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The fluorescence decay times for the species Anacystis nidulans and Chlorella pyrenoidosa are measured by means of a streak camera to be 75 ± 10 and 41 ± 5 psec, respectively. Concentrated solutions of chlorophyll a are shown to have fluorescence decay times as short as 10 psec. Fluorescence decay curves similar to that of the living cells can be generated by mixing cellular component molecules at comparable concentrations to that present in living cells.  相似文献   

When and where proteins associate is a central question in many biomolecular studies. F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements can be used to address this question when the interacting proteins are labeled with appropriate donor and acceptor fluorophores. We describe an improved method to determine FRET efficiency that uses a mode-locked laser, a confocal microscope and a streak camera. We applied this method to study the association of alpha and beta(1) subunits of the human cardiac sodium channel. The subunits were tagged with the cyan and yellow variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells. Pronounced FRET between the channel subunits in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) suggested that the subunits associate before they reach the plasma membrane. The described method allows simultaneous measurement of donor and acceptor fluorescence decays and provides an intrinsically validated estimate of FRET efficiency.  相似文献   

New technologies afford convenient modalities for skin temperature (TSKIN) measurement, notably involving wireless telemetry and non-contact infrared thermometry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of skin temperature measurements using a telemetry thermistor system (TT) and thermal camera (TC) during exercise in a hot environment. Each system was compared against a certified thermocouple, measuring the surface temperature of a metal block in a thermostatically controlled waterbath. Fourteen recreational athletes completed two incremental running tests, separated by one week. Skin temperatures were measured simultaneously with TT and TC compared against a hard-wired thermistor system (HW) throughout rest and exercise. Post hoc calibration based on waterbath results displayed good validity for TT (mean bias [MB]=−0.18 °C, typical error [TE]=0.18 °C) and reliability (MB=−0.05 °C, TE=0.31 °C) throughout rest and exercise. Poor validity (MB=−1.4 °C, TE=0.35 °C) and reliability (MB=−0.65 °C, TE=0.52 °C) was observed for TC, suggesting it may be best suited to controlled, static situations. These findings indicate TT systems provide a convenient, valid and reliable alternative to HW, useful for measurements in the field where traditional methods may be impractical.  相似文献   

Two batches of Cicadulina mbila were given two distinct acquisition access periods (AAP) (3 h and 50 h) on maize plants infected with maize streak virus (MSV). Infectivity assays on susceptible maize were carried out 1, 3, 10, 17, 26 and 35 days after the AAP. Transmission efficiency was significantly higher for C. mbila subjected to the 50-h AAP. At the same time as the infectivity assays, the amount of MSV in each leafhopper was determined by an indirect double antibody sandwich (IDAS) ELISA. There were more ELISA-positive insects after the 50-h AAP than after the 3-h AAP. In the group given a 3-h AAP, only 7% of the insects tested between day 1 and 35 were found to be positive by ELISA. In contrast, after the 50-h AAP, the majority of C. mbila were positive, yet a decrease in ELISA-positive insects was noticed from day 17 onwards. Using a calibration curve obtained with purified virus, as little as 0.15 ng of MSV per insect could be measured by the IDAS-ELISA. A mean value of 0.36 ng of MSV per C. mbila was found 3 days after the 50–h acquisition, whereas 14 days later there was only 0.20 ng of virus per insect. For comparison, when leafhoppers were kept on infected maize, they displayed substantial accumulation of MSV up to an average of 3.83 ng of MSV per insect after 35 days of continuous acquisition. The amount of virus per insect detected in females was usually greater than the amount detected in males. Our results suggest that MSV does not multiply in C. mbila and contribute to the understanding of the persistence of transmission efficiency in the absence of virus multiplication.  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is a major bacterial disease of rice. Utilization of host genetic resistance has become one of the most important strategies for controlling BLS. However, only a few resistance genes have been characterized. Previously, a recessive BLS resistance gene bls1 was roughly mapped on chromosome 6. Here, we further delineated bls1 to a 21 kb region spanning four genes. Genetic analysis confirmed that the gene encoding a mitogen-activated protein kinase (OsMAPK6) is the target of the allelic genes BLS1 and bls1. Overexpression of BLS1 weakened resistance to the specific Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strain JZ-8, while low expression of bls1 increased resistance. However, both overexpression of BLS1 and low expression of bls1 could increase no-race-specific broad-spectrum resistance. These results indicate that BLS1 and bls1 negatively regulate race-specific resistance to Xoc strain JZ-8 but positively and negatively control broad-spectrum resistance, respectively. Subcellular localization demonstrated that OsMAPK6 was localized in the nucleus. RGA4, which is known to mediate resistance to Xoc, is the potential target of OsMAPK6. Overexpression of BLS1 and low expression of bls1 showed increase in salicylic acid and induced expression of defense-related genes, simultaneously increasing broad-spectrum resistance. Moreover, low expression of bls1 showed increase an in jasmonic acid and abscisic acid, in company with an increase in resistance to Xoc strain JZ-8. Collectively, our study provides new insights into the understanding of BLS resistance and facilitates the development of rice host-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda attaches to Gram-negative bacteria using the outer membrane protein LamB as its receptor. Subsequently, DNA is injected by the bacteriophage into the host cell for replication and expression. The mechanism of DNA injection, however, is poorly understood. In order to begin to characterize DNA injection, a quantitative kinetic assay to detect injection into reconstituted LamB liposomes is described. The technique involves monitoring the increase in fluorescence of liposome-encapsulated ethidium bromide, which occurs as DNA enters the aqueous compartment of the vesicles. The data indicate that injection is several times faster than indicated by earlier studies and is complete within 1 min. Such assays which allow direct observation of this process are necessary first steps toward a mechanistic understanding.  相似文献   

