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Using an electrical measurement known as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS), we have recorded the dynamics of viral infections in cell culture. With this technique, cells are cultured on small gold electrodes where the measured impedance mirrors changes in attachment and morphology of cultured cells. As the cells attach and spread on the electrode, the measured impedance increases until the electrode is completely covered. Viral infection inducing cytopathic effect results in dramatic impedance changes, which are mainly due to cell death. In the current study, two different fish cell lines have been used: chinook salmonid embryonic (CHSE-214) cells infected with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) carp cells infected with infectious hematopoeitic necrosis virus (IHNV). The impedance changes caused by cell response to virus are easily measured and converted to resistance and capacitance. An approximate linear correlation between log of viral titer and time of cell death was determined.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study of computational modeling and multi-scale analysis in cell dynamics is presented. Our study aims at: (1) deriving and validating a mathematical model for cell growth, and (2) quantitatively detecting and analyzing the biological interdependencies across multiple observational scales with a variety of time and frequency resolutions. This research was conducted using the time series data practically measured from a novel on-line cell monitoring technique, referred to as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS), which allows continuously tracking the cellular behavior such as adhesion, proliferation, spreading and micromotion. First, comparing our ECIS-based cellular growth modeling analysis results with those determined by hematocytometer measurement using different time intervals, we found that the results obtained from both experimental methods consistently agreed. However, our study demonstrated that it is much easier and more convenient to operate with the ECIS system for on-line cellular growth monitoring. Secondly, for multi-scale analysis our results showed that the proposed wavelet-based methodology can effectively quantify the fluctuations associated with cell micromotions and quantitatively capture the biological interdependencies across multiple observational scales. Note that although the wavelet method is well known, its application into the ECIS time series analysis is novel and unprecedented in computational cell biology. Our analyses indicated that the proposed study on ECIS time series could provide a hopeful start and great potentials in both modeling and elucidating the complex mechanisms of cell biological systems.  相似文献   

An on-line and continuous technique based on electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) was developed for measuring the concentration and time response function of fibroblastic V79 cells exposed to mercury chloride and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB). Attachment, spreading and proliferation of V79 fibroblastic cells cultured on a microarray of small gold electrodes precoated with fibronectin were detected as resistance changes. The response function was derived to reflect the resistance change as a result of cell attachment, spreading, mitosis and cytotoxicity effect. Exposure of V79 cells to mercury chloride or TNB led to alterations in cell behavior, and therefore, chemical cytotoxicity was easily screened by measuring the response function of the attached and spread cells in the presence of inhibitor. The half inhibition concentration, the required concentration to achieve 50% inhibition, was obtained from the response function to provide information about cytotoxicity during the course of the assay. A simple mathematical model was developed to describe the responses of ECIS that were related to the attachment, spreading, and proliferation of V79 fibroblastic cells. The novel results of this paper are mainly characterized by the systematic study of several parameters including the cell number, detection limit, sensor sensitivity, and cytotoxicity, and they may motivate further research and study of ECIS sensors.  相似文献   

BackgroundColorectal adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) are a widely used model of intestinal barrier to study cancer development, toxicological assessments, absorption and metabolism in food science or drug discovery. Caco-2 spontaneously differentiate into a monolayer expressing several specific characteristics, typically showed by mature enterocytes. For in vitro experiments, it is crucial to identify non-invasive and non-destructive techniques able to evaluate the integrity and differentiation of the cells monolayer. Thus, we aimed to assess these properties by analyzing electrical impedance measurements.MethodsCaco-2 cells were differentiated for 21 days. The monolayer integrity and differentiation were primarily evaluated by means of morphological, biochemical and molecular data. Impedance measurements in a range of frequencies from 400 Hz to 50 kHz were performed using a dedicated set up, including customized Aerosol Jet Printed carbon-based sensors.ResultsThe trends of RI observed at three different frequencies were able to describe cell growth and differentiation. In order to evaluate which frequencies better correlate with cell differentiation, Principal Component Analysis have been employed and the concordance analysis between RI magnitude and morphological, biochemical and molecular data, highlighted 40 kHz as the optimal frequency to assess Caco-2 cells differentiation process.ConclusionWe demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of applying impedance-based measurements not only to provide information about the monolayer status, but also for cell differentiation monitoring.General significanceThis study underlined the possibility to use a dedicated sensor to assess the integrity and differentiation of Caco-2 monolayer, as a reliable non-destructive alternative to conventional approaches.  相似文献   

