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Plasmodium falciparum-infected human erythrocytes (early trophozoite stages) and non-infected erythrocytes were incubated in 1.7 mM 14C-desferrioxamine B (specific activity 1 microCi/2.6 mg desferrioxamine B). After 270 min the cells were washed and the radioactivity was measured in the cell pellet and, after lysis, in cytoplasm and membranes. The results indicate that Desferrioxamine B can the red blood cell and pass through the parasite membrane and that the parasites are killed by the intracellular action of the chelator.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes infected with five strains of Plasmodium falciparum and Aotus erythrocytes infected with three strains of P. falciparum were studied by thin-section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. All strains of P. falciparum we studied induced electron-dense conical knobs, measuring 30-40 nm in height and 90-100 nm in diameter on erythrocyte membranes. Freeze-fracture demonstrated that the knobs were distributed over the membrane of both human and Aotus erythrocytes. A distinct difference was seen between the intramembrane particle (IMP) distribution over the knobs of human and Aotus erythrocyte membranes. There was no change in IMP distribution in infected human erythrocyte membranes, but infected Aotus erythrocytes showed an aggregation of IMP over the P face of the knobs with a clear zone at the base. This difference in IMP distribution was related only to the host species and not to parasite strains. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that a higher proportion of band 3 was bound to the cytoskeleton of uninfected Aotus erythrocytes than uninfected human erythrocytes after Triton X-100 extraction. This may account for the different effects of P. falciparum infection on IMP distribution in the two different cell types.  相似文献   

2,3-Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), an intracellular metabolite of glycolytic pathway is known to affect the oxygen binding capacity of haemoglobin and mechanical properties of the red blood cells. 2,3-DPG levels have been reported to be elevated during anaemic conditions including visceral leishmaniasis. 2,3-DPG activity in P. falciparum infected red blood cells, particularly in cells infected with different stages of the parasite and its relationship with structural integrity of the cells is not known. Chloroquine sensitive and resistant strains of P. falciparum were cultured in vitro and synchronized cultures of ring, trophozoite and schizont stage rich cells along with the uninfected control erythrocytes were assayed for 2,3-DPG activity and osmotic fragility. It was observed that in both the strains, in infected erythrocytes the 2,3-DPG activity gradually decreased and osmotic fragility gradually increased as the parasite matured from ring to schizont stage. The decrease in 2,3-DPG may probably be due to increased pyruvate kinase activity of parasite origin, which has been shown in erythrocytes infected with several species of Plasmodium. The absence of compensatory increase in 2,3-DPG in P. falciparum infected erythrocytes may aggravate hypoxia due to anaemia in malaria and probably may contribute to hypoxia in cerebral malaria. As 2,3-DPG was not found to be increased in erythrocytes parasitized with P. falciparum, the increased osmotic fragility observed in these cells is not due to increased 2,3-DPG as has been suggested in visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Riboflavin deficiency inhibits the growth of malaria parasites both in vitro and in vivo in infected animals and humans. Although the precise mechanisms underlying this inhibition are unknown, they may involve enhanced requirements for riboflavin by parasites. To investigate this possibility, the rate of uptake of [14C]riboflavin and the biosynthesis of FMN and FAD from riboflavin were studied in infected (5-8% parasitemia) and uninfected human erythrocytes. All cells were incubated for 0-3 h at 37 degrees C in phosphate buffered saline containing MgCl2, glucose, and [14C]riboflavin (2.5-7.5 microM). At hourly intervals, samples were removed, centrifuged, washed twice with cold buffer, and lysed before counting the radioactivity. The rate of in vitro biosynthesis of FMN and FAD from riboflavin in erythrocytes was measured by ion exchange chromatography and reverse isotope dilution techniques. Results showed that the rate of riboflavin uptake and the biosynthesis of FMN and FAD were enhanced in erythrocytes with parasitemia as compared with results in unparasitized erythrocytes. Riboflavin uptake in erythrocytes was proportional to the extent of parasitemia and especially to percent of schizonts present in erythrocytes. These studies indicate that the requirement for riboflavin may be greater in the parasite than in the host erythrocyte. This increased riboflavin requirement may be due to rapid multiplication, higher metabolic rate, and extreme vulnerability to oxidative stress of malaria parasites compared with that of host erythrocytes. The differential requirement of riboflavin by the host and the malaria parasite may hold important potential for developing new strategies for malaria chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Unlike erythrocytes infected with mature asexual parasites of Plasmodium falciparum, those infected with gametoeytes are not lysed by 5% sorbitol solutions. This observation was used to devise a method for producing synchronized cultures of gametocytes, free of asexual stage parasites. The refractoriness to sorbitol suggests that the major anion transport pathway, which appears in the membrane of erythrocytes infected with asexual stage parasites, is not present in cells infected with gametocytes.  相似文献   

