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R. C. Hart 《Hydrobiologia》1985,125(1):151-178
The seasonality of freshwater aquatic invertebrates in Southern Hemisphere and low-latitude inland waters in Africa, Australasia and South America is reviewed. Fauna from the tropics to temperate latitudes manifests some seasonality, the amplitude of which tends to increase, albeit inconsistently, with latitude. The wide diversity of habitats considered, and deficiencies in the data preclude generalizations about patterns and magnitude of seasonal response, which principally reflect system-specific events and interactions. For example, zooplankton declined after mixing events in some stratified systems, but increased in others, food availability being implicated. Zooplankton was most abundant in summer in some stratifying systems, and in winter in others, while in most non-stratifying systems, it was most abundant around the winter solstice, and in several, declined during the rainy season.Seasonality of the zoobenthos was frequently linked to hydrological events such as fluctuations in water level which potentially influence food and habitat availability. Seasonal anaerobiosis in shallow sheltered waters and deeper hypolimnia imposes spatio-temporal restrictions on the benthic fauna. Low oxygen solubility, rapid oxygen depletion and decomposition of organic food matter at the elevated temperatures are probably significant influences. Life histories of Southern Hemisphere stream fauna appear seasonally flexible and opportunistic by contrast with the apparently synchronous cycles exhibited by north temperate representatives. Such flexibility may be selective both in respect of climatic unpredictability and equability.The influences of predation and resource availability upon seasonal dynamics remain to be explored more fully, particularly in aquatic ecosystems in warm, arid regions which lack the climatic predictability of the cooler, humid, temperate zones.  相似文献   

The term aseasonality is used in this paper to describe environmental conditions which either lack annual seasonal change or have periodicities of change which are longer or shorter than the seasons. Environmental factors act on plants either as stresses or disturbances and changes in environment can signal the onset of conditions which are favourable or unfavourable to plant growth and reproduction. Plant life-histories are thus adapted to these environmental factors and respond to them with both seasonal and aseasonal periodicities, depending on their manner of occurrence and effect on the plants. A review of pertinent studies from the Southern Hemisphere shows that plants of the same life-form (submerged, floating, emergent) might differ in the types of adaptation and response to environmental conditions according to latitude but that the periodicity of response could be seasonal or aseasonal regardless of latitude. The concept of seasonality versus aseasonality is therefore misleading and an oversimplification of the variety of periodicities with which the environment acts on plant genotypes. Limnological principles of the Northern Hemisphere are applicable to aquatic macrophytes in the Southern Hemisphere but there is a particular need for research into the effects of biotic variables and water level fluctuations on aquatic plants and communities in the latter.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the limnology, species diversity and standing stock biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in five freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Oloidien, Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, were undertaken. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and temperature were also measured. Thermocyclops oblongatus (Copepoda) was dominant in all the lakes. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma excisum (Cladocera) dominated in lakes Naivasha and Oloiden, whereas in Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, Brachionus angularis and Hexarthra mira (Rotifera) were the dominant zooplankters. Phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll a was lowest in Ruiru dam 5.64 ± 4.0 µg l-1 and highest in the eutrophic Nairobi dam 71.5 ± 12.02 µg l-1. The endorheic lakes Naivasha and Oloidien showed medium values of 24.5 ± 4.0 µg l-1.  相似文献   


An overview of a three year study of abundance, community structure and succession of zooplankton and phytoplankton in relation to physical limnological conditions in Lakes Midmar and Albert Falls is presented, along with findings on zooplankton from a nine month study of Lake Nagle. Physical stability increased between Midmar (mean summer N2 = 6.55 × 104 s2) and Albert Falls (N2 = 8.70 × 104 s2), in line with elevations in water temperature. Phytoplankton richness and diversity was similar in these reservoirs, although zooplankton species richness increased downstream. Abundance levels of both phyto- and zoo-plankton were broadly comparable in these two reservoirs. In Midmar and Albert Falls, overall mean (± SD) chlorophyll levels were 3.60 ± 1.54 and 3.41 ± 1.41 μg 11, with corresponding overall average zooplankton standing stocks of 0.85 and 0.76 g m2 dry mass, dropping to 0.54 g m2 in Nagle (for which spring to midsummer data are missing).

