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The statocyst shows a remarkable combination of features of decapods and octopods confirming that Vampyroteuthis is a relic somewhere near the ancestor of both groups. The lining of the statocyst separates from the outer wall, forming an inner sac, filled with endolymph, surrounded by perilymph. This is the condition found in octopods, never in decapods. The macula is partly divided into a macula princeps and macula neglecta, as in decapods but never in octopods. There are numerous statoconia, but no large statolith has been seen. The crista has four parts as in decapods, but they are not sharply separated. There are numerous small anticristae, with the general form found in decapods, differentiated into pegs and hooks.
The wall of the inner sac contains numerous hair cells. These hairs protrude between the epithelial cells. The bases of the cells are drawn out into fine processes, presumably some dendritic and some axonal. There is thus a plexus of nerve fibres all over the wall, communicating with the crista nerve.
There is a very large posterior sac of unknown function, lying behind the crista. It contains only one large anticrista and the opening of Kölliker's canal, which is very large.  相似文献   

The cloning of a Pax6 orthologue from the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes and its developmental expression pattern are described. The data are consistent with the presence of a single gene encoding a protein with highly conserved DNA-binding paired and homeodomains. A detailed expression analysis by in situ hybridization and immunodetection revealed Pax6 mRNA and protein with predominantly nuclear localization in the developing eye, olfactory organ, brain lobes (optic lobe, olfactory lobe, peduncle lobe, superior frontal lobe and dorsal basal lobe), arms and mantle, suggestive of a role in eye, brain, and sensory organ development.  相似文献   

The eyes and optic lobes of adult Drosophila melanogaster comprise a highly organized system of interconnected neurons. The eye and optic lobe primordia are physically separate during the embryonic and larval stages of development, and these tissues do not come into contact until the third larval instar, as a consequence of axons growing from the receptor cells of the developing eyes to the primordial optic lobes. After this contact, the axons of the eyes arrange themselves into their complex and orderly adult pattern. Simultaneously, the optic lobe cells begin elaborating axons which organize into their precise adult array. One question posed by this system is: Does cellular pattern formation in either the eyes or optic lobes depend on eye-brain interactions, or do the two tissues organize autonomously? To answer this question, mutations were found which cause abnormal ommatidial array in the eyes and which also perturb the normal adult axon array in the optic lobes. By means of X ray-induced somatic recombination and by genetically controlled mitotic chromosome loss (gynandromorph formation), flies mosaic for genotypically mutant and normal tissue were constructed. Analysis of the neuronal array in mosaic flies in which eye and optic lobe tissue differed genotypically showed that the axon array phenotype of the optic lobe depends on the genotype of the eye tissue innervating that lobe, while the eye phenotype does not depend on optic lobe genotype. Thus, the axonal organization of the D. melanogaster optic lobe has been shown to depend on the transmission of information from the eyes to the optic lobes.  相似文献   

Cephalopods are unique among mollusks in exhibiting an elaborate central nervous system (CNS) and remarkable cognitive abilities. Despite a profound knowledge of the neuroanatomy and neurotransmitter distribution in their adult CNS, little is known about the expression of neurotransmitters during cephalopod development. Here, we identify the first serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-ir) neurons during ontogeny and describe the establishment of the 5-HT system in the pygmy squid, Idiosepius notoides. Neurons that are located dorsally to each optic lobe are the first to express 5-HT, albeit only when the lobular neuropils are already quite elaborated. Later, 5-HT is expressed in almost all lobes, with most 5-HT-ir cell somata appearing in the subesophageal mass. Further lobes with numerous 5-HT-ir cell somata are the subvertical and posterior basal lobes and the optic and superior buccal lobes. Hatching squids possess more 5-HT-ir neurons, although the proportions between the individual brain lobes remain the same. The majority of 5-HT-ir cell somata appears to be retained in the adult CNS. The overall distribution of 5-HT-ir elements within the CNS of adult I. notoides resembles that of adult Octopus vulgaris and Sepia officinalis. The superior frontal lobe of all three species possesses few or no 5-HT-ir cell somata, whereas the superior buccal lobe comprises many cell somata. The absence of 5-HT-ir cell somata in the inferior buccal lobes of cephalopods and the buccal ganglia of gastropods may constitute immunochemical evidence of their homology. This integrative work forms the basis for future studies comparing molluscan, lophotrochozoan, ecdysozoan, and vertebrate brains.  相似文献   