Human red cells infected in vitro with Plasmodium falciparum showed a significant increase in the rate of both ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx. The increase in ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx was due, in part, to increased transport via a bumetanide-sensitive system and, in part to transport via a pathway that was absent (or at least inactive) in uninfected cells. The parasite-induced pathway was inhibited by piperine and had a dose response very similar to that of the Gardos channel of uninfected cells but was less sensitive than the Gardos channel to inhibition by quinine.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum: assay of invasion of erythrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for quantitatively assaying Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of particular erythrocytes is described. Erythrocytes were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate which did not affect parasite entry or growth, to distinguish them from uninfected erythrocytes in the original parasitized cell population. Parasites were detectable after staining with ethidium bromide. The time course of infection of the labeled cells was followed over 26 hr. The technique was used to determine the effect of serum from a patient with P. falciparum malaria on merozoite invasion of the labeled erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A common pathological characteristic of Plasmodium falciparum infection is the cytoadhesion of mature-stage-infected erythrocytes (IE) to host endothelium and syncytiotrophoblasts. Massive accumulation of IE in the brain microvasculature or placenta is strongly correlated with severe forms of malaria. Extensive binding of IE to placental chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) is associated with physiopathology during pregnancy. The adhesive phenotype of IE correlates with the appearance of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) at the erythrocyte surface (approximately 16 h after merozoite invasion), so that only early blood-stage (ring-stage) IE appear in the peripheral blood. Here, we describe results that challenge the existing view of blood-stage IE biology by demonstrating the specific adhesion of IE, during the early ring-stage, to endothelial cell lines from the brain and lung and to placental syncytiotrophoblasts. Later, during blood-stage development of these IE, trophozoites switch to an exclusively CSA cytoadhesion phenotype. Therefore, adhesion to an individual endothelial cell or syncytiotrophoblast may occur throughout the blood-stage cycle, indicating the presence in malaria patients of noncirculating (cryptic) parasite subpopulations. We detected two previously unknown parasite proteins on the surface of ring-stage IE. These proteins disappear shortly after the start of PfEMP1-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

The initial rates of uptake of L-tryptophan into normal human red blood cells and into cells infected by the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum in vitro, were investigated. We find that transport in non-infected cells, which is mediated by the specific saturable T system and the apparently non-saturable L system (Rosenberg, Young and Ellory (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 375-384) is considerably enhanced by blood preservation and culture conditions. This increase is mostly due to an increase in the maximal velocity of the saturable component and of the rate constant of the linear component. Uptake is further enhanced in non-infected cells by factors released from infected cells into the culture medium and, even more so, in infected cells at the advanced stage of intraerythrocytic parasite development. At these stages the susceptibility of the transport system to the non-specific inhibitor phloretin and to the competitive inhibitor phenylalanine, is virtually lost. The effect of the parasite on L-tryptophan uptake by the host cell membrane is exerted only on the maximal velocity of the T system, which is carrying most of the substrate under physiological conditions. The possible implications of these findings to the life of the intraerythrocytic parasite are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Although the malaria parasite develops within erythrocytes, it has to modify the surrounding red blood cell membrane for its intracellular survival and maturation. These changes include the translocation of proteins across the parasite and the parasitophorous vacuole membranes to the host membrane. In this review, Denise Mattei, Katherine Hinterberg and Artur Scherf focus on two distinct giant parasite molecules of unprecedented size (approximately one MDa), called Pf332 and PflI-I, that are synthesized and exported into the cytoplasm of the host cell in the asexual and sexual blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum, respectively. The corresponding genes are located in genetically unstable subtelomeric chromosome regions.  相似文献   

In Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, the catalytic subunit gene of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Pfpka-c) exists as a single copy. Interestingly, its expression appears developmentally regulated, being at higher levels in the pathogenic asexual stages than in the sexual forms of parasite that are responsible for transmission to the mosquito vector. Within asexual parasites, PfPKA activity can be readily detected in schizonts. Similar to endogenous PKA activity of noninfected red blood cells, the parasite enzyme can be stimulated by cAMP and inhibited by protein kinase inhibitor.Importantly, ex vivo treatment of infected erythrocytes with the classical PKA-C inhibitor H89 leads to a block in parasite growth. This suggests that the PKA activities of infected red blood cells are essential for parasite multiplication. Finally, structural considerations suggest that drugs targeting the parasite, rather than the erythrocyte enzyme, might be developed that could help in the fight against malaria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chondroitin-4-sulfate (CSA) was recently described as a Plasmodium falciparum cytoadherence receptor present on Saimiri brain microvascular and human lung endothelial cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To specifically study chondroitin-4-sulfate-mediated cytoadherence, a parasite population was selected through panning of the Palo-Alto (FUP) 1 P. falciparum isolate on monolayers of Saimiri brain microvascular endothelial cells (SBEC). Immunofluorescence showed this SBEC cell line to be unique for its expression of CSA-proteoglycans, namely CD44 and thrombomodulin, in the absence of CD36 and ICAM-1. RESULTS: The selected parasite population was used to monitor cytoadherence inhibition/dissociating activities in Saimiri sera collected at different times after intramuscular injection of 50 mg CSA/kg of body weight. Serum inhibitory activity was detectable 30 min after injection and persisted for 8 hr. Furthermore, when chondroitin-4-sulfate was injected into monkeys infected with Palo-Alto (FUP) 1 P. falciparum, erythrocytes containing P. falciparum mature forms were released into the circulation. The cytoadherence phenotype of circulating infected red blood cells (IRBC) was determined before and 8 hr after inoculation of CSA. Before inoculation, in vitro cytoadherence of IRBCs was not inhibited by CSA. In contrast, in vitro cytoadherence of circulating infected erythrocytes obtained 8 hr after CSA inoculation was inhibited by more than 90% by CSA. CONCLUSIONS: In the squirrel monkey model for infection with P. falciparum, chondroitin-4-sulfate impairs in vitro and in vivo cytoadherence of parasitized erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The surface reactivity of heterologous immune sera with erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum has been difficult to assess in quantitative terms because of the restricted accessibility of surface epitopes and the lack of sensitive methodologies. In a previous study we showed that cryptic antigens can become exposed on the surface of intact trophozoites if the sterol content of the membranes is increased by means conservative of cell integrity (D. Baruch and Z. I. Cabantchik, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 36, 127-138, 1990). In this work we introduce a novel and highly sensitive method of fluorescence cell ELISA for the quantitative estimation of immunoglobulin binding to the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. We obtained that elevation of the membrane sterol content markedly increased the (external) surface accessibility of antigenic epitopes of trophozoites as well as rings of various strains of P. falciparum. This treatment induced exposure of similar epitope(s) on the surface of both rings and trophozoites insofar as preadsorption of sera on sterol-treated cells abolished immunoglobulin binding to either stage of infected erythrocytes (treated or not with sterol). These putative epitopes have relatively low but demonstrable accessibility on the surface of untreated rings but become virtually inaccessible at the trophozoite stage. Application of a large variety of sera (98) to sterol-treated infected cells revealed that almost 70% of the tested sera were found to give positive surface reactivity. Relatively higher intensity of binding was obtained with sera originating from clinically immune individuals. Binding of sera to cells infected with five different P. falciparum strains was essentially indistinguishable, strongly suggesting that elevation of membrane visocity induces surface exposure of cryptic epitopes common to different parasite strains.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes (E) infected with asexual forms of malaria parasites exhibit surface antigenic variation. In Plasmodium falciparum infections, the variant Ag is the P. falciparum E membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). This molecule may also mediate the adherence of infected E to host venular endothelium. We show here that parasite lines selected for increased adherence to endothelial cells have undergone antigenic variation. Three adherent lines selected from the same P. falciparum clone reacted with the same agglutinating antiserum that failed to agglutinate the parental clone. Immunoprecipitation experiments with the agglutinating anti-serum demonstrated that the selected lines expressed cross-reactive forms of PfEMP1 that were of higher m.w. and antigenically distinct from PfEMP1 of the parental clone. When one of the adherent lines was cloned in the absence of selection, a range of variant antigenic types emerged with differing cytoadherence phenotypes. These findings show that selection for cytoadherence in vitro favors the emergence of antigenic variants of P. falciparum and suggest that the requirement for cytoadherence in vivo may restrict the range of antigenic variants of P. falciparum in natural infections.  相似文献   

The rate of glucose utilization by red blood cells infected with Plasmodium berghei was not inhibited by an acidic pH which completely inhibited normal red cell glucose consumption. This insensitivity to acid conditions by P. berghei-parasitized red cells was associated with an electrophoretically separable and kinetically distinct form of the enzyme phosphofructokinase (EC which exhibited a pH response similar to that of whole-cell glucose consumption.  相似文献   

