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The Menkes copper-translocating P-type ATPase (ATP7A; MNK) is a ubiquitous protein that regulates the absorption of copper in the gastrointestinal tract. Inside cells the protein has a dual function: it delivers copper to cuproenzymes in the Golgi compartment and effluxes excess copper. The latter property is achieved through copper-dependent vesicular trafficking of the Menkes protein to the plasma membrane of the cell. The trafficking mechanism and catalytic activity combine to facilitate absorption and intercellular transport of copper. The mechanism of catalysis and copper-dependent trafficking of the Menkes protein are the subjects of this review. Menkes disease, a systemic copper deficiency disorder, is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the Menkes protein. The effect of these mutations on the catalytic cycle and the cell biology of the Menkes protein, as well as predictions of the effect of particular mutant MNKs on observed Menkes disease symptoms will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Biological utilisation of copper requires that the metal, in its ionic forms, be meticulously transported, inserted into enzymes and regulatory proteins, and excess be excreted. To understand the trafficking process, it is crucial that the structures of the proteins involved in the varied processes be resolved. To investigate copper binding to a family of structurally related copper-binding proteins, we have characterised the second Menkes N-terminal domain (MNKr2). The structure, determined using 1H and 15N heteronuclear NMR, of the reduced form of MNKr2 has revealed two alpha-helices lying over a single beta-sheet and shows that the binding site, a Cys(X)2Cys pair, is located on an exposed loop. 1H-15N HSQC experiments demonstrate that binding of Cu(I) causes changes that are localised to conserved residues adjacent to the metal binding site. Residues in this area are important to the delivery of copper by the structurally related Cu(I) chaperones. Complementary site-directed mutagenesis of the adjacent residues has been used to probe the structural roles of conserved residues.  相似文献   

The Menkes protein (ATP7A; MNK) is a ubiquitous human copper-translocating P-type ATPase and it has a key role in regulating copper homeostasis. Previously we characterised fundamental steps in the catalytic cycle of the Menkes protein. In this study we analysed the role of several conserved regions of the Menkes protein, particularly within the putative cytosolic ATP-binding domain. The results of catalytic studies have indicated an important role of 1086His in catalysis. Our findings provide a biochemical explanation for the most common Wilson disease-causing mutation (H1069Q in the homologous Wilson copper-translocating P-type ATPase). Furthermore, we have identified a unique role of 1230Asp, within the DxxK motif, in coupling ATP binding and acylphosphorylation with copper translocation. Finally, we found that the Menkes protein mutants with significantly reduced catalytic activity can still undergo copper-regulated exocytosis, suggesting that only the complete loss of catalytic activity prevents copper-regulated trafficking of the Menkes protein.  相似文献   

Menkes disease is a fatal disease that can be induced by various mutations in the ATP7A gene, leading to unpaired uptake of dietary copper. The ATP7A gene encodes a copper(I)-translocating ATPase. Here the disease-causing A629P mutation, which occurs in the last of the six copper(I)-binding soluble domains of the ATPase (hereafter MNK6), was investigated. To understand why this apparently minor amino acid replacement is pathogenic, the solution structures and dynamics on various time-scales of wild-type and A629P-MNK6 were determined both in the apo- and copper(I)-loaded forms. The interaction in vitro with the physiological ATP7A copper(I)-donor (HAH1) was additionally studied. The A629P mutation makes the protein beta-sheet more solvent accessible, possibly resulting in an enhanced susceptibility of ATP7A to proteolytic cleavage and/or in reduced capability of copper(I)-translocation. A small reduction of the affinity for copper(I) is also observed. Both effects could concur to pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The P-type ATPases affected in Menkes and Wilson diseases, ATP7A and ATP7B, respectively, are key copper transporters that regulate copper homeostasis. The N termini of these proteins are critical in regulating their function and activity, and contain six copper-binding motifs MxCxxC. In this study, we describe the identification of glutaredoxin (GRX1) as an interacting partner of both ATP7A and ATP7B, confirmed by yeast two-hybrid technology and by co-immunoprecipitation from mammalian cells. The interaction required the presence of copper and intact metal-binding motifs. In addition, the interaction was related to the number of metal-binding domains available. GRX1 catalyses the reduction of disulphide bridges and reverses the glutathionylation of proteins to regulate and/or protect protein activity. We propose that GRX1 is essential for ATPase function and catalyses either the reduction of intramolecular disulphide bonds or the deglutathionylation of the cysteine residues within the CxxC motifs to facilitate copper-binding for subsequent transport.  相似文献   