Primary comparative data on the hominoid brain are scarce and major neuroanatomical differences between humans and apes have not yet been described satisfactorily, even at the gross level. Basic questions that involve the evolution of the human brain cannot be addressed adequately unless the brains of all extant hominoid species are analyzed. Contrary to the scarcity of original data, there is a rich literature on the topic of human brain evolution and several debates exist on the size of particular sectors of the brain, e.g., the frontal lobe.In this study we applied a non-invasive imaging technique (magnetic resonance) on living human, great ape and lesser ape subjects in order to investigate the overall size of the hominoid brain. The images were reconstructed in three dimensions and volumetric estimates were obtained for the brain and its main anatomical sectors, including the frontal and temporal lobes, the insula, the parieto-occipital sector and the cerebellum.A remarkable homogeneity is present in the relative size of many of the large sectors of the hominoid brain, but interspecific and intraspecific variation exists in certain parts of the brain. The human cerebellum is smaller than expected for an ape brain of human size. It is suggested that the cerebellum increased less than the cerebrum after the split of the human lineage from the African ancestral hominoid stock. In contrast, humans have a slightly larger temporal lobe and insula than expected, but differences are not statistically significant.Humans do not have a larger frontal lobe than expected for an ape brain of human size and gibbons have a relatively smaller frontal lobe than the rest of the hominoids. Given the fact that the frontal lobe in humans and great apes has similar relative size, it is parsimonious to suggest that the relative size of the whole of the frontal lobe has not changed significantly during hominid evolution in the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In certain gastropod mollusks, the central neurons VD(1) and RPD(2) express a distinct peptide, the so-called VD(1)/RPD(2) α1-neuropeptide. In order to test whether this peptide is also present in the complex cephalopod central nervous system (CNS), we investigated several octopod and squid species. In the adult decapod squid Idiosepius notoides the α1-neuropeptide is expressed throughout the CNS, with the exception of the vertical lobe and the superior and inferior frontal lobes, by very few immunoreactive elements. Immunoreactive cell somata are particularly abundant in brain lobes and associated organs unique to cephalopods such as the subvertical, optic, peduncle, and olfactory lobes. The posterior basal lobes house another large group of immunoreactive cell somata. In the decapod Idiosepius notoides, the α1-neuropeptide is first expressed in the olfactory organ, while in the octopod Octopus vulgaris it is first detected in the olfactory lobe. In prehatchlings of the sepiolid Euprymna scolopes as well as the squids Sepioteuthis australis and Loligo vulgaris, the α1-neuropeptide is expressed in the periesophageal and posterior subesophageal mass. Prehatchlings of L. vulgaris express the α1-neuropeptide in wide parts of the CNS, including the vertical lobe. α1-neuropeptide expression in the developing CNS does not appear to be evolutionarily conserved across various cephalopod taxa investigated. Strong expression in different brain lobes of the adult squid I. notoides and prehatching L. vulgaris suggests a putative role as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in these species; however, electrophysiological evidence is still missing.  相似文献   