The energy-transducing cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria contains pumps and antiports maintaining the membrane potential and ion gradients. We have developed a method for rapid, single-cell measurement of the internal sodium concentration ([Na+]in) in Escherichia coli using the sodium ion fluorescence indicator, Sodium Green. The bacterial flagellar motor is a molecular machine that couples the transmembrane flow of ions, either protons (H+) or sodium ions (Na+), to flagellar rotation. We used an E. coli strain containing a chimeric flagellar motor with H+- and Na+-driven components that functions as a sodium motor. Changing external sodium concentration ([Na+]ex) in the range 1–85 mM resulted in changes in [Na+]in between 5–14 mM, indicating a partial homeostasis of internal sodium concentration. There were significant intercell variations in the relationship between [Na+]in and [Na+]ex, and the internal sodium concentration in cells not expressing chimeric flagellar motors was 2–3 times lower, indicating that the sodium flux through these motors is a significant fraction of the total sodium flux into the cell.  相似文献   

The technique of fluorescence photobleaching recovery [Axelrod et al., Biophys. J. 16 (1976) 1055] has been applied to the measurement of absolute diffusion constants of a number of fluoiescein isothiocyanate-labeled proteins. Measured diffusion constants agree to within +/- 7% of published values for the underivatized proteins. The method has sufficient sensitivity to reveal the concentration dependence at neutral pH of the diffusion constant of alpha-chymotrypsin. The rapidity with which the labelling and measurements can be performed and the small amount of material required suggest the technique may be useful in rapid characterization of small protein samples. Some developments in optical and electronic systems and in data processing for this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Urodeles begin gastrulation with much of their presumptive mesoderm in the superficial cell layer, all of which must move into the deep layers during development. We studied the morphogenesis of superficial mesoderm in the urodeles Ambystoma maculatum, Ambystoma mexicanum, and Taricha granulosa. In all three species, somitic, lateral, and ventral mesoderm move into the deep layer during gastrulation, ingressing through a "bilateral primitive streak" just inside the blastopore. The mesodermal epithelium appears to slide under the endodermal epithelium by a mechanism we term "subduction." Subduction removes the large expanse of superficial presumptive somitic and lateral-ventral mesoderm that initially separates the sub-blastoporal endoderm from the notochord, leaving the endoderm bounding the still epithelial notochord along the gastrocoel roof. Subduction may be a common feature of urodele gastrulation, differing in this regard from anurans. Subducting cells constrict their apices and become bottle-shaped as they approach the junction of the mesodermal and endodermal epithelia. Subducting bottle cells endocytose apical membrane and withdraw the tight junctional component cingulin from the contracting circumferential tight junctions. Either in conjunction with or immediately after subducting, the mesodermal cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The mechanism by which epithelial cells release their apical junctions to become mesenchymal, without disrupting the integrity of the epithelium, remains mysterious, but this system should prove useful in understanding this process in a developmental context.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a widely used technique for studying diffusion in biological tissues. Most of the existing...  相似文献   

