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A widely used generic assay for 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenases relies upon monitoring the release of 14CO2 from labeled [1-14C]-2-oxoglutarate. We report an alternative assay in which depletion of 2-oxoglutarate is monitored by its postincubation derivatization with o-phenylenediamine to form a product amenable to fluorescence analysis. The utility of the procedure is demonstrated by assays with hypoxia-inducible factor hydroxylases where it was shown to give results similar to those reported with the radioactive assay, but it is more efficient and readily adapted to a multiwell format. The process should be amenable to the assay of other 2-oxoglutarate-consuming enzymes and to the discovery of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Novel flavonoids were formed in young leaves of apple (Malusxdomestica) after treatment with the dioxygenase inhibitor prohexadione-Ca, which is known to reduce the incidence and severity of fire blight caused by Erwinia amylovora and other plant diseases. The compounds were isolated and identified as luteoliflavan, luteoliflavan 5-glucoside, eriodictyol 7-glucoside and 6"-O-trans-p-coumaroyleriodictyol 3'-glucoside. These flavonoids represent a novel biosynthetic pathway in apple leading to the formation of 3-deoxyflavans. Concomitantly, the content of regularly occurring phenylpropanoids is also influenced by prohexadione-Ca with increasing amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids and decreasing flavan-3-ols and flavonols. The altered flavonoid metabolism may be related to the lowered pathogen incidence though the isolated novel flavonoids do not exhibit antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Equisetum arvense L. (Equisetaceae-horsetail) accumulates various flavones and flavonols in infertile shoot. Enzyme assays conducted with crude extracts of the green tissue revealed chalcone synthase activity and also three further activities assigned to flavonoid biosynthesis and identified as flavone synthase I, flavanone 3β-hydroxylase and flavonol synthase. The latter three activities were characterized as soluble, 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases by their typical cofactor requirements and peculiar inhibition. Notably, this is the first report of flavone synthase I which had been considered to be restricted solely to species of the Apiaceae from a distant plant taxon.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Coumarins are derived via the phenylpropanoid pathway in plants. The 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one core structure of coumarins is formed via the ortho-hydroxylation of cinnamates, trans/cis isomerization of the side chain, and lactonization. Ortho-hydroxylation is a key step in coumarin biosynthesis as a branch point from lignin biosynthesis; however, ortho-hydroxylation of cinnamates is not yet fully understood. In this study, scopoletin biosynthesis was explored using Arabidopsis thaliana, which accumulates scopoletin and its beta-glucopyranoside scopolin in its roots. T-DNA insertion mutants of caffeoyl CoA O-methyltransferase 1 (CCoAOMT1) showed significant reduction in scopoletin and scopolin levels in the roots, and recombinant CCoAOMT1 exhibited 3'-O-methyltransferase activity on caffeoyl CoA to feruloyl CoA. These results suggest that feruloyl CoA is a key precursor in scopoletin biosynthesis. Ortho-hydroxylases of cinnamates were explored in the oxygenase families in A. thaliana, and one of the candidate genes in the Fe(II)- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (2OGD) family was designated as F6'H1. T-DNA insertion mutants of F6'H1 showed severe reductions in scopoletin and scopolin levels in the roots. The pattern of F6'H1 expression is consistent with the patterns of scopoletin and scopolin accumulation. The recombinant F6'H1 protein exhibited ortho-hydroxylase activity for feruloyl CoA (K(m) = 36.0 +/- 4.27 microM; k(cat) = 11.0 +/- 0.45 sec(-1)) to form 6'-hydroxyferuloyl CoA, but did not hydroxylate ferulic acid. These results indicate that Fe(II)- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase is the pivotal enzyme in the ortho-hydroxylation of feruloyl CoA in scopoletin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Three O-methyltransferases (BX10a, b, c) catalyze the conversion of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (DIMBOA-Glc) to 2-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (HDMBOA-Glc) in maize (Zea mays). Variation in benzoxazinoid accumulation and resistance to Rhopalosiphum maidis (corn leaf aphid) was attributed to a natural CACTA family transposon insertion that inactivates Bx10c. Whereas maize inbred line B73 has this transposon insertion, line CML277 does not. To characterize the phenotypic effects of DIMBOA-Glc methyltransferase activity, we created near-isogenic lines derived from B73 and CML277 that do or do not contain the transposon insertion. Bx10c inactivation causes high DIMBOA-Glc, low HDMBOA-Glc, and decreased aphid reproduction relative to near-isogenic lines that have a functional Bx10c gene. These results confirm the importance of this locus in maize aphid resistance. The availability of Bx10c near-isogenic lines will facilitate further research on the function of different benzoxazinoids and DIMBOA-Glc methyltransferase activity in maize defense against herbivores and pathogens.  相似文献   