Copper-transporting ATPase ATP7A is essential for mammalian copper homeostasis. Loss of ATP7A activity is associated with fatal Menkes disease and various other pathologies. In cells, ATP7A inactivation disrupts copper transport from the cytosol into the secretory pathway. Using fibroblasts from Menkes disease patients and mouse 3T3-L1 cells with a CRISPR/Cas9-inactivated ATP7A, we demonstrate that ATP7A dysfunction is also damaging to mitochondrial redox balance. In these cells, copper accumulates in nuclei, cytosol, and mitochondria, causing distinct changes in their redox environment. Quantitative imaging of live cells using GRX1-roGFP2 and HyPer sensors reveals highest glutathione oxidation and elevation of H2O2 in mitochondria, whereas the redox environment of nuclei and the cytosol is much less affected. Decreasing the H2O2 levels in mitochondria with MitoQ does not prevent glutathione oxidation; i.e. elevated copper and not H2O2 is a primary cause of glutathione oxidation. Redox misbalance does not significantly affect mitochondrion morphology or the activity of respiratory complex IV but markedly increases cell sensitivity to even mild glutathione depletion, resulting in loss of cell viability. Thus, ATP7A activity protects mitochondria from excessive copper entry, which is deleterious to redox buffers. Mitochondrial redox misbalance could significantly contribute to pathologies associated with ATP7A inactivation in tissues with paradoxical accumulation of copper (i.e. renal epithelia).  相似文献   

The second domain of the human Menkes protein (MNK2), formed by 72 residues, has been expressed in Escherichia coli, and its structure has been determined by NMR in both the apo and copper-loaded forms. The structures, obtained with (13)C- and (15)N-labeled samples, are of high quality with backbone rmsd values of 0.51 and 0.41 A and CYANA target functions of 0.39 and 0.38 A(2), respectively. The loop involved in copper binding is part of a hydrophobic patch, which is maintained in both forms. Conformational mobility is observed in the apo form in the same loop. A comparison with metallochaperones and soluble domains of P-type ATPases allows us to relate the primary structure to the occurrence of structural rearrangements upon copper binding.  相似文献   

Ma QF  Hu J  Wu WH  Liu HD  Du JT  Fu Y  Wu YW  Lei P  Zhao YF  Li YM 《Biopolymers》2006,83(1):20-31
Amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) is the principal constituent of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and is thought to be responsible for the neurotoxicity associated with the disease. Copper binding to Abeta has been hypothesized to play an important role in the neruotoxicity of Abeta and free radical damage, and Cu2+ chelators represent a possible therapy for AD. However, many properties of copper binding to Abeta have not been elucidated clearly, and the location of copper binding sites on Abeta is also in controversy. Here we have used a range of spectroscopic techniques to characterize the coordination of Cu2+ to Abeta(1-16) in solution. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry shows that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) at pH 6.0 and 7.0. The mode of copper binding is highly pH dependent. Circular dichroism results indicate that copper chelation causes a structural transition of Abeta(1-16). UV-visible absorption spectra suggest that three nitrogen donor ligands and one oxygen donor ligand (3N1O) in Abeta(1-16) may form a type II square-planar coordination geometry with Cu2+. By means of fluorescence spectroscopy, competition studies with glycine and L-histidine show that copper binds to Abeta(1-16) with an affinity of Ka approximately 10(7) M(-1) at pH 7.8. Besides His6, His13, and His14, Tyr10 is also involved in the coordination of Abeta(1-16) with Cu2+, which is supported by 1H NMR and UV-visible absorption spectra. Evidence for the link between Cu2+ and AD is growing, and this work has made a significant contribution to understanding the mode of copper binding to Abeta(1-16) in solution.  相似文献   

