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Icefish or white-blooded fish are a family of species, unique among vertebrates in that they possess no haemoglobin. With the exception of one species which occurs on the southern Patagonian shelf, icefish live only in the cold-stable and oxygen-rich environment of the Southern Ocean. It is still questionable how old icefish are in evolutionary terms: they may not be older than 6 Ma, i.e. they evolved well after the Southern Ocean started to cool down or they are 15–20 Ma old and started to evolve some time after the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Individuals of most icefish species with the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus have been found down to 700–800 m depth, a few even down to more than 1,500 m. Icefish have been shown to present organ-level adaptations on different levels to compensate for the ‘disadvantages’ of lacking respiratory pigments. These include a low metabolic rate, well perfused gills, increased blood volume, increased cardiac output, cutaneous uptake of oxygen, increased blood flow with low viscosity, enlarged capillaries, large heart, and increased skin vascularity. Biological features, such as reproduction and growth, are not unique and are comparable to other notothenioids living in the same environment. Icefish produce large yolky eggs which have a diameter of more than 4 mm in most species. Consequently, the number of eggs produced is comparatively small and exceeds 10,000–20,000 eggs in only a few cases. With the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus which mature at an age of 3 to 4 years, icefish do not attain maturity before they are 5–8 years old. Spawning period of most icefish species is autumn-winter. The incubation period spans from 2 to 3 months in the north of the Southern Ocean to more than 6 months close to the continent. Growth in icefish to the extent it is known is fairly rapid. They grow 6–10 cm in length per annum before they reach spawning maturity. Icefish feed primarily on krill and fish. Some icefish species were abundant enough to be exploited by commercial fisheries, primarily in the 1970s and 1980s with Champsocephalus gunnari as the main target species. Most stocks of this species had been overexploited by the beginning of the 1990s, some had further declined due to natural causes. Other species taken as by-catch species in fisheries were Chaenocephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, and Chionodraco rastrospinosus. Chaenodraco wilsoni was the only species exploited on a commercial scale in the high-Antarctic. Part II will be published in the following issue. DOI 10.1007/s00300-005-0020-6.  相似文献   

Icefish or white- blooded fish are a family of species unique among vertebrates in that they possess no haemoglobin. With the exception of one species which occurs on the southern Patagonian shelf, icefish live only in the cold-stable and oxygen-rich environment of the Southern Ocean. It is still questionable how old icefish are in evolutionary terms: they may not be older than 6 Ma, i.e. they evolved well after the Southern Ocean started to cool down or they are 15–20 Ma old and started to evolve some time after the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Individuals of most icefish species with the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus have been found down to 700–800 m depth, a few even down to more than 1,500 m. Icefish have been shown to present organ-level adaptations on different levels to compensate for the ‘disadvantages’ of lacking respiratory pigments. These include a low metabolic rate, well perfused gills, increased blood volume, increased cardiac output, cutaneous uptake of oxygen, increased blood flow with low viscosity, enlarged capillaries, large heart, and increased skin vascularity. Biological features, such as reproduction and growth, are not unique and are comparable to other notothenioids living in the same environment. Icefish produce large yolky eggs which have a diameter of more than 4 mm in most species. Consequently, the number of eggs produced is comparatively small and exceeds 10,000–20,000 eggs in only a few cases. With the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus which mature at an age of 3 to 4 years, icefish do not attain maturity before they are 5–8 years old. Spawning period of most icefish species is autumn–winter. The incubation period spans from 2 to 3 months in the north of the Southern Ocean to more than 6 months close to the continent. Growth in icefish to the extent it is known is fairly rapid. They grow 6–10 cm in length per annum before they reach spawning maturity. Icefish feed primarily on krill and fish. Some icefish species were abundant enough to be exploited by commercial fisheries, primarily in the 1970s and 1980s with Champsocephalus gunnari as the main target species. Most stocks of this species had been overexploited by the beginning of the 1990s, some had further declined due to natural causes. Other species taken as by-catch species in fisheries were Chaenocephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, and Chionodraco rastrospinosus. Chaenodraco wilsoni was the only species exploited on a commercial scale in the high-Antarctic. Part I was published in the preceding issue of Polar Biology. DOI 10.1007/s00300-005-0019-z.  相似文献   