Real-time analysis offers multiple benefits over traditional end point assays. Here, we present a method of monitoring the optimisation of the growth and differentiation of murine 3T3-L1 preadipocytes to adipocytes using the commercially available ACEA xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyser Single Plate (RTCA SP) system. Our findings indicate that the ACEA xCELLigence RTCA SP can reproducibly monitor the primary morphological changes in pre- and post-confluent 3T3-L1 fibroblasts induced to differentiate using insulin, dexamethasone, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and rosiglitazone; and may be a viable primary method of screening compounds for adipogenic factors.  相似文献   

This article describes the optimization of an experimental technique referred to as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) to monitor attachment and spreading of mammalian cells quantitatively and in real time. The method is based on measuring changes in AC impedance of small gold-film electrodes deposited on a culture dish and used as growth substrate. Based on experimental data and theoretical considerations we demonstrate that high-frequency capacitance measurements (f = 40 kHz) are most suited to follow the increasing surface coverage of the electrode due to cell spreading. The excellent time resolution of the method allowed an in-depth analysis of cell spreading kinetics under various experimental conditions. Using ECIS we studied the attachment and spreading of epithelial MDCK cells (strain II) on different protein coatings, and investigated the influence of divalent cations on spreading kinetics. We quantified the inhibitory effect of soluble peptides that mimic the recognition sequence of fibronectin and other extracellular matrix proteins (RGDS). We also applied the ECIS technique to monitor the detachment of confluent fibroblastic cell layers (WI38/VA-13) by means of these peptides.  相似文献   

Adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells in inflammation processes leads to changes of endothelial cellsubstrate adhesiveness, and understanding of such changes will provide us with important information of inflammation processes. In this study, we used a noninvasive biosensor system referred to as real-time cell electronic sensor (RT-CES) system to monitor the changes in endothelial cell-substrate adhesiveness induced by human monoblastic cell line U937 cell adhesion in a dynamic and quantitative manner. This assay, which is based on cell-substrate impedance readout, is able to monitor transient changes in cell- substrate adhesiveness as a result of U937 cell adhesion. The U937 cell adhesion to endothelial cells was induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in a dose-dependent manner. Although the number of adherent U937 cells to the endothelial cells was verified by a standard assay, the adhesiveness of endothelial cells after addition of U937 cells was monitored by the RT-CES system. Furthermore, focal adhesion kinase protein decrease and F-actin rearrangement in endothelial cells were observed after addition of U937 cells. Our results indicated that the adhesion of U937 cells to LPS-treated endothelial cells reduced the substrate, and such infiltration of leukocytes. the cell adhesiveness to reduction might facilitate  相似文献   

A PDMS-glass based micro-device was designed and fabricated with 12 coplanar impedance sensors integrated for electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). The sensitivity and frequency characteristics of the sensors were investigated both theoretically (equivalent circuit model) and experimentally for the commonly used micro-electrode dimension scale (20-80 microm). The experimental results matched well with the theoretical model analysis and revealed that, within this micro-electrode dimension scale, as the electrode width decreased or as the total electrode length decreased the sensitivity of sensor increased over the whole sensing frequency range, whilst electrode to electrode distance had no influence on sensitivity. Through our frequency characteristics analysis, the whole frequency range could be divided into four parts. New functions describing the dominant components in each frequency range were defined and validated experimentally, and could be used to explain the phenomenon of an ECIS sensing frequency window. The contribution to the impedance measurement of cells growing on the edges of the electrodes was determined for the first time. Finally, novel proposals for ECIS sensor design and ECIS measurements were presented.  相似文献   

