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In a recent publication we analyzed the global effects triggered by IAA overproduction in S. meliloti RD64 under free-living conditions by comparing the gene expression pattern of wild type 1021 with that of RD64 and 1021 treated with IAA and other four chemically or functionally related molecules. Among the genes differentially expressed in RD64 and IAA-treated 1021 cells we found two genes of pho operon, phoT and phoC. Based on this finding we examined the mechanisms for mineral P solubilization in RD64 and the potential ability of this strain to improve Medicago growth under P-starved conditions. Here, we further analyze the expression profiles obtained in microarray analysis and evaluate the specificity and the extent of overlap between all treatments. Venn diagrams indicated that IAA- and 2,4-D-regulated genes were closely related. Furthermore, most differentially expressed genes from pSymA were induced in 1021 cells treated with 2,4-D, ICA, IND and Trp as compared to the untreated 1021 cells. RT-PCR analysis was employed to analyze the differential expression patterns of nitrogen fixation genes under free-living and symbiotic conditions. Under symbiotic condition, the relative expression levels of nif and fix genes were significantly induced in Mt- RD64 plants and in Mt-1021 plants treated with IAA and 2,4-D whereas they were unchanged or repressed in Mt-1021 plants treated with the other selected compounds when compared to the untreated Mt-1021 plants.Key words: 2,4-D; IAA; Medicago truncatula; nitrogen-fixation; Sinorhizobium melilotiWe have previously shown that IAA triggered the upregulation of a central backbone of metabolism such as TCA cycle and the accumulation of PHB granules in free-living Rhizobium.1 Under symbiotic conditions increased acetylene reduction and plant or seed dry weight production were observed for plants nodulated by IAA-overproducing strains.1,2 More recently we showed that IAA led to an improvement of stress responses both in free-living and symbiotic conditions. It is known that plants develop a plethora of physiological, developmental and biochemical changes to deal with environmental stress conditions.36 These changes require the activation of biochemical pathways that probably act additively and synergistically and depend largely on efficient nitrogen fixation in the root nodules, a sensitive target for abiotic stresses.7,8 In this addendum, we comment our recent published data and report that Mt-RD64 plants exhibited enhanced expression of nitrogen fixation genes. The treatment of Mt-1021 plants with exogenous IAA led to similar upregulation. We speculate that this positive alteration might be of agronomic advantage: it could improve the adaptation of these plants to stressful environments as we have found for the salt-stress and P-starvation.9,14  相似文献   

Sugarcane produces two different pools of glycoproteins containing a heterofructan as glycidic moiety, tentatively defined as high-molecular mass (HMMG) and mid-molecular mass (MMMG) glycoproteins. Both kinds of glycoproteins can be recovered in sugarcane juice. Fluorescein-labelled glycoproteins are able to bind to Acetobacter diazotrophicus cells, a natural endophyte of sugarcane. This property implies the aggregation of bacterial cells in liquid culture after addition of HMMG or MMMG. Anionic glycoproteins seem to be responsible for the binding activity whereas cationic fraction is not retained on the surface ofA. diazotrophicus. Bound HMMG is competitively desorbed by sucrose whereas MMMG is desorbed by glucosamine or fructose. On this basis, a hypothesis about the discriminatory ability of sugarcane to choose the compatible endophyte from several possible ones is proposed.  相似文献   

The Acetobacter diazotrophicus nifA gene was isolated by its ability to restore a Nif+ phenotype to a nifA mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii. Sequencing revealed that the nifA gene was upstream and adjacent to the nifB gene and both are transcribed in the same direction but independently from different promoters. The 3′ end of the nifB gene was located approximately 2.5 kb upstream of the nitrogenase structural gene cluster, nifHDK. The deduced amino acid sequences of the A. diazotrophicus nifA and nifB gene products were most similar to the NifA and NifB proteins of Azorhizobium caulinodans and Rhodobacter capsulatus, respectively. A. diazotrophicus nifA expression was repressed in cultures exposed to high levels of ammonium while oxygen apparently had no influence. Both oxygen and ammonium prevented expression of a nifB-reporter strain, consistent with the observation that ammonium repressed nifA expression, and indicating that A. diazotrophicus NifA activity is inhibited by oxygen as in other Proteobacterial α group diazotrophs.  相似文献   