Ruderal and colonist phytoplankters were persistently dominant both in Midmar and Albert Falls, in keeping with the continuous (if incomplete) mixing patterns evident in these reservoirs. Few stress tolerant algae occurred. The summer ruderal assemblage was unexpectedly dominated by diatoms in the physically more stable conditions of Albert Falls, but not Midmar. Mean zooplankton grazer-induced instantaneous mortality rates for planktonic algae for the whole study were estimated (by regression predictions) as 0.17 d1 in both lakes. Phytoplankton was not studied in Nagle.

Changes in zooplankton community structure between Midmar and Nagle largely involved progressive increases in the contribution of smaller-bodied cladocerans (comprising both sequentially smaller species of Daphnia (D. pulex, D. longispina, D. laevis), and additional genera such as Diaphanosoma, Ceriodapnia, Moina and Bosmina). As with a parallel progressive switch between Metadiaptomus meridianus and Tropodiaptomus spectabilis over this series of reservoirs, (and the temporal separation of “co-existing” populations in Albert Falls), which has been shown experimentally to be strongly temperature-linked, changes in absolute temperature are implicated as a primary causal factor in the shifts in cladoceran species composition. Temporal occurrences of these species also indicate the primacy of temperature.  相似文献   

The development of eight different species (populations) along temporal and vertical gradients in several lakes was studied. Many populations had an exponential growth phase and a decline phase. The growth rate was often high during the exponential phase. Some species, e.g. Oscillatoria spp. and Synedra cf. acus, often also had a long stationary phase. The growth rate and the sinking rate of these populations were often very low. Laboratory batch experiments with dilute phytoplankton populations were carried out to estimate the degree of growth limitation (L) for different populations sample from different lakes during the three growth phases. L was always low and often zero for populations initially in the exponential phase and always high for populations initially in the decline phase. The biotests also gave results that can help to explain the vertical distribution of Oscillatoria or Asterionella in three lakes investigated. The results indicate that the growth rates and the development of the populations were dependent on the external chemical and physical conditions. The transition between the different growth phases seemed often to be dependent on the external nutrient conditions. P, N, Si and Fe were probably the most growth-limiting nutrients. The growth rate of some diatoms was probably limited directly or indirectly at high pH. Laboratory biotests with natural populations may give valuable information on the growth-properties of different populations in the lakes. The biotests should, however, be carried out in combination with chemical and physical measurements and quantitative determinations of population densities.  相似文献   

Succession of phytoplankton in a deep stratifying lake: Mondsee,Austria   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Phytoplankton numbers, biovolume, chlorophyll-a and various physico-chemical characteristics were followed at weekly intervals in Mondsee, Austria during the year 1982. Secchi-disk transparency varied from 10 m in winter to 2 m in September. Prior to the onset of stratification phosphate-phosphorus concentration was 4 µg 1–1 decreasing to undetectable values thereafter. Nitrate-nitrogen dropped from 590 µg 1–1 to about 100 µg 1–1 during the same time. The vernal bloom was dominated by Asterionella formosa Hass. which abruptly declined after silicon depletion. Spring growth ceased in early June, when Tabellaria flocculosa (Lyngb.) Kütz var. asterionelloides Grun. dominated. Oscillatoria rubescens D.C. and Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. dominated summer and early autumn followed by the chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens Imh. and D. sociale Ehr. which formed up to 69% of total biovolume in October. Thereafter diatoms and Cryptophyceae (Rhodomonas lacustris Pascher and Ruttner, Cryptomonas pusilla Bach.) became abundant again.Maximum chlorophyll-a concentration in the epilimnion (16 µg 1–1) was reached during spring growth of the diatoms. During summer higher chlorophyll-a levels were always associated with the metalimnetic layer of Oscillatoria.Compared with earlier studies, both the total biovolume and the share of Oscillatoria rubescens significantly decreased because of reduced nutrient loading of the lake and wash-out of Oscillatoria (theor. renewal time of the lake: 1.7 years).  相似文献   