Perforated MDCK cells support intracellular transport.   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
K Simons  H Virta 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(8):2241-2247
We have developed a method for perforating the plasma membrane of MDCK cells while retaining cellular functions. A nitrocellulose acetate filter was applied to the apical side of cells, grown on a glass coverslip, and allowed to dry. Segments of the apical plasma membrane adhered to the filter and were detached from the cell layer by shearing when the filter was peeled off. This allowed macromolecules such as antibodies and enzymes to diffuse into the cells. The cells were otherwise intact as judged by light and electron microscopy. The perforated cells maintained their capacity to support vesicular transport of proteins and lipids. Vesicular stomatitis virus infected cells readily incorporated [35S]methionine into G protein following permeabilization. This G protein was core-glycosylated during assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum, and was further transported to the trans Golgi with high efficiency. Experiments using lipid probes demonstrated that newly synthesized fluorescent sphingolipids were transported from the Golgi complex to the basolateral cell surface in perforated cells. Our results show that perforated cells provide a convenient and efficient alternative to cell-free assays for studying the molecular mechanism of intracellular transport.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of biodegradation studies of polyimide coatings exposed to a mixed fungal culture using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The fungal consortium was originally isolated from degraded polyimides and identified species include Aspergillus versicolor, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and a Chaetomium species. Actively growing fungi on polyimides yield distinctive EIS spectra through time, indicative of failure of the polymer integrity compared to the uninoculated controls. An initial decline in coating resistance was related to the partial ingress of water molecules and ionic species into the polymeric matrices. This was followed by further degradation of the polymers by activity of the fungi. The relationship between the changes in impedance spectra and microbial degradation of the coatings was further supported by scanning electron microscopy, showing extensive colonization of the polyimide surfaces by the fungi. Our data indicate that EIS can be a sensitive and informative technique for evaluating the biosusceptibility of polymers and coatings.  相似文献   

Summary Direct current (DC) measurement methods have been commonly used to characterize the conductance properties of the mammalian colon. However, these methods provide no information concerning the effects of tissue morphology on the electrophysiological properties of this epithelium. For example, distribution of membrane resistances along narrow fluid-filled spaces such as the lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) or colonic crypts can influence DC measurements of apical and basolateral membrane properties. We used impedance analysis to determine the extent of such distributed resistance effects and to assess the conductance and capacitance properties of the colon. Because capacitance is proportional to membrane area, this method provides new information concerning membrane areas and specific ionic conductances for these membranes.We measured transepithelial impedance under three conditions: (1) control conditions in which the epithelium was opencircuited and bathed on both sides with NaCl–HCO3 Ringer's solutions, (2) amiloride conditions which were similar to control except that 100 m amiloride was present in the mucosal bathing solution, and (3) mucosal NaCl-free conditions in which mucosal Na and Cl were replaced by potassium and sulfate or gluconate (K+ Ringer's). Three morphologically-based equivalent circuit models were used to evaluate the data: (1) a lumped model (which ignores LIS resistance), (2) a LIS distributed model (distributed basolateral membrane impedance) and (3) a crypt-distributed model (distributed apical membrane impedance). To estimate membrane impedances, an independent measurement of paracellular conductance (G s ) was incorporated in the analysis. Although distributed models yielded improved fits of the data, the distributed and lumped models produced similar estimates of membrane parameters. The predicted effects of distributed resistances on DC microelectrode measurements were largest for the LIS-distributed model. LIS-distributed effects would cause a 12–15% underestimate of membrane resistance ratio (R a /R b ) for the control and amiloride conditions and a 34% underestimate for the K Ringer's condition. Distributed resistance effects arising from the crypts would produce a 1–2% overestimate ofR a /R b .Apical and basolateral membrane impedances differed in the three different experimental conditions. For control conditions, apical membrane capacitance averaged 21 F/cm2 and the mean apical membrane specific conductance (G a-norm) was 0.17 mS/F. The average basolateral membrane capacitance was 11 F/cm2 with a mean specific conductance (G b-norm) of 1.27 mS/F.G a-norm was decreased by amiloride or K+ ringer's to 0.07 mS/gmF and 0.06 mS/F, respectively. Basolateral conductance was also reduced by amiloride, whereas capacitance was unchanged (G b-norm=0.97 mS/F). For the K+ Ringer's condition, both basolateral conductance and capacitance were greatly increased such thatG b-norm was not significantly different from the control condition.  相似文献   