Flavonol synthase from Citrus unshiu is a bifunctional dioxygenase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Flavonol synthase was classified as a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase converting natural (2R,3R)-dihydroflavonols, i.e. dihydrokaempferol, to the corresponding flavonols (kaempferol). Flavonol synthase from Citrus unshiu (Satsuma mandarin), expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity, was shown to accept also (2S)-naringenin as a substrate, producing kaempferol in high yield and assigning sequential flavanone 3beta-hydroxylase and flavonol synthase activities to the enzyme. In contrast, dihydrokaempferol was identified as the predominant product from assays performed with the unnatural (2R)-naringenin as substrate. The product which was not converted any further on repeated incubations was identified by 1H NMR and CD spectroscopies as (-)-trans-dihydrokaempferol. The data demonstrate that Citrus flavonol synthase encompasses an additional non-specific activity trans-hydroxylating the flavanones (2S)-naringenin as well as the unnatural (2R)-naringenin at C-3.  相似文献   

MYB转录因子是植物最大的转录因子家族之一,广泛参与植物各种生理生化过程。该研究通过对小麦基因组测序数据库进行同源搜索,利用电子克隆技术从紫色籽粒小麦品种‘高原115’中分离得到了一个新的MYB基因TaMYB3-4 D。结果表明,TaMYB3-4D仅含有一个内含子,其编码蛋白含有2个连续的MYB结构域,为典型的R2R3-MYB蛋白。TaMYB3-4D系统发生关系上与调控花青素合成的MYB基因亲缘关系较近。TaMYB3-4 D与bHLH基因ZmR瞬时表达能够诱导白色胚芽鞘中花青素的合成。此外,TaMYB3-4 D基因仅在‘高原115’含花青素的种皮和胚芽鞘中表达,在根、茎、叶中均未表达。研究表明,TaMYB3-4 D基因是一个具有调控花青素合成代谢功能的R2R3-MYB基因,很有可能参与小麦花青素的生物合成。  相似文献   

Ken Saito  Hideki Koyama 《FEBS letters》2010,584(15):3340-234
The 2-oxoglutarate and iron dependent dioxygenase family are crucial for cellular adaptation to changes in oxygen concentration. We found that cells with OGFOD1 gene silencing in this family showed resistance to cell death under ischemia, and cDNA microarray analysis of OGFOD1 knockout human cells revealed downregulation of ATPAF1. Although reintroduction of the OGFOD1 wild-type gene to OGFOD1 KO cells restored ATPAF1 mRNA levels, the catalytically inactive OGFOD1 mutants did not. Furthermore, introduction of ATPAF1 gene to OGFOD1 KO cells induced ischemic cell death. Thus, OGFOD1 plays an important role in ischemic cell survival and an OGFOD1 iron binding residue is required for ATPAF1 gene expression.  相似文献   

K14CN is efficiently converted to asparagine in corn roots with asparagine accounting for 26% of the total radioactivity after 2 hr. Additions of glucose, cysteine or serine do not affect the reaction. Cysteine-14C(U) is normally a poor precursor of asparagine, but in the presence of 10−6 M KCN becomes a significant source. Cyanide does not promote the incorporation of serine-14C(U) or acetate-2-14C into asparagine. The antibiotic cycloheximide is a potent inhibitor of asparagine formation in the root tips when acetate-2-14C or aspartate-14C(U) serve as precursors. However, when K14CN is the precursor it is without effect. The results, therefore, show that cyanide is a potential asparagine precursor in maize root tips and suggest that normally the availability of cyanide and the synthesis of cysteine from serine are major rate limiting reactions in this pathway.  相似文献   

