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Ihara H  Ikeda Y  Taniguchi N 《Glycobiology》2006,16(4):333-342
FUT8, mammalian 1,6-fucosyltransferase, catalyzes the transferof a fucose residue from the donor substrate, guanosine 5'-diphosphate(GDP)-ß-L-fucose, to the reducing terminal GlcNAcof the core structure of asparagine-linked oligosaccharide viaan 1,6-linkage. FUT8 is a typical type II membrane protein,which is localized in the Golgi apparatus. We have previouslyshown that two neighboring arginine residues that are conservedamong 1,2-, 1,6-, and protein O-fucosyltransferases play animportant role in donor substrate binding. However, detailsof the catalytic and reaction mechanisms and the ternary structureof FUT8 are not understood except for the substrate specificityof the acceptor. To develop a better understanding of FUT8,we established a large-scale production system for recombinanthuman FUT8, in which the enzyme is produced in soluble formby baculovirus-infected insect cells. Kinetic analyses and inhibitionstudies using derivatives of GDP-ß-L-fucose revealedthat FUT8 catalyzes the reaction which depends on a rapid equilibriumrandom mechanism and strongly recognizes the base portion anddiphosphoryl group of GDP-ß-L-fucose. These resultsmay also be applicable to other fucosyltransferases and glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The 1,2-fucosyltransferase family (1,2FT) is the largest familyof glycosyltransferases in the genome of the free-living nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans, and early evidence suggests that eachmember may have a unique activity. Here we describe a C. elegansgene (designated CE2FT-2) encoding an 1,2FT that has the potentialto generate the sequence Fuc1-2Galβ1-3GalNAc-R, which isthe H-type 3 blood group structure. The CE2FT-2 cDNA encodesa putative transmembrane protein that shows 42% amino acid identityto a previously cloned C. elegans 1,2FT (termed CE2FT-1), buthas a very low identity (16–20%) to 1,2FT sequences inhumans, rabbits, and mice. A recombinant form of CE2FT-2 expressedin human 293T cells has a high 1,2FT activity toward Galβ1-3GalNAc-O-pNP,but unexpectedly, the enzyme is inactive toward the acceptorGalβ-O-phenyl. Thus, CE2FT-2 differs from all other 1,2FTspreviously described from animals that all utilize Galβ-O-phenyl.CE2FT-2 is expressed at all stages of worm development, butremarkably, promoter analysis of the CE2FT-2 gene using greenfluorescent protein reporter constructs indicates that the CE2FT-2is expressed exclusively in pharyngeal cells of the worm fromembryo to an adult stage. Because pharyngeal cells are knownto secrete their glycoconjugates to the nematode surface, theseresults may indicate that products of CE2FT-2 contribute tointeractions of the nematode with its environment or are usedas ligands for bacterial attachment. These findings, along withthose on other 1,2FTs in C. elegans, suggest that each 1,2FTin this organism may have a unique acceptor specificity, expressionpattern, and biological function.  相似文献   

Mammalian Asn-linked glycans are extensively processed as they transit the secretory pathway to generate diverse glycans on cell surface and secreted glycoproteins. Additional modification of the glycan core by α-1,6-fucose addition to the innermost GlcNAc residue (core fucosylation) is catalyzed by an α-1,6-fucosyltransferase (FUT8). The importance of core fucosylation can be seen in the complex pathological phenotypes of FUT8 null mice, which display defects in cellular signaling, development, and subsequent neonatal lethality. Elevated core fucosylation has also been identified in several human cancers. However, the structural basis for FUT8 substrate specificity remains unknown.Here, using various crystal structures of FUT8 in complex with a donor substrate analog, and with four distinct glycan acceptors, we identify the molecular basis for FUT8 specificity and activity. The ordering of three active site loops corresponds to an increased occupancy for bound GDP, suggesting an induced-fit folding of the donor-binding subsite. Structures of the various acceptor complexes were compared with kinetic data on FUT8 active site mutants and with specificity data from a library of glycan acceptors to reveal how binding site complementarity and steric hindrance can tune substrate affinity. The FUT8 structure was also compared with other known fucosyltransferases to identify conserved and divergent structural features for donor and acceptor recognition and catalysis. These data provide insights into the evolution of modular templates for donor and acceptor recognition among GT-B fold glycosyltransferases in the synthesis of diverse glycan structures in biological systems.  相似文献   