Imaging of the membrane surface of MDCK cells by atomic force microscopy.   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
The membrane surface of polarized renal epithelial cells (MDCK cells) grown as a monolayer was imaged with the atomic force microscope. The surface topography of dried cells determined by this approach was consistent with electron microscopy images previously reported. Fixed and living cells in aqueous medium gave more fuzzy images, likely because of the presence of the cell glycocalix. Treatment of living cells with neuraminidase, an enzyme that partly degrades the glycocalix, allowed sub-micrometer imaging. Protruding particles, 10 to 60 nm xy size, occupy most of the membrane surface. Protease treatment markedly reduced the size of these particles, indicating that they corresponded to proteins. Tip structure effects were probably involved in the exaggerated size of imaged membrane proteins. Although further improvements in the imaging conditions, including tip sharpness, are required, atomic force microscope already offers the unique possibility to image proteins at the membrane surface of living cells.  相似文献   

Although the presence of a dominant basolateral sorting signal ensures that the majority of newly synthesized epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors are delivered directly to the basolateral surface in polarized epithelial cells, a fraction of the receptors are also delivered to the apical surface. Similar to most basolateral membrane proteins, the EGF receptor has an additional signal(s) that selectively targets molecules lacking a dominant basolateral signal to the apical surface. Although the physiological relevance of signal hierarchy is not known, alternative targeting may occur in different epithelial cell types or during development. The goal of this study, therefore, was to determine the effect of membrane domain location on EGF receptor function, focusing on EGF-induced MAP kinase signaling and DNA synthesis. Whereas ligand responsiveness was restricted to the basolateral domain in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells expressing a normal complement of receptors, apical ligand was effective if apical receptor density was increased by overexpression of an exogenous wild-type human gene. Unexpectedly, cells expressing apically localized, cytoplasmically truncated receptors, which behave as dominant negative mutations in other cell types, were also responsive to apical EGF. The cytoplasmically truncated molecules appear to have at least two effects: first, to increase the local concentration of ligand at the apical cell surface; and second, to facilitate activation of the relatively few native EGF receptors normally located at the apical surface. These results indicate that cell context is a critical determinant of receptor mutant protein phenotype.  相似文献   

Impedance of renal vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) cultured on microelectrodes was measured by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing. Changes in measured impedance as a function of frequency were compared with the calculated values obtained from an extended cell-electrode model to estimate the junctional resistance, distance between the ventral cell surface and the substratum, and apical and basolateral membrane capacitances of renal VSMCs. This cell-electrode model was derived to accommodate the slender and rectangular shape of VSMCs. The calculated changes in impedance (Zcal) based on the model agreed well with the experimental measurement (Zexp), and the percentage error defined as |(ZcalZexp)/Zexp| was 1.0%. To test the sensitivity of the new model for capturing changes in cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions induced by changes in cellular environment, we then applied this model to analyze timpedance changes induced by an integrin binding peptide in renal VSMCs. Our result demonstrates that integrin binding peptide decreases junctional resistance between cells, increases the distance between the basolateral cell surface and substratum, and increases the apical membrane capacitance, whereas the basolateral membrane capacitance stays relatively stable. This model provides a generic approach for impedance analysis of cell layers composed of slender, rectangular cells. electric cell-substrate impedance sensing; cell attachment; cell adhesion; extracellular matrix; integrin  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were 1) to determine the compartmentation of body water in horses by using indicator dilution techniques and 2) to simultaneously measure bioelectrical impedance to current flow at impulse current frequencies of 5 and 200 kHz to formulate predictive equations that could be used to estimate total body water (TBW), extracellular fluid volume (ECFV), and intracellular fluid volume (ICFV). Eight horses and ponies weighing from 214 to 636 kg had catheters placed into the left and right jugular veins. Deuterium oxide, sodium thiocyanate, and Evans blue were infused for the measurement of TBW, ECFV, and plasma volume (PV), respectively. Bioelectrical impedance was measured by using a tetrapolar electrode configuration, with electrode pairs secured above the knee and hock. Measured TBW, ECFV, and PV were 0.677 +/- 0.022, 0.253 +/- 0.006, and 0.040 +/- 0.002 l/kg body mass, respectively. Strong linear correlations were determined among measured variables that allowed for the prediction of TBW, ECFV, ICFV, and PV from measures of horse length or height and impedance. It is concluded that bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) can be used to improve the predictive accuracy of noninvasive estimates of ECFV and PV in euhydrated horses at rest.  相似文献   