The thermal sensitivity of mitochondrial function was investigated in the stenothermal Antarctic fish Lepidonotothen nudifrons. State 3 respiration increases with increasing temperature between 0 °C and 18 °C with a Q 10 of 2.43–2.63. State 4 respiration in the presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase, quantifies the leakage of protons through the inner mitochondrial membrane, which causes oxygen consumption without concomitant ATP production. This parameter shows an unusually high Q 10 of 4.21 ± 0.42 (0–18 °C), which indicates that proton leakage does not depend merely on ion diffusion but is an enzyme-catalysed process. The differential thermal sensitivity of oxidative phosphorylation (=state 3) and proton leakage (=state 4 in the presence of oligomycin) leads to progressive uncoupling of the mitochondria and decreased efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation under in vivo conditions if the body temperature of L. nudifrons increases. Accepted: 2 September 1999  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on O2 consumption by mitochondria of the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii were compared with effects obtained with mitochondria from tropical (Sarotheridon mossambica) and temperate zone fishes (Sebastes carnatus and Sebastes mystinus). Arrhenius plots of O2 consumption versus temperature exhibited slope discontinuities (“breaks”) at temperatures (Arrhenius break temperatures: ABTs) reflective of the species' adaptation temperatures. The ABT for mitochondria of T. bernacchii is the lowest reported for any animal and is ∼12 °C below the value predicted by a regression equation based on ABT data for several invertebrates and fishes. The temperature at which the acceptor control ratio (ACR), an index of efficiency of coupling of electron transport to synthesis of ATP, began to decrease with rising temperature also reflected adaptation temperature. The decrease in ACR with rising temperature began at ∼18 °C for mitochondria of T. bernacchii, in contrast to ∼35 °C for mitochondria of Sarotheridon mossambica. Maintaining T. bernacchii at 4 °C for 2 weeks led to no changes in ABT or in the response of ACR to temperature. The thermal sensitivities of mitochondria of T. bernacchii reflect the high level of cold adaptation and stenothermy that is characteristic of Antarctic Notothenioid fishes. Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

The Channichthyidae, one of five Antarctic notothenioid families, includes 16 species and 11 genera. Most live at depths of 200-800 m and are a major component of fish biomass in many shelf areas. Channichthyids are unique among adult fishes in possessing pale white blood containing a few vestigal erythrocytes and no hemoglobin. Here we describe the brains of seven species and special sense organs of eight species of channichthyids. We emphasize Chionodraco hamatus and C. myersi, compare these species to other channichthyids, and relate our findings to what is known about brains and sense organs of red-blooded notothenioids living sympatrically on the Antarctic shelf. Brains of channichthyids generally resemble those of their bathydraconid sister group. Among channichthyids the telencephalon is slightly regressed, resulting in a stalked appearance, but the tectum, corpus cerebellum, and mechanoreceptive areas are well developed. Interspecific variation is present but slight. The most interesting features of channichthyid brains are not in the nervous tissue but in support structures: the vasculature and the subependymal expansions show considerable elaboration. Channichthyids have large accessory nasal sacs and olfactory lamellae are more numerous than in other notothenioids. The eyes are relatively large and laterally oriented with similar duplex (cone and rod) retinae in all eight species. Twin cones are the qualitatively dominant photoreceptor in histological sections and, unlike bathydraconids, there are no species with rod-dominated retinae. Eyes possess the most extensive system of hyaloid arteries known in teleosts. Unlike the radial pattern seen in red-blooded notothenioids and most other teleosts, channichthyid hyaloid arteries arise from four or five main branches and form a closely spaced anastomosing series of parallel channels. Cephalic lateral line canals are membranous and some exhibit extensions (canaliculi), but canals are more ossified than those of deeper-living bathydraconids. We conclude that, with respect to the anatomy and histology of the neural structures, the brain and sensory systems show little that is remarkable compared to other fishes, and exhibit little diversification within the family. Thus, the unusual habitat and a potentially deleterious mutation resulting in a hemoglobinless phenotype are reflected primarily in expansion of the vasculature in the brain and eye partially compensating for the absence of respiratory pigments. Neural morphology gives the impression that channichthyids are a homogeneous and little diversified group.  相似文献   

To assess how ecological and morphological disparity is interrelated in the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fish we used patterns of opercle bone evolution as a model to quantify shape disparity, phylogenetic patterns of shape evolution, and ecological correlates in the form of stable isotope values. Using a sample of 25 species including representatives from four major notothenioid clades, we show that opercle shape disparity is higher in the modern fauna than would be expected under the neutral evolution Brownian motion model. Phylogenetic comparative methods indicate that opercle shape data best fit a model of directional selection (Ornstein–Uhlenbeck) and are least supported by the “early burst” model of adaptive radiation. The main evolutionary axis of opercle shape change reflects movement from a broad and more symmetrically tapered opercle to one that narrows along the distal margin, but with only slight shape change on the proximal margin. We find a trend in opercle shape change along the benthic–pelagic axis, underlining the importance of this axis for diversification in the notothenioid radiation. A major impetus for the study of adaptive radiations is to uncover generalized patterns among different groups, and the evolutionary patterns in opercle shape among notothenioids are similar to those found among other adaptive radiations (three‐spined sticklebacks) promoting the utility of this approach for assessing ecomorphological interactions on a broad scale.  相似文献   