We have optimised the overexpression and purification of the N-terminal end of the Menkes disease protein expressed in Escherichia coli, containing one, two and six metal binding domains (MBD), respectively. The domain(s) have been characterised using circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, and their copper(I) binding properties have been determined. Structure prediction derived from far-UV CD indicates that the secondary structure is similar in the three proteins and dominated by beta-sheet. The tryptophan fluorescence maximum is blue-shifted in the constructs containing two and six MBDs relative to the monomer, suggesting more structurally buried tryptophan(s), compared to the single MBD construct. Copper(I) binding has been studied by equilibrium dialysis under anaerobic conditions. We show that the copper(I) binding to constructs containing two and six domains is cooperative, with Hill coefficients of 1.5 and 4, respectively. The apparent affinities are described by K(0.5), determined to be 65 microM and 19 microM for constructs containing two and six domains, respectively. Our data reveal a unique regulation of Menkes protein upon a change in copper(I) concentration. The regulation does not occur as an 'all-or-none' cooperativity, suggesting that the copper(I) binding domains have a basal low affinity for binding and release of copper(I) at low concentrations but are able to respond to higher copper levels by increasing the affinity, thereby contributing to prevent the copper concentration from reaching toxic levels in the cell.  相似文献   

We have developed an easy and specific enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for the simultaneous determination of serum metallothinein-1 (MT-1) and 2 (MT-2) in both humans and experimental animals. A competitive ELISA was established using a specific polyclonal antibody against rat MT-2. The antibody used for this ELISA had exhibited the same cross-reactivity with MT in humans and experimental animals. The NH2 terminal peptide of MT containing acetylated methionine was shown to be the epitope of this antibody. The reactivity of this ELISA system with the liver, kidney and brain in MT1/2 knock-out mice was significantly low, but was normal in an MT-3 knock-out mouse. The lowest detection limit of this ELISA was 0.6 ng/ml and the spiked MT-1was fully recovered from the plasma.We investigated the normal range of MT1/2 (25–75%tile) in 200 healthy human serum and found it to be 27–48 ng/ml, and this was compared with the serum levels in various liver diseases. The serum MT1/2 levels in chronic hepatitis C (HCV) patients were significantly lower than healthy controls and also other liver diseases. In the chronic hepatitis cases, the MT1/I2 levels increased gradually, followed by the progression of the disease to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In particular, we found significantly elevated MT1/2 plasma levels in Wilson's disease patients, levels which were very similar to those in the Long–Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat (model animal of Wilson's disease). Furthermore, a significantly elevated MT1/2 level was found in patients with Menkes disease, an inborn error of copper metabolism such as Wilson's disease.  相似文献   

We report the solution NMR structures of the N-domain of the Menkes protein (ATP7A) in the ATP-free and ATP-bound forms. The structures consist of a twisted antiparallel six-stranded β-sheet flanked by two pairs of α-helices. A protein loop of 50 amino acids located between β3 and β4 is disordered and mobile on the subnanosecond time scale. ATP binds with an affinity constant of (1.2 ± 0.1) × 104 m−1 and exchanges with a rate of the order of 1 × 103 s−1. The ATP-binding cavity is considerably affected by the presence of the ligand, resulting in a more compact conformation in the ATP-bound than in the ATP-free form. This structural variation is due to the movement of the α1-α2 and β2-β3 loops, both of which are highly conserved in copper(I)-transporting PIB-type ATPases. The present structure reveals a characteristic binding mode of ATP within the protein scaffold of the copper(I)-transporting PIB-type ATPases with respect to the other P-type ATPases. In particular, the binding cavity contains mainly hydrophobic aliphatic residues, which are involved in van der Waal''s interactions with the adenine ring of ATP, and a Glu side chain, which forms a crucial hydrogen bond to the amino group of ATP.  相似文献   

