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One of the most versatile methods for monitoring the structure of proteins, either in solution or in the solid state, is Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Also known as mid-range infrared, which covers the frequency range from 4000 to 400 cm-1, this wavelength region includes bands that arise from three conformationally sensitive vibrations within the peptide backbone (amide I, II and III). Of these vibrations, amide I is the most widely used and can provide information on secondary structure composition and structural stability. One of the advantages of infrared spectroscopy is that it can be used with proteins that are either in solution or in the solid state. The use of infrared to monitor protein structure and stability is summarized herein. In addition, specialized infrared methods are presented, such as techniques for the study of membrane proteins and oriented samples. In addition, there is a growing body of literature on the use of infrared to follow reaction kinetics and ligand binding in proteins, as well as a number of infrared studies on protein dynamics. Finally, the potential for using near-infrared spectroscopy to study protein structure is introduced.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra show that the binding of the odorants 2-isobuthyl-3-methoxypyrazine (PYR) and 3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol (DMO) stabilises the tertiary structure of porcine OBP-I against thermal denaturation. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the single tryptophan shows a lambdamax at 337 nm, indicating that the residue is not directly exposed to the solvent. Tryptophan does not appear to be involved in the odorant binding process and it is not accessible to the fluorescence quenchers NaI, CsCl and acrylamide. The binding of the fluorescent dye 1-aminoanthracene (1-AMA), a strong ligand, does not modify the tryptophan fluorescence spectrum. In contrast, the lambdamax of 1-AMA bound to OBP-I is shifted from 537 to 481 nm, with a lambdamax intensity increase by a factor of 80. Bound 1-AMA is displaced by odorant molecules in competitive binding assays and can be employed in simple and rapid binding assay, avoiding the use of radioactive ligands. The Scatchard plot shows that 1-AMA binds to OBP-I with a dissociation constant of 1.3 microM and an equimolar stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The use of in-situ near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a tool for monitoring four key analytes in a CHO-K1 animal cell culture was investigated. Previous work using on-line NIRS to monitor bioprocesses has involved its application ex-situ where the analyzer is physically outside the fermentor, or to microbial bioprocesses. This novel application of NIRS to monitor analytes within an animal cell culture using a steam sterilizable in-situ fiber optic probe is very important for furthering the use of NIRS within the bioprocessing industry. The method of calibration used to develop the models involved the use of large data sets so that all likely variation in stoichiometry was incorporated within the models. Successful models for glucose, lactate, glutamine, and ammonia were built with Standard Error of Predictions (SEP's) of 0.072 (g/L), 0.0144 (g/L), 0.308 (mM), and 0.036 (mM), respectively of the total concentration range.  相似文献   

An overview of the application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of the structure of proteins and protein-ligand recognition is given. The principle of the technique and of the spectra analysis is demonstrated. Spectral signal assignments to vibrational modes of the peptide chromophore, amino acid side chains, cofactors and metal ligands are summarized. Several examples for protein-ligand recognition are discussed. A particular focus is heme proteins and, as an example, studies of cytochrome P450 are reviewed. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in combination with the various techniques such as time-resolved and low-temperature methods, site-directed mutagenesis and isotope labeling is a helpful approach to studying protein-ligand recognition.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as a marker in molecular and cell biology. For its use in high-pressure microbiology experiments, its fluorescence under pressure was recently investigated. Changes in fluorescence with pressure were found. To find out whether these are related to structural changes, we investigated the pressure stability of wild-type GFP (wtGFP) and three of its red shift mutants (AFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2)) using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. For the wt GFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2) we found that up to 13-14 kbar the secondary structure remains intact, whereas AFP starts unfolding around 10 kbar. The 3-D structure is held responsible for this high-pressure stability. Previously observed changes in fluorescence at low pressure are rationalized in terms of the pressure-induced elastic effect. Above 6 kbar, loss of fluorescence is due to aggregation. Revisiting the temperature stability of GFP, we found that an intermediate state is populated along the unfolding pathway of wtGFP. At higher temperatures, the unfolding resulted in the formation of aggregates of wtGFP and its mutants.  相似文献   

We describe techniques that can be used in conjunction with modern attenuated total reflection (ATR) infrared micro-prisms to allow proteins to be manipulated cyclically between different states whilst simultaneously monitoring both mid-IR and UV/visible/near IR changes. These methods provide increased flexibility of the types of changes that can be induced in proteins in comparison to transmission methods. Quantitative measurements can be made of vibrational changes associated with conversion between stable catalytic reaction intermediates, ligand binding and oxidation-reduction. Both hydrophobic and soluble proteins can be analysed and the ability to induce transitions repetitively allows IR difference spectra to be acquired at a signal/noise sufficient to resolve changes due to specific cofactors or amino acids. Such spectra can often be interpreted at the atomic level by standard IR methods of comparisons with model compounds, by isotope and mutation effects and, increasingly, by ab initio simulations. Combination of such analyses with atomic 3D structural models derived from X-ray and NMR studies can lead to a deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms of enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