The development of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in human red blood cells induces parasite-dependent perturbations in the permselectivity properties of the host cell membrane. The changes appear as parasites develop from ring to the trophozoite stage and persist during schizogony. In the present work we assessed the permeability changes of the infected cells to anionic substances by the use of radioactive and fluorescent probes. Our data show that i) covalent binding probes, such as diisothiocyano ditritiostilbene disulfonic acid [3H]H2DIDS, which are virtually impermeant to normal red blood cells, became markedly permeant to trophozoites and schizonts, as evidenced by high labeling of intracellular hemoglobin; ii) permeation of the fluorescent anion transport substrate NBD-taurine, measured in the efflux mode, was very rapid and substantially enhanced in parasitized erythrocytes, as compared with noninfected cells; iii) this efflux could not be blocked by H2DIDS, which is a specific inhibitor of anion transport in normal red blood cells; iv) permeation of anionic probes was temperature dependent (Ea:11 +/- 1 kcal/mole); and v) could be blocked by nonspecific transport inhibitors that are known to interact with membrane lipids. The appearance of a new permeation pathway in the host cell membrane of trophozoites is associated with structural modification of the host cell membrane matrix.  相似文献   

The human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) is exposed to wide temperature fluctuations during its life cycle, ranging from 25 degrees C in the mosquito vector and 37 degrees C in humans to 41 degrees C during febrile episodes in the patient. The repeated occurrence of fever at regular intervals is a characteristic of human malaria. We have examined the influence of repeated exposure to elevated temperatures encountered during fever on the intraerythrocytic development of the parasite. Using flow cytometry, we show that repeated exposure to temperatures mimicking febrile episodes promotes parasite development in human erythrocytes. Heat shock-mediated cytoprotection and growth promotion is dependent on the heat shock protein 90 (PfHsp90) multi-chaperone complex. Inhibition of PfHsp90 function using geldanamycin attenuates temperature-dependent progression from the ring to the trophozoite stage. Geldanamycin inhibits parasite development by disrupting the PfHsp90 complex consisting of PfHsp70, PfPP5, and tubulin, among other proteins. While explaining the contribution of febrile episodes to the pathogenesis of malaria, our results implicate temperature as an important environmental cue used by the parasite to coordinate its development in humans.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (RBC) develop surface protrusions (knobs) which consist of electron-dense submembrane cups and the overlying RBC plasma membrane. Knobs mediate cytoadherence to endothelial cells. Falciparum variants exist that lack knobs. Using knobby (K+) and knobless (K-) variants of two strains of P. falciparum, we confirmed Kilejian's original observation that a histidine-rich protein occurred in K+ parasites but not K- variants (Kilejian, A., 1979, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 76:4650-4653; and Kilejian, A., 1980, J. Exp. Med., 151:1534-1538). Two additional histidine-rich proteins of lower molecular weight were synthesized by K+ and K- variants of both strains. We used differential detergent extraction and thin-section electron microscopy to investigate the subcellular location of the histidine-rich protein unique to K+ parasites. Triton X-100, Zwittergent 314, cholic acid, CHAPS, and Triton X-100/0.6 M KCl failed to extract the unique histidine-rich protein. The residues insoluble in these detergents contained the unique histidine-rich protein and electron-dense cups. The protein was extracted by 1% SDS and by 1% Triton X-100/9 M urea. The electron-dense cups were missing from the insoluble residues of these detergents. The electron-dense cups and the unique histidine-rich protein appeared to be associated with the RBC skeleton, particularly RBC protein bands 1, 2, 4.1, and 5. We propose that the unique histidine-rich protein binds to the RBC skeleton to form the electron-dense cup. The electron-dense cup produces knobs by forming focal protrusions of the RBC membrane. These protrusions are the specific points of attachment between infected RBC and endothelium.  相似文献   

During the development of the asexual stage of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, the composition, structure and function of the host cell membrane is dramatically altered, including the ability to adhere to vascular endothelium. Crucial to these changes is the transport of parasite proteins, which become associated with or inserted into the erythrocyte membrane. Protein and membrane targeting beyond the parasite plasma membrane must require unique pathways, given the parasites intracellular location within a parasitophorous vacuolar membrane and the lack of organelles and biosynthetic machinery in the host cell necessary to support a secretory system. It is not clear how these proteins cross the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane or how they traverse the erythrocyte cytosol to reach their final destinations. The identification of: (1) a P. falciparum homologue of the protein Sar1p, which is an essential component of the COPII-based secretory system in mammalian cells and yeast and (2) electron-dense, possibly coated, secretory vesicles bearing P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 and P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 3 in the host cell cytosol of P. falciparum infected erythrocytes recently provided the first direct evidence of a vesicle-mediated pathway for the trafficking of some parasite proteins to the erythrocyte membrane. The major advance in uncovering the parasite-induced secretory pathway was made by incubating infected erythrocytes with aluminium tetrafluoride, an activator of guanidine triphosphate-binding proteins, which resulted in the accumulation of the vesicles into multiple vesicle strings. These vesicle complexes were often associated with and closely abutted the erythrocyte membrane, but were apparently prevented from fusing by the aluminium fluoride treatment, making their capture by electron microscopy possible. It appears that malaria parasites export proteins into the host cell cytosol to support a vesicle-mediated protein trafficking pathway.  相似文献   

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