From the analysis of the results of several researches carried out into Sicilian reservoirs to investigate their phytoplankton assemblages, it was highlighted that there is not any clear relationship between the trophic spectrum and the structure and composition of phytoplankton. Only a general increase of total biomass is detectable as the trophic state rises up. Anyway, such increase may cause several secondary modifications in the physical and chemical environment that may act as multidimensional segregating factors for phytoplankton organisms. In these secondary modifications, coupled with the peculiar morphology and hydrology of the water bodies, have to be sought the mechanisms governing the structure of phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton periodicity has been fairly regular during the years 1979 to 1982 in Lake Constance. Algal mass growth starts with the vernal onset of stratification; Cryptophyceae and small centric diatoms are the dominant algae of the spring bloom. In June grazing by zooplankton leads to a clear-water phase dominated by Cryptophyceae. Algal summer growth starts under nutrient-saturated conditions with a dominance of Cryptomonas spp. and Pandorina morum. Depletion of soluble reactive phosphorus is followed by a dominance of pennate and filamentous centric diatoms, which are replaced by Ceratium hirundinella when dissolved silicate becomes depleted. Under calm conditions there is a diverse late-summer plankton dominated by Cyanophyceae and Dinobryon spp.; more turbulent conditions and silicon resupply enable a second summer diatom growth phase in August. The autumnal development leads from a Mougeotia — desmid assemblage to a diatom plankton in late autumn and winter.Inter-lake comparison of algal seasonality includes in ascending order of P-richness Königsee, Attersee, Walensee, Lake Lucerne, Lago Maggiore, Ammersee, Lake Zürich, Lake Geneva, Lake Constance. The oligotrophic lakes have one or two annual maxima of biomass; after the vernal maximum there is a slowly developing summer depression and sometimes a second maximum in autumn. The more eutrophic lakes have an additional maximum in summer. The number of floristically determined successional stages increases with increasing eutrophy, from three in Königsee and Attersee to eight in Lake Geneva and Lake Constance.  相似文献   

Thermokarst ponds are the most abundant type of water body in the arctic tundra, with millions occurring in the coastal plains of Alaska, Northwest Territories and Siberia. Because ice covers of at least 2 m in thickness are formed at these latitudes, tundra ponds freeze solid every winter As a result, the growing season is shortened to a range of 60 to 100 days, during which time the photoperiod is altered to a prolonged light phase. Tundra ponds are generally close to neutral in pH and low in ions, contain dissolved gases near saturation and are nutrient poor. In low arctic ponds there are two phytoplankton biomass and primary production peaks, whereas they may be only one in the high arctic. Nanoplanktonic flagellates of the Chrysophyceae and Cryptophyceae dominate the maxima. The mid-summer decline in phytoplankton in the low arctic can be attributed to a combination of phosphorus limitation and heavy grazing pressure. The cryptomonad Rhodomonas minuta Skuja is one of the most widespread phytoplankters in tundra ponds. Because of the altered photoperiods, many species do not form resting spores prior to ice formation but survive freezing in the vegetative state.  相似文献   

The objectives and rationale of the First International Symposium on Southern Hemisphere Limnology are outlined. The geography and climate of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are compared. Greater areas of the land masses in the Southern Hemisphere fall under oceanic influence than in the Northern Hemisphere at equivalent latitude. Although many Southern Hemisphere land masses are arid it is concluded that limnological differences between the Hemispheres are of degree rather than of kind and that limnological principles developed in the Northern Hemisphere are, in general, globally applicable. However, Southern Hemisphere water resources management problems have centred upon arid-land water supply problems, probably to the detriment of pure limnological research.  相似文献   