A well-marked hierarchy of centres can be recognized within the suboesophageal lobes and ganglia of the arms. The inputs and outputs of each lobe are described. There are sets of motoneurons and intermediate motor centres, which can be activated either from the periphery or from above. They mostly do not send fibres up to the optic or higher motor centres. However, there is a large set of fibres running from the magnocellular lobe to all the basal supraoesophageal lobes. The centre for control of the four eye-muscle nerves in the anterior lateral pedal lobe receives many fibres direct from the statocyst and from the peduncle and basal lobes, but none direct from the optic lobe. The posterior lateral pedal is a backward continuation of the oculomotor centre, containing large cells that may be concerned in initiating attacks by the tentacles. An intermediate motor centre in the posterior pedal lobe probably controls steering. It sends fibres to the funned and head retractors, and by both direct and interrupted pathways to the fin lobe. It receives fibres from the crista nerve and basal lobes, but none direct from the optic lobe. The jet control centre of the ventral magnocellular lobe receives fibres from the statocyst and skin and also from the optic and basal lobes. Some of these last also give extensive branches throughout the palliovisceral lobes. The branching patterns of the dendritic collaterals differ in the various lobes. Some estimates are given of the numbers of synaptic points. The dendritic collaterals of the motoneurons spread through large volumes of neuropil and they overlap. The incoming fibres spread widely and each presumably activates many motoneurons either together or serially. Many of the lobes contain numerous microneurons with short trunks restricted to the lobe, but there are none of these cells in the chromatophore lobes or fin lobes. The microneurons have only few dendritic collaterals, in contrast to the numerous ones on the nearby motoneurons.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of ommatidia at the dorsal eye margin of the fly, Calliphora erythrocephala is specialized for the detection of the e-vector of polarized light. Marginal zone ommatidia are distinguished by R7/R8 receptor cells with large-diameter, short, untwisted rhabdomeres and long axons to the medulla. The arrangement of the R7 microvillar directions along the marginal zone is fan-shaped. Ommatidia lining the dorsal and frontal edge of the eye lack primary screening pigments and have foreshortened crystalline cones. The marginal ommatidia from each eye view a strip that is 5 °–20 ° contralateral to the fly's longitudinal axis and that coincides with the outer boundaries of the binocular overlap.Cobalt injection into the retina demonstrates that photoreceptor axons arising from marginal ommatidia define a special area of marginal neuropil in the second visual neuropil, the medulla. Small-field neurons arising from the marginal medulla area define, in turn, a special area of marginal neuropil in the two deepest visual neuropils, the lobula and the lobula plate. From these arise local assemblies of columnar neurons that relay the marginal zones of one optic lobe to equivalent areas of the opposite lobe and to midbrain regions from which arise descending neurons destined for the the thoracic ganglia.Optically, the marginal zone of the retina represents the lateral edge of a larger area of ommatidia involved in dorsofrontal binocular overlap. This binocularity area is also represented by special arrangements of columnar neurons, which map the binocularity area of one eye into the lobula beneath the opposite eye. Another type of binocularity neuron terminates in the midbrain.These neuronal arrangements suggest two novel features of the insect optic lobes and brain: (1) Marginal neurons that directly connect the left and right optic lobes imply that each lobe receives a common input from areas of the left and right eye, specialized for detecting the pattern of polarized light. (2) Information about the e-vector pattern of sky-light polarization may be integrated with binocular and monocular pathways at the level of descending neurons leading to thoracic motor neuropil.  相似文献   

The optic lobe is the largest brain area within the central nervous system of cephalopods and it plays important roles in the processing of visual information, the regulation of body patterning, and locomotive behavior. The oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana has relatively large optic lobes that are responsible for visual communication via dynamic body patterning. It has been observed that the visual behaviors of oval squids change as the animals mature, yet little is known about how the structure of the optic lobes changes during development. The aim of the present study was to characterize the ontogenetic changes in neural organization of the optic lobes of S. lessoniana from late embryonic stage to adulthood. Magnetic resonance imaging and micro‐CT scans were acquired to reconstruct the 3D‐structure of the optic lobes and examine the external morphology at different developmental stages. In addition, optic lobe slices with nuclear staining were used to reveal changes in the internal morphology throughout development. As oval squids mature, the proportion of the brain making up the optic lobes increases continuously, and the optic lobes appear to have a prominent dent on the ventrolateral side. Inside the optic lobe, the cortex and the medulla expand steadily from the late embryonic stage to adulthood, but the cell islands in the tangential zone of the optic lobe decrease continuously in parallel. Interestingly, the size of the nuclei of cells within the medulla of the optic lobe increases throughout development. These findings suggest that the optic lobe undergoes continuous external morphological change and internal neural reorganization throughout the oval squid's development. These morphological changes in the optic lobe are likely to be responsible for changes in the visuomotor behavior of oval squids from hatching to adulthood.  相似文献   