The enzyme, desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase, was purified to apparent homogeneity from Catharanthus roseus by ammonium sulfate precipitation and successive chromatography on Sephadex G-100, green 19-agarose, hydroxylapatite, -kg sepharose and Mono Q. The 4-hydroxylase was characterized by its strict specificity for position 4 of desacetoxyvindoline suggesting it to catalyze the second to last step in vindoline biosynthesis. The molecular mass of the native and denatured 4-hydroxylase was 45 kDa and 44.7 kDa, respectively, suggesting that the native enzyme is a monomer. Two-dimensional isoelectric focusing under denaturing conditions resolved the purified 4-hydroxylase into three charge isoforms of pIs 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8. The purified 4-hydroxylase exhibited no requirement for divalent cations, but inactive enzyme was reactivated in a time-dependent manner by incubation with ferrous ions. The enzyme was not inhibited by EDTA or SH-group reagents at concentrations up to 10 mM. The mechanism of action of desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase was investigated. The results of substrate interaction kinetics and product inhibition studies suggest an Ordered Ter Ter mechanism where -kg is the first substrate to bind followed by the binding of O2 and desacetoxyvindoline. Their K m values for -kg, O2 and desacetoxyvindoline are 45 M, 45 M and 0.03 M, respectively. The first product to be released was deacetylvindoline followed by CO2 and succinate, respectively.Abbreviations -kg -ketoglutarate or 2-oxoglutarate - NMT N-methyltransferase - SAM S-adenosyl-l-methionine - TLC thin layer chromatography - VBL vinblastine - VCR vincristine  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The phenotypes of grasses show differences depending on growth conditions and ontogenetic stage. Understanding these responses and finding suitable mathematical formalizations are an essential part of the development of plant and crop models. Usually, a marked change in architecture between juvenile and adult plants is observed, where dimension and shape of leaves are likely to change. In this paper, the plasticity of leaf shape is analysed according to growth conditions and ontogeny.


Leaf shape of Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare and Zea mays cultivars grown under varying conditions was measured using digital image processing. An empirical leaf shape model was fitted to measured shape data of single leaves. Obtained values of model parameters were used to analyse the patterns in leaf shape.

Key Results

The model was able to delineate leaf shape of all studied species. The model error was small. Differences in leaf shape between juvenile and adult leaves in T. aestivum and H. vulgare were observed. Varying growth conditions impacted leaf dimensions but did not impact leaf shape of the respective species.


Leaf shape of the studied T. aestivum and H. vulgare cultivars was remarkably stable for a comparable ontogenetic stage (leaf rank), but differed between stages. Along with other aspects of grass architecture, leaf shape changed during the transition from juvenile to adult growth phase. Model-based analysis of leaf shape is a method to investigate these differences. Presented results can be integrated into architectural models of plant development to delineate leaf shape for different species, cultivars and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Requejo R  Tena M 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(13):1519-1528
To gain insight into plant responses to arsenic, the effect of arsenic exposure on maize (Zea mays L.) root proteome has been examined. Maize seedlings were fed hydroponically with 300 microM sodium arsenate or 250 microM sodium arsenite for 24 h, and changes in differentially displayed proteins were studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis and digital image analysis. About 10% of total detected maize root proteins (67 out of 700) were up- or down-regulated by arsenic, among which 20 were selected as being quite reproducibly affected by the metalloid. These were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and 11 of them could be identified by comparing their peptide mass fingerprints against protein- and expressed sequence tag-databases. The set of identified maize root proteins highly responsive to arsenic exposure included a major and functionally homogeneous group of seven enzymes involved in cellular homeostasis for redox perturbation (e.g., three superoxide dismutases, two glutathione peroxidases, one peroxiredoxin, and one p-benzoquinone reductase) besides four additional, functionally heterogeneous, proteins (e.g., ATP synthase, succinyl-CoA synthetase, cytochrome P450 and guanine nucleotide-binding protein beta subunit). These findings strongly suggest that the induction of oxidative stress is a main process underlying arsenic toxicity in plants.  相似文献   

