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The genetics of interdigital ridge counts of soles has been studied in a homogeneous Brahmin population of Andhra pradesh, India. The parameters considered are a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts. A new measure - total plantar interdigital ridge counts (TPtIRC) - has been defined and an attempt has been made to evaluate the mode of inheritance of this trait. The results of the present study do not fully support the earlier conclusions regarding the genetics of a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts.  相似文献   

The methods for path analysis of family resemblance (Rao et al., '74) are employed to test hypotheses concerning the inheritance of a-b, b-c and c-d palmar ridge counts using the correlation data of Pateria ('74). Homogeneity chi-square tests of the various familial correlations provide no evidence for sex-linkage of either kind, and also suggest that maternal effects are absent. The path coefficient model employed here involves heritability (additive) and common sibling environment. Variance components show that both heritability and common environment are significant, and account for most of the variation at each of the three ridge count area; b-c has the highest heritability, significantly higher than that for a-b or c-d.  相似文献   

We analyzed bilateral palmar prints of 3,158 individuals from 13 Iranian populations of diverse origins for palmar pattern ridge counts. Right palms did not show greater counts than the left in the majority of the populations studied. Highly significant interpopulational variation was observed for most palmar areas of both males and females. Dendrograms of males and combined sexes showed a good fit with the ethnohistoric background of the populations studied. The results thus demonstrate variation in the palmar pattern ridge counts of populations of diverse origins and may be used as a good measure of population distance.  相似文献   

Bilateral palmar prints of 604 male individuals from 12 Iranian groups, six Mongoloid and six Caucasoid, have been analyzed for palmar pattern ridge counts (PPRC). Highly significant variation has been observed in the size of the palmar patterns in all the configurational areas among the Iranian groups. The distance analysis based on PPRCs differentiated the Iranian Mongoloid from the Iranian Caucasoid groups into distinct clusters. The pattern of differentiation based on PPRCs explained the ethnohistoric relationships between the Iranian groups as well as between the Iranian and the 20 Caucasoid groups from India much better than the palmar pattern frequencies. The results of this study demonstrate the existence of variation in the size of the palmar patterns across different populations within an ethnic group, as well as that among different ethnic groups, and seems to be a better indicator of interpopulational diversity than the palmar pattern frequencies.  相似文献   

The data used in this study are the fingerprints of 744 females from 6 Sardinian linguistic groups. We analyzed 15 dermatoglyphic variables of directional asymmetry, namely the right vs left signed differences between i-th homologous fingers for larger ridge counts, radial counts and ulnar counts. Principal components analysis of the dermatoglyphic variables in the females of Sardinian linguistic groups revealed a pattern of biological relations among the groups which is consistent with their linguistic, but especially historical and demographic, backgrounds.  相似文献   

The a-b palmar interdigital ridge count was analyzed in a sample of 841 males and 911 females of Basque origin. Bimanual differences were not found, against that a significant sexual dimorphism. The mean ridge count value is in the lower lange of the variability among White populations.  相似文献   

Causes of deaths in immigrants to England and Wales from the Indian subcontinent were assessed by ethnic subgroup. Observed and expected deaths for 1975-7 were aggregated to calculate proportional mortality ratios. Observed mortality due to infective and parasitic diseases, endocrine diseases (notably diabetes), diseases of the circulatory system (notably ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, in males), and diseases of the digestive system (notably cirrhosis of the liver) exceeded expected mortality. Fewer than expected deaths were due to malignant neoplasms (notably lung cancer and chronic bronchitis); proportional mortality ratios for cancer were lower for Hindu groups than for Moslems and were lowest for Punjabis. Mortality due to ischaemic heart disease, high in all groups, was highest in Moslems. Significantly more Punjabi males died from cerebrovascular disease and cirrhosis of the liver. Diabetes was commonest among Gujaratis. The variation seen in the patterns of mortality in the different ethnic groups indicates the need for further epidemiological and health service research centred on these communities.  相似文献   

Summary Samples from populations of India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, some 800 specimens in all, were examined for transferrin types, and results compared with others on previous samples. An interesting dichotomy of present-day distribution of transferrin variants in India is suggested.
Zusammenfassung Stichproben aus Bevölkerungen von Indien, Bangla Desh und Sri Lanka, insgesamt, ca. 800 Proben, wurden auf Transferrin-Typen untersucht und die Ergebnisse wurden mit anderen Stichproben verglichen. Es scheint sich eine interessante Dichotomie in der Verteilung der Transferrin-Varianten in Indien zu ergeben.

