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The cordon-bleu (Cobl) gene is widely conserved in vertebrates, with developmentally regulated axial and epithelial expression in mouse and chick embryos. In vitro, Cobl can bind monomeric actin and nucleate formation of unbranched actin filaments, while in cultured cells it can modulate the actin cytoskeleton. However, an essential role for Cobl in vivo has yet to be determined. We have used zebrafish as a model to assess the requirements for Cobl in embryogenesis. We find that cobl shows enriched expression in ciliated epithelial tissues during zebrafish organogenesis. Cobl protein is enriched in the apical domain of ciliated cells, in close proximity to the apical actin cap. Reduction of Cobl by antisense morpholinos reveals an essential role in development of motile cilia in organs such as Kupffer's vesicle and the pronephros. In Kupffer's vesicle, the reduction in Cobl coincides with a reduction in the amount of apical F-actin. Thus, Cobl represents a molecular activity that couples developmental patterning signals with local intracellular cytoskeletal dynamics to support morphogenesis of motile cilia.  相似文献   

The actin nucleation‐promoting factors SCAR/WAVE and WASp, together with associated elements, mediate the formation of muscle fibres through myoblast fusion during Drosophila embryogenesis. Our phenotypic analysis, following the disruption of these two pathways, suggests that they function in a sequential manner. Suppressor of cyclic AMP receptor (SCAR) activity is required before the formation of pores in the membranes of fusing cells, whereas Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) promotes the expansion of nascent pores and completion of the fusion process. Genetic epistasis experiments are consistent with this step‐wise temporal progression. Our observations further imply a separate, Rac‐dependent role for the SCAR complex in promoting myoblast migration. In keeping with the sequential utilization of the two systems, we observe abnormal accumulations of filamentous actin at the fusion sites when both pathways are disrupted, resembling those present when only SCAR‐complex function is impaired. This observation further suggests that actin‐filament accumulation at the fusion sites might not depend on Arp2/3 activity altogether.  相似文献   

Somatic muscle formation in Drosophila requires fusion of muscle founder cells with fusion-competent myoblasts. In a genetic screen for genes that control muscle development, we identified antisocial (ants), a gene that encodes an ankyrin repeat-, TPR repeat-, and RING finger-containing protein, required for myoblast fusion. In ants mutant embryos, founder cells and fusion-competent myoblasts are properly specified and patterned, but they are unable to form myotubes. ANTS, which is expressed specifically in founder cells, interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of Dumbfounded, a founder cell transmembrane receptor, and with Myoblast city, a cytoskeletal protein, both of which are also required for myoblast fusion. These findings suggest that ANTS functions as an intracellular adaptor protein that relays signals from Dumbfounded to the cytoskeleton during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Su Deng  Ingo Bothe 《Fly》2016,10(4):178-186
From Drosophila to man, multinucleated muscle cells form through cell-cell fusion. Using Drosophila as a model system, researchers first identified, and then demonstrated, the importance of actin cytoskeletal rearrangements at the site of fusion. These actin rearrangements at the fusion site are regulated by SCAR and WASp mediated Arp2/3 activation, which nucleates branched actin networks. Loss of SCAR, WASp or both leads to defects in myoblast fusion. Recently, we have found that the actin regulator Diaphanous (Dia) also plays a role both in organizing actin and in regulating Arp2/3 activity at the fusion site. In this Extra View article, we provide additional data showing that the Abi-SCAR complex accumulates at the fusion site and that excessive SCAR activity impairs myoblast fusion. Using constitutively active Dia constructs, we provide additional evidence that Dia functions upstream of SCAR activity to regulate actin dynamics at the fusion site and to localize the Abi-SCAR complex.  相似文献   