Acetobacter diazotrophicus possesses a pyrroloquinoline quinone-linked glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH). The enzyme seemingly belongs to the type II PQQ-GDH enzymes and, at least under the culture conditions tested, the organism synthesizes enough PQQ to saturate the apo-enzyme. The synthesis of this enzyme is stimulated when the organism is grown under N2-fixing conditions. It is proposed that this enzyme may play an important role in providing extra energy in N2-fixing cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The presence of endophytic Acetobacter diazotrophicus was tested for pineapple plants (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) grown in the field. Diazotrophic bacteria were isolated from the inner tissues of surface sterilized roots, stems, and leaves of pineapple plants. Phenotypic tests permitted the selection of presumptive nitrogen-fixing A. diazotrophicus isolates. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of small subunit (SSU) rDNA using total DNA digested with endonuclease SphI and with endonuclease NcoI, hybridizations of RNA with an A. diazotrophicus large subunit (LSU) rRNA specific probe, as well as patterns in denaturing protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and multilocus enzyme tests allowed the identification of A. diazotrophicus isolates. High frequencies of isolation were obtained from propagative buds that had not been nitrogen-fertilized, and lower frequencies from 3-month-old plants that had been nitrogen-fertilized. No isolates were recovered from 5- to 7-month-old nitrogen-fertilized plants. All the A. diazotrophicus isolates recovered from pineapple plants belonged to the multilocus genotype which shows the most extensive distribution among all host species previously analyzed. Received: 16 March 1999; Accepted: 27 August 1999; Online Publication: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

We investigated whether Acetobacter diazotrophicus (syn.Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus) could be recovered only from sugarcane plants either with low or no application of fertiliser N. We report here the enrichment and enumeration of A. diazotrophicus from high N-fertilised samples where high heterotrophic populations reduce the numbers of A. diazotrophicus ultimately diminshing its isolation frequency as reported earlier. The growth medium of micropropagated sugarcane seedlings of the varieties Co 8021, Co 86249, Co 86010, Co 86032, and Co 87025 was amended with potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride and urea. The colonisation and AR activity of A. diazotrophicus were affected in the presence of high levels (25 mM) of ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate but remained unaffected in low levels of N (i.e 1/10th of MS liquid medium) and with high levels of potassium nitrate (25 mM) and urea (500 ppm). A. diazotrophicus was detected in the inoculated plants both at low and high levels of N based on the amplification of a specific 16S rRNA gene fragment using PCR based method targeting a stretch of 445 bp with primers AC and DI. High levels of N in the growth medium induced morphological changes on A. diazotrophicus cells resulting in long pleomorphic cells. The percentage of pleomorphic cells was in the decending order from NH4NO3, NH4Cl, KNO3, and urea. These changes were more prominent in ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate than potassium nitrate, urea and N free medium. The morphological changes and the increased heterotrophic populations may play a role on the survival ofA. diazotrophicus in high N-fertilised samples/environments.  相似文献   