The structure of the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) was studied in red beet roots by IR spectroscopy. The vacuolar membrane was shown to be composed of highly ordered lipids which form regions of free liquid lipid bilayer loosely bound to integral proteins. The prevalence of polar lipids in the tonoplast is responsible for the high elasticity and fluidity of the membrane. The presence of alpha-tocopherol in the tonoplast membrane accounts for a high antioxidant activity of the membrane. Integral proteins are immersed into the liquid matrix of the lipid bilayer to a different extent. Examination of the temperature effect on the kinetics of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange in integral membrane proteins showed that the efficient energy of the hydrogen exchange activation was 24 +/- 4 kcal/mol at 19-40 degrees C and increased to 54 kcal/mol at 40-50 degrees C because of the thermal denaturation of proteins. The secondary structure of integral membrane proteins is characterized by a high content of alpha-helices (53%) which decreased to 8% after the extraction of lipids.  相似文献   

Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight analysis was used to monitor both the kinetics and heterogeneity of product formation during the biotinylation of a number of model proteins and peptide targets. The selected molecules were the IgG-binding protein, protein A, human serum albumin, and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the N terminus of a streptococcal M1 protein. The extent of biotinylation was determined by kinetic analysis of the shift in molecular mass from the native material. Each residue modified by reaction with N-hydroxysuccinimide biotin resulted in an addition of ∼341 amu to the native protein or polypeptide. The novelty of the method was in the ability to determine the molecular mass shift, without first separating the targeted molecule from the biotinylating reagent. The analysis was rapid, simple, and provided information on the average number of biotin molecules added and the homogeneity of the resulting product.  相似文献   

Ataka K  Heberle J 《Biopolymers》2006,82(4):415-419
We present a novel infrared method to investigate the functionality of a protein monolayer tethered to a metal substrate. The approach employs Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (SEIRAS), which renders high surface sensitivity by enhancing the signal of the adsorbed protein by up to approximately 2 orders of magnitude. We demonstrate that the electrochemically induced absorption changes of a cytochrome c monolayer can be observed with excellent signal-to-noise ratio when the protein is adhered to a modified gold surface. To probe membrane proteins, a concept is introduced for the oriented incorporation into solid supported lipid bilayers. Recombinant cytochrome c oxidase solubilized in detergent is immobilized on a chemically modified gold surface via the affinity of its histidine (His)-tag to a nickel-chelating nitro-triacetic acid (NTA) surface. The protein monolayer is reconstituted into the lipid environment by detergent removal. Changing the orientation of the protein with respect to the metal surface is achieved by inserting the His-tag on either side of the membrane protein surface. Orientational control is mandatory for experiments in which electrons are injected from the electrode into the protein. The presented methodology opens new avenues to study the mechanism of the biomedically relevant class of electron and voltage-gated proteins on the atomic level.  相似文献   

Why do proteins adopt the conformations that they do, and what determines their stabilities? While we have come to some understanding of the forces that underlie protein architecture, a precise, predictive, physicochemical explanation is still elusive. Two obstacles to addressing these questions are the unfathomable vastness of protein sequence space, and the difficulty in making direct physical measurements on large numbers of protein variants. Here, we review combinatorial methods that have been applied to problems in protein biophysics over the last 15 years. The effects of hydrophobic core composition, the most important determinant of structure and stability, are still poorly understood. Particular attention is given to core composition as addressed by library methods. Increasingly useful screens and selections, in combination with modern high-throughput approaches borrowed from genomics and proteomics efforts, are making the empirical, statistical correlation between sequence and structure a tractable problem for the coming years.  相似文献   

The molecular forces that stabilize membrane protein structure are poorly understood. To investigate these forces we introduced alanine substitutions at 24 positions in the B helix of bacteriorhodopsin and examined their effects on structure and stability. Although most of the results can be rationalized in terms of the folded structure, there are a number of surprises. (1) We find a remarkably high frequency of stabilizing mutations (17%), indicating that membrane proteins are not highly optimized for stability. (2) Helix B is kinked, with the kink centered around Pro50. The P50A mutation has no effect on stability, however, and a crystal structure reveals that the helix remains bent, indicating that tertiary contacts dominate in the distortion of this helix. (3) We find that the protein is stabilized by about 1kcal/mol for every 38A(2) of surface area buried, which is quite similar to soluble proteins in spite of their dramatically different environments. (4) We find little energetic difference, on average, in the burial of apolar surface or polar surface area, implying that van der Waals packing is the dominant force that drives membrane protein folding.  相似文献   