The Channichthyidae is a lineage of 16 species in the Notothenioidei, a clade of fishes that dominate Antarctic near-shore marine ecosystems with respect to both diversity and biomass. Among four published studies investigating channichthyid phylogeny, no two have produced the same tree topology, and no published study has investigated the degree of phylogenetic incongruence between existing molecular and morphological datasets. In this investigation we present an analysis of channichthyid phylogeny using complete gene sequences from two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and 16S) sampled from all recognized species in the clade. In addition, we have scored all 58 unique morphological characters used in three previous analyses of channichthyid phylogenetic relationships. Data partitions were analyzed separately to assess the amount of phylogenetic resolution provided by each dataset, and phylogenetic incongruence among data partitions was investigated using incongruence length difference (ILD) tests. We utilized a parsimony-based version of the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test to determine if alternative tree topologies are significantly different from trees resulting from maximum parsimony analysis of the combined partition dataset. Our results demonstrate that the greatest phylogenetic resolution is achieved when all molecular and morphological data partitions are combined into a single maximum parsimony analysis. Also, marginal to insignificant incongruence was detected among data partitions using the ILD. Maximum parsimony analysis of all data partitions combined results in a single tree, and is a unique hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships in the Channichthyidae. In particular, this hypothesis resolves the phylogenetic relationships of at least two species (Channichthys rhinoceratus and Chaenocephalus aceratus), for which there was no consensus among the previous phylogenetic hypotheses. The combined data partition dataset provides substantial statistical power to discriminate among alternative hypotheses of channichthyid relationships. These findings suggest the optimal strategy for investigating the phylogenetic relationships of channichthyids is one that uses all available phylogenetic data in analyses of combined data partitions.  相似文献   

Biogeographic studies separate the Antarctic Notothenioid fish fauna into high- and low-latitude species. Past studies indicate that some species found in the high-latitude freezing waters of the High-Antarctic Zone have low-serum hysteresis freezing points, while other species restricted to the low-latitude seasonal pack ice zone have higher serum hysteresis freezing points above the freezing point of seawater (−1.9°C), but the relationship has not been systematically investigated. Freeze avoidance was quantified in 11 species of Antarctic icefishes by determining the hysteresis freezing points of their blood serum, in addition, the freezing point depression from serum osmolytes, the antifreeze activity from serum antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGPs), and the antifreeze activity from serum antifreeze potentiating protein were measured for each species. Serum hysteresis freezing point, a proxy for organismal freeze avoidance, decreased as species were distributed at increasing latitude (linear regression r 2 0.66, slope −0.046°C °latitude−1), which appeared largely independent of phylogenetic influences. Greater freeze avoidance at high latitudes was largely a result of higher levels of antifreeze activity from serum AFGPs relative to those in species inhabiting the low-latitude waters. The icefish fauna could be separated into a circum High-Antarctic Group of eight species that maintained serum hysteresis freezing points below −1.9°C even when sampled from less severe habitats. The remaining three species with low-latitude ranges restricted to the waters of the northern part of the west Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc Islands had serum hysteresis freezing points at or above −1.9°C due to significantly lower combined activity from all of their serum antifreeze proteins than found in the High-Antarctic Zone icefish.  相似文献   

Summary The electron-dense capsule tip (apical cap) of sea anemone and coral spirocysts is of a different structure than the capsule wall. The capsule wall is composed of a double layer of fiber-like materials which cross each other at roughly right angles. The innermost layer is characterized by numerous serrations, the tips of which project into the lumen of the capsule. Within each serration, a band of finely cross-striated material encircles the capsule at right angles to its longitudinal axis. The membrane lining the lumen of the capsule appears to be continuous with the wall of the undischarged thread. The outer capsule wall layer consists of closely spaced microfilaments (cnidofilaments) which are oriented in the longitudinal axis of the capsule. The cnidofilaments appear to merge with the apical cap material. Contrary to some previous reports in the literature, it has been found that spirocysts normally discharge by eversion, as do nematocysts. The relationship of the capsule wall sub-structure to the spirocyst discharge process is discussed.Thanks are due Dr. Cadet Hand for the use of the facilities of the Bodega Marine Laboratory of the University of California and B. Miller, F. Doroshow, C. Bigger, G. Chapman and E. Chang for expert technical assistance. The use of the facilities of the Electron Microscope Laboratory and Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley and the Eelectron Microscope Laboratory of the Florida State University is gratefully acknowledged. Part of this work was made possible by NSF Grant GB-40547 to the senior author  相似文献   