Features of apoptotic cells measured by flow cytometry.   总被引:134,自引:0,他引:134  
The present review describes several methods to characterize and differentiate between two different mechanisms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis. Most of these methods were applied to studies of apoptosis triggered in the human leukemic HL-60 cell line by DNA topoisomerase I or II inhibitors, and in rat thymocytes by either topoisomerase inhibitors or prednisolone. In most cases, apoptosis was selective to cells in a particular phase of the cell cycle: only S-phase HL-60 cells and G0 thymocytes were mainly affected. Necrosis was induced by excessively high concentrations of these drugs. The following cell features were found useful to characterize the mode of cell death: a) Activation of an endonuclease in apoptocic cells resulted in extraction of the low molecular weight DNA following cell permeabilization, which, in turn, led to their decreased stainability with DNA-specific fluorochromes. Measurements of DNA content made it possible to identify apoptotic cells and to recognize the cell cycle phase specificity of the apoptotic process. b) Plasma membrane integrity, which is lost in necrotic but not apoptotic cells, was probed by the exclusion of propidium iodide (PI). The combination of PI followed by Hoechst 33342 proved to be an excellent probe to distinguish live, necrotic, early- and late-apoptotic cells. c) Mitochondrial transmembrane potential, assayed by retention of rhodamine 123 was preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. d) The ATP-dependent lysosomal proton pump, tested by the supravital uptake of acridine orange (AO) was also preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. e) Bivariate analysis of cells stained for DNA and protein revealed markedly diminished protein content in apoptotic cells, most likely due to activation of endogenous proteases. Necrotic cells, having leaky membranes, had minimal protein content. f) Staining of RNA allowed for the discrimination of G0 from G1 cells and thus made it possible to reveal that apoptosis was selective to G0 thymocytes. g) The decrease in forward light scatter, paralleled either by no change (HL-60 cells) or an increase (thymocytes) of right angle scatter, were early changes during apoptosis. h) The sensitivity of DNA in situ to denaturation, was increased in apoptotic and necrotic cells. This feature, probed by staining with AO at low pH, provided a sensitive and early assay to discriminate between live, apoptotic and necrotic cells, and to evaluate the cell cycle phase specificity of these processes. i) The in situ nick translation assay employing labeled triphosphonucleotides can be used to reveal DNA strand breaks, to detect the very early stages of apoptosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Active Cl transport in bullfrog corneal epithelium was studied using transepithelial impendance analysis methods, and direct-current (DC) measurements of membrane voltages and resistance ratios. The technique allows the estimation of the apical and basolateral membrane conductances, and the paracellular conductance, and does not rely on the use of membrane conductance-altering agents to obtain these measurements as was requisite in earlier DC equivalent-circuit analysis studies. In addition, the analysis results in estimates of the apical and basolateral membrane capacitances, and allows resolution of the paracellular conductance into properties of the tight junctions and lateral spaces. Membrane capacitances (proportional to areas) were used to estimate the specific conductances of the apical and basolateral membranes, as well as to evaluate coupling between the cell layers. We confirm results obtained from earlier studies: (1) apical membrane conductance is proportional to the rate of active Cl transport and is, highly Cl selective; (2) intracellular Cl activity is above electrochemical equilibrium, thereby providing a net driving force for apical membrane Cl exit; (3) the paracellular conductance is comparable to the transcellular conductance. We also found that: (1) the paracellular conductance is composed of the series combination of the junctional conductance and a nonnegligible lateral space resistance; (2) a small K+ conductance reported in the apical membrane may result from Cl channels possessing a finite permeability to K+; (3) the basolateral membrane areas is 36 times greater than the apical membrane area which is consistent with the notion of electrical coupling between the five to six cell layers of the epithelium; (4) the specific conductance of the basolateral membrane is many times lower than that of the apical membrane; (5) the net transport of Cl is modulated primarily by changes in the conductance of the apical membrane and not by changes in the net electrochemical gradient resulting from opposite changes in the electrical and chemical gradients; (6) the conductance of the basolateral membrane does not change with transport which implies that the net driving force for K+ exit increases with transport, possibly due to an increase in the intracellular K+ activity.  相似文献   

Single murine teratocarcinoma cells were analysed by a new flow instrument that simultaneously measures the volume and high-frequency electrical impedance of individual cells at rates of several hundred cells per second. Differentiated cells were found to have larger high-frequency impedance than undifferentiated stem cells of the same size.  相似文献   

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