Determination of a 28,793-base-pair DNA sequence of a region from the Azotobacter vinelandii genome that includes and flanks the nitrogenase structural gene region was completed. This information was used to revise the previously proposed organization of the major nif cluster. The major nif cluster from A. vinelandii encodes 15 nif-specific genes whose products bear significant structural identity to the corresponding nif-specific gene products from Klebsiella pneumoniae. These genes include nifH, nifD, nifK, nifT, nifY, nifE, nifN, nifX, nifU, nifS, nifV, nifW, nifZ, nifM, and nifF. Although there are significant spatial differences, the identified A. vinelandii nif-specific genes have the same sequential arrangement as the corresponding nif-specific genes from K. pneumoniae. Twelve other potential genes whose expression could be subject to nif-specific regulation were also found interspersed among the identified nif-specific genes. These potential genes do not encode products that are structurally related to the identified nif-specific gene products. Eleven potential nif-specific promoters were identified within the major nif cluster, and nine of these are preceded by an appropriate upstream activator sequence. A + T-rich regions were identified between 8 of the 11 proposed nif promoter sequences and their upstream activator sequences. Site-directed deletion-and-insertion mutagenesis was used to establish a genetic map of the major nif cluster.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the respiratory system of Acetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5 were investigated. Increasing aeration (from 0.5 to 4.0 liters of air min(-1) liter of medium(-1)) had a strong positive effect on growth and on the diazotrophic activity of cultures. Cells obtained from well-aerated and diazotrophically active cultures possessed a highly active, membrane-bound electron transport system with dehydrogenases for NADH, glucose, and acetaldehyde as the main electron donors. Ethanol, succinate, and gluconate were also oxidized but to only a minor extent. Terminal cytochrome c oxidase-type activity was poor as measured by reduced N, N,N,N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, but quinol oxidase-type activity, as measured by 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzenediol, was high. Spectral and high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of membranes revealed the presence of cytochrome ba as a putative oxidase in cells obtained from diazotrophically active cultures. Cells were also rich in c-type cytochromes; four bands of high molecular mass (i.e., 67, 56, 52, and 45 kDa) were revealed by a peroxidase activity stain in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. KCN inhibition curves of respiratory oxidase activities were biphasic, with a highly resistant component. Treatment of membranes with 0.2% Triton X-100 solubilized c-type cytochromes and resulted in a preparation that was significantly more sensitive to cyanide. Repression of diazotrophic activity in well-aerated cultures by 40 mM (NH(4))(2)SO(4) caused a significant decrease of the respiratory activities. It is noteworthy that the levels of glucose dehydrogenase and putative oxidase ba decreased 6. 8- and 10-fold, respectively. In these cells, a bd-type cytochrome seems to be the major terminal oxidase. Thus, it would seem that glucose dehydrogenase and cytochrome ba are key components of the respiratory system of A. diazotrophicus during aerobic diazotrophy.  相似文献   

Spontaneously diabetic BB/OK rats are not genetically susceptible to develop diabetic complications as hypertension or nephropathy. Recently, we generated 5 congenic BB. SHR rat strains by transferring different chromosomal regions of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) onto the genetic background of BB/OK rats. Four out of 5 strains showed a weak increase of blood pressure (8 mmHg). This weak blood pressure effect indicated that the transferred regions fo not contain major genes for hypertension. That prompted us to choose the classical procedure of phenotypic selection to fix major genes causing hypertension in a BB/OK rat subline generated by cross of BB/OK and SHR and repeated backcrossing of animals with highest blood pressure onto normotensive BB/OK rats. After 7 backcrosses (N8), all backcross parents were genetically analysed with the aid of 259 microsatellites to identify loci causing blood pressure of 177 ± 10 mmHg in this BB/OK rat subline. The data revealed, that loci on chromosome 1, 14 and 18 were heterozygous until BC5, BC6 and BC7, respectively. Considering the relative stable high blood pressure during the backcross procedure, these loci might be of essential importance for the development of hypertension in the SHR.  相似文献   