Paramyosin is a major structural protein of thick filaments in invertebrate muscles. Coiled-coil dimers of paramyosin form a paracrystalline core of these filaments, and the motor protein myosin is arranged on the core surface. To investigate the function of paramyosin in myofibril assembly and muscle contraction, we functionally disrupted the Drosophila melanogaster paramyosin gene by mobilizing a P element located in its promoter region. Homozygous paramyosin mutants die at the late embryo stage. Mutants display defects in both myoblast fusion and in myofibril assembly in embryonic body wall muscles. Mutant embryos have an abnormal body wall muscle fiber pattern arising from defects in myoblast fusion. In addition, sarcomeric units do not assemble properly and muscle contractility is impaired. We confirmed that these defects are paramyosin-specific by rescuing the homozygous paramyosin mutant to adulthood with a paramyosin transgene. Antibody analysis of normal embryos demonstrated that paramyosin accumulates as a cytoplasmic protein in early embryo development before assembling into thick filaments. We conclude that paramyosin plays an unexpected role in myoblast fusion and is important for myofibril assembly and muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is essential for cell migration, cell division, and cell morphogenesis. Actin-binding proteins play a pivotal role in reorganizing the actin cytoskeleton in response to signals exchanged between cells. In consequence, actin-binding proteins are increasingly a focus of investigations into effectors of cell signaling and the coordination of cellular behaviors within developmental processes. One of the first actin-binding proteins identified was filamin, or actin-binding protein 280 (ABP280). Filamin is required for cell migration (Cunningham et al. 1992), and mutations in human alpha-filamin (FLN1; Fox et al. 1998) are responsible for impaired migration of cerebral neurons and give rise to periventricular heterotopia, a disorder that leads to epilepsy and vascular disorders, as well as embryonic lethality. We report the identification and characterization of a mutation in Drosophila filamin, the homologue of human alpha-filamin. During oogenesis, filamin is concentrated in the ring canal structures that fortify arrested cleavage furrows and establish cytoplasmic bridges between cells of the germline. The major structural features common to other filamins are conserved in Drosophila filamin. Mutations in Drosophila filamin disrupt actin filament organization and compromise membrane integrity during oocyte development, resulting in female sterility. The genetic and molecular characterization of Drosophila filamin provides the first genetic model system for the analysis of filamin function and regulation during development.  相似文献   

In higher organisms, mononucleated myoblasts fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. During this process, myoblasts undergo specific changes in cell morphology and cytoarchitecture. Previously, we have shown that the actin regulator Kette (Hem-2/Nap-1) is essential for myoblast fusion. In this study, we describe the role of the evolutionary conserved Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein that serves as a regulator for the Arp2/3 complex for myoblast fusion. By screening an EMS mutagenesis collection, we discovered a new wasp allele that does not complete fusion during myogenesis. Interestingly, this new wasp3D3-035 allele is characterized by a disruption of fusion after precursor formation. The molecular lesion in this wasp allele leads to a stop codon preventing translation of the CA domain. Usually, the WASP protein exerts its function through the Arp2/3-interacting CA domain. Accordingly, a waspDeltaCA that is expressed in a wild-type background acts as dominant-negative during the fusion process. Furthermore, we show that the myoblast fusion phenotype of kette mutant embryos can be suppressed by reducing the gene dose of wasp3D3-035. Thus, Kette antagonizes WASP function during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Actin participates in several intracellular trafficking pathways. We now find that actin, bound to the surface of purified yeast vacuoles in the absence of cytosol or cytoskeleton, regulates the last compartment mixing stage of homotypic vacuole fusion. The Cdc42p GTPase is known to be required for vacuole fusion. We now show that proteins of the Cdc42p-regulated actin remodeling cascade (Cdc42p --> Cla4p --> Las17p/Vrp1p --> Arp2/3 complex --> actin) are enriched on isolated vacuoles. Vacuole fusion is dramatically altered by perturbation of the vacuole-bound actin, either by mutation of the ACT1 gene, addition of specific actin ligands such as latrunculin B or jasplakinolide, antibody to the actin regulatory proteins Las17p (yeast Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein) or Arp2/3, or deletion of actin regulatory genes. On docked vacuoles, actin is enriched at the "vertex ring" membrane microdomain where fusion occurs and is required for the terminal steps leading to membrane fusion. This role for actin may extend to other trafficking systems.  相似文献   

Formation of syncytial muscle fibers involves repeated rounds of cell fusion between growing myotubes and neighboring myoblasts. We have established that Wsp, the Drosophila homolog of the WASp family of microfilament nucleation-promoting factors, is an essential facilitator of myoblast fusion in Drosophila embryos. D-WIP, a homolog of the conserved Verprolin/WASp Interacting Protein family of WASp-binding proteins, performs a key mediating role in this context. D-WIP, which is expressed specifically in myoblasts, associates with both the WASp-Arp2/3 system and with the myoblast adhesion molecules Dumbfounded and Sticks and Stones, thereby recruiting the actin-polymerization machinery to sites of myoblast attachment and fusion. Our analysis demonstrates that this recruitment is normally required late in the fusion process, for enlargement of nascent fusion pores and breakdown of the apposed cell membranes. These observations identify cellular and developmental roles for the WASp-Arp2/3 pathway, and provide a link between force-generating actin polymerization and cell fusion.  相似文献   