The genome of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes five genes with homology to known alpha1,3 fucosyltransferases (alpha1,3FTs), but their expression and functions are poorly understood. Here we report the molecular cloning and characterization of these C. elegans alpha1,3FTs (CEFT-1 through -5). The open-reading frame for each enzyme predicts a type II transmembrane protein and multiple potential N-glycosylation sites. We prepared recombinant epitope-tagged forms of each CEFT and found that they had unusual acceptor specificity, cation requirements, and temperature sensitivity. CEFT-1 acted on the N-glycan pentasaccharide core acceptor to generate Manalpha1-3(Manalpha1-6)Manbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-Asn. In contrast, CEFT-2 did not act on the pentasaccharide acceptor, but instead utilized a LacdiNAc acceptor to generate GalNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc, which is a novel activity. CEFT-3 utilized a LacNAc acceptor to generate Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc without requiring cations. CEFT-4 was similar to CEFT-3, but its activity was enhanced by some divalent cations. Recombinant CEFT-5 was well expressed, but did not act on available acceptors. Each CEFT was optimally active at room temperature and rapidly lost activity at 37 degrees C. Promoter analysis showed that CEFT-1 is expressed in C. elegans eggs and adults, but its expression was restricted to a few neuronal cells at the head and tail. We prepared deletion mutants for each enzyme for phenotypic analysis. While loss of CEFT-1 correlated with loss of pentasaccharide core activity and core alpha1,3-fucosylated glycans in worms, loss of other enzymes did not correlate with any phenotypic changes. These results suggest that each of the alpha1,3FTs in C. elegans has unique specificity and expression patterns.  相似文献   

Alpha-1,6-Fucosyltransferase (alpha1,6FucT) is involved in the biosynthesis of asparagine-linked glycoprotein oligosaccharides. In this study, we isolated a genomic clone for the human alpha1,6FucT gene (FUT8) and mapped it by fluorescence in situ hybridization to chromosome 14q24.3. This study suggests a distinct localization of FUT8 from genes for other human fucosyltransferases reported to date.  相似文献   