Jung HJ 《Phytochemistry》2003,63(5):543-549
It has been hypothesized that ferulates are only deposited in the primary cell wall of grasses. To test this hypothesis, the fourth elongating, above-ground internode of maize (Zea mays l.) was sampled from three maize hybrids throughout development. Cell wall composition was determined by the Uppsala Dietary Fibre method. Ester- and ether-linked ferulates were determined by HPLC analysis of ferulic acid released from the internodes by low and high temperature alkaline treatments. Internode length increased from 9 to 152 mm over 96 days of growth, with elongation being complete in the first 12 days. More than half of the cell wall material in the maize internodes accumulated after elongation had ended. Deposition of cell wall material appeared to reach its maximum extent 40 days after sampling began, well before physiological maturity of the maize plants. Galactose and arabinose began to accumulate early in cell wall development which was presumed to be associated with primary wall growth during internode elongation. The major secondary wall constituents (analyzed as glucose, xylose, and Klason lignin) did not begin to accumulate rapidly until shortly before internode elongation ended. Ferulate ester deposition began before ferulate ethers were observed in the cell wall, but both forms of ferulate continued to accumulate in secondary cell walls, long after internode elongation had ceased. These data clearly show that contrary to the hypothesis, ferulate deposition was not restricted to the primary wall and that active lignin/polysaccharide cross-linking mediated by ferulates occurs in the secondary wall.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare characteristics of a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cell line to those of the maize (Zea mays L.) black Mexican sweet (BMS) cell line and to compare protoplasts isolated from suspension cells of these cell lines. The wheat cell line was established from immature-embryo derived callus of the experimental line ‘ND7532’ and was conditioned for growth in suspension culture. For both cell lines, measurements of packed cell volume (PCV), fresh weight (FW), and dry weight (DW) were taken at 3 day intervals from suspension cultures. Measurements of FW of calluses cultured from suspension cells of both cell lines were taken at 6 day intervals. The morphogenetic potential of the wheat ND7532 cell line was tested in both callus and suspension cultures using media promoting regeneration and/or organogenesis. Growth rates of ND7532 cells in suspension culture were comparable to those of BMS cells. However, relative growth rates of calluses recovered from ND7532 suspension cells were slower than those of calluses recovered from BMS suspension cells. The ND7532 cell line has very limited morphogenetic potential and has been maintained as rapidly growing callus tissue for 11 years. Yields of protoplasts from suspension cells of the two cell lines were comparable, though ND7532 protoplasts were typically smaller. The wheat cell line has is now designated ND7532-NM (nonmorphogenetic) and is available for cellular and molecular biology research.  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticum aestivum)花粉植株的叶片为材料, 利用整体透明技术制备小麦叶片气孔保卫细胞的观察样品, 比较了4种透明剂的样品制备效果。结果表明, 利用整体透明技术制备小麦叶片气孔保卫细胞观察样品, 无需经过叶片撕取和刮制步骤, 样品制备方法简便且高效; 用甘油溶液、饱和水合三氯乙醛及水合三氯乙醛与甘油的混合液3种透明剂处理小麦叶片后, 在普通显微镜下均可观察到清晰的气孔保卫细胞。  相似文献   

Carotenoid composition in leaves of normal, lycopenic and ζ-carotenic mutants of Zea mays were investigated. In lycopenic leaves, in addition to lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, δ- and γ-carotene, trace amounts of α- and β-carotene and antheraxanthin were identified. Low light promoted accumulation of α- and β-carotene; high light brought about an increase in antheraxanthin content. In the leaves of the ζ-carotenic mutant, phytoene, phytofluene and ζ-carotene were synthesized. Illumination of low intensity stimulated carotenoid synthesis to a slight extent. Relative amounts of carotenoid components were essentially the same as in etiolated material, except for a small increase in cis-ζ-carotene. Under high intensity illumination, carotenoids were rapidly destroyed.  相似文献   

Lee MH  Han SM  Han JW  Kim YM  Ahnn J  Koo HS 《FEBS letters》2003,555(2):250-256
Caenorhabditis elegans germ cell proliferation and development were severely damaged in second generation dna-2 homozygotes. Even in the first generation, a much higher incidence of aberrant chromosomes in oocytes and resultantly higher embryonic lethality were found vs. wild type, when DNA breaks were induced by gamma-rays or camptothecin. The deficiency of dna-2 in combination with RNA interference on mre-11 gene expression synergistically aggravated germ-line development, especially oocyte formation. These results suggest that C. elegans Dna-2 is involved in a DNA repair pathway paralleling homologous recombination or non-homologous end joining with mre-11 participation.  相似文献   

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