Garlic yellow streak virus, a potyvirus infecting garlic in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In New Zealand, all garlic (Allium sativum) plants tested were infected by a virus with flexuous filamentous particles 700–800 nm long. This virus, called garlic yellow streak virus (GYSV), infected only two of 12 species tested and was transmitted to garlic by the aphid Myzus persicae in a non-persistent manner. In garlic sap, GYSV was infective at a dilution of 10-4 but not 10-3, after heating for 10 min at 60°C but not 65°C, and after 2 days but not 3 days at 25°C. The yield of virus, purified from naturally infected garlic, was 3–4 mg/kg fresh leaf. Preparations had A260/A280= 1.28 and Aman/Amin= 1.08. The virus particles had a sedimentation coefficient of 149S and a buoyant density in CsCl of 1.334 g/cm3. Mol. wt estimates for the virus nucleic acid were 2.95 × 106 by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels and 3.46 × 106 from the sedimentation coefficient (41.4S) in linear-log sucrose density gradients. Two polypeptides were detected in virus preparations; one (mol. wt 30 500) was possibly a breakdown product of the other (mol. wt 33 000). GYSV was serologically distantly related to onion yellow dwarf and leek yellow stripe viruses but was considered to be a separate virus because it differed from them in host range.  相似文献   

BCECF is used for intracellular pH (pHi) measurement in microperfused tubules. In this case, the perfusate washes out all BCECF leaking from the cells away from the optical light path. We have explored the use of BCECF for pHi determination on suspensions of dog renal proximal tubules (Percoll). This raises specific problems due to the accumulation of BCECF in the extracellular compartment generated by desesterification of BCECF-AM during loading and to leaking of BCECF into the extracellular medium occurring during the waiting time and during the measurement procedure. Repeated washing of the suspension reduced in part this contamination but did not eliminate the continuous leakage of BCECF: the specific intracellular signal is progressively reduced. We have examined the use of anion exchange resin (Dowex 1X-8, 200-400 mesh, Cl- form) to bind the extracellular BCECF (negatively charged). Dowex beads glued to one wall of the cuvette out of the optical path constitute an optically neutral sink removing BCECF as it leaks out of the cells. Using this technique, we had estimated the pHi of dog proximal tubule to 7.374 +/- 0.032 at extracellular pH of 7.325 +/- 0.021. The cellular pH is acutely, but transiently, alkalinized by NH4Cl and acidified by Na acetate. The BCECF signal was calibrated using nigericin. This technique improves significantly the measurement of pHi by BCECF fluorescence in tissue suspensions.  相似文献   

Capsule: Bird migration was recorded by an infrared device at three sites in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, indicating seasonal east–west differences in migration flow.

Aims: The main aims of this study were to quantify and describe nocturnal migration dynamics in proximity of a sea barrier, and to assess seasonal and geographical drivers of migration patterns.

Methods: A thermal-imaging camera was used at two coastal study sites (Punta Galea, Cape Higuer) in spring and three study sites (coast: Punta Galea, Cape Higuer; inland: Iregua Valley) in autumn for four hours from sunset over 90 nights in 2014 and 2015.

Results: Migration was strong at both coastal sites in early spring. Autumn migration was weak at the western coast, but strong at the eastern coast and inland. Tailwind had no significant effect on migration intensity, but migration ceased during strong cross- or headwinds despite clear skies. The majority of the targets were passerines.

Conclusions: The patterns observed suggest spring migration occurs on a broader front, potentially involving sea crossing further to the west, while autumn migration concentrates more eastwards over land. In both seasons, there was no significant response to wind conditions.  相似文献   

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