Based on PCR strategies and expression studies, we define the genomic organization of the FUT8b gene. This gene encodes the only known mammalian enzyme transferring fucose in an alpha1-->6 linkage on the asparagine-branched GlcNAc residue of the chitobiose unit of complex N:-glycans. The intron/exon organization of the bovine coding sequence determines five successive functional domains. The first exon encodes a domain homologous to cytoskeleton proteins, the second presents a proline-rich region including a motif XPXPPYXP similar to the peptide ligand of the SH3-domain proteins, the third encodes a gyrase-like domain (an enzyme which can bind nucleotides), and the fourth encodes a peptide sequence homologous to the catalytic domain of proteins transferring sugars. Finally, the last exon encodes a domain homologous to the SH3 conserved motif of the SH2-SH3 protein family. This organization suggests that intramolecular interactions might give a tulip-shaped scaffolding, including the catalytic pocket of the enzyme in the Golgi lumen. Deduced from the published sequence of chromosome 14 (AL109847), the human gene organization of FUT8 seems to be similar to that of bovine FUT8b, although the exon partition is more pronounced (bovine exons 1 and 2 correspond to human exons 1-6). The mosaicism and phylogenetic positions of the alpha6-fucosyltransferase genes are compared with those of other fucosyltransferase genes.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Deshpande A  Xie Z  Natesh R  Acharya KR  Brew K 《Glycobiology》2004,14(12):1295-1302
Aromatic amino acids are frequent components of the carbohydrate binding sites of lectins and enzymes. Previous structural studies have shown that in alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase, the binding site for disaccharide acceptor substrates is encircled by four tryptophans, residues 249, 250, 314, and 356. To investigate their roles in enzyme specificity and catalysis, we expressed and characterized variants of the catalytic domain of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase with substitutions for each tryptophan. Substitution of glycine for tryptophan 249, whose indole ring interacts with the nonpolar B face of glucose or GlcNAc, greatly increases the K(m) for the acceptor substrate. In contrast, the substitution of tyrosine for tryptophan 314, which interacts with the beta-galactosyl moiety of the acceptor and UDP-galactose, decreases k(cat) for the galactosyltransferase reaction but does not affect the low UDP-galactose hydrolase activity. Thus, this highly conserved residue stabilizes the transition state for the galactose transfer to disaccharide but not to water. High-resolution crystallographic structures of the Trp(249)Gly mutant and the Trp(314)Tyr mutant indicate that the mutations do not affect the overall structure of the enzyme or its interactions with ligands. Substitutions for tryptophan 250 have only small effects on catalytic activity, but mutation of tryptophan 356 to threonine reduces catalytic activity for both transferase and hydrolase activities and reduces affinity for the acceptor substrate. This residue is adjacent to the flexible C-terminus that becomes ordered on binding UDP to assemble the acceptor binding site and influence catalysis. The results highlight the diverse roles of these tryptophans in enzyme action and the importance of k(cat) changes in modulating glycosyltransferase specificity.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases and their effectors, activators and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) are essential for vesicular transport. Rab8 and its GEF Rabin8 function in formation of the cilium organelle important for developmental signaling and sensory reception. Here, we show by size exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation that Rabin8 exists in equilibrium between dimers and tetramers. The crystal structure of tetrameric Rabin8 GEF domain reveals an occluded Rab8 binding site suggesting that this oligomer is enzymatically inactive, a notion we verify experimentally using Rabin8/Rab8 GEF assays. We outline a procedure for the purification of active dimeric Rabin8 GEF‐domain for in vitro activity assays.  相似文献   

The 1.9 A X-ray structure of a membrane-associated glycosyltransferase involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis is reported. This enzyme, MurG, contains two alpha/beta open sheet domains separated by a deep cleft. Structural analysis suggests that the C-terminal domain contains the UDP-GlcNAc binding site while the N-terminal domain contains the acceptor binding site and likely membrane association site. Combined with sequence data from other MurG homologs, this structure provides insight into the residues that are important in substrate binding and catalysis. We have also noted that a conserved region found in many UDP-sugar transferases maps to a beta/alpha/beta/alpha supersecondary structural motif in the donor binding region of MurG, an observation that may be helpful in glycosyltransferase structure prediction. The identification of a conserved structural motif involved in donor binding in different UDP-sugar transferases also suggests that it may be possible to identify--and perhaps alter--the residues that help determine donor specificity.  相似文献   