A total of 55 isolates of Acetobacter diazotrophicus recovered from diverse sucrose-rich host plants and from mealybugs associated with sugarcane plants were characterized by the electrophoretic mobilities of 12 metabolic enzymes. We identified seven different electrophoretic types (ETs), six of which are closely related within a genetic distance of 0.195 and exhibit high DNA-DNA homology. The seventh ET was largely divergent, separated at a genetic distance of 0.53, and had only 54% DNA homology to the reference strain. Strains corresponding to ET 7 could represent a distinct nitrogen-fixing species of the genus Acetobacter. More genetic diversity was found in isolates from Brazil than in those from Mexico, probably due to the very different crop nitrogen fertilization levels used.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing Acetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae and Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans colonize sugar cane, and are thought to be capable of supplying high levels of fixed nitrogen to this plant. Eight A. diazotrophicus, two H. seropedicae and four H. rubrisubalbicans isolates were identified and compared by complementary biochemical and genetic methods. Utilization of carbon sources and antibiotic resistance patterns allowed differentiation of A. diazotrophicus from Herbaspirillum species. In order to distinguish strains within A. diazotrophicus species, the polymerase chain reaction was employed, using a Rhizobium meliloti dctA primer under low stringency hybridization conditions.  相似文献   

Acetobacter diazotrophicus levansucrase (LsdA) is a potential new candidate enzyme for kestose production from sucrose. Culture conditions for maximal LsdA yield were investigated. Variations in the medium pH had the most significant influence on LsdA production. The highest yield (32 mg l−1) was achieved at an initial pH of 8·0, although optimal growth occurred under acidic conditions. The introduction of extrachromosomal copies of the levansucrase gene increased the enzyme yield to 72 mg l−1. In the genetically modified A. diazotrophicus strain, levansucrase represented more than 95% of total secreted proteins showing an overall activity of 189 units ml−1.  相似文献   

Hypertension is dominantly inherited in cross hybrids between hypertensive SHR/Mol and normotensive BB/OK rats. We used these cross hybrids for repeated backcrossing of selected hypertensive animals onto normotensive BB/OK rats to fix high blood pressure and to generate a hypertensive and diabetic BB/OK rat subline. After 8 backcrosses, the backcross parents were genetically analysed with the aid of 259 microsatellite markers to identify SHR genes causing blood pressure of 177 +/- 10 mmHg in this BB/OK rat subline. Loci on chromosomes 1, 14 and 18 showed longest heterozygosity. These loci might contain major genes of the SHR rat causing hypertension in this BB/OK rat subline. This classical strategy seems to be most suitable to fix major genes of hypertension in particular and complex traits in general and therefore to generate new animal models.  相似文献   

The family Acetobacteraceae currently includes three known nitrogen-fixing species, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, G. johannae and G. azotocaptans. In the present study, acetic acid-producing nitrogen-fixing bacteria were isolated from four different wetland rice varieties cultivated in the state of Tamilnadu, India. Most of these isolates were identified as G. diazotrophicus on the basis of their phenotypic characteristics and PCR assays using specific primers for that species. Based on 16S rDNA partial sequence analysis and DNA: DNA reassociation experiments the remaining isolates were identified as Acetobacter peroxydans, another species of the Acetobacteraceae family, thus far never reported as diazotrophic. The presence of nifH genes in A. peroxydans was confirmed by PCR amplification with nifH specific primers. Scope for the findings: This is the first report of the occurrence and association of N2-fixing Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Acetobacter peroxydans with wetland rice varieties. This is the first report of diazotrophic nature of A. peroxydans.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-free, semi-solid defined medium with crystallized cane sugar (100 g/l) supplemented with cane juice (5 ml/l) was the most selective for isolating Acetobacter diazotrophicus. Surveys of A. diazotrophicus using this medium showed that >103 cells/g fresh wt were present at all sites in all parts of the sugar cane plant and in all trash samples examined, reaching up to 107/g. Additional samples, from forage grasses and cereals and from weed species collected within the sugar cane fields, were all negative. Heat treatment (50°C for 30 min) of the sugar cane setts did not affect A. diazotrophicus numbers within the plant. Nitrogenase activity of intact soil-plant systems in pots planted with heat-treated setts did not respond to inoculation with A. diazotrophicus. The endophytic habitat of this diazotroph and its propagation within the stem cuttings was confirmed.The authors are with EMBRAPA-CNPAB, Cx Postal 74.505, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, 23851-970, Brazil  相似文献   

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