Summary Recordings were made in the brain of Sphinx ligustri of pairs of directionally selective movement detectors, and the spike trains analysed with a computer for possible synaptic connections between two classes of movement detector. (1) Neurones with large binocular fields which arise in the medial protocerebrum and project to the medulla or lobula of one optic lobe, or to the ventral nerve cord. (2) Movement detectors which project from the lobula complex of one optic lobe to the opposite medial protocerebrum. The majority of the second group had back-to-front preferred directions over the ipsilateral eye, and of these many were weakly sensitive to stimuli to the opposite eye. The ipsilateral receptive field covered most of the eye.Optic lobe output cells with the appropriate preferred direction provide a powerful excitatory input to the binocular movement detectors centrifugal to the medulla. Each centrifugal movement detector probably receives excitatory inputs from no more than two optic lobe output cells with back-to-front preferred direction. The same set of optic lobe output neurones probably feeds several cells projecting to the medulla and lobula of both optic lobes, and, possibly, to the ventral nerve cord.Evidence was obtained that the optic lobe output cells themselves receive few excitatory inputs, and that therefore the receptive fields of their input cells are large.Two moving stimuli were presented in different areas of the receptive field. Movement through the null direction in one area inhibited the response to movement in the preferred direction in another area. This suppression was stronger in optic lobe output cells with front-to-back preferred direction than in units with back-to-front preferred direction. Thus the optic lobe output cells, or wide-field units feeding them, receive inhibitory inputs from wide-field units with the opposite preferred direction.Similar tests in which moving stimuli were presented to both eyes gave results indicating that the binocular centrifugal movement detectors may receive inhibitory inputs from movement detectors with back-to-front preferred direction. The possible functional significance of these inhibitory inputs is discussed.I am very greatful to F. A. Miles for helpful discussion and criticism. Financial support came from the U. K. Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the optic lobe anlagen begin in the brain of second instar. Each is an elongated disc of cortical cells placed on the dorsolateral border of each protocerebrum. In the late second instar the disc elongates and its two ends bend inwards which gradually separate from the central region, thus giving three imaginal discs. The protocerebral neuropile extends into these discs and medulla interna and externa are formed. The rudiments of compound eyes (cephalic complex) appear in the early laid larva. These are attached with the brain and pharyngeal wall separately. The posterior portion of cephalic complex (optic bud), after establishing a nervous association with the central optic lobe anlage (lamina ganglionaris), forms the compound eye. Ech optic bud is attached to the brain by a non-nervous stalk. The epiblast cells of the optic bud do not migrate into the brain and the lamina is formed by the proliferation of the central imaginal disc. The reorientation of the optic lobe anlagen starts in the late third instar and the medulla interna divides into two unequal lobes. In 2 day pupa the nerve fibres from the lamina travel into the optic stalk and the optic nerve is formed. The epiblast cells of the optic bud differentiate to form a peripheral epithelial layer which becomes pigmented and gets apposed to the lateral boundary of the brain. The central epiblast cells of the optic bud form several ommatidia. The optic nerve degenerates gradually and various components of the compound eye are formed by the epiblast cells. Chiasm internum is present but chiasm externum is absent.  相似文献   

Deep, classical graph-theoretical parameters, like the size of the minimum vertex cover, the chromatic number, or the eigengap of the adjacency matrix of the graph were studied widely by mathematicians in the last century. Most researchers today study much simpler parameters of braingraphs or connectomes which were defined in the last twenty years for enormous networks—like the graph of the World Wide Web—with hundreds of millions of nodes. Since the connectomes, describing the connections of the human brain, typically contain several hundred vertices today, one can compute and analyze the much deeper, harder-to-compute classical graph parameters for these, relatively small graphs of the brain. This deeper approach has proven to be very successful in the comparison of the connectomes of the sexes in our earlier works: we have shown that graph parameters, deeply characterizing the graph connectivity are significantly better in women’s connectomes than in men’s. In the present contribution we compare numerous graph parameters in the three largest lobes—frontal, parietal, temporal—and in both hemispheres of the human brain. We apply the diffusion weighted imaging data of 423 subjects of the NIH-funded Human Connectome Project, and present some findings, never described before, including that the right parietal lobe contains significantly more edges, has higher average degree, density, larger minimum vertex cover and Hoffman bound than the left parietal lobe. Similar advantages in the deep graph connectivity properties are held for the left frontal versus the right frontal and the right temporal versus the left temporal lobes.  相似文献   

Summary Five monoclonal antibodies aginst GABA were tested on glutaraldehyde fixed sections of optic lobes of three insect species, blowflies, houseflies and worker bees. The specificity of these antibodies was analyzed in several tests and compared with commercially available anti-GABA antiserum.A very large number of GABA-like immunoreactive neurons inncrvate all the neuropil regions of these optic lobes. Immunoreactive processes are found in different layers of the neuropils. The immunoreactive neurons are amacrines and columnar or noncolumnar neurons connecting the optic lobe neuropils. In addition some large immunoreactive neurons connect the optic lobes with centers of the brain.Some neuron types could be matched with neurons previously identified with other methods. The connections of a few of these neuron types are partly known from electron microscopy or electrophysiology and a possible role of GABA in certain neural circuits can be discussed.  相似文献   