SufC, a cytoplasmic ABC-ATPase, is one of the most conserved Suf proteins. SufC forms a stable complex with SufB and SufD, and the SufBCD complex interacts with other Suf proteins in the Fe-S cluster assembly. We have determined the crystal structure of SufC from Thermus thermophilus HB8 in nucleotide-free and ADP-Mg-bound states at 1.7A and 1.9A resolution, respectively. The overall architecture of the SufC structure is similar to other ABC ATPases structures, but there are several specific motifs in SufC. Three residues following the end of the Walker B motif form a novel 3(10) helix which is not observed in other ABC ATPases. Due to the novel 3(10) helix, a conserved glutamate residue involved in ATP hydrolysis is flipped out. Although this unusual conformation is unfavorable for ATP hydrolysis, salt-bridges formed by conserved residues and a strong hydrogen-bonding network around the novel 3(10) helix suggest that the novel 3(10) helix of SufC is a rigid conserved motif. Compared to other ABC-ATPase structures, a significant displacement occurs at a linker region between the ABC alpha/beta domain and the alpha-helical domain. The linker conformation is stabilized by a hydrophobic interaction between conserved residues around the Q loop. The molecular surfaces of SufC and the C-terminal helices of SufD (PDB code: 1VH4) suggest that the unusual linker conformation conserved among SufC proteins is probably suitable for interacting with SufB and SufD.  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus synthesizes lysine through the alpha-aminoadipate pathway, which uses alpha-aminoadipate as a biosynthetic intermediate of lysine. LysX is the essential enzyme in this pathway, and is believed to catalyze the acylation of alpha-aminoadipate. We have determined the crystal structures of LysX and its complex with ADP at 2.0A and 2.38A resolutions, respectively. LysX is composed of three alpha+beta domains, each composed of a four to five-stranded beta-sheet core flanked by alpha-helices. The C-terminal and central domains form an ATP-grasp fold, which is responsible for ATP binding. LysX has two flexible loop regions, which are expected to play an important role in substrate binding and protection. In spite of the low level of sequence identity, the overall fold of LysX is surprisingly similar to that of other ATP-grasp fold proteins, such as D-Ala:D-Ala ligase, PurT-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase, glutathione synthetase, and synapsin I. In particular, they share a similar spatial arrangement of the amino acid residues around the ATP-binding site. This observation strongly suggests that LysX is an ATP-utilizing enzyme that shares a common evolutionary ancestor with other ATP-grasp fold proteins possessing a carboxylate-amine/thiol ligase activity.  相似文献   

VIP36-like protein (VIPL) was identified as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein with homology to VIP36, a cargo receptor involved in the transport of glycoproteins within cells. Although VIPL is structurally similar to VIP36, VIPL is thought not to be a lectin, because its sugar-binding activity has not been detected in several experiments. Here, recombinant soluble VIPL proteins (sVIPL) were expressed in Escherichia coli, biotinylated with biotin ligase and oligomerized with R-phycoerythrin (PE)-labeled streptavidin (SA). As measured with flow cytometry, PE-labeled sVIPL-SA bound to deoxymannojirimycin (DMJ)- or kifunensine (KIF)- but not to swainsonine (SW)-treated HeLaS3 cells in the presence of calcium. A surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that the avidity of sVIPL was enhanced after it formed a complex with SA. The binding of PE-labeled sVIPL-SA was abrogated by endo beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H treatment of the DMJ- or KIF-treated cells. Competition with several high-mannose-type N-glycans inhibited VIPL binding, and indicated that VIPL recognizes the Manalpha1-2Manalpha1-2Man sequence. Glucosylation of the outer mannose residue of this portion decreased the binding. Although the biochemical characteristics of VIPL are similar to those of VIP36, the sugar-binding activity of VIPL was stronger at neutral pH, corresponding to the pH in the lumen of the ER, than under acidic conditions.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxyisobutyrate, a central metabolite in the valine catabolic pathway, is reversibly oxidized to methylmalonate semialdehyde by a specific dehydrogenase belonging to the 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family. To gain insight into the function of this enzyme at the atomic level, we have determined the first crystal structures of the 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8: holo enzyme and sulfate ion complex. The crystal structures reveal a unique tetrameric oligomerization and a bound cofactor NADP+. This bacterial enzyme may adopt a novel cofactor-dependence on NADP, whereas NAD is preferred in eukaryotic enzymes. The protomer folds into two distinct domains with open/closed interdomain conformations. The cofactor NADP+ with syn nicotinamide and the sulfate ion are bound to distinct sites located at the interdomain cleft of the protomer through an induced-fit domain closure upon cofactor binding. From the structural comparison with the crystal structure of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, another member of the 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family, it is suggested that the observed sulfate ion and the substrate 3-hydroxyisobutyrate share the same binding pocket. The observed oligomeric state might be important for the catalytic function through forming the active site involving two adjacent subunits, which seems to be conserved in the 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases. A kinetic study confirms that this enzyme has strict substrate specificity for 3-hydroxyisobutyrate and serine, but it cannot distinguish the chirality of the substrates. Lys165 is likely the catalytic residue of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Prp8 is a critical pre-mRNA splicing factor. Prp8 is proposed to help form and stabilize the spliceosome catalytic core and to be an important regulator of spliceosome activation. Mutations in human Prp8 (hPrp8) cause a severe form of the genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa, RP13. Understanding the molecular mechanism of Prp8's function in pre-mRNA splicing and RP13 has been hindered by its large size (over 2000 amino acids) and remarkably low-sequence similarity with other proteins. Here we present the crystal structure of the C-terminal domain (the last 273 residues) of Caenorhabditis elegans Prp8 (cPrp8). The core of the C-terminal domain is an alpha/beta structure that forms the MPN (Mpr1, Pad1 N-terminal) fold but without Zn(2+) coordination. We propose that the C-terminal domain is a protein interaction domain instead of a Zn(2+)-dependent metalloenzyme as proposed for some MPN proteins. Mapping of RP13 mutants on the Prp8 structure suggests that these residues constitute a binding surface between Prp8 and other partner(s), and the disruption of this interaction provides a plausible molecular mechanism for RP13.  相似文献   