Diel periodicity in phytoplankton productivity   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Daily variation in phytoplankton productivity influences the dynamics and linkages between several large scale processes in aquatic ecosystems. As part of an opening address to the 5th International workshop for the Group for Aquatic Productivity (GAP), the daily patterns of variability in photosynthesis for different algal classes was introduced and accompanied by a discussion of the sources of environmental and endogenous regulation of repeating biological oscillations that occur in phytoplankton on timescales of one day. It is suggested that one way to develop a database that serves to sort and predict phytoplankton variability over the day may be to encourage the creation of a temporal library. Such a library would be comprised of temporally fixed maps of circadian clock-controlled rhythms for individual species, as well as temporally variable maps of diel periodicities that only can be defined for a selected set of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Limnological characteristics of six subtropical lakes were monitored to determine the factors which regulate chlorophyll α concentrations and phytoplankton standing crops. Most physical chemical variables showed non-significant differences with depth but differences between lakes often were large. Phytoplankton blooms occurred throughout the year and there were marked differences between the hypereutrophic and mesotrophic lakes in chlorophyll α concentrations, standing stocks, and dominant species. Densities of total zooplankton and rotifers in the hypereutrophic lakes were 3- to 6-fold greater than in the mesotrophic lakes. Regression models for chlorophyll α and total phytoplankton cell volume were calculated for each lake and for all lakes combined, but R2 values and numbers of shared variables tended to be low indicating the need for additional variables and more frequent sampling.  相似文献   

Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(1):69-79
The responses of phytoplankton populations to seasonal changes in radiation flux in two Antarctic lakes with extensive winter ice-cover are described. A phytoplankton capable of photosynthesis was found throughout the year in both systems. During winter, low incident radiation combined with thick layers of snow and ice prevented in situ photosynthesis becoming detectable. The beginning of spring was marked by a reduction in snow cover which resulted in a considerable increase in surface penetrating radiation. Planktonic algae rapidly adapted to utilise these increased levels efficiently, though they still showed characteristics of strong shade adaptation.Loss of ice cover at the start of the short open water period further increased the radiation levels and a summer population developed which was much less shade adapted. Saturation and photoinhibition effects were widespread during this period as the algae proved unable to utilise high radiation levels efficiently. They were however effective at the radiation fluxes prevalent in the lower part of the rapidly circulating water columns.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton succession in Lake Valencia,Venezuela   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Phytoplankton counts and supporting physical and chemical data were taken on Lake Valencia, Venezuela, over a five-year interval. The data are used to test the validity of a successional paradigm for class-level taxa. According to the paradigm, formulated from previous studies of Lake Lanao, Philippines, and from data on temperate lakes, the order of taxa from early to late succession is: diatoms, chlorophytes, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates. A successional episode is considered to begin when stability of a water column is restored after deep mixing. As the episode progresses, there is a steady decrease in concentration of the limiting macronutrient (in this case, N). In a test of the validity of the paradigm for Lake Valencia, dates of exceptional population increase or decrease were obtained for each taxon. Since nitrate concentration declines steadily as succession progresses, the entry of a given taxon into the successional sequence is indicated quantitatively by the mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional increase in population density, and exit from the successional sequence is indicated by mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional population declines. The successional position of each major taxon, bounded by its entry and exit in the sequence, can be mapped on the complete spectrum of nitrate concentrations observed in the lake. For Lake Valencia, the nitrate mapping procedure agrees exactly with the predictions based on the successional paradigm. Conformance of Lake Valencia phytoplankton with predictions made a priori suggests that there is a generalized pattern in the phytoplankton succession of the mixed layers of temperate and tropical lakes.  相似文献   

