dependent on sex hormones, namely that testosterone is necessary for the inductions, whereas oestradiol prevented the inductions by PFOA.  相似文献   

The acylation of 1-acyl-glycerophosphocholine is an important mechanism for the maintenance of the asymmetrical distribution of acyl groups in phosphatidylcholine. The majority of acyl-CoA:1-acyl-glycerophosphocholine acyltransferase is located in the microsomal fraction. In this study, the rat liver microsomes were incubated with various detergents, and the solubilized enzyme was separated from the remainder by centrifugation. Sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate and octylglucopyranoside caused the Solubilization of 14–25% of the enzyme activity. The acyl specificity of the solubilized enzyme was similar to the insoluble enzyme, indicating that there was no selective solubilization of any acyl specific acyltransferase. The solubilized enzyme did not display any lipid requirement, and its activity was inhibited by phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and 1,2-diacylglycerol. Kinetic studies with varying concentrations of acyl-CoAs revealed that the inhibition by 1,2-diacylglycerol was essentially uncompetitive. The modulation of acyltransferase activity by 1,2-diacylglycerol may be an important mechanism for controlling the acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

Summary Purified epoxide hydrolase was immobilized by covalent binding to Sephadex G-150 activated with 1,1 carbonyl diimidazole under mild conditions Kmapp values of free and immobilized epoxide hydrolase were 0.5 M and 2 M respectively towards benzo(a)pyrene-4,5-oxide, whereas Vmaxapp was decreased from 300 nmol·min–1·mg–1 to 81 nmol·min–1·mg–1. Immobilization enhanced stability and allowed repeated use of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACCAT) activity of rat liver microsomes was stimulated by phosphatidylcholine. The stimulatory effect varied with the composition of the phosphatide: dimyristyl-, dipalmityl-, distearyl- and dioleylphosphatidylcholine were stimulatory, whereas dicaproyl- and dilinoleylphosphatidylcholine were not. The results suggest that increased fluidity of the membrane induced by phosphatide is probably not involved in the stimulation of cholesterol esterification. Phosphatide exerted its effect directly on the microsomes and did not extract cholesterol or ACCAT from the microsomes to an appreciable extent.Hydrolysis of microsomal phosphatide suppressed ACCAT activity. Enztme activity was restored with the addition of phosphatidylcholine. The results suggest that phosphatide may be required for cholesterol esterification.  相似文献   

Brain acyl-CoA hydrolase (BACH) hydrolyzes long-chain acyl-CoAs to free fatty acids and CoA-SH. BACH is highly distributed in brain and is localized in neurons, but not glial cells. This suggests that BACH plays a specific role in neurons. BACH is also detected in testis, although the expression profile of BACH is unknown in testis. In this study, developmental changes and cellular distribution of BACH were examined in mouse testis. Before postnatal day (P) 10, BACH was detected at very low levels by Western blotting. Then, BACH content rapidly increased from P14 and reached maximum levels at P21, remaining high until at least P70. The increase in BACH content corresponded to the appearance of pachytene spermatocytes, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. BACH was also detectable in spermatids, but not in spermatogonia, mature spermatozoa. These results suggest that BACH is expressed in a cell-specific manner and plays a role in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of long-chain acyl-CoA on subcellular adenine nucleotide systems was studied in the intact liver cell. Long-chain acyl-CoA content was varied by varying the nutritional state (fed and starved states) or by addition of oleate. Starvation led to an increase in the mitochondrial and a decrease in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio in liver both in vivo and in the isolated perfused organ as compared with the fed state. The changes were reversed on re-feeding glucose in liver in vivo or on infusion of substrates (glucose, glycerol) in the perfused liver, respectively. Similar changes in mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP/ADP ratios occurred on addition of oleate, but, importantly, not with a short-chain fatty acid such as octanoate. It is concluded that long-chain acyl-CoA exerts an inhibitory effect on mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocation in the intact cell, as was previously postulated in the literature from data obtained with isolated mitochondria. The physiological relevance with respect to pyruvate metabolism, i.e. regulation of pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase by the mitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio, is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The acyl-CoA synthetase activity in brown adipose tissue of cold-exposed guinea pig has been studied by measuring the rate of palmitoylcarnitine formation in the presence of excess carnitine palmitoyltransferase. 2. The rate of palmitoylcarnitine formation in the mitochondria was found to be 161 plus or minus 64 nmol.mg-minus-1. min-minus-1 (n=9). 3. In the absence of added palmitate and bovine serum albumin a total of 35 plus or minus 1 nmol endogenous fatty acids.mg-minus-1 were activated with three different mitochondrial preparations. 4. Three different experimental approaches have been used to study the subcellular localization of the enzyme: (a) conventional differential centrifugation (De Duve, C., Pressman, B.C., Gianetto, R., Wattiaux, R. and Appelmans, F. (1955) Biochem. J. 60, 604-617) (B) the determination of the sediterm of different marker enzymes (Slinde, E. and Flatmark. T. (1973) Anal. Biochem. 56, 324-340) and (c) the determination of the stoichiometry between the activities of these enzymes sedimented at higher centrifugal effects. 5. Throughout all fractionation procedures, the long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase follows strictly the amine oxidase generally considered to be exclusively located on the mitochondrial outer membrane.  相似文献   

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