IscA, an 11 kDa member of the hesB family of proteins, binds iron and [2Fe-2S] clusters, and participates in the biosynthesis of iron-sulfur proteins. We report the crystal structure of the apo-protein form of IscA from Escherichia coli to a resolution of 2.3A. The crystals belong to the space group P3(2)21 and have unit cell dimensions a=b=66.104 A, c=150.167 A (alpha=beta=90 degrees, gamma=120 degrees ). The structure was solved using single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing of a selenomethionyl derivative, and the IscA model was refined to R=21.4% (Rfree=25.4%). IscA exists as an (alpha1alpha2)2 homotetramer with the (alpha1alpha2) dimer comprising the asymmetric unit. Cys35, implicated in Fe-S cluster assembly, is located in a central cavity formed at the tetramer interface with the gamma-sulfur atoms of residues from the alpha1 and alpha2' monomers (and alpha1'alpha2) positioned close to one another (approximately equal 7 A). C-terminal residues 99-107 are disordered, and the exact positions of Cys99 and Cys101 could not be determined. However, computer modeling of C-terminal residues in the tetramer suggests that Cys99 and Cys101 in the alpha1 monomer and those of the alpha1' monomer (or alpha2 and alpha2') are positioned sufficiently close to coordinate [2Fe-2S] clusters between the two dimers, whereas this is not possible within the (alpha1alpha2) or (alpha1'alpha2') dimer. This symmetrical arrangement allows for binding of two [2Fe-2S] clusters on opposite sides of the tetramer. Modeling further reveals that Cys101 is positioned sufficiently close to Cys35 to allow Cys35 to participate in cluster assembly, formation, or transfer.  相似文献   

Glycogen and starch are the major readily accessible energy storage compounds in nearly all living organisms. Glycogen is a very large branched glucose homopolymer containing about 90% alpha-1,4-glucosidic linkages and 10% alpha-1,6 linkages. Its synthesis and degradation constitute central pathways in the metabolism of living cells regulating a global carbon/energy buffer compartment. Glycogen biosynthesis involves the action of several enzymes among which glycogen synthase catalyzes the synthesis of the alpha-1,4-glucose backbone. We now report the first crystal structure of glycogen synthase in the presence and absence of adenosine diphosphate. The overall fold and the active site architecture of the protein are remarkably similar to those of glycogen phosphorylase, indicating a common catalytic mechanism and comparable substrate-binding properties. In contrast to glycogen phosphorylase, glycogen synthase has a much wider catalytic cleft, which is predicted to undergo an important interdomain 'closure' movement during the catalytic cycle. The structures also provide useful hints to shed light on the allosteric regulation mechanisms of yeast/mammalian glycogen synthases.  相似文献   

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