Insect optic lobe neurons identifiable with monoclonal antibodies to GABA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five monoclonal antibodies against GABA were tested on glutaraldehyde fixed sections of optic lobes of three insect species, blowflies, houseflies and worker bees. The specificity of these antibodies was analyzed in several tests and compared with commercially available anti-GABA antiserum. A very large number of GABA-like immunoreactive neurons innervate all the neuropil regions of these optic lobes. Immunoreactive processes are found in different layers of the neuropils. The immunoreactive neurons are amacrines and columnar or noncolumnar neurons connecting the optic lobe neuropils. In addition some large immunoreactive neurons connect the optic lobes with centers of the brain. Some neuron types could be matched with neurons previously identified with other methods. The connections of a few of these neuron types are partly known from electron microscopy or electrophysiology and a possible role of GABA in certain neural circuits can be discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Utilizing techniques of continuous and SDS-electrophoresis we have examined the saline-soluble and SDS-soluble (membrane-bound) proteins extracted from the main lobes of adult octopus brain and from the developing optic lobe of the same species. Several additional protein bands are present among the soluble and the membrane-bound proteins of the vertical lobe in comparison with the suboesophageal lobe. Since the former contains an essentially homogeneous population of small neurons, while the suboesophageal lobe is rich in large nerve cells, these protein bands have been attributed to the small neuronal type present in the vertical lobe.
In the course of a 10,000-fold increment in body weight, from 0.4 g to 4 kg, there is a significant increase in the concentration of several soluble proteins extracted from the optic lobe. Three of these proteins increase to a marked degree. Among the membrane-bound proteins some show a moderate increase with age while other protein components of smaller molecular weight undergo a moderate decrease. The overall tissue concentration of the membrane-bound proteins increases between 0.4 g and 50 g body weight, slightly declining in animals of larger size.  相似文献   

We have investigated the distribution of oxytocin/vasopressin (OT/VP) superfamily peptides in the central nervous system (CNS) of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, by using antibodies raised against mammalian OT and VP. Several populations of OT-like and VP-like immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers were widely distributed in cerebral structures involved in learning processes (vertical lobe complex, optic lobes), behavioral communication (peduncle, lateral basal and chromatophore lobes), feeding behavior (inferior frontal, brachial and buccal lobes), sexual activity (dorsal basal, subpedunculate, olfactory lobes), and metabolism (visceral lobes). The two most remarkable findings of this study were the occurrence of OT-like immunoreactivity in many amacrine cells of the vertical lobe and the dense accumulation of VP-like immunoreactive cell bodies in the subpedunculate 1 lobe. No double-immunolabeled cell bodies or fibers were found in any lobes of the CNS, indicating, for the first time in a decapod cephalopod mollusc, the existence of distinct oxytocinergic-like and vasopressinergic-like systems. The widespread distribution of the immunoreactive neurons suggests that these OT-like and VP-like peptides act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. This research was supported by grants from the “Région Basse-Normandie” (FRANCE) and the LARC-Neurosciences network (FRANCE).  相似文献   

Although much is known about the structural organization and connexions of the various lobes of the octopus brain from light microscopy, this is the first attempt at a detailed analysis of one of the lobes- the vertical lobe, with the electron microscope. The vertical lobe consists of five lobules. The median superior frontal (MSF) axons enter each lobule from the MSF lobe. The MSF axons contain both microtubules and neurofilaments. The varicosities of the MSF axons contain both agranular and dense-cored vesicles and synapse with trunks of the amacrine cells. These trunks run together in bundles termed amacrine tracts into the centres of the lobules. The amacrine trunks contain microtubules but no neurofilaments. The trunks contain large and small agranular synaptic vesicles and synapse with what are in all probability branches of the trunks of the large cells. These trunks contain microtubules but no neurofilaments. They run out through the bases of the lobules probably without forming synaptic contacts within the lobule. Fibres signalling 'pain' (nocifensor) enter the lobules from below. They can be recognized by their content of neurofilaments. Their terminals contain numerous very small synaptic vesicles and a few larger and dense-cored ones. These 'pain' fibres appear to synapse mostly with processes of the large cells. J. Z. Young has shown that the vertical lobe is especially concerned with the integrative action of the visual system, linked with the chemo-tactile system. Electron microscopy supports Young's suggestion that the superior frontal and interconnected vertical lobe systems constitute a loop which could sustain a positive feed-back mechanism (MSF -- amacrine -- large cell -- lateral superior frontal -- MSF) while the 'pain' (nocifensor) input could exert a suppressor (inhibitory) effect on the loop by its action on the large cells.  相似文献   