Rumination is a symptom of depression that refers to intense, distraction-resistant thinking. Although rumination is widely considered maladaptive, the analytical rumination hypothesis (ARH) proposes that rumination is an adaptive cognitive process where depression first promotes rumination on the causes of problems (“causal analysis”), which in turn promotes rumination on solving problems (“problem-solving analysis”). Effective problem-solving then feeds back to reduce depressive symptoms. To test this cyclical model, a scale with both problem-solving and causal analysis components is required. There are two candidates: (1) the widely used Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS); and (2) the Analytical Rumination Questionnaire (ARQ)—a new scale based on the ARH. These instruments were administered to five samples (Total N = 1414) from two different cultures (Canada, Czech Republic) with different clinical statuses (nonclinical, hospitalized). Latent factor analysis of the ARQ supported the existence of both causal analysis and problem-solving analysis factors, making it suitable for testing ARH predictions. Using the ARQ, we found consistent support for the predicted covariance pattern between depression, causal analysis, and problem-solving analysis. However, we found no evidence that either of the RRS factors were related to problem-solving. Moreover, we were systematically unable to detect the predicted covariance pattern between depression and the RRS factors. We conclude that the ability to detect functional relationships between depression and rumination requires the researcher to consider both function (a correct hypothesis for how rumination and depression are adaptively related to each other) and form (valid measures of those constructs). Understanding rumination as a two-stage problem-solving process may help explain why most depressive episodes eventually resolve without treatment.  相似文献   

This review summarizes recent findings from electron tomography about the three-dimensional shape of mitochondrial membranes and its possible influence on a range of mitochondrial functions. The inner membrane invaginations called cristae are pleomorphic, typically connected by narrow tubular junctions of variable length to the inner boundary membrane. This design may restrict intra-mitochondrial diffusion of metabolites such as ADP, and of soluble proteins such as cytochrome c. Tomographic images of a variety of mitochondria suggest that inner membrane topology reflects a balance between membrane fusion and fission. Proteins that can affect cristae morphology include tBid, which triggers cytochrome c release in apoptosis, and the dynamin-like protein Mgm1, involved in inter-mitochondrial membrane fusion. In frozen-hydrated rat-liver mitochondria, the space between the inner and outer membranes contains 10-15 nm particles that may represent macromolecular complexes involved in activities that span the two membranes.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) physically separates nucleoplasm and cytoplasm, contributes to nuclear structural integrity, controls selective bidirectional transport of ions and macromolecular cargo, regulates gene expression, and acts as a mechanotransducer and a platform for signalling. It is noteworthy however that the NE is not simply a smooth-surfaced outer boundary but is interrupted by invaginations that reach deep within the nucleoplasm and could even traverse the nucleus completely. The existence of such a complex branched network of invaginations forming a nucleoplasmic reticulum (NR) provides sites that are capable of carrying out the 'conventional' NE functions deep within the nucleus in regions that would otherwise be remote from the nuclear periphery. In this review, we describe the structural features of NR in normal and pathological states and discuss the current understanding of their functional and possible pathological roles.  相似文献   

Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) results from cellular damage caused by a deficiency in the mitochondrial matrix protein frataxin. To address the effect of frataxin deficiency on mitochondrial iron chemistry, the heavy mitochondrial fraction (HMF) was isolated from primary fibroblasts from FRDA affected and unaffected individuals. X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to characterize the chemical form of iron. Near K-edge spectra were fitted with a series of model iron compounds to determine the proportion of each iron species. Most of the iron in both affected and unaffected fibroblasts was ferrihydrite. The iron K-edge from unaffected HMFs were best fitted with poorly organized ferrihydrite modeled by frataxin whereas HMFs from affected cells were best fitted with highly organized ferrihydrite modeled by ferritin. Both had several minor iron species but these did not differ consistently with disease. Since the iron K-edge spectra of ferritin and frataxin are very similar, we present additional evidence for the presence of ferritin-bound iron in HMF. The predominant ferritin subunit in HMFs from affected cells resembled mitochondrial ferritin (MtFt) in size and antigenicity. Western blotting of native gels showed that HMF from affected cells had 3-fold more holoferritin containing stainable iron. We conclude that most of the iron in fibroblast HMF from both affected and unaffected cells is ferrihydrite but only FRDA affected cells mineralize significant iron in mitochondrial ferritin.  相似文献   

线粒体为细胞内的能量工厂,对细胞的增殖、分化、存活以及稳态的维持起着重要的调节作用。线粒体功能障碍与机体生长、发育异常、认知发生障碍以及多种器官病变密切相关。线粒体形态、结构和功能的检测对于了解线粒体的稳态以及功能状态有着重要意义,线粒体的功能状态与线粒体膜电位、线粒体膜通道、线粒体Ca2+浓度、ATP生成、呼吸链复合体活性、活性氧生成以及DNA突变密切相关。本文就线粒体形态、结构和功能的检测方法及其研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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