Quantitation of secondary structure in ATR infrared spectroscopy   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
D Marsh 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2630-2637
Polarized attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy of aligned membranes provides essential information on the secondary structure content and orientation of the associated membrane proteins. Quantitation of the relative content of different secondary structures, however, requires allowance for geometric relations of the electric field components (E(x), E(y), E(z)) of the evanescent wave, and of the components of the infrared transition moments, in combining absorbances (A() and A( perpendicular)) measured with radiation polarized parallel with and perpendicular to, respectively, the plane of incidence. This has hitherto not been done. The appropriate combination for exact evaluation of relative integrated absorbances is A() + (2E(z)(2)/E(y)(2) - E(x)(2)/E(y)(2))A( perpendicular), where z is the axis of ordering that is normal to the membrane plane, and the x-axis lies in the membrane plane within the plane of incidence. This combination can take values in the range approximately from A() - 0.4A( perpendicular) to A() + 2.7A( perpendicular), depending on experimental conditions and the attenuated total reflection crystal used. With unpolarized radiation, this correction is not possible. Similar considerations apply to the dichroic ratios of multicomponent bands, which are also treated.  相似文献   

Bovine odorant-binding protein (bOBP), a member of the lipocalin family, presents the so-called 3D "domain-swapped" protein structure. In fact, in solution, it appears as a dimer in which each monomer is composed by the classical lipocalin fold, with a central beta-barrel followed by a stretch of residues and the alpha-helix domain protruding out of the barrel and crossing the dimer interface. Recently, a deswapped mutant form of bOBP was obtained, in which a Gly residue was inserted after position 121 and the two residues in position 64 and 156 were replaced by Cys residues for restoring the disulfide bridge common to the lipocalin family. In this work, we used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the effect of temperature on the structural stability and conformational dynamics of the mutant bOBP. The spectroscopic and molecular simulation data pointed out that the hydrophobic regions of the protein matrix appear to be an important factor for the protein stability and integrity. In addition, it was also found that the mutant bOBP is significantly stabilized by the binding of the ligand, which may have an impact on the biological function of bOBP. The obtained results will allow for a better use of this protein as probe for the design of advanced protein-based biosensors for the detection of compounds used in the fabrication of explosive powders.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to monitor changes in the secondary structure of wheat prolamins, the main components of gluten, during mechanical deformation in a series of cycles of extension and relaxation. A sample derived from protein bodies isolated from developing grain showed a buildup of persistent beta-sheet structure. In gluten, the ratio of beta-sheet to random and beta-turn structures changed on extension. After the applied force was released, the sample recovered some of its original shape and structure, but the material became stiffer in consecutive extension cycles. The relationship between gluten structure and mechanical properties is discussed in terms of a model in which conversion of beta-turn to beta-sheet structure is a response to extension and a means by which elastic energy is stored in the system.  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   

IR spectra directly probe specific vibrators in bovine heart cytochromec oxidase, yielding quantitative as well as qualitative information on structures and reactions at these vibrators. C-O IR spectra reveal that CO binds to as two conformers each in isolated immobile environments sensitive to Fe a and/or CuA oxidation state but remarkably insensitive to pH, medium, anesthetics, and other factors that affect activity. C-N IR spectra reveal that the one CN that binds to fully and partially oxidized enzyme can be in three different structures. These structures vary in relative amounts with redox level, thereby reflecting dynamic electron exchange among Fe a , CuA, and CuB with associated changes in protein conformation of likely significance in O2 reduction and H+-pumping. Azide IR spectra also reflect redox-dependent long-range effects. The amide I IR bands, due to C-O vibrators of peptide linkages and composed of multiple bands derived from different secondary structures, reveal high levels of -helix (60%) and subtle changes with redox level and exposure to anesthetics. N2O IR spectra reveal that these anesthetic molecules at clinically relevant levels occupy three sites of different polarity within the enzyme as the enzyme is reversibly, but only partially, inhibited.  相似文献   

Modern protein Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has proven to be a versatile and sensitive technique, applicable to many aspects of protein characterization. The major practical drawback for the FT-IR spectroscopy of proteins is the large absorbance band of water, which overlaps the amide I resonances. D2O is often substituted for H2O in infrared experiments. Removal of water from protein samples can be complicated and tedious and potentially lead to denaturation, aggregation, or sample loss. Solvent removal by dialysis is difficult for suspensions and sols. A new method called the D2O dilution technique (Ddt) is described which simplifies the sample preparation step and improves the solvent subtraction. The effect of the D2O concentration on the IR spectrum of aqueous solutions of several model proteins was studied. Dilution of aqueous samples with D2O yields good quality spectra. The Ddt has been evaluated for quantitative analysis using standard proteins and its applicability to solutions and suspensions of a genetically engineered malaria antigen is demonstrated. Use of resolution-enhancement techniques with spectra in mixed solvents has also been investigated.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus sakei is a lactic acid bacterium naturally found on meat and often used as starter for the production of dry sausages or other fermented meat products. The gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was cloned downstream from the constitutive L-lactate dehydrogenase promoter (pldhL) of L. sakei. The pldhL::gfp fusion was introduced in L. sakei either on a replicative plasmid or by double crossover integration into the chromosome, as a single copy. Both constructions were stable. Expression of GFP did not alter growth and was detectable by epifluorescence microscopy allowing the detection and monitoring of the development of GFP+ specific L. sakei strains both under growth laboratory conditions and in dry sausage samples.  相似文献   

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