Copper is essential for human health and copper imbalance is a key factor in the aetiology and pathology of several neurodegenerative diseases. The copper-transporting P-type ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B are key molecules required for the regulation and maintenance of mammalian copper homeostasis. Their absence or malfunction leads to the genetically inherited disorders, Menkes and Wilson diseases, respectively. These proteins have a dual role in cells, namely to provide copper to essential cuproenzymes and to mediate the excretion of excess intracellular copper. A unique feature of ATP7A and ATP7B that is integral to these functions is their ability to sense and respond to intracellular copper levels, the latter manifested through their copper-regulated trafficking from the transGolgi network to the appropriate cellular membrane domain (basolateral or apical, respectively) to eliminate excess copper from the cell. Research over the last decade has yielded significant insight into the enzymatic properties and cell biology of the copper-ATPases. With recent advances in elucidating their localization and trafficking in human and animal tissues in response to physiological stimuli, we are progressing rapidly towards an integrated understanding of their physiological significance at the level of the whole animal. This knowledge in turn is helping to clarify the biochemical and cellular basis not only for the phenotypes conferred by individual Menkes and Wilson disease patient mutations, but also for the clinical variability of phenotypes associated with each of these diseases. Importantly, this information is also providing a rational basis for the applicability and appropriateness of certain diagnostic markers and therapeutic regimes. This overview will provide an update on the current state of our understanding of the localization and trafficking properties of the copper-ATPases in cells and tissues, the molecular signals and posttranslational interactions that govern their trafficking activities, and the cellular basis for the clinical phenotypes associated with disease-causing mutations.  相似文献   

The third metal-binding domain of the human Menkes protein (MNK3), a copper(I)-transporting ATPase, has been expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized in solution. The solution structure of MNK3, its copper(I)-binding properties, and its interaction with the physiological partner, HAH1, have been studied. MNK3 is the domain most dissimilar in structure from the other domains of the Menkes protein. This is reflected in a significant rearrangement of the last strand of the four-stranded beta-sheet when compared with the other known homologous proteins or protein domains. MNK3 is also peculiar with respect to its interaction with the copper(I) ion, as it was found to be a comparatively weak binder. Copper(I) transfer from metal-loaded HAH1 was observed experimentally, but the metal distribution was shifted toward binding by HAH1. This is at variance with what is observed for the other Menkes domains.  相似文献   

A putative partner of the already characterized CopZ from Bacillus subtilis was found, both proteins being encoded by genes located in the same operon. This new protein is highly homologous to eukaryotic and prokaryotic P-type ATPases such as CopA, Ccc2 and Menkes proteins. The N-terminal region of this protein contains two soluble domains constituted by amino acid residues 1 to 72 and 73 to 147, respectively, which were expressed both separately and together. In both cases only the 73-147 domain is folded and is stable both in the copper(I)-free and in the copper(I)-bound forms. The folded and unfolded state is monitored through the chemical shift dispersion of 15N-HSQC spectra. In the absence of any structural characterization of CopA-type proteins, we determined the structure of the 73-147 domain in the 1-151 construct in the apo state through 1H, 15N and 13C NMR spectroscopies. The structure of the Cu(I)-loaded 73-147 domain has been also determined in the construct 73-151. About 1300 meaningful NOEs and 90 dihedral angles were used to obtain structures at high resolution both for the Cu(I)-bound and the Cu(I)-free states (backbone RMSD to the mean 0.35(+/-0.06) A and 0.39(+/-0.07) A, respectively). The structural assessment shows that the structures are accurate. The protein has the typical betaalpha(betabeta)alphabeta folding with a cysteine in the C-terminal part of helix alpha1 and the other cysteine in loop 1. The structures are similar to other proteins involved in copper homeostasis. Particularly, between BsCopA and BsCopZ, only the charges located around loop 1 are reversed for BsCopA and BsCopZ, thus suggesting that the two proteins could interact one with the other. The variability in conformation displayed by the N-terminal cysteine of the CXXC motif in a number of structures of copper transporting proteins suggests that this may be the cysteine which binds first to the copper(I) carried by the partner protein.  相似文献   