The database on neurotransmitter distribution during central nervous system development of cephalopod mollusks is still scarce. We describe the ontogeny of serotonergic (5‐HT‐ir) and FMRFamide‐like immunoreactive (Fa‐lir) neurons in the central nervous system of the benthic Octopus vulgaris and Fa‐lir distribution in the pelagic Argonauta hians. Comparing our data to previous studies, we aim at revealing shared immunochemical domains among coleoid cephalopods, i.e., all cephalopods except nautiluses. During development of O. vulgaris, 5‐HT‐ir and Fa‐lir elements occur relatively late, namely during stage XII, when the brain neuropils are already highly differentiated. In stage XII‐XX individuals, Fa‐lir cell somata are located in the middle and posterior subesophageal mass and in the optic, posterior basal, and superior buccal lobes. 5‐HT is predominately expressed in cell somata of the superior buccal, anterior basal, and optic lobes, as well as in the subesophageal mass. The overall population of Fa‐lir neurons is larger than the one expressing 5‐HT. Fa‐lir elements are distributed throughout homologous brain areas of A. hians and O. vulgaris. We identified neuronal subsets with similar cell number and immunochemical phenotype in coleoids. These are located in corresponding brain regions of developmental stages and adults of O. vulgaris, A. hians, and the decapod squid Idiosepius notoides. O. vulgaris and I. notoides exhibit numerous 5‐HT‐ir cell somata in the superior buccal lobes but none or very few in the inferior buccal lobes. The latter have previously been homologized to the gastropod buccal ganglia, which also lack 5‐HT‐ir cell somata in euthyneuran gastropods. Among coleoids, 5‐HT‐ir neuronal subsets, which are located ventrally to the lateral anterior basal lobes and in the anterior middle subesophageal mass, are candidates for homologous subsets. Contrary to I. notoides, octopods exhibit Fa‐lir cell somata ventrally to the brachial lobes and 5‐HT‐ir cell somata close to the stellate ganglia. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Diopsid flies have eye stalks up to a centimeter in length, displacing the retina laterally from the rest of the head. This bizarre condition, called hypercephaly, is rare, but has evolved independently among several insect orders and is most common in flies (Diptera). Earlier studies of geometrical optics and behavior have led to various hypotheses about possible adaptive advantages of eye stalks, such as enhanced stereoscopic vision while other hypothesis suggest that eye stalks are an outcome of sexual selection. Here, we focus on how these curious distortions of head/eye morphology are accompanied by changes in the neural organization of the visual system of Cyrtodiopsis quinqueguttata. Histological examinations reveal that the optic lobes, lamina (La), medulla (Me), lobula (Lo), and lobula plate (LP) are contained entirely within the fly's eye bulbs, which are located at the distal ends of the eye stalks. We report that the organization of the peripheral visual system (La and Me) is similar to that of other Diptera (e.g., Musca and Drosophila), but deeper visual areas (Lo and LP) have been more strongly modified. For example, in both the lobula and lobula plate, fewer but larger giant collector neurons are found. The most pronounced difference is the reduction in the number of wide-field vertical cells of the lobula plate, where there are only four relatively large fibers, as opposed to 11 in Musca. The “fewer but larger” neural organization may enhance the conduction velocities of these cells, but may result in a loss of spatial resolution. At the base of the eye bulb, axon bundles collect and form a long optic nerve that extends the length of the eye stalk. We suggest that this organization of the diopsid visual system provides evidence for the costs of possessing long eye stalks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 449–468, 1998  相似文献   

Gross structural changes and neuropil formation in the brain during development were described in Idiosepius paradoxus, a sepioid that we chose as a model cephalopod. The brain originates in 4 pairs of ectodermal placodes, which occur separately in the embryonic surface undergoing epiboly. In the final period of epiboly, neuroblasts internalize from the placodes and gather into 4 pairs of ganglionic masses. The ganglionic masses assemble into a ring-like cluster encircling the inner yolk and the foregut anlage, gradually integrated into the 4 domains of a massive brain, a subesophageal mass (SBM), a supraesophageal mass (SPM), and a pair of optic lobes. In the early brain, neuropil forms a framework composed of a longitudinal ladder lying in the SBM, and a transverse arch standing on the lateral sides of the SBM and crossing the SPM. Differentiation of brain lobes proceeds from ventral to dorsal along this framework; first the magnocellular lobes and the posterior pedal lobe appear first in the SBM, the other lobes in the SBM and the basal lobes follow in the proximal region of the SPM, and the accessory lobes develop last in the most dorsal zone of the SPM. In the hatchlings, the brain lobes show almost the same arrangement as in the adults, but the accessory lobes, particularly the vertical lobe, are much smaller than those in the adults. Comparison of the present results with those in the teuthoid and the octopod indicates that developmental sequences of the brain are highly conserved in the coleoid cephalopods.  相似文献   

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