Limnological survey of Lake Amvrakia, western Greece   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Limnological characteristics of lake Amvrakia, a deep warm monomictic and sulphate lake in western Greece, are presented. A set of physical and chemical variables were monitored for one year cycle (October 1988–September 1989). Phytoplankton community structure and biomass are given for the entire depth of the water column. The trophic status of the lake is compared to that of other temperate and tropical lakes.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of some gravel-pit lakes in Spain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The phytoplankton communities of thirteen adjacent gravel-pit lakes in the lower Jarama river watershed (Madrid, Spain), were studied during spring mixing and summer stratification.If different seasons, the phytoplankton responded to different environmental factors. During spring, the abundance of SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus) and existence of a certain thermal stability resulted in the development of a greater biomass in some lakes. During summer, however, excessively high temperatures adversely affected the communities of the warmer lakes. At the species level, the responses were diverse; ordination techniques enabled us to group them.Some similarities were observed in phytoplankton composition between lakes, possibly due to local dispersion between adjacent lakes (frequented by abundant waterfowl).  相似文献   

Small intermittent rivers play an important role in the limnology of African lakes. The Mwenda River occurs on the southern shore of Lake Kariba. Its flow is governed by the incidence of tropical thunderstorms. During the dry period the river is reduced to a series of turbid pools. Physicochemically the river behaves similarly to a sheltered region of the lake. One river station deviates from the normal pattern because of the insulating effect of a Salvinia mat, and because of its permanent connection with the lake. River flooding flushes both nutrients and major ions into the lake. River phytoplankton populations peak prior to the flushing out of the river. Diatom populations are composed of cosmopolitan tropical taxa.  相似文献   

The seasonality of phytoplankton in African lakes   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
J. F. Talling 《Hydrobiologia》1986,138(1):139-160
Although some study of the subject began in 1899, wide-ranging information from African water-bodies has only become available since 1950. Important developments included the establishment of long-term centres of research, the adoption of improved methods for quantitative algal sampling, the more intensive study of environmental conditions, the beginnings of experimental testing, and the improvement of taxonomic knowledge.At higher latitudes (> 20 °) examples of pronounced algal seasonality are long-established; they are accompanied and influenced by marked changes in radiant energy income and so water temperature, and often by effects of seasonal water input. Illustrations are given from lakes in Morocco and South Africa.More generally in Africa, including the tropical belt, annual patterns of phytoplankton seasonality are usually either dominated by hydrological features (water input-output) or by hydrographic ones (water-column structure and circulation). Examples of both types are discussed, together with instances (e.g. L. Volta) of combined hydrological and hydrographic regulation. In both the seasonal abundance of diatoms is often distinct and complementary to that of blue-green algae, with differing relationships to vertical mixing and water retention.Horizontal variability in the seasonal cycle is especially pronounced in the larger or morphometrically subdivided lakes. Some inshore-offshore differentiation is also known to affect phytoplankton quantity (e.g. L. George) and species composition (e.g. L. Victoria). Longitudinal differentiation is common in elongate basins especially when with a massive or seasonal inflow at one end (e.g. L. Turkana, L. Nubia, L. Volta); occasional terminal upwelling can also be influential (e.g. southern L. Tanganyika). Such examples grade into the longitudinally differentiated seasonality of flowing river-reservoir systems, as studied on the Blue and White Niles.The annual amplitude of population density, expressed in orders of magnitude (=log10 units), is one measure of seasonal variability. It can exceed 3 orders both in systems subject to hydrological wash-out (e.g. Nile reservoirs) and in the more variable species components of lakes of long retention (e.g. L. Victoria). Low amplitudes can be characteristic of some components (e.g. green algae in L. Victoria) or of total algal biomass (e.g. L. George, L. Sibaya).Seasonal changes may be subordinated to inter-annual ones, especially in shallow and hydrologically unstable lakes (e.g. L. Nakuru).  相似文献   

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