We have examined the mechanisms underlying the setting of myotubes and choice of myotube number in adult Drosophila. We find that the pattern of adult myotubes is prefigured by a pattern of duf-lacZ-expressing myoblasts at appropriate locations. Selective expression of duf-lacZ in single myoblasts emerges from generalized, low-level expression in all adult myoblasts during the third larval instar. The number of founders, thus chosen, corresponds to the number of fibres in a muscle. In contrast to the embryo, the selection of individual adult founder cells during myogenesis does not depend on Notch-mediated lateral inhibition. Our results suggest a general mechanism by which multi-fibre muscles can be patterned.  相似文献   

The fusion of myoblasts to myotubes requires an endogenous soluble metalloendoprotease. To determine whether this protease is released by fusing myoblasts, or stays within the cell, we examined the effects of membrane-impermeant and a membrane-permeant metalloendoprotease inhibitors. Membrane-permeant 1,10-phenanthroline, and membrane-impermeant bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid both inhibited soluble metalloendoprotease activity in homogenized myoblasts with equal potency. However, while 1,10-phenanthroline inhibited fusion, bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid had no effect. In addition, metalloendoprotease activity could not be detected in the media of fusing myoblasts, but was in the cells. These observations support the conclusion that the soluble metalloendoprotease required in fusion remains within the myoblast.  相似文献   

The reorganization of actin filaments (AFs) and vacuoles in guard cells is involved in the regulation of stomatal movement. However, it remains unclear whether there is any interaction between the reorganization of AFs and vacuolar changes during stomatal movement. Here, we report the relationship between the reorganization of AFs and vacuolar fusion revealed in pharmacological experiments, and characterizing stomatal opening in actin‐related protein 2 (arp2) and arp3 mutants. Our results show that cytochalasin‐D‐induced depolymerization or phalloidin‐induced stabilization of AFs leads to an increase in small unfused vacuoles during stomatal opening in wild‐type (WT) Arabidopsis plants. Light‐induced stomatal opening is retarded and vacuolar fusion in guard cells is impaired in the mutants, in which the reorganization and the dynamic parameters of AFs are aberrant compared with those of the WT. In WT, AFs tightly surround the small separated vacuoles, forming a ring that encircles the boundary membranes of vacuoles partly fused during stomatal opening. In contrast, in the mutants, most AFs and actin patches accumulate abnormally around the nuclei of the guard cells, which probably further impair vacuolar fusion and retard stomatal opening. Our results suggest that the reorganization of AFs regulates vacuolar fusion in guard cells during stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Microvilli are actin-based fingerlike membrane projections that form the basis of the brush border of enterocytes and the Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptor rhabdomere. Although many microvillar cytoskeletal components have been identified, the molecular basis of microvillus formation is largely undefined. Here, we report that the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) is necessary for rhabdomere microvillus morphogenesis. We show that WASp accumulates on the photoreceptor apical surface before microvillus formation, and at the time of microvillus initiation WASp colocalizes with amphiphysin and moesin. The loss of WASp delays the enrichment of F-actin on the apical photoreceptor surface, delays the appearance of the primordial microvillar projections, and subsequently leads to malformed rhabdomeres.  相似文献   

Ruiz-Gómez M  Coutts N  Price A  Taylor MV  Bate M 《Cell》2000,102(2):189-198
Aggregation and fusion of myoblasts to form myotubes is essential for myogenesis in many organisms. In Drosophila the formation of syncytial myotubes is seeded by founder myoblasts. Founders fuse with clusters of fusion-competent myoblasts. Here we identify the gene dumbfounded (duf) and show that it is required for myoblast aggregation and fusion. duf encodes a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins that is an attractant for fusion-competent myoblasts. It is expressed by founder cells and serves to attract clusters of myoblasts from which myotubes form by fusion.  相似文献   

The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) is a key regulator of actin dynamics during cell motility and adhesion, and mutations in its gene are responsible for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS). Here, we demonstrate that WASp is ubiquitylated following T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) activation. WASp phosphorylation at tyrosine 291 results in recruitment of the E3 ligase Cbl-b, which, together with c-Cbl, carries out WASp ubiquitylation. Lysine residues 76 and 81, located at the WASp WH1 domain, which contains the vast majority of WASp gene mutations, serve as the ubiquitylation sites. Disruption of WASp ubiquitylation causes WASp accumulation and alters actin dynamics and the formation of actin-dependent structures. Our data suggest that regulated degradation of activated WASp might be an efficient strategy by which the duration and localization of actin rearrangement and the intensity of T-cell activation are controlled.  相似文献   

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