Certain palaeoecological criteria in the reconstruction of the Palaeogene palaeobiogeography of the Indian subcontinent are discussed. The Early Palaeogene is characterised by marine oscillations, a prolific invertebrate fauna, extensive coal facies development and outpouring of basaltic lava flows, the last being a feature connected with the movement of the Indian Plate and coinciding with a Himalayan orogenic impulse. The Middle Eocene transgression marks the transition of marine sedimentation to fluvial conditions in northern India with the presence of a fairly diverse mammalian fauna in northwestern Pakistan and northern India. During the Late Oligocene, mammals clearly ancestral to the much more prolific Siwalik fauna were present in western Pakistan, northeastern India and southcentral Burma.The flora consists of mainly tropical to subtropical families with the addition of some temperate elements in Assam in the latter half of the Eocene and Oligocene. Invertebrates indicate a close affinity between the western and eastern sectors and suggest that the sea was continuous in the north at least up to the Palaeocene. With the emergence of land in the northeastern part of the subcontinent, the fauna of Assam acquired distinct Indo-Pacific elements similar to those of Burma and the Indonesian Arc. Later, the sea was divided into two gulfs which gradually shrank towards the end of the Palaeogene and disappeared by the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

An unconfirmed study by Fang (Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of London, 1950) in Britain showed that individuals with Down syndrome had lower total a-b ridge counts in palmar Interdigital area II (ID II) than a group of controls. This study compares 603 white Down syndrome cases and 93 black Down syndrome cases with 668 white and 402 black controls. Our results confirm those of Fang in that the Down syndrome cases in both racial groups had lower total a-b ridge counts than their respective controls. In addition, the black controls and Down syndrome cases had lower a-b ridge counts than their white counterparts. The mean a-b ridge count was significantly lower in individuals with a pattern in ID II compared to individuals without a pattern in ID II in both the Down syndrome and control groups. Some of the lower a-b ridge counts in the Down syndrome samples can be accounted for by the fact that there is an increased frequency of a pattern in ID II in Down syndrome cases. Both Down syndrome and normal individuals who had a pattern unilaterally had a lower than expected a-b ridge count on the contralateral hand that did not have a pattern. There was a tendency also for increased asymmetry in Down syndrome cases with a pattern in ID II.  相似文献   

This broad overview highlights the Indian subcontinent as an important and exciting source of new discoveries regarding Lower Paleolithic hominins and their biological and behavioral evolution. Broadly situated in the center of the Old World, the region arbitrarily encompasses Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan; it represents the richest easternmost domain of classic Acheulean bifaces in the Old World. 1 The region comprises diverse ecological zones with complex geological and climatic histories, including a bi‐annual monsoon prevalent since the Miocene, all of which had major impacts on faunal and floral distributions and associated hominin adaptations.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphic ridge counts of the prints of 59 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) whose mothers had been treated with injections of testosterone during their pregnancies were studied to determine the effect of the day the hormone began to be administered, the amount of hormone administered, and the number of days of hormone administration upon the dermatoglyphic variation of the offspring. Of the three hormone variables, only the day of beginning administration (STARTDAY) was significantly associated with dermatoglyphic variation, and its positive significance was demonstrated with the ridge counts of Area I on both the left and right hand, Area II of the left hand, and the total ridge counts of both hands. These results are discussed within the context of the timing of the dermatoglyphic window, and the differences in the findings between the monkey and earlier human studies are addressed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The inheritance of palmar pattern ridge counts for individual palmar areas, combined distal areas, and all ten areas combined was investigated in families belonging to two strictly endogamous Brahmin castes of peninsular India. Ridge count phenotypes were obtained by the method proposed by Malhotra et al. (1981a), however, zero observations (indicating patterns not circumscribed by triradii) were excluded from analysis. Path analytic methods were applied in order to determine the relative influences of polygenes, intrauterine environment, and residual environment. The proportion of genetic variation was, in general, consistently greater in one population than the other, and significant intrauterine environmental effects were detected for the population with lower heritabilities. The results of this investigation suggest that a simple polygenic model may not be sufficient to explain the inheritance of ridge counts in the interdigital IV configurational area. Distal pattern ridge counts do not appear to be influenced by more or less uterine environmental effects than all areas considered together. The proportion of genetic variation for the total palmar pattern ridge count was 52% in both populations.  相似文献   

Palmar pattern ridge counts were subjected to segregation analysis in an attempt to identify possible major gene effects on these dermatoglyphic traits. The phenotypes considered were total palmar pattern ridge count, and ridge counts for the right interdigital III and IV and left interdigital IV individual palmar areas (sample sizes were too small for the other palmar areas). Evidence of familial resemblance was found for all of the phenotypes studied, and initial evidence for a major effect was found for all but the right palm interdigital III ridge count. However, this initial evidence could be attributed to nongenetic effects in each case, including skewness in the trait distribution. Tests for agreement with Mendelian transmission frequencies were found to be very useful in discriminating between a non-Mendelian major effect and a major gene. We concluded against a major gene effect for any of these traits, and multifactorial inheritance remains a plausible alternative explanation for the familial resemblance.  相似文献   

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