The Cu+‐ATPase CopA from Archaeoglobus fulgidus belongs to the P1B family of the P‐type ATPases. These integral membrane proteins couple the energy of ATP hydrolysis to heavy metal ion translocation across membranes. A defining feature of P1B‐1‐type ATPases is the presence of soluble metal binding domains at the N‐terminus (N‐MBDs). The N‐MBDs exhibit a conserved ferredoxin‐like fold, similar to that of soluble copper chaperones, and bind metal ions via a conserved CXXC motif. The N‐MBDs enable Cu+ regulation of turnover rates apparently through Cu‐sensitive interactions with catalytic domains. A. fulgidus CopA is unusual in that it contains both an N‐terminal MBD and a C‐terminal MBD (C‐MBD). The functional role of the unique C‐MBD has not been established. Here, we report the crystal structure of the apo, oxidized C‐MBD to 2.0 Å resolution. In the structure, two C‐MBD monomers form a domain‐swapped dimer, which has not been observed previously for similar domains. In addition, the interaction of the C‐MBD with the other cytoplasmic domains of CopA, the ATP binding domain (ATPBD) and actuator domain (A‐domain), has been investigated. Interestingly, the C‐MBD interacts specifically with both of these domains, independent of the presence of Cu+ or nucleotides. These data reinforce the uniqueness of the C‐MBD and suggest a distinct structural role for the C‐MBD in CopA transport. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The copper-transporting ATPases Atp7A and Atp7B play a major role in controlling intracellular copper levels. In addition, they are believed to deliver copper to the copper-requiring proteins destined for the secretory vesicles. One cuproprotein, dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH) functions in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine and epinephrine, neurohormones in endocrine and nervous tissue. To evaluate the consequences of loss of Atp7B on the function of DBH, the level of proteins in adrenal gland were compared between normal mice and mice containing a null mutation in the ATP7B gene. The levels of DBH, as well as another vesicular protein, chromogranin A, are reduced in the ATP7B–/– mice. In addition to the lower level of enzyme, the products of DBH catalytic activity, norepinephrine and epinephrine, are also decreased. Although these changes are a consequence of ATP7B gene function, Atp7B mRNA is not normally expressed in the adrenal gland. Instead, Atp7A mRNA is present. The levels of copper and DBH RNA within adrenals of the ATP7B–/– mice are not different from the wild type. The results of these experiments suggest that copper-requiring enzymes are affected by a loss of ATP7B even in tissue not normally expressing this protein. Therefore the multisystemic effects observed in Wilson disease, the human disorder characterized by mutation in ATP7B, may be a secondary consequence of the major accumulation of copper in liver.  相似文献   

Wilson's disease (WND) is an inherited disorder of copper metabolism. Divalent metal transporter1 (DMT1) and ATP7A play important roles in metal transport in humans. The frequency of two single nucleotide polymorphisms of the DMT1 gene: DMT1 IVS4 C>A, DMT1 11245 T>C and two of the ATP7A gene: rs1062472 T>C, ATP7A rs 2227291 G>C have been evaluated in a population of 108 Wilson's disease patients and 108 sex- and age-matched healthy volunteers. The DMT1 IVS4 C(+) allele occurred more frequently in WND than in the healthy controls. The allele frequencies of other studied polymorphisms in WND group were in line with frequencies obtained for healthy volunteers. Neither of the polymorphisms had an impact on the age at onset or clinical phenotype of WND.  相似文献   

Portmann R  Solioz M 《FEBS letters》2005,579(17):3589-3595
Wilson disease is a disorder of copper metabolism, due to inherited mutations in the Wilson copper ATPase gene ATP7B. To purify and study the function of the ATPase, the enzyme was truncated by five of the six metal binding domains and endowed with an N-terminal histidine-tag for affinity purification. This construct, delta1-5WNDP, was able to functionally complement a yeast strain defective in its native copper ATPase CCC2. Delta1-5WNDP was purified by Ni-affinity chromatography and reconstituted into proteoliposomes. This allowed, for the first time, the functional study of the Wilson ATPase in a purified, reconstituted system.  相似文献   

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